
Author Topic: The Brothers Mario  (Read 3901 times)

« on: June 16, 2001, 08:54:55 PM »

The Brothers Mario led lives of adventure and peril, from the very begining.  On their way to the home of their parents, Mario and Luigi were intercepted by the Koopa Klan's mightiest warlock, Kamek.  Kamek forsaw a future where the Turtle Tribe would crumble before two mighty brothers--our very own Mario and Luigi, and knew the only way to stop this would be to find and destroy the two heroes at birth.  While the wicked magikoopa managed to snatch up young Luigi, he lost hold of baby Mario, who plummeted towards the open sea, to an almost certain death.  For whatever reason, call it fate, call it luck, call it karma, Mario managed to land safely on the back of an errant Yoshi.  Sustaining, at the absolute worst, a dirty diaper and a bit of indigestion.

Kamek returned to his fortress deep within the Koopa Kingdom only to find that he missed half of his bounty.  Furious, he roared at his trio of toadies to scour the world for this infamous infant.

Meanwhile, the fateful Yoshi hauled young Mario back to the tribe of Yoshies, to come to some sort of decision as to what to do with this incredibly lucky child.  One Yoshi noted baby Mario pointing and gesturing to a point off beyond the sunny horizon.  The Yoshies agreed that there was some sort of connection between this baby from the sky and the far-off place he seemed to be obsessing over.  So, utilizing an ingenious Pony Express-style system, the Yoshies braved all odds to reunite baby Mario and his green-capped twin, Luigi.  After trekking across the hazardous terrain of Yoshi's Island and deep into the dark, deadly heart of the Koopa Kingdom, one plucky green Yoshi defeated the young Koopa King. . . Bowser.  From that day on, the Koopa Klan declared revenge on the Mario Brothers, and their "d@mned Yoshi accomplices."

The twins were finally delivered to their parents, Maria and Mario Senior.  Mario and Luigi were also introduced to their older brother, Wario.  Despite being a bit on the ugly side, Maria and Mario Sr. loved Wario, lavishing much affection towards him.  But soon after the Mario twins arrived, Wario became neglected by his parents.  And young Mario loved to play tricks on little Wario.  Wario, no older than four years old, wasn't able to realize that Mario was just an infant, and didn't know any better.  So, fed up with his family, Wario ran away with tears in his eyes.  What happened to Wario during his time away from home is shrouded in mystery, but one thing is for sure, his hatred for Mario blossomed into an obsession. . . Wario hated Mario from the bottom of his heart, and would do anything to show him up.

The Mario Bros. were still only babies when Maria and Mario Sr. started receiving death threats from the Turtle Tribe.  Finally, with heavy hearts, the Mario parents sent their last two sons into a warp pipe.

Luckily, that pipe led to an orphanage in Brooklyn, where the Mario Brothers would grow up, and live their lives. . . until now.

Edited by - billy chilly on 7/26/2001 12:34:34 PM
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2001, 10:10:59 PM »
--This message doesn't mean anything so don't read it--

Heh, I think that worked.

/ /
/\ amek2K
/ \   -"Who wants lottery tickets!?"

Edited by - kamek2k on 6/17/2001 9:35:14 AM
| /
|\ amek2K
| \   -"Who wants lottery tickets!?"

« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2001, 10:30:14 AM »
The Brothers Mario now live in a small, dusty shop they own on the corner of some untraveled street tucked away in Depression era Brooklyn.  The Depression hit the Brothers Mario hard--they gave up their disastrous try as carpenters, hoping they would finally hit it big as plumbers.  Unfortunatley, Mario and Luigi had no such luck.

Mario was sleeping soundly in his lumpy, rumpled old bed, and Luigi snored loudly as he dangled from his hammock.  The phone blared, blasting the Mario Brothers out of their peaceful sleep--the shock knocked Luigi clean out of his hammock and face down on the floor.

"Mario!  Get the phone!!"  Luigi hollered from the floor.

"What?  What?"  Mario sleepily felt around for the loud, annoying phone.  "Hello?  You need-a someone to fix-a your drain?  Right now?!  We're on it!"  Mario slammed the phone down and threw on his red cap in a frenzy.

"We gotta go right-a now?  It's-a six in the morning!"  Luigi protested.

"Get-a your rear in gear, brother, we're-a in business!"  Mario proudly proclaimed.

Mario raced out the flimsy screen door and leaped into a jalopy of a truck that read "Mario Brothers Construction" on the side.  The "Construction" was messily crossed out with red paint and "Plumbing" was written beneath it.  Luigi stumbled out of the musty old shop and sleepily climbed into the truck.

"C'mon-a Luigi, put on-a your game face.  This is-a our big break."

"Yeah, we'll be pumping the crap out of-a toliets and pulling gunk out of sinks like pros after-a this." Luigi grumbled.

