
Author Topic: FinalFantasy RPG  (Read 1731 times)

« on: January 22, 2005, 04:06:04 PM »
What does it sound like? I have Fox, megaman, koopa green shell, and sonic in my four man group.
Fox megaman koopa sonic VS. giga bowser mewtwo red shell koopa boo
Fox is hit by giga b's flame!
green shell koopa attacks boo with shell shocker! throws his shell
boo takes half of life away to suck the shell in and redirect it's attack back to Sonic! Miss!
my turn again and megaman uses his cannon to hit boo!
Boo does the same thing but he only had half his life left so he dies but megaman takes 600/900 damage!
Megaman: 300HP
Fox: 654HP
Koopa: 850HP
Giga B: 820000000HP
red shell: 870HP
mewtwo: 400HP
mewtwo attacks megaman with physcic throw leaving him with 67 HP!
Giga B uses the charge on Fox!
Red koopa uses his wings to perform his death from above attack on megaman leaving him with 14 HP and unconsious!
Sonic uses his close call attack which makes the enemy hit him taking 140HP but he gets up tails and knuckles on his side to help him for that battle! They knock out mewtwo with a triple team combination attack!
Fox uses a potion to heal Megaman who double team attacks bowser by having our Koopa jump in the cannon be fired out by and take 700 Hp from the impact onto bowser taking 300HP of his own! Then meaga man uses his cannon from which bowser was dazed(part of the move not dazed as if he's unconious for some of the battle)from shell but Red koopa uses mirror shell to blast the cannon back taking 598 from fox, 332 from Sonic, 50 from megaman, and 700 from koopa! Then they flee.
def: 942
atk: 530
mag: 0
1 potion
atk: cannon(993) beam sword(324) lazer beam(424)
def: w/helmet and armour: 1000 without: 100
spd: 678
mag: 0
Fox (team capt):
spd: 888
atk: lazer gun(232) pink eye combo(604) grenade(unavaluble) Bazooka beam lazer(unavaluble)
spd: 2000 (24% chance enemy attack will miss)
atk: 222
def: 150
mag: Bazerk: spd upgrade for three turns x5 atk upgrade x7 def upgrade x8
flash boots
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2005, 04:40:12 PM »
Oh crap!! It's the high magcian sage priest Koopa!!!!

 Sonic uses his speed demon assult but the high priest stops and counters him with the magic missle!
Sonic: 700HP-500HP
Megaman uses his trick slash beam cannon he learned!
supposly he will attack the enemy directly but teleport behind them and back in front slashes his sword and teleports around the enemy at the same time and then teleports into the air and shoots his cannon twice. once to get them on the ground and the second time takes more damage cause it'll bury them in the ground. But the move makes him so tired he can't move for three turns!!
High Koopa: 3400HP
Fox uses his bazooka lazer beam cannon he learned.
Koopa uses his force shield to drain taking 864 damage!!!!
Koopa: 2536HP
Koopa uses his shell throw but high koopa puts a spell on it before it hits him and when it boomerannged back to koopa he was be witched to H.koopa's side for the battle!! We replaced him with Yoshi!! we get people
to join when we win a battle but can only have four in a party the others stay but can only take action when active. Yoshi uses his comet attack!! He jumped up in the air turned into a metal flaming egg and hammered down torward the ground taking 1900 damage from Koopa!!!!
Koopa uses his comet rain on us taking our health away!!!!
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2005, 09:43:34 AM »
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2005, 06:03:45 PM »
 I think you should stick to one RPG at a time. It's pretty ridiculous to see 5 or 6 of these things with two people participating.

 Quality over quantity.

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2005, 06:54:03 PM »
alright. I'll keep the one's I already have but won't start any others till they're finished.
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?
