
Author Topic: The Koopa Kronicles  (Read 3931 times)

« on: August 24, 2007, 08:57:32 PM »

BOOK 1: The end of Mario

                Bowser had been waiting a long time for Mario to show up. The bordem ended with Mario's fateful appearance. "Hello Mario." Said Bowser. Behind Bowser, Peach's cries for help could be heard from behind a door. "Bowser, why do you always do this? You know you will never win." Bowser smiled. Maybe not... but I can try. Bowser lept into the air, nearly landing on Mario. Mario dodged the skillful jump, but by inches. Bowser turned around, and sent a huge fireblast at Mario. Mario jumped above it falling towards Bowser. Behind Bowser, the axe that would give Mario victory was waiting. Mario landed next to Bowser, and did a risky jump over Bowser. Too risky. Bowser grabbed Mario out of the air. Holding him tight, Bowser had a special death for Mario. Crouching to the ground, Bowser slowly carried Mario to the flaming hot lava-head first. "NO BOWSER! PLEASE!" Bowser ignored the crys of Mario. Total, sweet victory was finally at hand. "NO PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU-" Bowser dunked Mario head first into the lava. Horrible screams echoed throughout the chamber. Bowser let go of Mario's body. It slid into the lava, never to be seen again. Bowser stared at where he had slid Mario for a long time. Victory. Victory. Victory was real. Bowser had always thought it was fake. A fairy tale due to crushing defeat after defeat. "YES!" He roared. "FINALLY!" Bowser ran out of the chamber, smiling for once in 14 years.

"ATENTION! ATENTION SERVANTS." The crowd turned silent. Bowser had called a meeting for the entire Koopa Kingdom. Behind him, his 7 childeren sat in stuffy suits, not sure what they were supposed to be happy about as Bowser had not told them yet. "I have a announcement that will ease your sorrows. The sorrows of dead relitives, dead friends, dead loves." With the last part, tears came into Bowser's eyes. "The one who caused your misery, your terror, your... torture." The crowd all stared at Bowser. "The one... Mario,(the crowd stared)... IS DEAD!" The crowd cheered, Koopa's screamed cries of happiness, songs were sung, cheers were brought, wine was brought out, and was celebrated on, it was truly the happiest moment in Koopa history. The crowd was so happy and loud that even Bowser could not stop thier screams of joy, so he decided to rest himself. Tomorrow, the Mushroom Kingdom would be attacked, and the world would come to fear, no, truly fear the Koopas.

8:30 AM
The next day, the crowd was still as happy as ever, so Bowser had to roar as loud as he could to shut the crowd up. The crowd silented and looked at Bowser. "Soldiers! With Mario gone, troop formation is nigh! At noon, we send a party of 40 to attack the Mushroom Kingdom. On call, backup airships are ready." Then Bowser turned to Kammy Koopa, his current highest assistant. "Kammy, choose the best of the troops to attack. Tell them all the details they will need to know." "Yes sir!" Said Kammy and she flew down to the croud. "Good." Said Bowser, and he walked back into the castle.

11:30 AM
"Give it back!" "Hah hah, I'm gunna break your little toy!" "It is not a toy! It is my Ice Beamer! Give it back!" Roy stopped. "Okay." Roy smashed the Ice Beamer under his foot, sending a final ray of ice at Wendy, who just happened to be walking by. "AHHHH!" She screamed, now a frozen block of ice. Lemmy glared at his cruel brother, as he picked up the smashed Ice Beamer, good as broken. Bowser strided into the hallway. "Are you enjoying your Mario-less schedule now Koopalings?" Asked Bowser. He had not noticed frozen Wendy yet. "No." Whined Lemmy. "Roy has more time to beat me up!" "Toughen up." Replied Bowser, walking right into frozen Wendy. "What-" "I can explain dad!" Said Lemmy, Roy-" "tried to stop you from freezing Wendy, but I was too late." Finished Roy. "WHAT!" Roared Bowser. "Even if Mario is dead, I will not be putting up with your shenanigans!" "But dad-" "TO THE DUNGEON LEMMY!" Roared Bowser. Bowser turned to Roy. "Break the ice, I am busy." With that, Bowser walked away, and Lemmy walked into the dungeon. Roy s******ed. He blew fire onto the ice and it melt instantly. "Oh, thank you R-" Roy blew fire on Wendy.

11:45 AM
"Hello Peach." Bowser was in the Keep, where he was keeping Princess Peach. "Bowser, you snot sucking-" "Now, now, Peach." Said Bowser, smiling at her. "Do you know why I kidnap you?" Asked Bowser gently. Peach was not going to take gentleness from a monster. "No, I don't want to know your perverted ways Bo-" "It is not "Perverted" I assure you. Peach, you were a Star Child, a being who posseses great energy, whether the being uses it or not. And you know what else Peach? You, STILL ARE A STAR CHILD, ADULT OR NOT!" Peach stared horrified at Bowser. "But-" "And beacause you don't use your power often, you are the easiest to obtain." Peach's face went white. "Now I must be going Peach, but I will be back, I promise." And Bowser walked out.

11:55 AM
Kammy Koopa was finishing up the details with the elite squad, nearly ready to start the misson. "One last important detail." Kammy said. "Ludwig Koopa is coming with you as your captain." The crowd groaned. Being the oldest Koopaling, Ludwig was the most boring, and stern. He would often start roaring at the patrol he was leading for "being so dumb". "Any questions?" Asked Kammy, not really wanting to answer any questions. She waited for 10 seconds. "None? Okay, go outside to the battlefield, Ludwig is waiting. He will give you further instructions." The crowd nodded and went outside. Kammy smiled. This was really not a dream! Now it was time to report back to Bowser. She flew off. She went past Mortons room where she could hear him talking to Iggy about something. She went past the Keep where a strange noise could be heard if one stuck thier ear against the door(one that would sound like a coin being rubbed), and she got into Bowser's room. "Sir, the Alpha Troop are on thier way!" She reported, then she sat down. "Excellent." Said Bowser, who then commenced to relax, not be agitated by Mario's lurking presecene.

