
Author Topic: How come people are mean to me?  (Read 3993 times)


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2005, 11:43:40 AM »
Dude. I mean, duuuude. Either start to learn to drop it, or feel lousy the rest of the time you're here. And since you seem to like to stay, that means you'll be feeling lousy for long, long time. If you really want to stop feeling lousy, then forget silly topics like this one and start posting like all of the other "normal" members do. It's actually a pretty fun way to post, I think: It has kept me coming back for about three years now.

EDIT: DISCLAIMER: I did not close this topic.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Edited by - WaToaD on 9/9/2005 3:14:33 PM

The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.
