
Author Topic: Re: Mario Bros again!?  (Read 1757 times)

« on: June 06, 2002, 06:39:08 PM »
it would be nice if they could but another game with sma3,but what else is there? i think that instead of puting in a differant game for multiplayer nintendo would just make the main game 2 players(or with the differant color yoshis,4). since the origonal didnt have multiplayer that would be the only reason to buy a game i already had.even though it was and is one of may favorite games, id rather save may money and buy a new game that i dont have yet.

Are people around you aware that Mario is a touchy subject?
Are people around you aware that Mario is a touchy subject?

« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2002, 07:40:34 AM »
Actually, there was a code that let you have 2-player combat in the SNES version. I think it had to do with the XYBA buttons and ha five characters... Meh.

If any of you care, I switch my sig every time I make a post. Sometimes I forget to put it on.

Hey! Listen!
Hey! Listen!

« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2002, 02:12:48 PM »
MB will be in the game for Multiplayer.  If you don't like it, don't play it.

Uh... Hi!
Uh... Hi!

« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2002, 07:32:18 PM »
The trick is to play the ball throwing game, or the water melon seed spitting contest(Which I might be another battle mode or maybe Im just thinking wrong.) with two people! You hold select, then press X,X,Y,B,A! If you do it wrong it make the incorrect sound!

I make someones life better every day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow chances do not look good.
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!
