
Author Topic: Fall of the Mushroom Kingdom (fanfic)  (Read 2449 times)

« on: July 20, 2005, 06:56:55 PM »
alright, so here is my story. i'm going to make this quick, this is not in any way related to the flash video "Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom"...

but any thing between  *'s is meant to be in italics. so here we go!

/S U P E R  M A R I O  B R O S/

Chapter One
Painful Memories

The wind was blowing against the roof of the Super Mario’s small and uncomfortably cramped house. He lay next to his brother in their bed, still awake from the haunting of his nightmares. The Super Mario and his brother lived in the Mushroom World, a world quite different from any other. Here, the inhabitants, rather known as the mushroom people, lived in harmony as they carried on with their lives, scurrying from place to place, working in the small town known as Toadtown, or working in the princess’ castle.

Super Mario rose from beside his younger twin brother to walk groggily into the even smaller bathroom. He looked into his reflection in the mirror.

And it looked back.

Super Mario turned on the water faucet. He cupped his sweaty palms under the running water so he could catch some of the water for himself. He swirled it around a bit, and then splashed it into his face, trying hard to wake himself up. He studied his image: dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a bushy black moustache. He grabbed a towel from the counter and dabbed it across his sweaty face. Super Mario inhaled deeply. He placed the towel now saturated with sweat back onto the counter in which it came from. Super Mario stared once again into his reflection. Everything around him seemed to fade away as he slipped into another nightmare.

*When the world was young, the magnificent creation called Earth slipped into a deadly war. The Humans wished that their race own the Earth because they claimed to be more powerful. The mushroom side disagreed with the Humans and wished that they should own the land for they were far more intelligent, and would use the land sparingly for all to roam freely. This plunged the Humans and the mushroom people into a war over who shall own the land. The war had finally stopped and the mushroom side cleverly used the great seven STAR SPIRITS to split the Earth into two parts: The Human World and the Mushroom World.

The Mushroom side was blessed to find that one night, the two future protectors of the Mushroom Kingdom had arrived as infants that night. They sat bundled in a bunch of blankets crying uncontrollably. The Star Spirits were huddled around the infants, chatting away on what to do with the blessed babies.

King Bowser knew about the babies. King Bowser and his koopa troop were the only evil beings that existed on the Mushroom side. He wanted horribly to do something about this matter, yet he knew that he nor his koopas, goombas, or any other of his beings could withstand the power of the Star Spirits. Bowser stayed tucked away in his castle where no mushroom man or woman dared to go, even in their life depended on it.

The Fourth Great Star Spirit cradled the babies in its arms. It knew that if they left the babies here in the Mushroom side, King Bowser would do something terrible to the infants. Their only choice was to send them over to the Human side where Bowser could never threaten their lives.

The babies landed in Brooklyn, New York on the doorstep of an old house of an Italian couple. The family was happy to find baby Mario and Luigi there, and took them into their arms as if they were truly their own.

The time in the Human side was one of the happiest periods in Mario’s life. He and Luigi were taken very good care of and were sent to the best schools. Their parents always made sure they were never without food or water. They were given nice, comfy beds and a nice sheltered house. Those memories didn’t seem to last long enough for Mario, however…*

Super Mario was brought back to reality by a soft tapping on his shoulder. He jumped from excitement but was relieved to find Luigi standing groggily behind him.

“Mario, what are you doing up so late?” Luigi yawned.

Super Mario, still staring into the mirror, replied, “I just had a few nightmares…” Super Mario walked from the bathroom and dived back into the comfort of his bed. Luigi followed him out. He slowly slipped into bed and pulled the comforter over himself.

“Are you okay, Mario?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Mario then dozed off to sleep.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

The sun was shining brightly that morning. Although awake, Super Mario’s eyes were still closed. He was exhausted. Pulling the comforter off of him, he rose from the bedside and stretched. Luigi was already awake, and was cooking breakfast. Mario exhaled and slowly walked into the kitchen. Luigi was sizzling bacon in the frying pan.

“Good morning, Mario!” Luigi was always cheerful in the morning. Mario took a seat at the table, and in a few minutes, Super Mario found a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage before him. Luigi then sat down with a plate of his own food, as well.


