
Author Topic: Paper Bowser  (Read 11188 times)

« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2007, 08:52:54 PM »
UPDATES: This is the SUPER Post. I have finished planning the bosses and the Chapter theme.  That's all. EDIT: Oh yeah! Page 2!

MAIL: 'sob' ...

                                                                                    "Traka? Are you stupid?" Asked Bowser. The Toad seemed to be pretending he hadn't noticed the pit they had walked into. Traka shot back at him. "Are you stupid? You didn't notice either." Bowser looked angry. And then he had a plan. "Traka... stay there. Don't move at all." Traka looked oddly at him. "Wh- AHHH!" Bowser had jumped on Traka. But Traka actully had a well built body. Bowser stayed strong. "Hey- you actully don't have a very heavy body." Said Traka. Bowser jumped again- and climbed back onto normal ground again. "HEY! What about me?" Said Traka. Bowser reached down and grabbed Traka. Flawless. Traka looked thoughtfully. "That-...that was a smart plan. I didn't really think about it. I was going to run once we met Doc-" There was a akward silence. Bowser looked with a face of "I knew it." Traka glanced at the ground. "Well... when you really see the woods, the inside of the woods, I suppose you start believing things." The woods were dark. Suddenly, Bowser swore he heard the sound of a drum banging somewhere forward. "I,... I really want to help you." Bowser wanted to burst out laughing. This toad would never have even touched Bowser with a 90 foot pole if he knew what Bowser's plans of conquest orginally were. "I seriously want to join you- whereever your bound."

                                                                 Traka has joined the party!

                                                                                    If you ever need just a little more height to jump to that platform, Traka's who you'll need! Just jump on Traka wherever you are for a short burst of height. Traka is also a valuable battle member. Traka can bash, even more powerfull then your previous partners powers. He can even help Bowser extra with a Combination move. A combination move is when both fighters combine actions to make a superb attack. Traka can combine with Bowser for Ground Pound.

                                                                                         "Then let's get going!" Said Bowser. Clubbas came flying into the area suddenly, with a large Clubba, obviously thier leader. "HoW dArE yOu TrEsPaSs?" Said the large Clubba in a solmen voice. Bowser looked annoyed. "Well, your stupid club members or whatever invited us to rescue our friend." The Clubbas eyes narrowed. It's voice became normal. "Stupid? Club members? We have no idea what you are speaking of." Bowser laughed. The Clubba got more angry. "How about those Clubbas on Horses?" Said Bowser. The Clubba looked alarmed. "Those are not us. Those are the Piki tribe that live in the Crack Temple. Worship some figure known as 12." The concept suddenly hit Bowser. 12. When the Piki were speaking, they called the Pentagon shaped head 5. 5 si-. "Grr. We have no time for trespassers." Said the Clubba. "If you are looking for the Piki, they are very strong. You must try your strength on me first. Besides, I must punish you for tresspasing. Let me introduce myself. I'm Klubbo of Klubbas."

                                                                         BOSS BATTLE: KLUBBO

                                                                                               Klubbo pulled an club out of nowhere and started wacking it on the ground. Bowser is using Ground Pound! Traka has moved next to Klubbo! Bowser performs Ground Pound! Ouch! 10 HP from Klubbo. Beacause of the combination, Traka can't attack! Klubbo attacked with Slam! Bowser lost 8 HP! Bowser has 7 HP left. Bowser Ground Pounded again! "Whuh-whuh? You, you can do so much damage..." Klubbo lost! Bowser is shocked! Lights flashing...

                                                                                LEVEL UP! BOWSERS HP UP 5. BOWSER LEARNS NEW MOVE: FIRE CLAW. TRAKA LEARNED MEDITATION.

                                                                                                 Bowser just stood there. Klubbo gasped. "You're that powerfull? Amazing. You should be able to beat the Piki easily." Clubbo stood up and laid on the ground. "You can pass." Bowser was still shocked by the easyness of the fight, but it was a good thing.

                                                                                                     3 hours later, it was nearly dark, and they were about to set up camp, when they stumbled across a massive temple, wedged inside a crack, the end of the canyon. "Crack Canyon." Gasped Traka. 2 Clubba guards came out, talking. They settled against a tree a few feet away. Close enough to hear. "Yeah, something that's called a Goomba. Somehow, Vastor knew." The other guard looked supcious. "Nah, I bet he just made up the name. Things probably called a Xasx wherever it came from." Somehow, the guards thought that was funny, and laughed. Bowser looked at Traka. It was confirmed. General Goomba was definately somewhere in there. Bowser knocked the guards out and he and Traka headed toward the opening from which the guards came from. They stumbled into a huge chamber. Down below, at least 65 clubbas were working on a giant machine, every once in a while, it would leak. From out of nowhere a voice rang. "HURRY! WORK HARDER! SOMEDAY HAPPINESS WILL COME IF YOU WORK HARDER!" Bowser tried to locate where the voice came from and noticed a passage way. It was coming from there. They turned the corner. A massive doorway stood, ancient looking, it was obvious no one had opened it for many years. No clubbas around. They quickly checked again, and then ran over to the door and shoved it open. Some Clubbas suddenly came by and noticed, but did not seem to care. The voice rang out again, definately coming from the direction they were walking. "WORK HARDER! SWEAT, CRY, BLEED, FINISH THE MACHINE!" Cried out the voice. They finally turned the corner, and came face-to-face with the voice master. A dochahedron, a 12 sided shape was what was thier, in a black aura, strangely terrifying. Bowser stepped up. "Are you 12?" The Dochahedron head answered slowly. "Yeeeeeessss..." Bowser looked nervous. "And your here for your Goomba friend aren't you?" Asked the Dochahedron. "Yes." Gritted Bowser. The Dochahedron head smiled. "All a lure. Perfect. I couldn't let you steal all the Eggplant Spirits back again could I?"* "What?" Said Bowser. "You're not looking for those are you? You're also looking for something else other then the Goomba aren't you?" Bowser didn't want the thing to get the picture. The Dochahedron smiled. "It dosen't really matter anyway, considering your demise."

                                                    BOSS BATTLE: DOCHAHEDRON HEAD.

                                                                                           Dochahedron head smiled. "This will be so much fun." Bowser clawed! Traka bashed! Overall, 16 HP! "Aww, is dat all baybee can do?" Tatunted Dochahedron head. Dochahedron head shot a bomb. It was baiscally like the battle with Rhombus Head, easy and simple. Dochahedron head was soon defeated.