12:04 AM
Peach was free! Picking up one of the coins that was on the floor of the keep, Peach had rubbed the coin against the rope (it had sharp edges) until the rope had snapped. Jumping out of the chair, she looked around. The only way out was the door to the hallway in Bowser's castle. Otherwise, the keep was barren. Good! The door was unlocked. Bowser had not figured she would be able to get out of the chair. What a moron! She bounded to the door. Once she opened the door, she would have to run. This would be desperate. "On the count of three!" She thought. "1,2,3!"
« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 09:10:10 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 11:19:01 PM »
Yeah, I might have the AM/PM thing mixed up, but I consider the start of PM at 1:00 during the day. I might be wrong, but that's how it is going to have to work. Once again, there is some violent parts, but in all, it is a great story.

BOOK 1: THE END OF MARIO(continued)

       12:10 AM
       Using the provided airships, Ludwig's army had already entered the Mushroom Kingdom. It was a simple, but diobolical plan. The army would invade the into the Castle, split into 2 teams. 1 to attack the Toads and hold them prisoners, the other to find Toadsworth and Luigi- both were reported to be in the castle. They would then force Luigi to announce total take-over by the Koopa's. The Toad's would endure slavery, while Luigi and Toadsworth were executed in front of the slaves. The airship landed right outside the castle. Already, Toads came running out of the castle to investigate the landing. The newly announced Captain of the Toads (or the leader of the F.T.S.(Short for Fighting Toad Squad))Toadole was in the front of the F.T.S.. "Who goes there?" Shouted Toadole, surely ready for a fight. The door of the ship slowly opened and a ramp came out, and touched the ground. The Toad's waited, but nothing happened. Faster then a Banzai Bill, Krooth, fastest Koopa alive sprang out and slung down his sword on top of Toadole's head. The slaughter-takeover had begun. The rest of the Alpha squad came out of the airship, fighting the Toads until they swore alliegance. The other half of the Alpha squad went straight to the castle, ready to find thier two victims. One of the more terrified Toads, a Toad named Treble spoke out. "I-I swear a-alliegance!" The other Toads gasped, and Treble ran to the ranks of the Alpha squad, falling to his knees. "I beg you to let me join your Koopa Kingdom. Please!" The Koopas smiled. An easy win. Meanwhile, the other half of the Alpha team came into the castle. A single guard was thier, shaking, terrified. "Hold him until the other half gets here!" Ordered Ludwig, pointing to 2 Magikoopas. The Magikoopas nodded, and held the poor guard with magic. The rest of the team went up the stairs, and through the door.

Luigi was shaking. His brother had dissapeard, rumored to be dead, and he had this strange feeling that the castle was being attacked. He and Toadsworth were at the highest Tower in the castle, gazing at one of the Princess Peach glass cuts. They were beautiful. But Princess Peach had dissapeard. Suddenly, a thump could be heard. It sounded like a plane or something had landed outside. "Wh-wh-what was that?" Said Luigi, shaking like a leaf. Toadsworth was not even listening. He was too busy worrying. Why was the Princess still gone? Why was Mario gone? The sound of the front entrance opening could be heard from the tower. Luigi looked down the long stairs. At the bottom was a door. Luigi stared at the door. The door stared back at him. The door filled Luigi with a strange terror he could not explain himself. The door... the door...the door...burst open! The Alpha Team came exploding through the door, headed straight for Luigi and Toadsworth. Luigi screamed, and jumped through one of the glass-stained windows of Princess Peach, the glass shattering and cutting Toadsworth, who was helpless, and defenseless. The Alpha team grabbed Toadsworth. But for Luigi, it was too late. Luigi had already escaped onto the roof...

12:30 AM
Beeeep....Beeeeeep....Beee-'push'. "Father, this is a status report from Ludwig." "I told you to use the code names!" "Sorry father..." "Anyway, give me the report." "Yes father, we have taken over Princess Peach's Castle, and we have captured Toadsworth. "What about Luigi...?" "Luigi...escaped." "WHAT?" "When our team got there he had already jumped through the stained windows at the top of the tower. He had abandoned Toadsworth." "Just like him, eh G?" "Yes Father." "Thank you for the status report. Continue on the plan." "Yes father. OUT" "OUT" This was wonderful news. Already, the Mushroom Kingdom had virtually been taken over already. But he did not like the fact Luigi was running around with out accounnt for. ARRG! He had forgoten to tell Ludwig to send a party after Luigi. Bowser pressed the connection button, but Ludwig was not there, he must have been working on some kind of project. Arrg... Oh well, everything was still going well. He got off the chair. It was time to tell Morton of his plan, his very important plan. Bowser walked out of the room, and walked in the hallway, pass the dungeon. He figured he would let Lemmy out at 9:30 PM. He walked to Mortons room. He could hear Morton talking with Iggy, but it was too quiet to hear. Bowser walked in. "Morton!" Morton stopped talking with Iggy immediatly. Bowser looked supsisley at Morton. "Uh, yes father?" He asked cautiosly. Bowser frowned. "Morton, I have to talk to you alone." Morton glanced at Iggy nervously. Something was definately up. But Bowser didn't have time to find out secrets. He had to tell Morton of his secret plan. "Follow me." Bowser walked with Morton into a secret room behind a wall. Bowser knocked on the wall, and the wall opened up. "Wow!" Gasped Morton.

