
Author Topic: PS3 will fail...  (Read 5801 times)


  • Inquiring
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2003, 02:00:09 PM »
This is exactly why I don't like Playstation. Never have. I mean, my brother bought a PS2 two summers ago, and he and I STILL argue to this day over which system's better.

"But it can play CDs AND DVDs!"
What a bunch of extra crud. Most people already HAVE CD players, and besides would rather play them on THE CD PLAYER!

And DVDs? Yeah, sure, that's all well and good, but I've heard more stories of people's PS2s burning out from using it too much as a DVD player. If you want to play DVDs, get a DVD PLAYER!! Then you don't have to worry about it! (We got one, even though he has a PS2.)

It's a game system. Who cares what fancy extra junk it has on it? If you want a game system, you should want it for its main purpose: GAMES!

Simple point: Gamecube has better quality in sound, graphics, load time, etc, simply because the developers put their efforts into quality, not quantity. It also has the most variety of games, appealing to more people. Soon the other systems will fail for not being as wise.

And so ends another chapter in the video game saga.

Deep inside us all is a little green elf telling us to burn things.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2003, 09:50:26 PM »
Umm... yeah. What she said. :-D

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.

« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2003, 05:46:29 PM »
I agree. Playstation 1 and 2 really suck. For one reason they take so freakin long to load. I went to a friend's house once, and he showed me a game for the PS2, and it took at least 5 minutes for it to load. Now Nintendo GameCube, that's a different story- you can get better the graphics and sound while loading takes about 3 seconds or less! Face it: Sony Sucks. If their PS1 graphics were shown on Nintendo's systems, that would be a big insult.

The little critters of nature: they don't know that they're ugly; that's pretty funny.

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2003, 06:28:59 PM »
Hmm... I guess I will;

 I'll say this upfront, I'm a Nintendo fan, and have been one a long time, however, I do my best to not allow my thoughts be dictated entirely by that mentality. I can appreciate the Playstation for what it is, and the X-Box as well.

  While I have no particular attatchment to either, I feel someone needs to say something on their part, for this isn't the greatest place to find support on both sides. With that said, excuse me for any mistakes I will make in my defense, for I haven't, nor plan to, reseached this extensively.

- One more thing, please, don't take any of this offensively. I'll try to be as friendly as I can. Also, I think you're all good people, so don't take it personally.

"I agree. Playstation 1 and 2 really suck. For one reason they take so freakin long to load.... Face it: Sony Sucks. If their PS1 graphics were shown on Nintendo's systems, that would be a big insult."

 This logic is flawed. If you dictated a system's worth based on the loading time, then the X-Box should be the winner in your book, champ. And I'll assume you've never heard of an Nintendo 64, in which the graphics and sound were just as bad, or worse than the Playstation One. Also, I'll advise you to escape from that way of thinking, graphics and sound, while they should play some role in choosing games, they are by far not the best reason. But, those are my personal feelings, so I'll not go further into them.

"It's a game system. Who cares what fancy extra junk it has on it? If you want a game system, you should want it for its main purpose: GAMES!"

 I can't really argue with something I think is right, so you win this one, I guess.

"Simple point: Gamecube has better quality in sound, graphics, load time, etc, simply because the developers put their efforts into quality, not quantity."

  While on this, I do agree the Cube has quality, it's simply not right to say the others don't. The Playstation 2 was a huge jump from the PSX, and while now, over a year later, it may not seem up to date, it certainly was when it was released. What does that have to do with quality you may be asking? Nothing. So, I'll leave it at that.

 The X-Box on the other hand, has even shorter loading times, and supperior sounds and graphics, yet I wouldn't say it has more quality than the Cube. Not by a longshot, so I guess what I'm trying to say is quality can be measured in different aspects, which leads me to my next point...

 "It also has the most variety of games, appealing to more people. Soon the other systems will fail for not being as wise."

 That's simply not true. While it may have more innovative games, the Cube's variety lacks by an extreme margin. Comming out a year later really affected that a lot, and the Playstation Two still has much more third-party support. For example, lets talk RPGs. On the Playstation Two, there are quite a few. Final Fantasy X, Wild Arms 3, Xenosaga, .hack//sign, and Dragon Warrior VIII to name a few. When looking at the Cube, there is only The Wind Waker, which is hardly a traditional RPG. Thus, the point I'm trying to make is that quality may even be having a large selection of games to please the target audience. No matter how shallow that target audience may be.

 Anyway, that's all I really have to say. Again, don't take much of anything personally, for I don't mean it that way.

Edited by - Black Mage on 4/10/2003 5:33:31 PM

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2003, 08:45:28 PM »
I agree with you, for the most part, Black Mage. That's really all I need to say. It really all comes down to opinion.

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2003, 05:51:01 AM »
So, Black Mage, are you saying that Nintendo needs to expand their game variety, or else they'll fail?

Nintendo is doing just fine. They've managed to survive through Sony's dominance  and Microsoft's threats... They beat Sega to a pulp... There is nothing to worry about. Besides, Nintendo has some important things that Microsoft and Sony don't: loyal fans and creative innovation!