                                                                                            "Ha ha! Klubbo was right! Everything would be easy! Now hand over General Goomba." Dochahedron head smiled. Hiding something. "No. Your obviously not like most travelers. I must reveal my true form." "What?" Choked Bowser. Suddenly, the other 2 heads appearead, Rhombus Head, and Pentagon Head. All 3 of them went flying into each other and combined- more complicated then a scientists Geomotry theroy, the heads wound themselves together making necks. Soon, 3 heads with necks, and the necks long, and trailing off the screen were thier. Traka gasped. "Your-your-" The heads laughed. "Yes fungus child. We are Dochatabus. Wasn't it obvious? (Docha)-hedron, Pen(ta)gon, and Rhom(bus). DOCHATABUS!" They all screamed at the same time. "Let us tell you a story before you die. 80 years ago, the 3 foolish Magikoopas came and did random spells. The spells alone killed 2 people. When the Toads told them to stop, the Magikoopas filled with angry feelings and created a monster on accident. We ate 2 of them. 1 escaped though. We soon traveled through the town terrorizing Toads. But, a smart Toad performed a hex. He sacrificed his own life just to keep us locked in the forest. We plotted of away to get out for 4 years. We came up with a reverse hex, but the caculations were slightly off. After 2 hours out of the forest, we would be foreced back in. We remember groups of foolish Toads who would come to try to kill us, but most of them were killed by the dumb Clubba tribes. Those who made it fought us, but never won. Only one Toad came close a fool Hister Wii. Scraped up from being in a trap pit. HAHA! We killed him though. It was easy work. Eventully, we split up to escape, but we could never enter the villiage. Dochahedron Head lured Clubbas into the temple he had created so they could make a weapon. The infinite water creator. It would drown the people in the villiage. Perfect. That's all there is. And I'm very VERY Hungry. I wonder if it was a good idea not to kill those Koopa bros...

                                                               CHAPTER BOSS BATTLE: DOCHATABUS                      Music: Bonechill Battle - Super Paper Mario

                                                                                                  Bowser clawed all 3 heads of Dochatabus! Dochatabus was slightly damaged! Traka bashed Dochatabus's 3 heads really hard! Dochatabus flinched mightly! Dochatabus casted a spell of pain! Bowser lost 4 HP! He has 16 left! Traka superply bashed Dochatabus 3. Dochatabus shriked loudly! Bowser jumped mightly on all 3 heads. Traka bashed again! Dochatabus head rammed Bowser! Bowser lost 9 Hp. He has 7 Hp left! Traka bashed again! Dochatabus tried to breathe fire but failed! Bowser jumped on all 3 heads! Dochatabus suddenly screeched and came stamping forward at Bowser as if to ram- but he didn't! Dochatabus's huge body has been revealed!

                                                                    Round 2: Dochatabus w/body

                                                                                         Bowser jumped on the body. All 3 heads screamed. The body' s the key! Traka bashed the body! Dochatabus is paralyzed with pain! Bowser breathed fire on the body! Even more damage! Traka bashed the body!

                                                                                                Dochatabus fell to the ground, almost dead, just a few feet from deaths door. From doorway panels, General Goomba and the Koopa Bros came flying out. Bowser laughed, and pointed, and then realized something.  "Wait! Who do you work for? Who is the mysterious force? The beast's mouth started to open... and then closed, eyes glazed over. Thousands of pieces of knowledge and wit had been lost.

                                                                         END OF CHAPTER

                                                                                   And so, Bowser's first great part of his adventure is over. Bowser has found the Koopa Bros, his first set of guards, and has saved the Elubs villiage. But Bowser is still lost, and his quest has just barely began...

                                                                       TO BE CONTINUED...

                                                         *= For a teeny little bit more information about the Eggplant Spirits, read Episode 2 (AKA Story post 2).
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 11:56:33 AM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2007, 11:46:15 AM »
UPDATES: Due to someone printing out my story, just for precautions, I am Copyrighting this, you can find it at the bottom of the post. Oh yeah! ...And for everyone who feels that the previous chapter boss battle was too short, mostly the point of the boss was to explain the mysterius. And he was seriously easy.

MAIL: None...
                                                         MEANWHILE IN STILL MARIO'S CASTLE...

                                                                                      Peach was now hiding in a closet, the Koopatrol had dissapeared around a corner, and had dissapearead. Peach heard voices outside. "What? My peachy has escaped?" It was obviously Mario. "Yes sir. It appears so." Mario groaned. "And right before I kiss her." Peach tried to stifle her gag, but it still came out. "What-a was that noise?" Asked Mario. "It came from inside that closet sir." Said the unidentified voice. "Good job Hanc." The handle started to turn. Peach gasped, and fell back against the wall, knocking her crown to the floor. The door opened, sending her falling. The door quickly came back. Mario came in. "I-a swear I heard a noise in here." Muttered Mario, looking around. Before he left, he tripped over Peach's crown. Mario looked at it closely. "Confetti?" He didn't really like confetti so he got out quickly.

                                                                                              "Thanks for saving us." "Oh yeah!" "We really needed help!" "I like sausage!" The whole group was outside the forest, in the field between  Elubs villiage, and the dark forest. After Dochatabus had been killed, the stupid Clubbas didn't know what to do and left the factory. The group then destroyed the machine. Bowser, feeling impatient to get back to his and Peach's Castle, was in a rush. "Great. Now what do I get?" Asked Bowser. Bowser???* came rolling out of the forest, right up to Bowser. "What the-?" "It's our creation!" "Our masterpiece!" "Our style!" "Inspired by sausage!" Why were these fools his minions? General Goomba stepped up and anylyzed it. "It's a copy of you, and it smells like sausage's and Eggplants. It looks kind of ugly. But is it uglier then the real thing?" Bowser kicked Ggoomba out of the way. "That's all for now, and whats up with eggplants?" None of the minion's heard the word so they shrugged. Red stepped up. "In battle, you can hide behind this." Bowser glanced. "That's it?" Red nodded. "Well wait a second, how come I haven't been able to use Water Swap in battle?" At that moment, a Plot Hole Monster nearly ate Bowser. Okay, just forget those last 2 sentences. "Well, thanks I guess." Said Bowser. "...Wait a second? Where do I go now?" He continued. "You'll have to get back up." Replied Red. "Your new robot can give you a lift." "Totally fast." "Faster then fried sausage." "ENOUGH ABOUT SAUSAGE!"

                                                                                                  Eventully, (2 hours) the robot had gotten the Koopa Bros, and Bowser's party out of the canyon. Traka had already said goodbye, and the Piki's said goodbye by "accidantily" throwing sharp spears right next to Bowser's head. It felt to be out, but the robot dropped them out on the opposite side Bowser and Ggoomba had fallen in. Now they were in a desert. "Now where do I go?" Asked Bowser. Only Red looked back, as the Koopa Bros were already leaving. "Keep going Northeast until stopped by water." Then the Koopa Bros dissapeared. "Oh, I'm so thirsty." Complained Bowser. "Ohhh I'm so itchy." He said a few minuites later. General Goomba was prepared. "Ohhhh I'm so HUNGRY!"