12:09 AM (Yes, earlier)
Peach ran out of the door. She quickly turned to see if they're were any Troopa guards or worse... Koopalings. Nope. Peach quickly got into the shadows. She knew Mario was dead, so she was going to try to slay Bowser herself. It would be difficult, but she knew she could- she came close on Vibe island (Super Princess Peach). Constantly looking in the shadows, she came to THE hallway.    Basic Map of the K Hallway: 

                         __|  |__
                  Balcony__    __ Bowser's room
                           |  |__
                           |  __  Lounge
                          _|  |__
               Dungeons   __  __ Kammy's room
                           |  |
                           |  |
                      _____   __
           Weaponry   _____   ___Ludwig's room
                           |  |
                           |  |
                           |  |____________
                           |   SHADOWS     |___
                                       |    ____THE KEEP
                                  To Koopaling hallway

Her plan was to sneak into the weponry room, and get a nice big... something. The plan was not really thought over. She would then sneak over to Bowser's room and attack him. If she ran into any body, she would have to attack them. Thoughts of it going wrong, such as running into Ludwig, or Lemmy. She had seen his Ice Beamer. She shuddered. Where did he keep it? She was already in the shadows, now it was time to get into the weaponry. She looked around. No one. She quickly ran/rolled to the door. She grabbed the handel and twisted. It was locked! She quickly thought up a back-up plan. She would escape the castle, and find Luigi to help her. She would have to go down the stairs. She quickly ran for the stairs. She was running so fast, she couldn't stop when she reached the stairs. "AHHH!" Peach went tumbleing down the stairs.

1:20 PM
Bowser smiled. Even if Morton was a talkative moron, he could still make his old man proud. Morton had immediatly agreed to the plan, and preparations were already on the way. He walked into the K hallway. He was going to the field to prepare the sand minions for the TSM(Top Secret Misson). As he got to the bottom of the stairs, a ghastly sight met his eyes. Peachs crumpled body was at the bottom of the stairs.

4:37 PM
Everything was ready. It had only taken 4 hours and 7 minutes to capture and inform virtually the main body of the Mushroom Kingdom. Some had escaped, to Sub-con, and other remote places, but the main goal had been acheived. Already, a large crowd of 2983 (It had been counted)citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom was gathered around a podium. On the podium was Toadsworth, Ludwig, and Krooth. "Welcome, pitiful ex-members of the Mushroom Kingdom!" Announced Ludwig. Somewhere in the crowd, a Toad-lady burst into tears. "You are gathered here to see your pitiful Second-in-command Toadsworth slaughtered by Krooth, in honor of the fast take over, it will be a fast killer!" Krooth made a hideous laugh. "We are now ready to begin!" Said Ludwig. "Krooth,slice him in half when I get to 3. 1,("Please, Luigi save the world, even if I am to die")2,(Luigi, I trust you...please!")3!(Master Mario! Is that you?)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 11:53:03 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 11:58:50 AM »

9:37 PM
"Ughhh..." The first thing Peach saw was Bowser's face- Bowser's hideous face. Peach groaned. "Good work doctor. You may be getting a promotion." A Shy Guy doctor to the side showed no emotion, but was actully brimming with anticipation. "What..." Asked Peach wearily. "When you fell down those stairs princess, I managed to get you here just in time. Unfourtunately for you, it looks like you will get to enjoy the rest of your life in a wheelchair." Peach looked mortified. Now it would be nearly impossible to escape-no, it wasimpossible. "Now, thanks to your little accident, it will be even easier to extract your STAR D.N.A.." Peach's face turned chalk white. Peach turned to a clock nearby. 9:46 PM? It didn't really matter. The last time she had known the time was when she was in her own castle, a few weeks ago. "Goodbye Princess, see you tomorrow." Bowser left the room.

10:04 PM
Roy was such a jerk! But now, in 4 short hours, his(Lemmy's)new, amazing invention was complete. If Roy was in sight, hearing, or even smell range, the new updated version of the Ice Beamer would immediatly send a Ice Blast at Roy(extra cold too!). Maybe he would even throw Roy in the freezer and keep him frozen for a while. He just needed to finish the invention. Meanwhile, Wendy planned her revenge on Roy too. Perhaps strangle him with a few Candy Rings? It would only take her 4 short hours! (Short Candy rings are hard to make. What? Well you've never tried to make candy!)

The Toads were all huddled in what used to be Princess Peach's Castle. The Castle was used as a dungeon for the Toads, and the MK Koopas, and ShyGuys etc. It was bustling. If the castle got too full, a couple citizens would be thrown into a painting, and then would be retrieved later. Some Toads died while inside the paintings. Others did suicide. The Alpha Team guarded all the entrances and exits inside the castle. This included windows. Ludwig slept in the airship with the higher ranking guards. Otherwise, the airship was completely off-limits to other members of the Alpha team. Treble was right next to the door leading outside from the castle, near the Koopatrol guards. Ludwig could not sleep. This was too exciting! Ludwig had never really thought about how easy it would be to take over the Mushroom Kingdom without Mario. This realization made Ludwig hate Mario even more, even if Mario was dead. Ludwig started to figure his plans. The Toads would slave over food. His father would be coming to check on things in 2 days and 12 hours. He would have to make everything as neat as he could. Yes, more discipline for the Toads.

2:05 AM
Exactly 1 minute ago, as Lemmy had predicted, he finished his new Ice Beamer. Now it was time to get sweet revenge on Roy. The plan was simple- he would make a strange noise right outside Roy's room. When Roy came out to ivestigate, the ice would be instantly launched. He was already there. There were shadows on both sides of Roy's door. Now it was time to make noise. Lemmy fired on ice blast at the floor. It made a "Chlliirnk" noise. But then another noise came into the air: "Clinkeyrink". Something else was making a noise on the other shadows. Both of the noises were louder then the makers expected, and it woke Bowser up. "What is going on-" Roys room was exactly across the hall from the door leading to the K hallway. (Roy is in the OA hallway)Bowser, expecting Roy to be the maker of the noise was heading straight towards Roy's room. Roy came out just as Bowser was next to the door. Suddenly, a extra cold ice blast and a extra tight ring came flying out of both sides of the darkness. Bowser, being in the way of Roy, got frozen. The ring stretched around his neck, which broke the ice, but was still strangling Bowser. Bowser ripped off the ring. The two koopalings looked out of the shadows, but they could not hide. "LEMMY! WENDY! TO THE DUNGEON!" Roared Bowser. Lemmy and Wendy both left the OA hallway, entering the K hallway. Bowser glanced at Roy. "What is going on with those two?" Asked Bowser, extremely annoyed. "Dunno, but I think you should keep them in the dungeon all the time." Replied Roy with a smirk. "Huh. Goodnight Roy." Muttered Bowser. Roy's plan was already working.

