
Author Topic: Ever wanted to make a Mario game?  (Read 1683 times)

« on: June 01, 2003, 06:47:29 PM »
Well here's your chance!  I figured out that you can only have 4 people in your party at once with my maker (for those of you who were following my other topic).  So now I'm offering positions to people who've always wanted to make a Mario RPG of their very own!  Here are some of the positions:

Character design (1-3)
These guys design EVERYTHING about the (4) characters from stats, to moves, to experience gain.

Sprite design (1 up)
This is self-explanitory, but these guys make all the sprites and pictures and tiles and etc.

Story design (3-10)
These guys say what happens in the game from start to finish.

Map design (2 up)
These guys make all the maps with tiles from either sprite design or from pre-made tilesets.  Drawing the maps free-hand is another option.

Item design (1 up)
These guys make all the items in the game from recovery items to equipment.

Dialog Design (1-3)
These guys put in the actual dialog that was arranged from the story designer(s) vague description.  They also put what it says for starting a fight, etc.

Skill design (1 up)
They make all the magic and moves and stuff.

Game design (Me + up to 2)
We put everything together, nuff said.

Any questions?

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?
Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!

« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2003, 01:59:09 PM »
Can you be TWO things? If so, I'll be a dialog/sprite designer. If not, I'll just be dialog. (BTW, Mario Master, you can only have 4 characters in your party, but that doesn't mean you can only have 4 of 'em altogether. You could switch party members at certain points in the game, or have 2 or 3 groups of characters which the game allows you to play as every now and again, Final Fantasy style. For example, Characters A, B, C, and D could go on a trip from a house and fall down a hole. Switching perspective, you now take control of E, F, G and H, who set off from the house and sleep in a tent. Next, we revert back to the doomed A, B, C and D who you again control, so you can get them out of the hole and meet up with the others. Then, they could split up again, see? As long as we use RM2K/RM2K03, it would be perfectly possible.)

 All Jaffa Cake haters must be exterminated immediately.
"Blue, start over. Yellow is caution. Red is danger."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2003, 02:04:42 PM »
Hmmm...It seems Mario Master double posted a topic.
You might want to re-post that in the more popular thread of the two, Yoshi6.

Deep inside us all is a little green elf telling us to burn things.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2003, 09:52:38 AM »
Sure thing. :)

 All Jaffa Cake haters must be exterminated immediately.
"Blue, start over. Yellow is caution. Red is danger."