                                                                  *= The robot you fight before fighting the Koopa Bros in Paper Mario.

                                                                               TO BE CONTINUED...

                        Some of the characters in Paper Bowser, the areas, and the plot are all copyrighted by Stokal. Everything else is copyrighted by Nintendo.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2007, 03:58:28 PM »
No responses, huh? Since my story was also stuck in the Void of No Responses until Chapter 2-2, I'll give you some mail.

It's turning out to be quite a good story so far. It's interesting how Bowser and Mario's roles have been switched. The Dochatabus boss battle was great as well, despite being too short.

However, I'm not particularly fond of the "*" system. If something needs more explanation, I think it should just be in the text, with parenthesees or something, instead of having to go to the bottom of the chapter. The way the story is written seems rather amaturish; not to insult your writing, but I think it could be written more formally.

Overall, it's a decent story, and I look forward to seeing what happens in Chapter 2.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2007, 01:55:09 PM »
UDATES: First mail... 'woo'. Also, next episode, I'll be introducing a new theme to the Boss battles that is for everyone who needs a little tune to imagine...


No responses, huh? Since my story was also stuck in the Void of No Responses until Chapter 2-2, I'll give you some mail.

It's turning out to be quite a good story so far. It's interesting how Bowser and Mario's roles have been switched. The Dochatabus boss battle was great as well, despite being too short.

However, I'm not particularly fond of the "*" system. If something needs more explanation, I think it should just be in the text, with parenthesees or something, instead of having to go to the bottom of the chapter. The way the story is written seems rather amaturish; not to insult your writing, but I think it could be written more formally.

Overall, it's a decent story, and I look forward to seeing what happens in Chapter 2.

Okay, no more *'s. I was afraid people were missing them... And about the formality, I wrote The Koopa Kronicles with some formality, but everything was kind of cold, so I changed it... I'll make it smoother.

                                                                        Story continued...

                                                                                        Everything turned out to be much smoother than expected. Bowser found some lemon fruits, and, having completely forgot the earlier incident, he ate them. They turned out to be okay, and after much arguing, the other 2 ate the some lemons. They made camp next to a oasis. The next morning was boring, there were some small fish in the oasis pond that tasted like shrimp, and the water was not Salt Water so it ended up being a drink. "I wish we had soda." Muttered Bowser while eating. It sounded like "Oih whash weef hath sotha." Traka smirked.

                                                                                          The desert was very uneventful, with a few Bandit encounters. The group didn't really have any valuables, so the Bandits would ususally sulk away. After about 5 bandit encounters, something appearead off in the distance. At first, it looked like a large cart being pulled by Super Mushrooms. Then the Super Mushrooms turned to goombas, and the cart become more clear. At the top end of the cart was a large bandit, surronded by gold coins all around him. In front of the large bandit was a Bob-omb, shouting at the goombas. The goombas were obviously slaves, pulling the cart with harnesses around there neck/heads. Concluded Bowser, feeling smarter then everyone else. "General! Who are they!" Roared Bowser.  "They... they look like the Banomb (Most likely pronunced "BAH-nomm.") troup. They are famous around these parts for selling fake antidotes to serious, uncured diseases. The antidote always ususally gave the victims even worse conditions. The diseases they sell antidotes for are mostly Karmanon-" Ggoomba was interrupted as the cart pulled up spraying dust all over the group. The Bandit immediatly started talking. "Amazing. Travelers in the middle of the Larkanly Desert? Amazing! Simply amazing! Do you have any amazing diseases? Perhaps the amazing Larkanly Disease? Or perhaps even more amazing-" "Shut up you fake!" Growled Bowser. The Bandit gave them a cold glare. "Perhaps these fools don't need my medicene. Perhaps the idoits in the canyon will buy plenty." The Bandit gave a classic Bandit grin, and started to move forward. "Stop you Broakanmask!" Called Traka angrily. Broakanmask is a very bad insult for a Bandit. The cart stopped, and turned around, the Bandit angry. "What? What did you just say? These are dangerous parts you little brat, and your death will be very unfourtunate, I'll advertise you. He didn't buy my products! I'll say." Bowser groaned. "Good job!" "I can't let them sell this to my town!" The bandit stayed in the cart, but the bob-omb and the goombas jumped forward. "Go team G.A.B.U.P.T.!"

                                                                                        TO BE CONTINUED...

« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2007, 02:22:39 PM »
UDATES: New feature to boss battles, imaginemusic.

Mail: None today.

                                                        BOSS BATTLE: TEAM G.A.B.U.P.T.     Music: Koopa Bros battle - Paper Mario

                                                                                 "How dare you diss our captain?" Growled one of the Goombas. "Yeah!" Shouted another one. Thier confidence was rising. The goombas gave a few insults, but the bob-omb remained quiet. Upon closer inspection, the Bob-omb had 2 scars running across his face. Bowser breathed fire! 3 of the goombas were boiled! 3 goombas left! Traka used a regular bash! Bowser yawned in boredom! The 3 goombas stacked on top of each other. The bob-omb exploded next to Bowser! Bowser has lost 4 HP! He has 16 left! Bowser uses his new move! Fire Claw! The Goomba stack was knocked over, right onto the Bob-omb, killing all the Goombas, and damaging the Bob-omb 6 HP. "Wait...wait...I...I Remember!" Gasped the Bob-omb. The Bandit, who was acting cool and keen the whole battle suddenly swore. "Why am I fighting you?" Questioned the Bob-omb.

                                                                                                    "You're not anymore." Replied Bowser. The Bob-omb turned around angrily. "And you! My memory...destroyed by you you pig!" The Bandit didn't reply. Instead, he started to escape the scene. The Bandit started running, and escaped. The bob-omb grimaced. "That's one more escaped evil into the world. Of course this junk can be destroyed. The Bob-omb set off ticking towards the cart full of medicines. Soon, all that was left was pieces of liquid and vitamins and cart pieces were flying all over. "Good." Said the Bob-omb, and that was that. The Bob-omb started to walk away, and then turned around as if he remembeard something. "We're in the middle of the desert, aren't we?" Said the Bob-omb thoughtfully. "I just can't walk out of here." The Bob-omb hadn't noticed that Bowser and Co. were already moving away. Wait...I could go with those fools. Pretend to be thier friends, as it looks like they'll let anybody join thier little troup. Then, when they meet up with master, I double-cross them. Sounds fun. The Bob-omb came running up to Bowser. "Wait! I've been lost out here for days, and Borquios hypnotised me to join him. And I want to go on a adventure. My name is Iron." This was so easy. Then again.. Please say yes, please say yes, please say- "Who's Borquios?" Asked Bowser. Iron nearly tripped (like in scenes in Paper Mario 2 where Mario trips). "Borquios is the Bandit." Said Iron through gritted teeth. What a moron! Oh well, he'll be easy to trick! "Sure, whatever. I always need someone else." Said Bowser.