                           END OF BOOK 1

« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2007, 03:06:05 PM »

1:27 PM
"How do you like it?" Asked Bowser. Peach's wheelchair had already been crafted by fast working Shy Guys. Peach didn't reply. "Hmmf. You can use the M.T.S.(Mario tactics squad) field to get used to your chair." Peach continued to glare at Bowser. Her sadness had long ago turned to anger, and the last 16 hours she had spent trying to figure a plan to escape from the castle had gotten almost nowhere. But where was Luigi? Was he killed too? Had she not been told? If she could just find Luigi... She might as well get used to the chair. By the time she was done thinking, Bowser had already left. She wheeled around the field a few times. Good thing it was technically better then old wheelchairs-just squueze the handle to go, and let go to stop, she would not be able to use her arms to use it. Another handle was used to direct the chair. By the time she was used to it, she thought of escaping the castle then- until she noticed Patrol Troopas walking around the field. She went over to a Patrol Koopa. "I'm ready to leave." She said. "Not until King Bowser returns." Said the Koopa back, robotically. With a sigh, Peach continued to practice her chair.

1:40 PM
The TSM was nearly ready. The explanations of the misson had been gone over several times, and the Sand Squad was prepared.  The team could have already left, but Bowser ordered that the Squad leave at 2:00 PM. 10 minutes passed. 5 minutes until they left. Bowser appeareard, to give instructions again."Remember minions,the main plan:1. Invade Sarasaland
                                                   2. Invade Daisy's castle
                                                   3. Capture Daisy, and
                                                      hold her hostage for
                                                      10000000000 coins.
                                                   4. Kill her anyway.
                                                   5. Enslave the citizens.
              "Got it?" "YES SIR". The squad was now ready to leave. Morton was the captain, and he took sand minions too-all for the fact it was Sarasaland. Before long, the airships departed, filled with enslavers.

3:00 PM
Lemmy and Wendy sat in the dungeon, angry and tired. The guard had poked them with a spear every time they tried to fall asleep. Every once in a while, Roy would come and throw a few rocks at them. When Roy was not around though, they plotted, some plan to attack Roy, get revenge. "How long is Bowser keeping us in here?" Whined Wendy. "It's already been..." Using his caculated mind Lemmy figured a extremely close estimate. "About... 19 hours?" "Has he forgotten about us?" Asked Wendy, who was starting to get hungry. "Probably, so excited that Mario kicked the bucket." He said angrily. Then he thought of something he had not thought of before. What if they gave Mario a 1-up Mushroom? Set Mario on Roy as payment for ressurcting him. No. Mario's body was gone. It probably already disenigrated. There would be no mouth anymore. The thought gave him creeped out. "OW!" The guard thought he was asleep.

6:00 PM
It was dinner for all the Alpha team. Food, harvested by the Toad's were brought to them. The Toad's would have to wait another 4 hours for scraps. They ate in front of the Toad's on purpose. The Toads all stared at them anxiously. Treble, being a traitor, but still a Toad got his scraps now. That was the only diffrence from the others. One of the Lakitu's threw a bone in the air. The Toad's punched each other for the meatless bone. One of them grabbed it, and the others pounced on him. Screams erupted from the pile. A few of the Koopas laughed. A much more insane Toad, Trad laughed too. Ludwig looked upon the Toads disturbed. They were already crazy, wild. What if they became dangerously wild? That was something Ludwig didn't want to think about-but he was worried he would have to worry soon.

9:00 PM
The Airships landed. Sarasaland was much farther away from the Koopa Kingdom then the Mushroom Kingdom. They landed on the desert. The Koopas got out. They would not have to worry about fights until they made it to Princess Daisy's castle. Being less stratagetic then Ludwig, Morton simply made up a giant team that would all fight. Far away, Princess Daisy's castle could be seen. In 2 hours they would reach the large castle. "Come on! Walk!" Another sign of weaker leadership, the group did not march. They just walked. Suddenly, the group ran into a koopa- that was not a koopa. There was something diffrent about it... a Magikoopa immediatly killed it. A little ball was left behind. A Buzzy Bettle crawled over to investigate the strange ball. The ball exploded, killing the Buzzy Beetle, even with his hard shell. A Magikoopa gasped. "Come on! King Dad made it clear WE DONT STOP!" Yelled Morton. The army walked over the remains of the buzzy beetle. A Magikoopa stopped. So did a goomba. Then Morton himself. They were all looking up at tower that had not been seen before from when they came out of the airship. The tower was tied with/covered with bodies, things that had died years ago, so you could not tell what they used to be. But some looked like the bodies of Koopas. "Maybe Ludwig shoulda had this misson."

« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 07:31:29 PM »
It's a pretty good story so far. I'm excited. :)
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2007, 03:20:42 PM »

9:20 PM
The walking continued. The troop was having a hard time ignoring the mysterious tower. After they had gotten closer, the hugeness was sticking out. In fact, the top of the tower could not even be seen. The tower across, was at least 50 feet. After a while, the troop was past the tower- only for another one to appear up ahead. Instead of being shocked, Morton instead got angry, and walked faster, telling the squad to hurry up. "Should'nt we investigate these towers Captain Morton?" Asked Gerreg, a goomba that was second-in-command. Morton didn't reply back. The towers continued to appear out of nowhere, but they were not the same one- they seemed to have patterns, each one had a diffrent pattern of bodys. After another hour and a half, they were finally near Daisy's castle. It looked ominous- badly cared for and full of the feeling of darkness. "Well..." Morton did not know what to say. The castle could not be seen to have a door. "...Someone find a door!". The searching began. The castle was even bigger than Peach's castle so the searching took 50 minutes. Finally a Red Paratroopa reported back. "Sir! There's a door on the North side!" Morton moaned. 30 minutes of walking ensued.

