
Author Topic: baby bro's funny quotes  (Read 2848 times)

« on: November 26, 2003, 02:59:06 PM »
Tiziano is my little brother. He's 2 years old and he likes sitting on my knees and watch me play SM64. I tried to write down some funny things he says commenting what he sees on the screen.

What he knows about Mario is that he "Jumps! Takes coins! Eats mushroom! Yohoo!"

how cute :)

He also says "Now comes green Mario!".  He doesn't believe in santa claus (he doesn't know about it yet) but still believes in Luigi being in SM64 :)

"Pink bomb-omb is good! It doesn't explode!"

Me, pointing at Toad: "who is him?"
He thinks a little then says  "a red goomba!"
A few days later he learnt that "Toad jumps a little!"

"Rabbit is good! Gives 2 yellow stars!"

"Piranha plant (or Chain Chomp) has big mouth! eats sandwich!"
He's a bit scared of Chain Chomps but he's happy that "Mario chases it away"

"There is no Boo-ghost?"  He says so each time I enter peach's castle.  He wants me to stomp a few ghosts before playing other courses.

And lastly, when he notices a Koopa turtle he says "Can you give me the shell?" because he likes watching Mario ride the shell.

anyone there has a little child that says funny thing about Mario games?

Cele the Ref

« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2003, 03:05:58 PM »
Once my cousin was over. I said, "Wanna play a Mario game?" (He didn't want to play some of my other games) He responded, "Who's that?" I can't tell you what hurts a Mario fan like me more than hearing somebody ask who Mario is.

Behold the overwhelming power of my signature and bow before me! BOW!
Your sig is annoying. -Deezer


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2003, 04:20:31 PM »
AUGH! I have a bratty little, 7 year old cousin that sits next to me and acts like he's palying when he's really not. (All of these quotes are from playing SM64, BTW.) When I get hurt, he'll say:

"OH! I did that to you! I made you get hurt! I'm playing too!"

It bothers the crap out of me. I hate taking turns with them too. They don't listen to my ideas of turn-taking that I have; they go with their own dumb ideas. He said:

"Ok, we give it to the other person when 'the big man' laughs."

He was meaning Bowser laughing on the screen when you die. Even my AUNT said "The big man." AH! It bugs me! I'm going to my aunt's place tomorrow for Thanksgiving and he MIGHT be there. Let's hope not this year, that little brat.

Trainman- Train Horn Man <--- I''m with stupid.
Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2003, 06:01:41 PM »
I have a small brother who picks up the other controller while i am playing a one player game against computer players, he thinks he is controlling the CP. I do not have the heart to tell him that he isn't  really playing. He doesnt even know any of the buttons, its cute, sometimes he even plays with the controller upside down. All he does is scream with joy whenever something happens, even if i beat the CP he thought was him.
Let me away from this boulder!


  • Normal
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2003, 07:26:26 PM »
Trainman, you have to remember that it's a two-way street.  I'm the youngest of five children, and when we were younger, I would watch my brother play a video game, not doing anything, and he would mess up, and then blame it on me.  I was just SITTING there!

The End.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Quadruped
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2003, 10:22:27 PM »
Yup.  It's annoying that Nintendo keeps on easy-fyin' their games so that the younger audience can enjoy them.
Most little kids don't care if they can't beat Bowser; they're heppy watching Mario run around, even if the get killed by the first goomba.

...Anyway, I've got a relevant story, but I already told it...  perhaps later.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2003, 10:29:34 PM »
I would love to have some cute quot to say, but sadly my cousin hates me, and I don't have any brothers or Sisters living. I just wanted to congraduate yuo all on such a nice topic, and I look forward to some more quotes from your little brother. Remember that, even if some brothers are pest, that it's alot better than being an only... I'm extreemly lonely.... :'(

May the Power of the Dark Side compel you! :) HAHAHA! :)

May the Power of the Dark Side compel you! :) HAHAHA! :)


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2003, 11:25:31 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that, MoonEye.

Trainman- Train Horn Man <--- I''m with stupid.
Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2003, 01:45:51 PM »
A long time ago my sister did that "pretend you're the one playing" thing. I guess it didn't bother me much, because she just sat there, "playing."

Behold the overwhelming power of my signature and bow before me! BOW!
Your sig is annoying. -Deezer

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2003, 10:00:32 PM »
Hey, nothing wrong with being an only child. Sure, your conversational skills suck terribly, but you get so spoiled that it is worth it!

I'll tell a few stories about when I used to play video games with my friend's 3 year old brother (The one who beat me in MP2) ... my favorite was that when we'd play MP1, I taught him to shout "Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!" whenever the game "Crazy Cutter" came up -- even when the bomb wasn't being traced. I taught him a few other annoying things, too. I also remember him being VERY good as SSB for his age...

And when I was that age, we JUST got an NES with Super Mario Bros. (1) and I'd watch my dad be unable to beat 1-1 after several attempts. I used to be able to beat the game at age 3. And then I'd get to school and talk about nothing but Mario, and my teachers taught I had Obsessive Complusive Disorder. Heh...

Stupid Quotes: (9th edition)
AP U.S. History teacher: "Your groups may have no more than 3 people in them."
*About one second later*
Tom G. (Student in this class): "Can we have 4 people in a group?"


  • Normal
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2003, 10:15:14 PM »
I feel too guilty to be spoiled.  It's a good thing I'm patient, because I almost NEVER ask for a video game unless it's Christmas or my birthday.  Or if I have money and I take into consideration how much I want the game, then I'll buy it.

As for social skills, I think those are more important than getting spoiled.  I mean, having older siblings is the price you have to pay for having older siblings.  But because of them, I know a bunch of people from the high school I'm trying to go to next year.

The End.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