                                                                              Iron has joined the party!

                                                                                                    Giant rock or cracked wall in the way? Iron will help! Use him to blow up rocks and easy stuff to uncover secret and nessceary things! He naturally blows up enemys in battle. His Combination move with Bowser is Air Bomb. Bowser will throw Iron in the air to double damage on ground enemys and hit Air enemys!

                                                                                                  "Let's get moving." Said Iron. He knew where his master wanted to meet him, but that was very far away. Oh well, things take time. A small patch of forest appearead in the distance. Everyone shouted for joy to be out of the horrible desert. The group went into the patch to find fruit, and instead found a small villiage. "Welcome to Patchf Villiage." Greeted a fuzzy. Fuzzys! But they were good fuzzys? That's what it appearead to be, as the fuzzys bounced around and sang songs, but didn't suck any blood. The visit was very short as Traka was found to have Furrangphobia, a fear of fuzzys. Coming out of the forest, they suddenly came straight to a steep cliff, overlooking a beach, and a ocean. The ocean Bowser washed up on. Bowser looked farther, beyond the ocean, but there was nothing. Just ocean.

                                          CHAPTER 2: LEGEND OF THE BOTTOMLESS WATERS

                                                                                            Meanwhile, at a far side of Clary's Beach stood a figure, observing the figures observing the landscape. A giant turtle thing, a brown lump, a Toad (He remembeard stealing gold from a Toad once), and a bob-omb. THE bob-omb. The one with those fake medicene sellers. Already, the figure hated the group intensely.

                                                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...

« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2007, 02:21:05 PM »
UPDATES: Imaginemusic. Crappy name. If you aren't familar with the music tunes I offer in the boss battles, you can listen to em' at Youtube. I guarantee every tune I use will be viewable at Youtube.


                                                                                          "Can we stop staring at the ocean?" Sighed Iron. "Be quiet. I might be able to spot the Mushroom Kingdom or something." "But we've been here for 20 minuites!" Gasped back Traka. "I mean, you can't even see the island we came from." Joined General Goomba. "Oh shut up. I was just figuring, if we could find the Mushroo-" "Look! A stairway!" Shouted Traka. True enough, a giant stairway framed in the side of the led down to the beach. Already, the group except Bowser were running down, ignoring Bowser's angry shouts. "Grrr...fine. You win this time..." He tripped (literary too.) down the stairs, yelling unprintable things on the way down. He almost landed on Ggoomba who was stuck in the sand at the bottom, but Ggoomba escaped just in time. Bowser stumbled up, continuing his array of colorful, creative words. "And the motto is, don't run on stone stairways." "Shut up." Too make Bowser's day even worse, he accidantily walked right into a wooden sign, knocking it down. Bowser was too tired and annoyed to say anything. "Hmm... Clary's cliff to the south, You are on Clary's beach, and Clarys hotel to the east. That's intresting." Summed up General Goomba. "Hmmhp, well, I'm supposed to be going east/north anyway. But who's Clary?" No one replied.

                                                                                                  10 minuites later, Bowser and Co. were right outside Clary's Hotel. Suddenly, Bowser thought of something strange. "Where's my robot?" Groaned Bowser looking around. It was true. Bowser??? had dissapearead completely, and nobody had noticed. "Well that's just great! I rescue the (insert your favorite swear word here) Koopa Bros, and I don't get anything for it!" "But they'll help you reach your castle." Reminded Ggoomba. Bowser's tiredness was getting too him. "Come on, let's rent a room." Said Bowser. "Do you have any money?" Said Iron. "Doh!" Yelled Bowser. "Don't worry, I brought a few coins." Rescued Traka. They went into the hotel, which was a damp and depressing place. Yet, it looked like it used to be famous and popular. "10 coins per room, 5 coins per extra night." Droned the registrater (I don't know the names). "I have 11 coins." Said Traka worridly. But everyone agreed that the money was worth it. They hurried up the stairs and into the room. "No!" Roared Bowser. The room was even more trashed then the Foyer. There was only 1 bed, and it would only fit Bowser and 1 other person. Trash littered the floor, and there were so much stains, it was impossible to tell what the original color of the room was. "I'm giving that dirtbag a piece of my mind!" Roared Bowser, crashing out of the room, his friends following him. When they got back down, the Toad wasn't there anymore. But 3 people were in the bar. The bartender, and 2 strangers. Bowser decided to ask them if they knew where he was. "Excuse me bartender, but I'm looking for the registrater?" Asked Bowser. A completely cloaked stranger near Bowser snickered. "I have no idea. I only know Clary." Said the Bartender. "Well tell me where Clary is." Said Bowser, anger rising. "Sorry, I don't tell information like that to suckers." The stranger snickered again. Bowser's anger was suddenly too high. "Who are you?" He growled to the stranger. "This isn't a good idea Bowser." Said Traka nervously. "Oh, I think it is." Said the cloaked stranger in a smooth voice. "Ha ha. I've been sent to kill you- or assinate you?" Said the stranger, a snicker still somewhere in his voice. "No your not. Now who are you?" Growled Bowser. "Me? Must you really know? Why, I'm...


                                             DR. M!

                                                                                                   (Cheesy music starts playing) "What the...?" Groaned Bowser. This was getting weird. "Come and get me!" He laughed, pulling off his hood, revealing a mouse face. Or was it a mask? Bowser swore he saw strings....

                                                                      BOSS BATTLE: DR. M                Music: Mr. L battle (either) - Super Paper Mario

                                                                                          Dr. M flipped backwards onto a chair- that was balencing on another chair, making him swing backwards and forwards. "Ha ha! I'm so magnificent!" Bowser jumped on Dr.M! Dr. M got 3 damage! Bowser threw Iron at Dr. M! Did 4 damage! Bowser won't be allowed to attack next turn! "Ha ha! I'm so marvelous!" Dr. M jumped onto Bowser's head, and flipped backwards into the air, flying back into balencing on the chairs. Bowser got 4 damage! Bowser has 16 HP left! Iron blew up next to Dr. M's chairs! Dr. M is sent flying! One chair is obliviated! Dr. M is now balencing on one chair! "Ha ha! I'm so mysterious!" Dr. M threw the chair at Bowser! Bowser lost 5 HP! He has 11 left! The chair came flying back at Dr. M and he flipped it landing back balencing it again. Bowser breathed fire onto the chair. It burned up! Iron blew up again next to Dr. M! "Ha ha! I'm so monotounus... wait!" Dr. M tried to jump on Bowser, but missed, he fell to the floor, dazed. "acck." He gagged.