Who cares if Nintendo is not in the lead... Just because Nintendo has slightly less-than-average sales doesn't mean they'll quit! Microsoft's Xbox sales are horrible compared to Nintendo, and look at how hard they're trying to succeed!


Edited by - Mario Maniac on 4/11/2003 4:51:44 AM
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2003, 07:35:34 AM »
Ooh...It looks like a debate is starting!
One chapter ends, the next begins!

Well, it seems everyone agrees that PS2 is voted off the island.

Black Mage:
You do make some valid points. From what I've heard, GCN and Xbox qualities could be argued about forever. I do, however, admit that XBox has faster loading times, but honestly, does 3/5ths of a second really matter? Gamecube's fast enough that no one really cares it's *slightly* slower than the Xbox.

When I say GCN has more variety of games, appealing to more people, I mean in terms of whom the system focuses on. PS2 and XBox focus mainly on games which appeal to teenagers and young adults with more "mature" themes. Look and you'll see most are rated T-M.
Nintendo, on the other hand, has games like these (i.e. Resident Evil), but also has games that everyone can enjoy (e.g. Mario, Zelda), no matter what their age. Games rated E-M have a LOT wider range than just T-M, showing that Nintendo can appeal to any generation, and therefore has a larger audience.

People go on and on comparing GCN and XBox's sound and graphics, and basically it boils down to opinion. But let's just say, hypothetically, the two are EQUAL in these areas.
I simply do not support XBox because of its owner. That's right: Microsoft. It's bad enough that Bill Gates dominates the entire computer software industry (which I do support the software, but that's a different topic), and he has BILLIONS of dollars, but now he just wants power.
He wants to dominate the VG industry, too. This alone poses a threat to Nintendo, which has spent over 20 years bringing games to us, and we can't let him do that. Look what he did to Apple/Macs--he based his ideas off of someone elses and then manipulated computer hardware companies to support his. Nintendo's worked too hard for that to happen, and we owe them for our enjoyment the past 20+ years.

So while, hypothetically, GCN and XBox may be "equals", I simply do not support Microsoft because of the motives behind it.

My point made.

If things don't go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/11/2003 8:29:03 AM
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2003, 09:16:23 AM »
I completely agree with you Sapphira! I never supported the Xbox simply because of Microsoft's motives to conquer the gaming industry... I doubt that's the truth behind the Xbox, but I'm just talking hypothetically... Microsoft is a monopoly, and being a monopoly they want control and power. That's why I don't support their Xbox.

Sony, on the other hand... Their focus is mainly on entertainment. Sony has been the worldwide leader of digital entertainment for years; their presence in the gaming industry isn't neccessarily negative, they are simply broadening the spectrum. I have never really opposed Sony, I just think that they need to give a little more room for Nintendo to succeed, because right now Sony is taking full credit and responsibility for the video game industry.


People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don''t like Nintendo obviously don''t like video games.
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2003, 09:26:49 AM »
Thank you, Mario Maniac. And I completely agree with you. If anyone should get a monopoly in the VG industry, it's Nintendo. (Hypothetically, remember.) It's all well and good that Sony's broadening their horizon into video games, and I have no problem with that. But the fact that they now think they've outpast Nintendo, and are certainly trying is what I'm against. It's like their hoping for a coup detat and suddenly THEY'LL be ruling the industry. Call me a loyalist or whatever, but I just don't like it.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/11/2003 8:38:34 AM
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2003, 01:56:25 PM »
Interesting, interesting. I'm glad you both decided to respond. :)

"So, Black Mage, are you saying that Nintendo needs to expand their game variety, or else they'll fail?"

 Nope. Not once did I say anything about Nintendo failing. I was simply stating that they have an inferior selection of games, although I apparently was on about a different sort of selection, which I will touch on later.

"Nintendo is doing just fine. They've managed to survive through Sony's dominance and Microsoft's threats... They beat Sega to a pulp... There is nothing to worry about. Besides, Nintendo has some important things that Microsoft and Sony don't: loyal fans and creative innovation!"

 Loyal fans, I'm sure Sony and Microsoft have both, although in fewer numbers, sure.

"Who cares if Nintendo is not in the lead... Just because Nintendo has slightly less-than-average sales doesn't mean they'll quit! Microsoft's Xbox sales are horrible compared to Nintendo, and look at how hard they're trying to succeed!"

 I never said anything about sales, I'm not arguing that one is better than the others.

"I do, however, admit that XBox has faster loading times, but honestly, does 3/5ths of a second really matter? Gamecube's fast enough that no one really cares it's *slightly* slower than the Xbox."

 I don't care about loading times either. However, nintendoexpert89 seemed to, so that's what my comment was concerning.

"When I say GCN has more variety of games, appealing to more people, I mean in terms of whom the system focuses on. PS2 and XBox focus mainly on games which appeal to teenagers and young adults with more "mature" themes. Look and you'll see most are rated T-M.
Nintendo, on the other hand, has games like these (i.e. Resident Evil), but also has games that everyone can enjoy (e.g. Mario, Zelda), no matter what their age. Games rated E-M have a LOT wider range than just T-M, showing that Nintendo can appeal to any generation, and therefore has a larger audience."