10:42 PM
Peach was in the Keep again. She was expected not to escape again. The door had been locked this time. Peach was still awake though. She could'nt fall asleep. What would happen when she lost her star power? Would she die? Would she become a normal princess? Probably the latter. Bowser would probably kill her afterwards. In all her thinking, a small thought crept up. Mario had once told her about how one time after Bowser had captured her, he had entered Bowser's castle through the keep. Yes, she remembered the day that had happened. Mario was fighting Bowser, and he jumped on the kinklink to drop Bowser(Super Mario RPG)...Mario. Tears almost came into her eyes, but there was no time to cry. Maybe Luigi would rescue her. But why was it taking so long? The Keep! She could not forget. She wheeled(From now on, I will just say "going over to it".)over to the far corner of the back of the Keep. Something sticking out of the gold coins next to the wall caught her eye. It was a chamber door! But the gold covered it almost completely. She could dig it out...and in her current state, she couldn't even try. Maybe she could. She used the wheels to move the coins back, going back and forth to move the coins. The process would take hours, and Peach might not even have that kind of time.

11:00 PM
A plan to get revenge on Roy was in motion. Already,plans on paper littered the floor of the dungeon (Wendy had found a rock on the floor and threatend to hit the guard if he didn't get them  paper and 2 pencils, as the guard was actully sensitive to rocks) and a basic plan had already been formed: Having a set of rings strangle Roy, then freeze him. The details were still unknown: How to do it in day without anyone noticing, doing it quietly enough for night. Lemmy suddenly came onto a brilliant plan. It would truly be a revenge on Roy. A revenge in the air.

11:50 PM
There it was! The door! Over excited, Morton ran right into it making a few extra unruly minions laugh. Angry, Morton flung open the door, and coughed. The smell of blood came from inside the castle. The smell of blood. Mortons face turned white. Inside was a castle sized foyer. After a few inspections, the smell of blood came from 4 doors inside the castle. 2 on the ground, and 2 on the second floor. That would be all of them. Morton immediatly decieded that Princess Daisy would be in the center door on the second floor. Cautiously, the door was opened. Indeed, there was Princess Daisy, on the other side sitting on a throne. Her face could not be seen, she was looking down. On the floor, dried, old blood was everywhere. Morton shuddered when he stepped on some dried, papery blood making a crunching sound. "No minions, she must be a fool." Thought Morton. "TROOP! ATTACK!" Yelled Morton. There was nothing really to attack, only Princess Daisy. Suddenly, guards came flying out of the corners, strange, japenese looking humans who seemed to jump more then walk. The guards grabbed the entire troop. Weapons did not work on the things. "Guards... strap the large one on the wall." Wheezed Princess Daisy. "Does that mean me?" Thought Morton. Next thing he knew, he was strapped on a wall nearby Daisy with his minions, who had been strapped up afterwards. "Hi, I'm Daisy." Said Daisy. A note that Morton didn't want to notice was Daisy's eyelids twitching. "Hi. I'm Daisy." She said again. Morton, expecting her to be extremely crazy made a desperate talk. "I'm only here to capture you." He said as sweetly as he could(and very nervously). "DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT CAPTURE." She screamed. "I KNOW ALL ABOUT CAPTURE. I KNOW ALL ABOUT ALIENS TOO. Aliens..." She continued dazedly. "Do you know all about aliens? I do. Ones with Purple bodys, and spaceships..." Daisy was obviously insane. "Hah. I rameembar. Hheee wass duhe tho noicest goi..." She was changing personalities. "BUT THEN HE PROMISED! HE SAID I WAS BIRTHDAY GIRL! HE SAID! HE SAID I GOT TO CHOOSE DINNER ON MY BIRTHDAY! "YES, HE DID, AND LOOK WHERE HE IS NOW!" She screamed, pointing at the rug. Morton knew where she was pointing, and he didn't want to re-observe the rug. He could hear some of his minions whimper of terror. Now Morton began to wonder what would happen to them. "And my mother... with orange hair... I gave her a special gift. She got to be strapped dead on the closest tower to my castle. THE ONE WHERE I PUT MY WORST ENEMYS!" She suddenly threw a knife, going right through the shell, hitting one of the Koopas excatly in the heart. "YOUR'E LUCKY!" She was screaming again. "YOU WON'T GET TORTURE,sssspppppeeeeecccciiiiaaaallll ttortureeeee like your friends." Drawled Daisy. "I wish King Dad was here!" Thought Morton.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 11:50:23 AM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2007, 02:42:19 PM »
NOTE: If someone could please tell me the names of those japenese hopping guys in World 4 of Super Mario Land, I would apreciate it.

And I worked liked a dog for this so you better like it! ;)


11:20 AM
Hours of going back and forth had affected Peach. Headaches and terror of Bowser suddenly coming in bored down on Peach. But Peach didn't know that Bowser was too busy getting ready for his coming to see how Ludwig was doing at Peach's castle. She had actully gotten somewhere. She only needed to move a few more times, and the gold coins would be out of the way. A few more times. A few more times happened, a short landside, and Peach was in a passage. She had done it! Now was the time too escape! Grasping the lever as hard as she could she went further into the hopeful passage.