                                                                                        Dr. M jumped up, obviously surprised by the sheer power of Bowser. "I'll be back, and I promise, I'll be more mesmorizing then EVER! Eua!" Dr. M ran out of the hotel, still somehow mangaing to look cool. A scracthy voice sounded behind Bowser. "I heard you were looking for me." Gasped the voice. Bowser turned around and gasped. (Yet again!)

                                                                                       TO BE CONTINUED...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 03:48:07 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2007, 01:39:31 PM »
UPDATES: (Nintendoobsessed comes into room and everyone throws tomatoes at him) Hey, Stop! Not in the eye! I'm really sorry. I had a giant history assignment over the weekends and yesterday I tried to update, but my computer crashed. Okay here's the after 4 days episode...

                                                                                              "What?" Said Bowser, extremely startled at the figure that had come into the bar. "Bowser? What are you doing here?" Said Gourmet Guy startled. "What?" Said Bowser again, still shocked. "Yes. I am Clary, which is actully my real name." Said Clary normally. Iron tried to shut off the conversation, but the strangeness of the fat Shy Guy having the name Clary, and owning a hotel was too disturbing. Bowser meanwhile, didn't know what to say. He decided to change the subject of the name Clary, but Clary responded faster. "That Dr. M guy has been disturbing my fine establishment for the past 3 days, says he's waiting. Looks like he was waiting for you." Bowser had ignored the conversation from the point "for the past 4 days". Wasn't he blasted out of the castle 4 days ago? "I think he's associated with those blasted pirates. Been attacking for years, like to call themselves "The New Brown Sugar Pirates. Whatever that means..." Bowser was completely ignoring Gourmet Guy now. He had found a red string. He started playing with the little string, curling it around his fingers... "You see, this whole feud started with a small incident. There was a scream...underground temple...trick...Captain"

                                                                                                  ."...And that is why I have a feud with those pirates, and the weaknesses of them. You never know, you might even want to remember this someday."  Bowser woke up with a start. The red string was around his nose. He quickly pulled it off before anyone else could notice. Fourtunately, his partners were all asleep, except for Iron, who was muttering about "King" or something. "Do you understand?" Said Clary. "Yeah...sure." Said Bowser. It's not like Shy Guys really have important opinions anyway. "I've heard you've been having some problems with your room?" Asked Clary, shooting right back to the point. "Yeah..." Muttered Bowser, still a little drowsy. "I'll give you room 1985. It's the most luxouriuos room. 6 beds." Bowser knew he didn't really need 6 beds, but he wasn't telling Clary. "Well, goodnight." Said Clary, making his way upstairs to the rooms. Bowser wasn't really sleepy anymore, and there was a lot of action going on so Bowser had some cake. Bowser tried to remember what he wanted to ask Gourmet Guy, but he had forgotten. He continued over to the bar. Unlike the people of Elubs town, the people in the hotel could tell Bowser was ferocious, so they would run away screaming if Bowser got near. Bowser eventully was fed up and went to the room, his partners awake by now. The room truly had 6 beds so Bowser took the largest and fell into a deep sleep before he could think about anything el

                                                                                              CRASH! Bowser woke up with a start. He looked around. His partners weren't there. They hadn't gone to bed. SMASH! Something bad was happening downstairs. Bowser quickly burst out of the room, into the empty hall.

                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED...

« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2007, 02:17:09 PM »
UPDATES: I have estimated this, but if your reading this, you are one of 36 other readers (hurray?).

                                                                                 The hallway was a desolate cold- cold and desolate. The sounds of crashing coming from the floor below continued, so much that it would bore you if I continually typed CRASH! Over and over again. Bowser lept down the stairs. A incredibly loud crash sounded, and the sound of  a stairway breaking down emitted from the stairway. ...I'm pretty sure you can figure out what that means. Bowser fell down the cacading stairs, right into the bar/foyer room. The scene was vast. The entiere room was destroyed, explaining the loud CRASH's. Near the entrance to the hotel stood a tall pirate- a Shy Pirate if you will, holding Clary- this guy was REALLY tall- one arm under Clary's neck, the other a hook holding open the door. On the other side at the bar, Ggoomba, Traka, and Iron were tied up, Iron was loudly swearing and cursing while the other 2 were messing with the rope. A Pink Yoshi was tied up with them, pitifully trying to grab at a Smoothie 2 inches away from it's hand. And Pirates were coming out of doors, with land deeds and strangely, treasure. A plank of wood from the still falling stairway hit Bowser on the head and he stumbled right into the middle of the bar. He fell to the floor, too embarrased to get up. "Arr...?" Said one of the Shy Pirates, confused in the middle of carrying a large sack of gold. "BOWSER!" Screamed Clary rather girlishly. The tall captain growled. "Hurry up. This pitiful thing is a waste of our time. We have orders! Hurry!" Clary screamed again, and the pirates ran out extremely fast, leaving a single gold coin on the ground. "Untie us!" Shouted Iron, accompined with a curse. Bowser shredded the rope, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The Yoshi fell over, as it was still leaning toward the Smoothie as the rope fell. "Now what's with all the swearing?" Said Bowser. "That rope was made of Eggplant fibers! They slowly melt the skin of whoever they're tying up." Bowser gagged. The Yoshi sighed and grabbed the Smoothie, sucking it as hard as it could. "MMM Mushrooms!" Said the Yoshi. That reminded Bowser of what he was going to ask Clary. "WHERE IS THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM?" Said Bowser outloud everyone jumped, except the Yoshi who was running around screaming "BRAINFREEZE!" The sound of the crazed Yoshi actracted everyones attention, and the Yoshi tripped, screaming as it hit the floor with a THUMP! Silence followed. "Alright then." Said Bowser, breaking the awkward silence. "I suppose we have to rescue Clary. It's our only way back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Noone said anything, the strange feeling in the air weighing down on everyone. "NO! WAIT!" Everyone turned around. It was the Yoshi. "We don't need another companion." Groaned Bowser. "No no... you see, the place where you are going. There are nice plumb Pineblerrys there. The radioactive ones." "What?" Said Bowser. "My favorite food are Pineblerrys, so much my NAME is Pineblerry. And the way to the place you want to go- Darvis Cove- you must cross the Vigamos Sea, and-" Bowser decided to cut in again. "We already can cross this Vigamos Sea. I can turn water to Ice." Pineblerry sadly shook his head. "Your feet get cold don't they? And think of all the life you would kill." Something strange seemed to darken at the life part. Something sinister. "And I-...I can go so fast, I can walk on water." Bowser burst out laughing even before a silence could take place. And Bowser was in the air. "Whaarug?" Said Bowser. And he gasped. Bowser was floating in the air. And Pineblerry had dissapearead. A voice came out of nowhere. "See? I'm going so fast that I can go back and forth, continuedly supporting Bowser in the air." Bowser turned white. "Okay! Okay! Now let me down!"

                                                                  Pineblerry has temporaily joined the party!