 Indeed they do. I misunderstood. In that respect, yes, Nintendo does have a larger selection. However, Nintendo has also taken a stance that some have interpurted as a 'kiddie system.' While I will not say that I agree with that, I will admit that they do have a large amount of games targeted for a younger audience. Being older than 10 or 12 my opinion is baised. One may see catering to a Teen/Mature rating as bad, while others may see it as good. Personally, I like a mix, however, the Cube just doesn't have enough for it's mature audience.
  Sure, it has Resident Evil, but I can't name too many more. However, they way you look at it is an opinion, so I can't really press mine much more without losing tact.

"I simply do not support XBox because of its owner. That's right: Microsoft. It's bad enough that Bill Gates dominates the entire computer software industry (which I do support the software, but that's a different topic), and he has BILLIONS of dollars, but now he just wants power.
He wants to dominate the VG industry, too. This alone poses a threat to Nintendo, which has spent over 20 years bringing games to us, and we can't let him do that. Look what he did to Apple/Macs--he based his ideas off of someone elses and then manipulated computer hardware companies to support his. Nintendo's worked too hard for that to happen, and we owe them for our enjoyment the past 20+ years."

 So, you're telling me because of Bill Gates, you dislike the X-Box. I hear that a lot. Let's look at it like this: Say the X-box is Iraq, and Bill Gates was Saddam. Does that mean you wouldn't support Iraq because it has a terrible dictator? Why let one notion stop you from enjoying a whole system, or in the case of my example, a whole culture?
  True, Bill Gates does have a monopoly of the Computer Industry, but who's to say what his real intentions are? Maybe he's just trying to offer a new option for the older crowd. Maybe not. I couldn't tell you. What I'm trying to say is that just because something is older doesn't mean it's better than something new. If that were the case, we wouldn't have all of these new changes in our world, in fact, the whole world may have been ruled by Britian, France, and Spain. It's hard to say.

"So while, hypothetically, GCN and XBox may be "equals", I simply do not support Microsoft because of the motives behind it."

 I can't say you're wrong in believing that, but I can't say you're right either. I don't know Gate's personal motives, and I don't think I ever will.

"I completely agree with you Sapphira! I never supported the Xbox simply because of Microsoft's motives to conquer the gaming industry... I doubt that's the truth behind the Xbox, but I'm just talking hypothetically... Microsoft is a monopoly, and being a monopoly they want control and power. That's why I don't support their Xbox."

 So, you don't like X-Box because of a hypothetical thought you have? I don't find much basis behind that, but all I can say is you can't judge a book by its cover, I guess.

"Sony, on the other hand... Their focus is mainly on entertainment. Sony has been the worldwide leader of digital entertainment for years; their presence in the gaming industry isn't neccessarily negative, they are simply broadening the spectrum. I have never really opposed Sony, I just think that they need to give a little more room for Nintendo to succeed, because right now Sony is taking full credit and responsibility for the video game industry."

 Let your competition have room enough to beat you? It's not the greatest business plan in the world, but okay.

"...If anyone should get a monopoly in the VG industry, it's Nintendo. (Hypothetically, remember.) It's all well and good that Sony's broadening their horizon into video games, and I have no problem with that. But the fact that they now think they've outpast Nintendo, and are certainly trying is what I'm against. It's like their hoping for a coup detat and suddenly THEY'LL be ruling the industry. Call me a loyalist or whatever, but I just don't like it."

 As I said before, if you opened up a restaurant in town, and there was another, older restaurant there as your competiton, would you compete against them full-hearted or just try to make a living? I'm sorry, but both Sony and Nintendo are out for money; most businesses are. It's not like they're making video games out of the goodness of their hearts. However, I'm sure either company would like to see the other fail. Simply because it's one less place for Third-Parties to go.

 It's simple to say that Sony should back off and allow Nintendo a share of the spotlight once again, but as a Business, I don't think it's a very smart thing to do. Feh, that's my take on this.

Edited by - Black Mage on 4/11/2003 1:01:20 PM

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2003, 10:55:20 PM »
"I'm sorry, but both Sony and Nintendo are out for money; most businesses are. It's not like they're making video games out of the goodness of their hearts."
Well actually, Miyamoto is.

And I've never seen Bill Gates as the guy behind Xbox. Sure, he may be doing all the tech demos and stuff, but he's not out for power, I don't think. I like Microsoft alright, but I don't like Xbox.

You know, Mario Maniac, I just realized something... You wanna pick a fight! That's what all these topics are about!

Oh yeah, and Black Mage, GameCube does have a few more RPGs, like Lost Kingdoms, Skies of Arcadia: Legends, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.
But you're right, PS2 has a far wider selection of RPGs, mainly due to Square's support of the system, though, right?

You can be silent and let the world think you are a fool, or you can open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That was a joke.
