
Author Topic: My House!!!!!  (Read 17949 times)

« Reply #75 on: June 18, 2004, 08:46:49 PM »
Girls just wanna have fu-un. Oooh girls just wanna have fun. They just wanna they just wanna-a-a. They just wanna they just wanna-a-a. Girls just wanna have fu-u-un.

Um, I just felt like singing.


“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2004, 10:03:40 PM »
Lol I'm just saying since when does a 12 year actually consider they effect of an authour one of your three people definently is uber into reading I guess and you might want to see a psychartrist about that multiple personallity disorder lest it turn you into a Bat Man villian. *looks at LD* oh yea eat it. CHain chain chaaiaiaaanianianaiainnn CHain CHain Chainnnn Chainn of fools. Karoke Revolution
I''m Shakezilla the Microphone Rulah!

I HAvE FuRy!!- Fawful

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2004, 11:29:25 PM »
What on earth???

What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #78 on: July 11, 2004, 09:00:16 AM »
I watched this movie last night with a K-9 cop and his dog. Well, the dog eats all the donuts in the box and the cop hands the box to this kid and says "Here. Have a donut." The kid looks in the box and shows the cop that there's no donuts in there. Then the cop looks at his dog and he's like "Hunter! Why'd you do that?!" It was HILARIOUS!

Oh and by the way, if you guys get mad at me for reviving this topic, remember that I'm the one who made it in the 1st place.

Pokemon Jirachi wishmaker! One of the greatest Pokemon movies ever! But the short (Pokemon Gotta Dance) was stupid...
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #79 on: July 11, 2004, 03:18:55 PM »
I'm not mad! I don't think anyone is! This topic is cool dude! Look! I brought my hamster! Her name is Kleo!

*Take's out Kleo from her pocket*

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.

« Reply #80 on: July 11, 2004, 04:24:15 PM »
Oh what a cute hampster!

JRC Quote 1: "Team Rocket are the kind of people you love to hate."
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #81 on: July 11, 2004, 05:13:48 PM »
I don't see any hampsters. Just a hamster.

"Deezer is a moron, he listens to people like you guys, well, actually, he''''s barely working on his site anymore, always busy with other crap. Sapphira and Chupperson feel like they own the forum, or at least they act it"~jon
Deezer was here.

« Reply #82 on: July 11, 2004, 06:26:10 PM »
Hampster (noun): A small, furry rodent that holds dirty clothes

"They say that opposites attract. She''s really something and I''m really nothing. How much more opposite can you get?"- Charlie Brown
This is a secret coded message.