                                                                                                Pineblerry is ridicoulously fast. He can get you somewhere you know in no time, and can even cross water. In battle, Pineblerry can attack 2 times in a row, but has terrible attack status. Pineblerry can combine with Bowser for Heavy Groundpound.

                                                                                      "Great." Thought Bowser. Now more food would need to be found. But a rumbling interrupted Bowser's thoughts. "The-the hotel! It's breaking down!" Cried General Goomba, running for the door. The others involuntairly joined him. 3 seconds after making it outside, the hotel collapsed, and the sound of food being crushed sounded. Pineblerry started to cry. Bowser turned to the east. Where was TutanKoopa?

                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED...

« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2007, 01:59:36 PM »
UPDATES: Now with 200% more waterish-ness (no, that is NOT a word).

                                                                                         Bowser turned around for a 5th time. No, Pineblerry was not preparing to eat him, only eating a berry. Bowser was nervous of having the giant yoshi with them, as it could eat Bowser anytime it wanted to. Like right now? Bowser turned around again and grumbled, as if wanting the gaint Yoshi to eat him. Iron was wondering when the group would finally turn towards where his master was. Traka thought of traveling on sea- he had never been on a sea before. And General Goomba thought of when would they finally reach the beloved Mushroom Kingdom instead of this even to himself mysterious place. And Pineblerry thought of pineblerrys, oh, the delicous taste. Finally, the sea apperead, rolling and shifting, a beutiful mass of twilight sun and- "Hey! We could have just rode you!" Grumbled Bowser, pointing at Pineblerry. "I can't be rode over land." Replied Pineblerry. Bowser grumbled something under his breath, and the quest continued. Somehow, everyone managed to fit on the yoshi (even if it WAS giant) and Pineblerry started running. Wind hurled past thier faces, the speed ridicuoulous. Bowser saw something dark in a corner of the sea. Was it a deep spot? Pineblerry's previous words seemed to come back. "Think of all the life you would kill." Something sinister flashed in his eyes..." Bowser shifted nervously. After a few minuites, Bowser's charming nature came. "I thought you could run fast. How come we're still not there?" Asked Bowser rudely. Pineblerry couldn't talk while running so General Goomba anwsered. "It's a SEA Bowser. It's big." Informed Ggoomba. A splash of salt water unwarningly came flying into Bowser's eyes.

                                                                                                             Flying through the air....hitting the ground. "What the-" The cold rock muffled the rest of Bowser's words. He looked up. He was in a large cave, the end in misty darkness. Everyone else except for Pineblerry was nearby, trying to start a fire. "The rock's too cold." Informed Bowser, his hope inspiring. Everyone glared at him. "So...where are we?" Asked Bowser, a little shaken at the strange wakeup. "We're inside Darvis Cove. Pineblerry left to find the Pineblerry's, and you finally woke up. That seemed satisfactory, and Bowser silently nodded. The fire was never started, and everyone attempted to sleep on the cold rock. What if the pirates came by? Thought Bowser nervously. He could stand up to them. They were so weak. Soooo weak. Just stupid Shy Guys. Oooooh! How sca-.

                                                                             TO BE CONTINUED....


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2007, 05:41:55 PM »
Who is Dr. M!? Does he work for Mario!? Does he have a grudge against Bowser!? IS he Mario!? Just speculating. I like how you've created intrigue, even if it is a total rip-off of Mr. L.

The chapters are very well put together in my opinion. It seems like they could be actual chapters in a game.

(On a side note, I think "Bonechill Battle" from Super Paper Mario would be a good music for the Dochatabus boss fight.)
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2007, 06:40:14 AM »
UPDATES: Hello. That's all.

Who is Dr. M!? Does he work for Mario!? Does he have a grudge against Bowser!? IS he Mario!? Just speculating. I like how you've created intrigue, even if it is a total rip-off of Mr. L.

The chapters are very well put together in my opinion. It seems like they could be actual chapters in a game.

(On a side note, I think "Bonechill Battle" from Super Paper Mario would be a good music for the Dochatabus boss fight.)

Ahh...Dr. M. Yes, I kind of figure him as a mixture of Mr. L (obviously) and Moustafa. you mean Bonechill Battle from Paper Mario 2? Either way, I'll change the music for that. There are some things mentioned earlier in the story that may become important later, so if your bored waiting for a Chapter, some of the earlier concepts are worth a look...

                                                                                          "Ouch....OUCH!" The rope shifted for a third time against Bowser's face, enraging him in a fest of knots. Bowser had awoken tied in tight knots, the rope given him rashes every time they shifted, which was often every 4 seconds. Everyone else was nowhere, and Bowser had looked down to see a pool of lava. He was still in Darvis Cove, as he could tell by the rock designs, but that didn't make up for being dangled over lava. "Wait...I've survived lava before! I'll survive it again!" Announced Bowser feeling stupid for being afraid of the lava. "That's not lava. That's acid." Came a voice from a faraway ledge. Bowser shifted against the ropes to see who was speaking. "Iron!" Gasped Bowser. "Could you help me? I'm in a bit of a ...knot." A rope snapped. Bowser had accidentily shifted his claws against a rope, which had snapped. Bowser shifted as faraway from the broken rope as possible. Unfortunately, there wasn't very much space and Bowser snapped another rope in the process. " could swing over here." Called Iron nervously. Bowser had to survive so his master could deal with Bowser, but it was seeming hopeless. "SWING? Are you nuts?" Cried Bowser. Suddenly, another rope snapped, and Bowser was hanging from the ropes. A acidboo jumped up, aiming for Bowser's legs, but missed, falling back into the red acid. More acidboos suddenly started attacking. "Swing you stupid oaf! Swing!" Shouted Iron from the ledge. Bowser had no choice now. He shifted, swinging back and forth to the ledge. At one point, a acidboo hit him, and the pain was strange. It was beyond terrible. It could only be comfortable now. Bowser still yelped, but continued the awkward swinging grip. A loud hissing sound suddenly arised. Bowser turned his head and froze. A massive acidboo ten times the size of Bowser was coming. Bowser swung faster then he had before. With a trip and a taste of dust, Bowser was on the ledge. The giant acidboo leapt up, and knocked the rope cage into oblivion. Bowser was too tired to care. "Are you all right?" Asked Iron, nervous if Bowser had a breakdown or something strange like that. "Yeah." Said Bowser. "What's going on?" Asked Bowser, surprised he had the strength to ask. "Well...Shy Pirates attacked. I knocked out a few, and Traka and Ggoomba were carried away. We haven't heard anything of Pineblerry, and well, you got carried away by a few of them while you were still asleep. They set you up there. While I was still asleep? Now Bowser was embarrased. And then something else came to mind. They hadn't asked Pineblerry to take them back. They had only asked him to take them thier. "By Princess Peach!" Roared Bowser in anger. That yoshi must have ditched them here. But there was no time to care. "Bowser..." From the walls came a withering voice. " is me..." Bowser knew the voice. Tutankoopa WAS here. He could get them to the next guardian too. "He has me..." Came a last withering message, and then Tutankoopa was gone. "Come on. We have little time." Said Bowser, the feeling of the Guardian starting to wither... "Come on!" Said Bowser hurridly, rushing into a dark cavern.

