
Author Topic: What makes a Video Game system truly great?  (Read 1615 times)

« on: May 21, 2002, 03:16:22 PM »
What truly makes a Video Games System? I believe that a system is only as good as the games on it. I could care less about how many extra consoles the systems holds (DVD, CD, ect.) I already have a DVD and CD player. Haveing them on a system would just be giving me the same thing again. Witch in my case would be worthless. Nintendo may not have the best sells now. They may never. I realy hope they do get back in to the spotlight again. But at what price? Cheeply throwing in a DVD and CD player? I think not! If Nintedno resorted to that I would be uderly disapointed. I would like to see them in the spotlight for their games. Adding a DVD and CD players to a system are only to attract people who are cheep, or week minded. Some people may buy it so they wont have to buy the DVD and CD players. Some may be disreguarding the quality of the system's games. Doing this could be considered week mined, buying a Video Game system just because you get other things besides the Video Game system itself. A Video Game sytem is only as good as its games. The system should be considered advanced by what it can do Video game wise. Not what it can do anything else wise. Its the games that should determin how advanced the system is, not how many consles you can throw into one. I consider what the competators are doing as a week attempt to atract buyers. Of corse it's working! Most people today don't care about the quality of the system's gameing. Just as long as they get nothing but blood, gore, and Cars. Well, Nintedno will have some bloody and gory games too, ((AKA) Mortal Kombat Dealy Alience). I'm not shure about cars though. But Nintendo has givin us much more the than that. Some people only care about how much money they are saveing bying a DVD and CD player with the system. Then they can go brag to all their frinds about how they can offered to buy such an advanced system. That's the sad's working... I'm not trying to say that these systems have bad games. But I think we should compare how advanced the games on the systems are. Not how many differnt consoles can be thrown into one. Don't you think Nintendo could have done the same thing if they wanted to. My suggestion is they probably didn't want to. I respect them for that. I am a little disapointed with Luigi's Manshion. But I am hopeing Mario Sunshine will be to GC as SM64 was to the N64. I know MANY other people have a differen't opinion than I. But this is how I feel. New technology should be made. Systems should be Advanced. The technology and advancments should back up the games. Pushing the World of Video Games to new levels. Slapping a CD and DVD player into a systems in not New technology, nor a new advacment. It only shows the componie's inginuity for craming them all together. They are nothing new for the games. Just extras added to make it sell. I will admit it works. It makes them get sells. But would you be proud of a system that stooped that low to make sells?... So, in your opinion, what makes a Video Game system? The Games or the features?

I love Nintendo. I have, and I do, and I will. Some things Nintendo has that none of their competitors have are Mario, DK, Link, Yoshi, Samus, Fox, Ness, Pikachu, Kirby, and probably more too, if I looked. These great names have made great games. You will find none, or very few, of these titles on any other video game companie's consoles. I'm proud to be a Nintendo fan. Mario still stands for Nintedno, and they can't take that away. I love Mario. I love Nintendo.

This is my opinion, what is your's?

« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2002, 03:23:40 PM »
My Favorite thing about the game system is the games and the gameplay... That's what it's about in my opinion

If I were a monster, I would be the Purple People Eater, because then people would sing about me and I'd eat them 'cause I hate that song.
Have you ever stopped to think and forget to start again?