“Is there something wrong, Mario? You were acting a little strange last night.” Luigi asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

“The nightmares seem to get worse every night…” Super Mario trailed off. He placed some egg in his mouth. He chewed slowly. Then he spoke some more, “They’re about mom and dad, I don’t know why though. Maybe there’s something wrong? Maybe they’re trying to tell me something? Maybe we could go back to the Human side and just check on them…you know, and then come back here?”

“Mario, I’m sure they’re fine, I mean, dad’s about sixty three know and mom’s probably like fifty eight or something, they don’t need us around anymore, we’d just be a hassle. They’re probably wondering were we’ve been all these years…I mean we’ve been living back here in the mushroom side for about three years now? Four?” Luigi said. Super Mario remained silent and continued to eat his breakfast.

More silence.

“Mario, if you need anything, you know you can talk to me…” Luigi trailed off as well. The rest of the breakfast went like that, both brothers talking back and fourth about Mario’s troubles.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

*It was in the middle of the day and it was hotter than ever. The sun was blazing in the sky, and was burning the back of Luigi’s neck, who sat under a large tree in their front yard, lost in a book. Super Mario, however, was also outside. He was walking along the dirt path that led straight to Princess Angelina’s castle.

Princess Angelina Toadstool was the love of Mario’s life. The second one to be exact….then the image of Super Mario’s long lost fiancée flooded his mind.

Her name was Pauline.

It was in the middle of the day, and Mario and Luigi were now on their lunch break. Mario sat chatting to his girlfriend, Pauline with the radio playing in the background. Pauline was a tall woman, (much taller than Mario) with silky blonde hair and crystal green eyes. She was wearing a red dress.

Mario stared out into the city of Brooklyn, New York.

“It’s a beautiful day,” Mario commented.

“Yes, it is,” Pauline agreed. Luigi was sitting next to Mario on top of a building. They were into the construction business and they loved it.

“Breaking news! A large ape escaped from the local zoo and is now running around the city!” the radio blared. Mario looked at the radio obviously confused. Not thinking much of this anymore, Mario continued to eat his sandwich and talk to Pauline.

The building rattled.

Mario looked around.

Nothing was there.

More rattling this time it was more violent.

Mario was now very confused. He dropped his sandwich and rose from the ground. He looked around. Still nothing was there. He looked to the edge of the building to find a very large ape scaling the side of the building. Mario warned his brother and girlfriend to run from the edge of the building. Mario then saw a large hand reach the top of the building.

The ape that the radio was warning the listeners about was right in front of them. It was about seven feet tall and was disgustingly hairy. Its large meaty hands reached out and wrapped around Pauline’s small neck. Her airway was apparently cut off; her hand was around her neck and was gasping for air.

Mario had to think of something fast. His mind was racing. He needed to use his surroundings…then something came to mind. He pushed a barrel over to where he was standing and pushed as hard as he could. The barrel rolled down the building and hit the ape very hard. It dropped Pauline who lie still on the ground, and fell off of the side of the tall building.

Both Mario brothers ran over to Pauline. Mario touched her hand.

It was very cold. He put his head to her chest to check for a heart beat.


Mario tried harder this time, but still heard no heart beat. Pauline had died from a lack of air. Mario dropped to his knees. He cried. His own girlfriend died in front of his eyes.

As much as Mario wanted her back, Mario knew that was impossible. If only he would have made his move faster…If only…if only…*

Super Mario shook his head. He was standing still in the middle of the dirt path. The nightmares and daydreams didn’t stop. When one ended, another started. He knew that if he just made it to the castle, he’d seen Angelina and that would get his mind off of everything. So he continued on his way to see the princess.

Edited by - xenocideguitarist on 7/20/2005 6:02:17 PM
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)

« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2005, 12:03:04 PM »
i don't know if anybody is reading this, but here is chapter two

Chapter Two
A Close Save

The darkness of the castle in the far side of the Mushroom Kingdom would scare away almost anybody. King Bowser’s castle was the home to many dangerous creatures, plants, and the most deadly of all, Bowser himself. His seven kids tagged along behind him as he marched into the dungeon.