                                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED...           


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2007, 10:27:34 AM » you mean [Bonetail] Battle from Paper Mario 2?

No, I meant the Chapter 7 boss fight in Super Paper Mario...but I think the Bonetail music works nice as well. Perhaps better.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2007, 11:55:52 AM »
Oh crap... I missed the BoneCHILL part. Sorry! By the way, I'll take any requests for Boss fights before Team G.A.B.U.P.T.

EDIT: Since next episode is the Chapter finale, I'm going to have to wait until I have enough time. Swy tho.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 03:08:30 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2007, 02:44:21 PM »
UPDATES: Yes! I have time!  By the way, this chapter contains small spoilers for Chapter 5 of PM 2, just beacause of the music choice, just skip that.

                                                                                              "Stop running so fast!" Complained Iron, as Bob-omb=heavy. The caves were empty, usually with a few crates, filled with knick-knacks, and occasinally treasure. Bowser wanted to get everything over with, so he ran past the crates, groaning every time a treasure-crate was passed. It was definatly a surprise when in the middle of running, Shy Pirates jumped out of nowhere. "Arrr!" Whispearead a Shy Pirate, swinging a (cute) wooden sword. "Oh great...trouble." Said Bowser sarcastically. The Shy Pirate swung the sword, hitting Bowser in the gut. "Ouch...and with a wooden sword?" The Shy Pirates obviously didn't have very much HP or Power, as they were defeated quickly, without much fuss. The running through the endless hallways continued, without much luck on finding anything but crates and Shy Pirates. And then the Red Door. Bowser had seen it coming, a big red door. But it was a trick. As soon as it shoved open, Bowser fell onto a giant slide. Iron, who was too tired to even see ahead, went mindlessly into the trap. The slide was large, enough to let 14 people slide at the same time. No end of it could be seen, and the edges went off to a deep darkness. Iron had turned white, and Bowser was starting to find the slide a little bit fun. After 5 minuites, the sound of waves could be heard, loud and deadly. Flip, WHAM. Bowser, Iron, and Traka fell to the floor, face down. "Let's get going." Muttered Bowser, trying to sound causal. After 5 minuites of walking through the long passage next to a underground river, Bowser suspected something was up. "Where did you come from?" Bowser said, piecing a question and an exclamation together. "Uh...I fell on the slide." Said Traka, trying to remember what had happened, but after the Shy Pirates had captured him, he could remember nothing except for falling on the slide. "Whuh-what about..." Traka's confused look confirmed that he shouldn't press the issue anymore. It was time to stop anyway. "What are you waiting for?" Came a voice from around the bend in the shadowy passage. The strict sound of rushing water continued. "Who's there?" Questioned Bowser angrily. He was tired of walking. He was tired of talking. He was tired of no anwsers. It was time the crap ended. "I SAID WHO'S THERE?" Roared Bowser. Stomping forward, leaving Traka and Iron trying to catch up, Bowser rounded the corner. Next to the figure Bowser had confronted, the cave ended, and the beautiful Vigamos Sea could be seen in shining beauty. The figure was the Tall Captain from earlier. In a corner, Clary was knocked out. In the Tall Captains hands clutched General Goomba. "Not again." Groaned Bowser. Once again, the General had been taken hostage. "Yes, I took this little idea from Docha'. He won't mind. Considering he's dead." The Captain had a rusty, ugly laugh that sounded like a lamb choking on a apple. "Do you also have Tutankoopa?" Asked Bowser. The Captain smirked. "You're pretty smart for a big dumb dinosaur, huh?" Said the Captain, laughing again. "Don't attack. He'll pierce me." Gasped Ggoomba. This was true, as the arm holding Ggoomba had a hook at the end of it. The Captain stopped laughing. "It's time to get down to business. I've been severly ordered by my master, who was ordred by his master, who was- I can't let you know the links." Said the Pirate quickly. "But I can tell you, I'm Captain Darg, the new Captain Sugar, and as my duties as Captain Sugar, I guard everything perfectly. Which means I must kill. How pitiful, the end to a small turtle, a fungus, and a hunk of scrap metal. Hahahh...."

                                                            CHAPTER BOSS BATTLE: CAPTAIN DARG             Music: Lord Crump battle, Chapter 5 - Paper Mario 2

                                                                                           Captain Darg clutched Ggoomba more savegley, then throws him to the ground, next to Clary. "Ha harr. A real pirate dosen't fight with bait." Stated Captain Darg. Bowser breathed fire onto Captain Darg, knocking him to the ground, he quickly jumps back up. "Don't try that with me!" Bowser used Air Bomb! Iron was thrown by Bowser at Captain Darg. It was super effective! "Bloody-" Captain Darg swung his hook at Bowser, dealing 3 damage. Bowser has 17 left. Bowser and Iron lost thier turns from the Combination! Captain Darg jumped on Bowser, dealing 4 damage. He has 13 left! Bowser switched partners to Traka! Traka and Bowser prepare Ground Pound! "Are you sure we should do this? You got pretty damaged last tim-" Bowser performed Ground Pound! It was ultra effective! "H-h-he has 6 HP left!" Gasped Ggoomba. "Warrg! He's awake!" Said Darg surprisinly. He kicked General Goomba agains the wall. "Try waking up now yah stupid mushroom!" Laughed Captain Darg. Captain Darg used his first turn! Captain Darg jumped on Traka! Traka is out for another turn! Bowser switched to Iron! Captain Darg is strengthing up! Bowser used Air Bomb again! Captain Darg is nearly over! "No"-gasp! "You can't win!" Captain Darg unleashed his power! Captain Darg jumped on Bowser! Did 8 damage! Bowser has 5 HP left! Captain Darg jumped on Bowser with 4 HP! Bowser has 1 HP left! Bowser used Air Bomb on Captain Darg again! "Bloody-..."