11:21 AM
Ready, nearly ready. Bowser had decided to check on Ludwig 30 minutes earlier then he expected Bowser to show up-a test. "Sir, the airships are ready earlier then expected- you could leave earlier." Reported Kammy. "No, we leave at 12:30. I am going to see Peach." Replied Bowser. Kammy left the room out the window, and Bowser went into the hallway. He went to the Keep and unlocked it. Looking to the side towards the OA hallway for no particular reason. Iggy was coming through the door, holding a strange blueprint that had a picture of the castle on it. Iggy noticed Bowser and sped up. "Hmmf. Keeping secrets from his own father. I'll find out sometime." He opened the Keep door. "WH-" But he realized he needed to be quiet. He knew Peach had gone through the back entrance/exit, and he didn't want her to hear him and speed up. He would be the one to speed up. He ran toward the hole, and fell through. Peach had already gone-aways. He couldn't see her, even if the passage was light. He sped up. He could run surprisnly fast for how large he was. The farther door was opened. "ARRRGH!" Bowser could not help roaring this time.

11:40 AM
Morton woke up. His head ached. His legs were bleeding, a bone in his arm had been disconnected, and he could taste poison in his mouth- not strong, but it hurt terribly. He didn't remember much. He remembered Daisy laughing. Speaking of something that hurt mentally, some tortures or something. She said something about someone by the name of "Tatanga" and she would not stop saying purple. He couldn't stop thinking about the color purple. Or the color red. Red and Purple. What did it all mean. He didn't know where his injuries were from, but he remembered the strange minions of Daisy. Then he wondered where he was. He opened his eyes. He was in a dungeon of some kind. All around, his minions were tied onto a wall. Some were bleeding. Some were breathing, but were still asleep. Some were alive and awake, one was even crying. He noticed 4 were dead. The tortures were too much for them. And on the floor, the blood of ages was there.  ...including new blood. He saw one of his minions saying something. Why couldn't he hear them? He stuck a finger in his ear. Blood came out, and he could hear. He was not saying anything. He was screaming. What now? He could only hope...

Bowser burst outside his castle. AND HE SAW PEACH! "Peach. You've been a very naughty girl." Said Bowser, cruelly. Peach screamed, and tryed to wheel away, but then the lava canyon approached. "No..." She said. "Yes." He said. She turned around. She wouldn't take it anymore. "I'd rather die then live to see you rule Bowser." She said it quietly. She backed up. Right over the lava canyon. "NO!!!!!!!" Roared Bowser angrily. He ran to the cliff side. He couldn't see her anymore. She was gone. "I don't need her anymore anyway." Thought Bowser turning around, heading back to the passage. "I already killed Mario." He came to the front of the keep. He climbed up, and got out of the Keep. But he was officaly in a bad mood. Kammy appeared. "Sir! Where have you been? Everyones been waitin-" "Shut up Kammy." Kammy was used to this kind of treatment so she did not mind. Normally, it was usually even worse. It was already 11:56. It took at least 10 minutes to make it to Peach's castle. "Bloody Plumber!" He was still used to the old phrase.

Luigi huddled in the cold cave. He was north of the Peach's castle-the Novark Mountians. He was very surprised that no search parties had come after him yet. He looked out at Peach's Castle. He was scared to go back. Mario was definetly dead. There was no way Bowser would be able to take over Peach's Castle with Mario around(Luigi had never been told of the Super Mario 64 incident in case he got angry of not being there).  He didn't want to make fire in case the Koopa's saw it. It was very boring. But Luigi didn't want to go. He was between a rock and a hard place.

12:00 Noon
"HELLO?" Yelled Wendy. The guard had left awhile ago, and it had been at least 40 hours since they had been sent. Wendy, desperatly hungry had eaten insects. It was horribly disgusting. Lemmy looked around one last time. "Wendy! Now that the guard is gone, I can use this!" From behind a rock, Lemmy had hidden a invention- a ruster. "You had that the whole time?" Whined Wendy. "We could have escaped 2 hours ago." "I know, but I had to make sure the guard was really gone." He rusted the bars, and they broke. "Come on!" He said. They went upstairs. The hall was empty. Iggy walked past them, looking worried, clutching some blueprints. "Weirdo." Muttered Wendy, who ran past Iggy. She went through the OA hallway, and went into the next hallway-the OB hallway. She ran into the kitchen, and stuffed herself. Lemmy ran quietly after her, being more cautious incase Bowser was nearby. He saw Iggy go into Mortons room. That was odd. No one was ever interested in Morton, or his room. Making sure no one was nearby, Lemmy flung himself into the kitchen, proceeding to eat. He had gotten in just in time. Just as he got in the kitchen, Roy came out of the P hallway, presumbly from the work-out room.

12:59 AM
CRASH! Bowser's angry orders and constant roaring had distracted the pilot, who crashed the airship. No one was hurt except for the pilot, who had a small arm scrape. Ludwig had been standing in the field waiting for him for 59 minutes. "Bad air today King Dad?" "Shut up Ludwig." Replied Bowser feeling a little sick. It was true. The storms had been horrible, and the ship had gone off course a couple of times. "So Ludwig, are you ready?" Said Bowser, trying to lighten up. "Yes Dad." He said, without emotion. "Huh. Let's see." It did seem as if everything was well. The citizens were all working, making food, some cutting rock for jewels. The paintings were all thier. Some explorers were sent to tame beasts inside the paintings, and Krooth had killed some "Koopa T. Quick" after KTQ had lost in a race ("If you cannot run faster then I, then you lose your honor and your life."). "Is everything fine King Dad?" Asked Ludwig. "Yeah, sure." Said Bowser, leaving the castle. "I need to contact Morton..." Said Bowser to himself, grabbing a phone kind of thing called a Kall and chose Mortons name off the list. No replies. None. He tried again. None. This was strange. He told Morton he would be calling. He was going to try one more time. If no one replied he was going to Sarasaland. One beep. One more beep. One more beep, and Bowser was going. Waiting for one more beep...
« Last Edit: August 28, 2007, 04:35:11 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 05:10:32 PM »
Never mind on the Super Mario Land question. I found out the name: Pionpi. Next part's tomorrow.

« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2007, 09:07:44 PM »

If you want to learn more about Pionpis, go to the Super Mario Wiki. And... THE TALE OF DAISY REVEALED! Oh, and all you mods ready to cancel this for being too bloody: this is the final part in Daisy's castle.


1:05 PM
Pionpi's dashed back and forth, preparing horrors for the troop. They had been taken down, and were now in a chamber filled with the color purple, but still, some red could be seen in corners. Eventully, Daisy came in, and the pionpi's stopped working. She came near the troop, doing her insane smile, it seemed to be a specialty of hers. "Hee hee. What are you doing? Who are you?" She asked. "TO THE SKINNING ROOM! Allofthemexceptfor the BIG one." Daisy's slurred voice and strange hand signals made the situation even more terrifying. "The big one goes to the sight room." She said. "What?" Said Morton, even more scared. The rest of the troop went yelling, and trying to fight, but the pionpis were strong. Morton was forced into the Sight room. Inside was a Pionpi on a stool, and a movie screen. The door shut. "Sit down." Said the Pionpi. "You things...can talk?" Said Morton rudely. "Yes. We can." The pionpi said. Morton sat down, ready for more terror. "I'm not like the other pionpis." He said. "My name is Biokinton. I was named after one of the lieutenants of an evil. A evil named Tatanga." The air seemed to get colder. "6 years ago, Tatanga attacked. He came from space, and he was the color purple. His spaceship, Pagosu, he used to threaten Daisy, he showed her his power. He killed many of her people, and he tied them to a tower. She was terrified. He imprisoned her. He sent out his lieutenants, they killed more people then nesecarry. Tatanga, realizing more to show his power, strapped the dead on the tower. A symbol of terror. And then Mario came. He fought through the four kingdoms, all the way to the Chai Kingdom. He confronted Tatanga, and they fought in the sky. It was a great battle. Tatanga had tied Daisy to the top of the tower of bodies, and she watched the fight. They flew for miles, sending missile after missile. Tatanga ship was steaming. But he would not give up. Tatanga used a button he had not tried on his Pagosu. It was dangerous. Using the button, Daisy came out of nowhere, and was strapped to the front of the Pagosu, but it was too late. Mario had already fired a missile." Morton interrupted. "But-t, I've played Super Mario Land, that re-creation of the event. Part of history class." Biokinton looked at him slyly. "That re-creation was softened up. Mario told the Mushroom Kingdom lies. He didn't want them to know the truth. Anyway, he barely missed Daisy, but the side of her face was awashed in flame, and the Pagosu was going down, with Daisy still strapped to the side. Mario went side-by-side with the plane, trying to catch Daisy. He just barely did. But Daisy watched Tatanga go down. Tatanga said something at that moment. Something only Daisy could hear. Mario was not looking at Tatanga. Daisy heard something that twisted her mind. It curled up her mind. Mario landed back at her castle, and let her off. She pretended everything was fine. She came to some parties Mario invited her to. Some sports as well. Then she stopped coming. Mario sent word, but there were no responses. Daisy had rememebered what Tatanga had said in a dream. She instantly went insane. More towers were built. Anyone that came to the castle was slaughtered, and put onto the new towers. Daisy's mother came to visit, find out why her daughter was so quiet." Biokinton shuddered. "I heard her tell you what she did to her mother. I'll spare you the details." Morton looked horrified. "Her father was already dead, but she dug up his grave, and made a rug out of him. Things got worse. She re-made the castle room as torture chambers. She would'nt let things just die now. She had to torture them. That is my story." Finished Biokinton. "So now your going to do something to me?" Asked Morton. "No. You must escape. I told you all this beacause I feel you are special. Ut is too late for your minions. They have already been skinned." Morton shuddered. "Come on." Said Biokinton, pointing to a door.

1:40 PM
The plan was set, and in motion. Wendy looked outside the kitchen. The hall was empty. Good, a airship was located just outside the A hallway, which was next to the P hallway which was next to the OB hallway (which they were in). First they had to freeze Roy. But where would he be? They ventured into the OB hallway. The Dungeon Door was opened. Wendy and Lemmy froze. Was Bowser checking on them? Roy suddenly came out, looking angry. "FREEZE!" Yelled Lemmy, pulling the trigger of the 3rd version of the Ice Beamer. Roy almost dodged it, but he was soon a frozen block of ice. "Quickly Lemmy!" Cried Wendy. Lemmy had added a new power to the Ice Beamer-it could transport blocks of ice through the air. "To the airship!" Cried Lemmy. They quickly got into the airship, and let the block of ice containing Roy down. Wendy quickly got to the controls(it was her airship) and configured the ship to fly. They were soon in the air, and were flying over the Klonet ocean, mysteriously named. "This is it!" Said Wendy, extremely excited. Roy and the block of ice were transported to a heater. He quickly thawed. Wendy sent 3 extra-tight rings at Roy. Lemmy then fired ice again at Roy, freezing him while being strangled. Wendy and Lemmy looked at each other. "Why didn't we do that back at the castle?" They both asked at the same time. Now, Lemmy transported the ice again. Wendy opened a door. Below the airship, the ocean loomed. Lemmy transported the ice block with Roy out the door and over the ocean. Wendy stopped the airship and it hovered 10,000 feet over the ocean. "See ya at the bottom of the ocean Roy!" Laughed Lemmy. He stopped the power. Roy, still in ice went flying 10,000 feet, plunging into the ocean, sinking into the ocean. "Do ya think it's deep enough?" Questioned Lemmy to Wendy. "Only 20 miles!" Laughed Wendy back. It was true. Sonar tests confirmed it being at least20 miles deep. The sonars would not go deep enough to reach the bottom. Wendy started up the doomship, and they went back to the castle.