They then reached a large door with two hammer brother koopas guarding it. When they heard the loud footsteps of Bowser, they moved to the side and pulled the door open. Bowser stomped past them and continued on his way down a winding staircase that leads to the dungeon. He stepped down at least four steps at a time, which made him reach the dungeon much faster than his kids.

All of the kids were walking behind their large father, now practically running to catch up with his long strides. Bowser reached the end of the staircase and stopped dead, which made the kids, smash into his large shell, sending all of them down the rest of the stairs.

Iggy was the first to hit, then Lemmy, then Larry, then Wendy, Roy, Morton, and Ludwig. They all fell on top of each others at the bottom of the stairs. Their father sighed and continued off into the dungeon. The kids were now arguing.

“Iggy, you HAVE to watch where you step!” Wendy, the only girl complained.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident!” Iggy shouted back.

“The both of you SHUT UP!” Roy was the biggest one, and probably the meanest.

“Why don’t you shut up?” Morton argued to Roy.

“Why don’t I? ‘Cause I’m not the one who sent us crashing down here!” Roy looked eyed Iggy viciously.

“I said I’m sorry!” Iggy’s small and squeaky voice was not heard over the constant arguing of his brothers.

Lemmy, Larry, and Ludwig were standing off to the side. Lemmy whistled.

Everybody stopped arguing. Lemmy sighed and continued into the dungeon. His brothers and sister were staring. They all stopped and followed Lemmy into the dungeon.

This was probably the scariest place in all of the mushroom side to be. Many strange and vicious creatures made their home here. The scariest and most dangerous one of them all was Hookbill the koopa. He was about the size of a car and his beak was very sharp. He was now chained to the wall, surrounded by obviously frightened koopas.

The children passed Hookbill and continued on their way. They saw their father talking to an old magikoopa with a beard and large glasses. They all saw the fear in his eyes. The kids walked over to their father and caught part of their conversation:

“I’m sorry, master!” he wailed.

“THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU SHALL FAIL ME, KAMEK!” Bowser raised his trash-can lid sized hands and slapped Kamek hard over the face. The kids all heard a loud cracking noise. Bowser had broken something, and the kids were not looking forward to know what bone it was.

Kamek was now on the floor, his nose bleeding. Bowser walked away from Kamek and continued on down the hall. Bowser could be a very dangerous being sometimes.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

The sun was just setting over the skies of the Mushroom Kingdom, and Luigi was still sitting in the same spot under the tree, now asleep. He yawned deeply and rubbed his eyes. He got up from the shady tree and looked around. No Mario. He checked his watch and then noticed that Mario had been gone for about four hours. That was much longer than he was usually gone. Luigi followed the long and stretched path that Mario took. He smelled smoke in the air.

That wasn’t good.

He now began to run and soon broke into a sprint. Luigi’s long legs let him cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. The smoke he smelled was now visible. It was black. He stopped at the end of the path to find the princess’ castle half torn apart. There was a large hole in the wall and the front door was missing off of its hinges. Most of the castle was on fire.


He was probably still in the castle. He sprinted over to the opening. The fire was very hot. He covered his face and ran into the castle. He looked everywhere to try and find somebody. The smoke was too thick. He was sweating badly now. He ran in random directions trying to find somebody or something. He tripped over what felt like a leg. He fell to the ground and hit his head hard. He looked what he tripped over to find Super Mario’s limp body.

Luigi started to panic much worse now. He pulled his brother out of the castle and laid him on the ground. Mario’s face was covered in black dust. He looked at his face and found a long cut down his cheek. Luigi drug his brother to a fountain of shooting water. He splashed some in his face, desperately trying to wake him up. Super Mario stirred. His eyes opened slowly.

“Mario? MARIO! What happened here? Where’s the princess” Luigi asked.

“B-Bow-Bowser…” Mario mumbled.

“Bowser? He’s back? Oh, no! He must have taken the princess…” Luigi softly placed his brother on the ground. “I’ll be back!” he ran back into the castle. He was looking for a mushroom man or woman. Maybe they could explain what happened more clearly? He ran up a flight of stairs. He opened the nearest door to find a room with a large bed in it. Somebody was in here…

“Hello?” Luigi asked.

“Mario?” the voice asked.

“Luigi,” he told the person. “We have to get out of here!” A mushroom woman came out from under the bed. Luigi motioned her out of the room into the thick smoke.

