
Author Topic: Mario & Luigi: Point of View  (Read 2513 times)

« on: September 01, 2006, 02:50:58 PM »
Howdy folks! It's me again, and yes, I'm writing another Mario fanfic, but this time I'm co-writing with my brother luigenius. This is going to be a first-person narrative where we take turns, first as Mario, then Luigi, respectively. It's probably going to start out with short-ish posts, but get longer as we both get the hang of it. So without further ado...


Chapter 1: Mario

It had been raining all day, and I was bored out of my mind. Luigi, Peach, Daisy and I were supposed to go on a nice sunny picnic on Yoshi Island... but obviously that was cancelled. So I'd been sitting here, tossing cards into a hat and watching the silver drops mercilessly plunk against the ground outside. In the adjacent room, our little TV was on, and a reporter was saying something about flood warnings in the lower lands of the Mushroom Kingdom. Someone was supposed to check the weather before we decided the picnic date, but that certain green-clad younger brother of mine had been too busy perfecting some sort of stuffed mushroom recipe.

I sighed, "Hey Luigi, do you still have that secret room under the bedroom? Because it might get flooded." I wasn't sure if Luigi knew that I knew about his secret room or not, but in all seriousness, I was a little concerned. I'd been in plenty of flushed pipes, but a flood could do serious damage.

Luigi was caught up in reading some book. I shrugged and hopped off of my chair, walking over to the window and peering out at the falling rain. "Mama mia, I could be having pasta and cake right now." I was a little bummed, but I tried not to be in too sour of a mood. Crossing the room towards the kitchen, I listened to the echo of my shoes on the floor, wondering if Luigi could even hear them, considering how absorbed in his book he was.

I sat down at the kitchen table and re-read Peach's picnic invitation...

Dear Mario,

Daisy and I are having a picnic on Friday! And we would love for you and Luigi to come join us! We're going to bring pasta and I'll bake a cake! Of course, there will be plenty of hors-doeurves and fingerfoods too. Maybe some Yoshis will join us? I hear the canteloupe there is delicious. Please make sure to tell Luigi!



PS: Not to jinx us, but if it rains, we'll have to call it off.

I sighed heavily. I'd been looking forward to this so much. But maybe we can re-schedule it? This isn't so bad... I'm just bored out of his mind! Luigi seems content to sit and read... I'd rather be out doing stuff. Mama mia.
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 03:24:09 PM »
Chapter 1: Luigi

There were a lot of little noises. In the back of my mind, I knew them to be the combined din of Mario speaking to me, of raindrops pitter-pattering against the windows and walls, and of the little TV reporting the weather (an hour too late) in the next room. But in my mental foreground I tried to shut them out so that I could read the new book I had just checked out from the little Toad Town library the other day, entitled Koopa Culture: Past and Present. But Mario's pacing and sighing were more distracting even than the TV, and I finally looked up from the fresh pages of the historical tome to see him standing by the window looking forlorn.

"What'sa matter, bro?" I spoke a little more loudly than usual, if only to rouse Mario from the temporary deafness that was often rendered upon him by the seriousness of some of his more... er... serious thoughts. I used to think that he only worried about adventuring and keeping his belly full, but the past few years have taught me otherwise, though I've never really confronted him about this change in perception. It's always been hard for me to confront Mario about how I feel about things, because he's always so confident about his choices, whereas I always feel so uncertain...

"I asked if you still had that secret room under the bedroom. You know, where you used to write your journal." Mario turned toward me, taking off his hat with one hand and running his other hand through his close-cropped brown hair, hair shaped neatly due to much time spent under a cap.

"Oh, uh..." He knows?! I felt my face flush and tried to hide behind the book I had been reading. "Y-yeah, I think it's still there..." I knew that it was still there. I wondered if Mario knew about my new secret spot: the chimney. I squeezed up there sometimes to write in my journal and to think. It was usually a pretty good spot, and since we didn't build fires very much, I didn't ever have a lot to worry about. Best of all, there wasn't much room for ghosts to be sneaking up on me... I hate ghosts!

"Why, what's eating you, Mario?" Mario looked about ready to answer, when suddenly there was a knock at the door, followed shortly by a loud clap of thunder. I must confess I yelped and covered by head with the book.