1:50 PM
Bowser had left Ludwig's Castle(Peach's castle was officaly dumped) 10 minutes ago. Ludwig went back to his castle, and walked back in. It smelled like Toad, but Ludwig used the secret slide room as his offical room. He climbed into the painting and slid to the bottom, where a desk was waiting. "Ah, desk sweet desk." Laughed Ludwig, pronouncing a drink to himself, and enjoying the moment. Suddenly, Treble came sliding in. He had been officaly pronounced messanger, and he was proud of it. He ran to the desk. "Luh-Ludwig sir! There's a major problem outside!" Ludwig sat up, angry that something was ruining his enjoyment. "What is this problem?" Asked Ludwig concerned. "Uh, it's better you go outside and see yourself!" Ludwig groaned, and teleported outsided with Treble. "What in the name of-"

8:45 PM
CRASH! "BLOODY PLUMBER!" Screeched Bowser. The abused airship had crashed again, due to the factors from before. Bowser stumbled out. Kammy wobbled out, feeling a little woozy. Fortunately for them, they were right outside the door of Daisy's Castle. "Sir! The pilot died sir!" Said Kammy, still pleased to give Bowser news. "ARGGH! I DON'T NEED ANYMORE BAD NEWS!" Roared Bowser, insanely annoyed. Now it was time to figure out what the heck was going on inside Daisy's castle. He blew fire on the door. It exploded, the blood flammable. The stench of blood came flying at Bowser, nearly knocking Bowser backwards. Kammy began to feel as if she would barf. "HACK,HACK. Come on troop! Forward!" Ordered Bowser at his little troop he had brought along for the investigation. The walked in, the scene disturbed them. On the floor, the dead skinned victims lay in a heap, ready for strapping. Bowser gasped. The troop gasped, and some swore. Daisy appeared. "Hello. I'm Daisy." She said politely. "GET HER!" Roared Bowser pointing at Daisy. The pionpis came flying out, grabbing the troop, 5 went for Bowser, and he blew fire too late. They strapped him on the wall, facing Daisy. Morton was chained nearby her. He had been caught. Biokinton was on the pile of dead bodys. "Morton!" Roared Bowser. Daisy walked up to Bowser. "Hello, fat turtle. If you want your son from a painful and disturbing death, you must promise to never attack my kingdom." Morton gasped. She had actully spoken un-insanely! Not for long... "PRETTY PWEASE?" She screeched in Bowser's face, which was chained up so Bowser couldn't breathe fire. "Fwieine." Muffled Bowser. "PIONPIS!" Daisy screeched. "TAKE THEM OUTSIDE." In one of the most amazing moments in Bowser and Mortons life, they suddenly found themselves outside in less then a second. Morton, tired, suddenly realized something. "The guards you brought with you-" The sounds of screams erupted from the castle. Bowser and Morton ran to the airship. "Let's get out of here." Said Morton quickly. As they got into the ship, Daisy came running out. She started digging, the airship started up. In extreme quickness, Daisy un-earthed a spaceship. The Pagosu. With Tatanga's withering corpse still inside. Beacause he was an alien, he did not seem to rot. Daisy got inside. She started up the Pagosu, Tatanga by her side. The airship started speeding away, but the Pagosu was chasing them, firing missiles. "DAD! DAISY'S AFTER U-" "I know son. Fire ammo at her!" Morton quickly went to the firing panel and started firing bullets. But the Pagosu was fast, and small, and it dodged the missiles. The Pagosu started firing missiles again. A few hit the airship, and things started exploding. In the last hope, Morton fired a giant emergency bomb. "Morton! Our emergency bomb!" Roared Bowser. "I know Dad, but I had no choice." The bomb hit Daisy and the Pagosu. It exploded, and Daisy dissapeard forever. The ship, still careening out of control, Treble appeared on a message screen. "What..." Said Bowser. "Sir Bowser! There's a extreme emergency at Pe- I mean Ludwig's Castle!" "Huh?" Said Bowser. Treble stared at Bowser. "It's better you go and see yourself."

                            END OF BOOK 2

        NOTICE: I will be gone on a trip tomorrow so there will be no updates tomorrow. But I hope this extra long part satisfied you. Comments and chat about the story is warmly welcome. Thank you for reading, and maybe commenting!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 09:11:11 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2007, 06:58:43 PM »
I can see your faces: o_0 or 0_0 or @_@. Point is, I lived up to my ancient promise. Perhaps this was not dead. After considering, I'm going back to my 2# Mario Fanfiction. I don't know about Paper Bowser, but right now, I want to write a serious story. Not some disjointed chapter book. Here we go, even though little has been said about this, I still feel obliged to go on. Here we go again. This is rather short beacause I have forgotten most of my plans for the story, but soon, I'll have em' again. This is just a little gurantee that I will start again sometime.


9:58 PM
"It's simple. With Mario gone, their are no more orders. We have time to break him down. Send him to his knees. He can't win this time. Even if he is our father."
"But-but...if we fail..."
"He won't kill us. He'll send us to the dungeon-"
"FOREVER! That's a fate worse then death."
"It doesn't matter. We have to try anyway. This is what Dad did to his father. Except...he poisoned his drink. We are being much more fantastic. It'll prove our deservation of the project."
"Don't stutter like that! You're a master at sneaking around. ...And cheating. Heh heh."
"Shut the heck up. I hate that **** nickname. It's goomb."
"Don't get angry. ...We haven't even began yet."

10:00 PM
Wendy steered the doomship to the dock. The dark night air chilled. Wendy could only imagine, but somewhere, Roy was at the bottom of the ocean. Where things lurked. Things. Should they have done what they had done? Was it right? No, it wasn't, but all the tortures of Roy weren't right either. Wendy hurried to her bedroom as fast as she could. She ignored Lemmy as he fell out. She ignored everything. Passing by Iggy's room, the usual strange whispering was happening. "" Iggy was such a freak. Always plotting something bad. She locked the door to her room. She wrote another entry to her diary. Dear future self... She hated writing in the diary, but something always made her write in it. Something in the back of her mind. CRASH! Out at the dock. It was Bowser.