“Maybe you could tell me what’s going on?” Luigi asked her.

“I’ll tell you once we get out of here!” she said. Luigi and the mushroom woman ran down the stairs. Luigi ran to where the door was supposed to be, but instead, Luigi ran into something hard. There was a large piece of wood blocking the exit to the castle. He wanted to find something to throw at it. Everything in there was either on fire or too small to do any damage to a large piece of wood.

The air was running low. If they didn’t get out fast, who knows what could happen. Luigi backed up and rammed into the wood. It made only a small crack in it. It would take too long and they would probably run out of air before he could break it. He needed to look for a window. Most of them were too high to reach. He knew there were others in some rooms somewhere. He told the woman to follow him into a room. Luigi opened the door. It was also smoke filled and hard to see anything. He felt around the room. He felt a chair. He felt around it and felt a table.

He knew instantly where he was.

He and the mushroom woman were in the dining room! Luigi knew the castle by heart and knew there was a very large window that he and the woman could reach. Yet it was very far away, the dining room was pretty long. He grabbed the woman’s arm and began to run for the window. There was now very little air left and there was still a good little ways to run before he reached the window. He wondered if he should just stop. He could end up like his brother, but he might not be found.


He wondered if he was okay. He had forgotten about him. If he could get out of the castle and reach Toadtown, he could get help there. Hopefully he could contact the Mushroom Fire Department. Yet Toadtown was about a three hour walk from the castle. That would be too long to run, especially with Mario with them. Luigi would probably have to carry him if he was still too weak. This left him with very few options.

Luigi had reached the window. He ran to pick up a chair. He carried it back and tossed it at the window, which luckily shattered. Luigi picked up the mushroom woman (there are only about two fee tall,) and looked out the window. It wasn’t a very high jump, but it could injure him or the mushroom woman if they landed the right way. But all that mattered now was if they made it out alive. Luigi took in some air, and jumped out the window. He landed on his ankle, which twisted it.

“OUCH!” Luigi let out a cry of pain. Luckily the woman was alright. He rose from the ground slowly. He mushroom woman helped him walk as best as she could. They hobbled (or Luigi did,) all the way back to the front of the castle where Mario still lay unconscious near the fountain. Luigi sat on the ground next to his brother. The mushroom woman cupped her hands in the water and caught some she opened Mario’s mouth and he drank it. She waited.

Mario’s eyes opened, but didn’t close back this time.

“Good, you’re safe!” she was very relieved, and so was Luigi. Super Mario sat up straight and rubbed his head.

“What happened?” Super Mario asked.

“Well, Bowser, his kids, and Hookbill the koopa invaded the castle. They destroyed almost everything, thanks to Hookbill. They took all of the mushroom people in the castle, yet I was probably the only one who wasn’t. That’s why you found me under the bed, Luigi. I was hiding from Bowser. I really thought I wasn’t going to make it out alive, but thanks to you,” she spoke. “He took the princess as well.”

Both brothers sighed.

“What’s your name?” Super Mario asked her.

“My name is Victoria,” she stood up to her full height, with her hands on her hips. “I’m a good friend of the princess,” Victoria said.

“What are we going to do about the castle?” Super Mario asked.

“Toadtown is too far away, the castle would be burned to the ground before we even get there!” Luigi said.

“That looks like that might be our only choice,” Victoria said sadly. “I lived in that castle my whole entire life….now it’s gone. Angelina was like a mother to me….” Luigi saw a tear run down her face.
“So you’re the only mushroom person left?” Super Mario asked.

“I’m the only one left from the castle. Who knows what Bowser could be doing to the mushroom people now?” Victoria wondered.

“Well, we need to stay somewhere for the night,” Luigi just now noticed that it was getting dark outside. “We’d better start looking for someplace to stay.”

“Couldn’t we stay at our house, Luigi?” Super Mario asked.

“We’d have to hike through the Mushroom Forest, and it’s only safe to do that in the daytime. Who knows what beasts come out at night in there…” Luigi trailed off.

“I guess Toadtown is the only place to go to…” Victoria said.

“She’s right,” Super Mario said. “Come on, Luigi, let’s go.”

