
Author Topic: Sequel Problem Solved! (Alot of rumors were wrong!)  (Read 55154 times)


« Reply #165 on: August 10, 2006, 10:20:09 AM »
So because I say that a game that comes after another in a series of the same genre is the sequel of the one before it, i'm an idiot? wow, you're the idiot. I could bet my house that i'm more intelligent than you as well.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #166 on: August 10, 2006, 10:25:59 AM »
No, you're an idiot because you keep dragging these useless arguments further and further even though we always manage to counter your points. You're actually more of an attention hog. Or so it seems.


« Reply #167 on: August 10, 2006, 10:29:21 AM »
no. I am posting my ideas. Teh a bunch of idiots come on screaming and flaming. I reply. More idiots, making non-sensial points. What do i do, sit back and take it or reply? And you haven't countered any arguments. Most of you are making yourselves look like idiots. A prime example is that someone said that if I changed everything to do with a kappa (by putting it on two legs and giving it spikes on it's back) then I would obviously have Bowser. so that means that everything on four legs and no spikes on it's back is a kappa. Should I have more examples? I've got better things to do than hang roud here so say yes or no quickly, please.

« Reply #168 on: August 10, 2006, 11:46:39 AM »
And you haven't countered any arguments.
Way to ignore me.
The SMB series never set a continuity, a sequel is something like Back to the Future, each movie was directly in-tune with the previous one, except for the first which of course was the beggining, SMB2 and 3 never were set directly to the same point in time after the others meaning that they could have happened at any point in the Mario timeline.
I'm a horrible person.


« Reply #169 on: August 10, 2006, 12:23:17 PM »
That has nothing to do with anything, and you know it. we're talking about whether things are sequels or not, not when they happened. If you want to random post, please make your own thread and don't post in ones which it has nothing to do with.

« Reply #170 on: August 10, 2006, 12:39:59 PM »
Quote from: Wii
3-Just because it came after it, it doesn't mean it's the sequel

So because I say that a game that comes after another in a series of the same genre is the sequel of the one before it, i'm an idiot? wow, you're the idiot. I could bet my house that i'm more intelligent than you as well.

I'm not going to say much, nothing like this proves you're a sorry fool, or that you should stop talking.  Nope, I won't say that.  I will just say that YOU need to remember what you said, before you try to tell everyone that you have said that all along.  I don't appreciate the Wishy-Washy ways (heh heh).
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking

« Reply #171 on: August 10, 2006, 01:05:16 PM »
That has nothing to do with anything, and you know it. we're talking about whether things are sequels or not, not when they happened. If you want to random post, please make your own thread and don't post in ones which it has nothing to do with.
Oh but it does seeing as I'm quoting a fact to see that it's not overlooked, and this post you're making me post and your post right there as well would be "having nothing to do with anything". Oh, and sequels are "another part of a series happening directly after the previous prequel". You see, a sequel has something to do with the prequel, and guess what, SMB 1, 2, and 3 have NOTHING to do with eachother.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2006, 01:14:50 PM by Bigluigifan1.0 »
I'm a horrible person.


« Reply #172 on: August 10, 2006, 01:27:37 PM »
I'm not going to say much, nothing like this proves you're a sorry fool, or that you should stop talking.  Nope, I won't say that.  I will just say that YOU need to remember what you said, before you try to tell everyone that you have said that all along.  I don't appreciate the Wishy-Washy ways (heh heh).
Right. the game that comes afyter it. Must I remind you, that that only replies to games of the same genre, you sorry fool?

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #173 on: August 10, 2006, 01:32:35 PM »
Alright everyone. If you're not going to keep this discussion respectful and friendly, then you might as well not have it at all. There's been enough name calling and mud slinging on both sides, and it has to stop. Show each other the proper amount of respect, and this thread can develop into something better than what it currently is. Thank you.

This whole arguement, as Chupperson has earlier stated, completely depends on what definition of "sequel" you are using.

Quote from:

   1. Something that follows; a continuation.
   2. A literary, dramatic, or cinematic work whose narrative continues that of a preexisting work.

Most people stick with the second definition, as it is what is used in the mainstream, but someone seeking to be right by using the raw definition would call for the first definition.

If you don't clearly specify what you mean when you use "sequel" this won't get very far. What you're calling a "sequel," as can be seen in this quote:
Quote from: Wii
we're talking about whether things are sequels or not, not when they happened.
is very confusing. To most people, "when they happened" will most certainly define whether or not a game is a sequel. If you don't make a distinction as to when a game takes place (Or even if it takes place in the same "time-line") you run the risk of completely ignoring prequels, interquels, or "spiritual successors."

To use an example that most are familiar with: Star Wars

 Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
was the first movie released.
 Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back was a sequel to the first movie.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace  was released much later than Episode IV, and is a prequel.

 I think the problem here is that you, Wii, by the your accounts in this thread would consider Episode I to be a sequel to Episode IV.  Both movies share the same setting, races, and even some of the same characters; they are related indefinitely, but if you disregard when the movie takes place in the "story-line," you would incorrectly classify the movie.

Furthermore, there are assorted books about un/related characters, planets, and settings that are given the Star Wars name. This are what most people would call "Spin-offs," and not sequels.

Interquels have to do specifically with when said work is created and when it takes place in its "universe's" time-line.

There are also sub-classifications that further complicate matters, for example, direct sequels. However, this still does not account for ingorning prequels and other types of "successors," as for one to be a direct sequel, one must first be a sequel.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #174 on: August 10, 2006, 03:45:49 PM »
I could bet my house that i'm more intelligent than you as well.
Where exactly is it?
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


« Reply #175 on: August 11, 2006, 01:03:28 AM »
Oh but it does seeing as I'm quoting a fact to see that it's not overlooked, and this post you're making me post and your post right there as well would be "having nothing to do with anything". Oh, and sequels are "another part of a series happening directly after the previous prequel". You see, a sequel has something to do with the prequel, and guess what, SMB 1, 2, and 3 have NOTHING to do with eachother.
ok... they're the same genre, have the same characters, have the asme main enemy (Bowser). They are sequels. End of story, full stop, period, leave it, goodbye, any other ending here.

« Reply #176 on: August 11, 2006, 06:52:02 AM »
Please, I'm done arguing, I find Black Mage to have more logical on this, I say he beat us all here, now I'm ready to drop it and stop acting like I'm right and you're wrong, Black Mage wanted us to stop, so I'm done.
I'm a horrible person.
