
Author Topic: unreal melee  (Read 1817 times)

« on: December 13, 2003, 10:05:40 AM »
This is the rest of my story wich I accidentally posted on general chat. if you want to read part one go to general chat, and then click on unreal melee thank you

part two

Mario stared at his strange yellow enemy (pikachu, is that how you spell it). then he straide into deep thought, and then all of the sudden the creator (witch is what we will call him till mario lerns otherwize) summand up a pawerful lightning attack, that really got marios attention. mario that , and doged all of this little rats quick lightning attacks as best he could. mario then made a decision, and stud completely still. he saul his little yellow enemy get coser, and faster with an extreamly powerful attack. Marios mind went black.

mmm... pizza
everyone is entitled to my opinion...JK  

« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2003, 10:59:43 AM »
i part one there are some typos they are listed bellow

creator = creature
that, and doged all... = thought, and doged all... sorry

part three

Mario woke up again in dream world, but somthing strange had happend he could now reamember all that happend out side of dream world and the world itself. It was like he  woke up, but yet still dreaming. Luige then appeared in front of mario again. "What is giong on", Mario asks. I will explain everything.

It all started when the master hand had captured all the original critters of this world (the original smash brothers characters). Some of them escaped, Dr. Mario, Meotwo, Pichu, little link, and me. there were also these kids with funy colored hear to. Anyway we escaped dream world, and are now trying to free all civilization from slavery. If you had won the battle you insted of picachu would have fought me, and you would not have been set free, but instead I would have been captured.

"there coming" Luige yelled out. "whats coming". "no time to explane we need to exit dream land, do you know wher a pipe might be". "yah right this way" mario replied. Mario raced to the nearest pipe, Luige two steps behind him the whole time. They jumped into the pipe, and when they came out mario found himself in what looked like a giant air craft.

mmm... pizza
everyone is entitled to my opinion...JK  

« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2003, 03:35:27 PM »
part three

Mario had alot of questions, but first he needed to rest. Luige showed him to his room.

"Do you really think he can save us", said a voice in the shadows. "I do" said another.
Luige wolked out from the shadows and said "but what proof do we have". "It is prophey". "But still there has not been any proof at all that the prophey is true". "How can you not believe in him, for he is your own brother ", Falco said while steping out of the shadow. "Its just such a ridiculous thing to believe", said Luige. "We will find out when we take him to see the all seeing toad", replied Falco.

Mario came out from behind a wall, and asks "what is going on, and what were thos things that were chasing us". "Your were chased by agents", cried Falco, "Why did you not inform me" "sorry sir", said Luige. "Did they see you leave dream world" "um..." "Great we may risk agents in this world too" Falco yelled. Mario asked with an angry, yet confuesed voice, "What the heck is an agent" "Only meer thoughts of the master hand that rome araund dream world hunting us down, they're unstoppable.

Roy walks in, "sir were under attack.

everyone is entitled to my opinion...JK  
everyone is entitled to my opinion...JK  

« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2003, 04:58:05 PM »
Do you know anyone that likes to call himself "Milik"?

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