Victoria took one last look at her now burned down home. All the flames were put out, only to leave her with a large pile of now scrap metal and some part of the wall. That was about it. She wiped the last tear from her face and followed the two brothers to Toadtown.

Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)

« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 12:29:50 PM »
well, if anybody is reading this, here is the next chapter

Chapter Three
Meeting the Chancellor

The two humans and the mushroom person made it safely to Toadtown, and were lucky to find another mushroom person to let them stay in his house for the night. Right now they were on their way to the Chancellor of Toadtown to tell them the horrible news.

Super Mario, Luigi, and Victoria walked through the streets of Toadtown, passing many shops and restaurants. Super Mario and Luigi stood out, considering they were just about the only two people there who weren’t mushroom people. All the other inhabitants went up to Super Mario’s waist.

It was pretty hard not to lose Victoria in the crowd of mushroom people; she was the exact same size as all the others.

The Chancellor’s castle was humongous. It towered over all the other buildings. Right now, two mushroom men were guarding the front door. The three approached the door, but the guards stepped in front of it.

“You don’t have permission to enter the Chancellor’s castle,” one spoke.

“What...?" Luigi asked, confused.

“Do you know who they are?” Victoria sounded a bit flustered at the moment.

“And why does that matter to us?” the other guard asked quizzically.

“Because they’re Super Mario and Super Luigi,” Victoria said.

“Oh….go right along then! Sorry for the inconvenience!” The guards moved over and opened the doors. Victoria folded her arms, apparently satisfied with herself.

Super Mario studied her. He had never really got to see her face; it was very dark last night. He was about two feet tall (just like the other mushroom people), she had sparkling blue eyes, and she wore a hat with pink dots that looked just like a mushroom, only without the stem.  She wore a pink vest and a white shirt under that. Her brown boots barely made a sound as she walked behind Super Mario and Luigi.

The halls of the castle were very elegant, with many paintings of various people all over it. There were many staircases and chandeliers. The place was very well lit.

There were two staircases on either side of the castle walls that led up to a balcony. And on that balcony was a very large door.

“Maybe he’s up there?” Victoria took the left staircase. She ran up the stairs amazingly fast. She looked down on Super Mario and Luigi. “Coming?” she asked.
Super Mario ran up the stairs with Luigi following behind. The bunch approached the large door. Luigi made a fist and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Right before he could knock on it even once, the doors swung open to reveal a long room with about seven thin windows on both sides of the room. At the end were a throne and a mushroom man with a long beard sat in it. The three followed the path that led to the man in the throne.

“Who goes there?” the old mushroom man spoke.

“Mario, Luigi, and Victoria,” Super Mario spoke. Victoria tugged on Luigi’s overalls.

“The Chancellor is a lot older than I expected,” she commented.

“The Mario?” the Chancellor asked.

“Yes, Super Mario,” Super Mario said.

“Approach me,” The Chancellor ordered. Super Mario walked closer to the Chancellor. He kneeled in front of his throne.

“What brings you here?” He asked.

“We have brought bad news….”Super Mario trailed off. “King Bowser has invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and completely destroyed the castle. He captured the princess and all of the mushroom people. Well, not all of them. My brother, Luigi, found one last mushroom person in hiding. Her name is Victoria. She is the only person he found.” Super Mario explained.

“This is terrible,” the Chancellor rose from his throne. “Luigi, Victoria, approach me,”

Luigi and Victoria did so.

They both knelt down next to Super Mario.

“I know you three are after King Bowser. I also know that to retrieve the princess back, it will take much skill and lots of courage. Take these with you,” The elderly man held out his palm to reveal three tiny mushrooms. They were zooming around in his hand.

The three gaped.

The Chancellor was holding out to them three Super Mushrooms. If the holder wished, the small mushroom would grant the holder great power.

Luigi and his brother both took one mushroom. They bowed in thanks. Victoria was the last to take one. She also bowed. The three set off down the hall.

“Mario!” the voice of the Chancellor echoed throughout the corridor.

Super Mario turned. “Yes, Chancellor?”

“Until our next meeting,” He paused. “Farwell; and good luck.”

Edited by - xenocideguitarist on 7/26/2005 11:33:51 AM
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)