                                                                                                         "YES!" Roared Bowser. Captain Darg was on the verge of death. He groaned weakly. Bowser, victory in his grasp, suddenly remembred. "Who...who is your master?" Said Bowser. Captain Darg smiled, the verge of death smile. "I don't have to tell you that, now that it's all over." He whispearead smiling. He died smiling. "Not again!" Cried Bowser, angry. Who was the mastermind behind capturing his guardians? A quiet voice hovered in the air. "He's not breathing." Said Traka quietly. "Of course he's not breathing, we just kicked his-" But Traka wasn't talking about Darg. General Goomba was in a circle created by Traka and Iron. Bowser walked over to look. "Bu-" But there was nothing to say. Was he truly gone? ROARRRRR. The noise was loud. Even louder than Bowser's loudest roars. And it came from the Vigamos Sea. Everyone turned to the sea. Arising from the sea was a monstrous head. It wasn't a blooper. It was huge. Moss covered it's massive head, and as far as the eye could see, the shadow of the thing's body underwater strecthed out. It was like a Sea Snake. It probably was a Sea Snake. "V-Vigamos." Whimpearead a voice from the corner. Clary was awake. "V-v-VIGAMOS!" He screamed. "'s not over yet." Said Bowser. Everyone turned to the sea monster.

                                                                  CHAPTER BOSS BATTLE: VIGAMOS                 Music: Lord Crump battle, Chapter 5 - Paper Mario 2

                                                                                                 The Sea Snakes head poked through into the battle set. ROARRRR. Bowser and Traka were the team, as Bowser was sure of Ground Pound being a perfect attack. Bowser and Traka performed Ground Pound! But it didn't hurt Vigamos at all! "Oh...oh no." Said Bowser. Vigamos bit at Traka, knocking him to the ground. Traka's knocked out for 4 turns. "Oh...oh..." Bowser's face turned white as the spluttering continued. Then he remembered. He only had 1 HP left. And then he remembered he couldn't attack beacause he had already used a Combination. Vigamos snapped at Bowser. 6 HP. 6 HP. Bowser fell to the ground. Vigamos roared with triumph. "No...NO!" Iron knew that Bowser was the only key to making it back to Master. Iron moved through Trakas backpack. There was a Life Shroom. They bought 2 Super Mushrooms, a Lightning Strike, and a Life Shroom. (Taken from a previous episode). He quickly gave Bowser the life Shroom. He was back- with 5 HP. "Thank you!" Gasped Bowser. Now it was Bowser's turn. Noticing Trakas bag, he noticed a Lightning Strike. "Take this slimy!" Cried Bowser, using Lightning Strike. It did 10 Damage! ULTRA EFFECTIVE! "But...that was the last one." Said Bowser worridly. And Iron couldn't attack Vigamos as it's head hanged in the air. They had no choice... "AIR STRIKE!" Yelled Bowser, tossing Iron at Vigamos. It didn't work. "N-nothing's working." Blubbered Bowser. Vigamos was about to use it's 6 attack. Vigamos lifted it's head an- YUMMY! The rock celing suddenly shattred, and a fat Yoshi fell out of the sky, right onto Vigamos. ROOARRRR... Vigamos has been defeated!

                                           LEVEL UP! Bowser's HP goes up to 25. Pineblerry learned Fat Ground Pound!

                                                    "Uh...what did I miss?" Said Pineblerry.

                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED...

« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2007, 02:11:27 PM »
UPDATES: Now with over 600 views! Yay!

                                                                              END OF CHAPTER.

                                                                                             Meanwhile, in Mario's Castle... Thump. The next thing Peach knew, she was on a cold, musty floor. It looked like she was in the famous dungeons in the castle, famous beacause no one used them. She quietly creeped around a corner, in case one of Mario's guards were alert. "You lucky young scallop!" Cried a croaky voice. Kammy Koopa was behind bars, her flying broom in a corner, snapped. "It's just what you deserve, but..." Peach checked the door to see if there was a way to open it. Nope. Peach sighed. "I'll be back with help." She said. Kammy swore at her, and banged the bars, Peach trying to ignore the racket. Don't these dungeons have stairs? Thought Peach desperately. If the Mushroom Kingdom had actully used the dungeons, it probably would have been the best in the land. SPLAT! Peach stepped in a murky puddle. This was getting worse. Suddenly, the light to a exit appearead, shining in glory. Peach ran, stumbling a little, but climbing up the high stairs, finally making it out. Just as she had gotten out, a Koopa had run right into her, knocking her to the ground. "Ack! Sorry, but escape is here!" Cried the Koopa, and he ran off. Peach got up, thinking about what he had just said. Escape? How? Another Koopa came running past. "W-wait! What escape?" She called to the Koopa. He stopped. "They-The Koopatrols discovered spare ships in Bowser's Castle Basement!" Peach gasped. Mario didn't know about this. Should she tell him, and help him escape? No. She was not helping that dirty brute. "Wait for me!" Peach called to the Koopas, running after them.

                                                                                      "BRA HA HA! You should have listened to my scary war-" "Shut up." Said Bowser. "I was just practicing." Said Tutankoopa, hurt. By now, everyone had gone back to the outside of the Hotel. Clary was shaking and bumbling. Bowser was watching Shadow Bay's waters move. Iron was mumbling to himself again. Traka and General Goomba were chating. Like every other dumb story ever, General Goomba recovered. As everyone else continued chatting, Bowser walked over to Clary. Clary was watching the waters of the bay move as well. "Clary." Said Bowser in as soft a voice he could conjure. "I-I-..." Mumbled Clary. "Clary. Where is the Mushroom Kingdom?" Asked Bowser. Clary started sweating. "Sir-King-Sir...those pirates...they...I don't remember. The Pirates gave me amnesia." Mumbled Clary. "Explains my situation." Said Traka, who had secretly been listening. Bowser remembered that too, Traka suddenly joining Bowser and Iron on the giant slide. "So...we're still lost." Said Bowser, in a eerily calm voice. No one had to anwser that question. General Goomba asked the more obvious question instead. "Where is the next guardian-" "Tubba Blubba." Finished Bowser just for kicks. Tutankoopa nodded. "As the prophet said, each guardian points to the next." "What prophet?" Yawned Bowser.  Tutankoopa ignored this. "You must go southeast, to the deeper parts of Shadow Bay, the body of water south of the Vigamos Sea. There, out in the water-" "Aw, not another watery place." Interrupted Bowser again. Tutankoopa sighed. "As your not intrested in my geographic information, let me give you a new ability. "Hopefully it'll actully work unlike that stupid Bowser??? robot." As if on cue, the spoken of robot, came rolling down Clary's cliff, right at Bowser. "Ahh!" He gasped, jumping out of the way. The robot went flying into the bay, disapearing beneath the waves. "Point proven." Concluded Bowser. "That...was strange." Said Tutankoopa. "Anyway...Here is a fantastic ability!" A light glowed around Bowser. Bowser now knows disenigrate! Any water eniemes not boss's can be turned to sand! "Awesome!" Cried Bowser. "Now, to get to inner Shadow Bay, you must go through the Poison Lagoon." Tutankoopa pointed to a distant patch of green. Bowser turned back around to argue, but Tutankoopa had already dissapearead.

                                                                  TO BE CONTINUED...                                                             