The truck sputtered and back-fired loudly as the Mario Brothers pulled up to an old gray monster of a building that rose high into the air, casting a long, dark shadow around the surrounding structures.  Luigi's rusty, but photographic memory was jumpstarted at the sight of this brick behemoth towering above the Brooklyn scenery.

"Mario!" Luigi said in a hoarse whisper.  "Don't you recognize-a this place?!"

"No. . . why?" Mario mumbled, searching for his plunger and monkey wrench.

"This is-a the orphanage. . . we lived here until we were like-a two or three, before we got adopted."  Luigi said, his jaw agape at the realization he had made.

"Oh yeah?" Mario asked, with little concern.

The Brothers Mario stepped out of their rust-bucket truck with their tools in hand.  Neither Mario or Luigi realized just how important this leaky drain would be.

Edited by - billy chilly on 6/22/01 3:17:51 PM
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2001, 05:13:56 PM »
The Brothers Mario stepped through the gargantuan creaking doorway into the archiac orphanage.  A rather fat old nun hurried, no, waddled over to greet the punctual pair of plumbers.

"If you follow me, you'll find the drain in question."

The sight of the nun's round, pink face set Luigi's picture-perfect memory back into full gear--Luigi slipped into a blurry flashback.

He was in the bathtub with his brother Mario.  They were no more than two at the time.  Mario, being the more adventurous (and troublesome for the nuns) of the Brothers, Mario uncorked the drain of the bathtub and was about to stick his curious face into the tiny whirlpool being sucked down the drain when the nun--the same one they were just talking to--stormed into the room and yanked a slippery Mario from the tub and began yelling.

"NO!  Bad baby!  Don't touch the drain when the water is going down it!!"

With that, Luigi snapped out of his flashback and hurried to catch up with his brother and the waddling nun.

After hiking up a flight of groaning, moaning old stairs, the Mario Brothers were introduced to a tiny bathroom--one that housed the very bathtub of Luigi's memories.

"Here it is, gentlemen."  The nun pointed out politely.  "If you could just fix that old drain, I'll have your pay ready for you downstairs.  Thank you so much."

After leaving her exiting the ancient bathroom, Luigi quickly commented on the nun, "She looks-a like a penguin."  Luigi said with a smile.

"Quit kidding around and-a hand me-a my monkey wrench."  Mario asked, already hard at work.

Within minutes, Mario pulled a disgusting wad of dripping gunk out of the drain and cheerfully handed it to Luigi, "Here you go."  Mario said with a smile.

"Somebody-a blows their nose and-a you want to keep it?"  Luigi asked.

"No!"  Mario laughed, "Just-a throw it in-a that garbage can over there.  I'm-a gonna check the drain."  Mario announced as he turned the squeaky faucet on.  The water spiraled down the drain with no problem, and Mario leaned into to touch it with his finger.

The memories flooded back to Luigi again, "Mario!  Don't-a do it!"  Luigi shouted, tossing his sloppy gunk-ball to the floor.

"What's-a wrong, little brotherrRRAAAAHHHHH!!!"  Mario howled as the water sucked him down the drain.

Luigi stood there, his jaw agape.  "Holy crap-a."  After minutes of silence, his awe turned to panic.  "What am I-a gonna do, what am I-a gonna do?!"  He mumbled, pacing around the tiny bathroom.  Finally, he stood still, sucked in a breath of fresh air (well, as fresh as this stale old building would provide), and stuck his finger down the drain, and let the suction pull him in, after his brother. . .

Haters gonna hate

« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2001, 11:37:31 PM »
Luigi found himself roaring through a pitch black river of sewage.  After screaming through the narrow pipes at break-neck speeds, Luigi was launched into a pool of water.  Luigi realized he was submeged and needed to swim to the surface before he drowned.  Kicking as hard as he could, Luigi burst through the surface of the water, gasping for air.  After filling his lungs, Luigi's nose was bombarded by the horrible stench of his surroundings.  Luigi was in the sewer.

"Blecchh!!  P-too!  P-tooey!!"  Luigi frantically tried to spit out the disgusting ooze still in his mouth.

Luigi looked around the surface of the water, hoping to see his brother bobbing in the man-made lake of filthy slop-water.

"Heh, you okay-a little bro?"  A friendly voice asked.

Luigi spun around to see Mario standing on a nearby catwalk, soaking wet and smiling, "Mario!!  You're-a okay!  I didn't-a see you there. . . how do you-a suppose we get-a outta this dump?" Luigi asked as he swam over to the catwalk.

"One of-a those" Mario said quietly, pointing to the hundreds of big, green pipes lining the dark, slimey concrete room.

"Oh, man. . . which one brought us-a here?"  Luigi asked, picking some goop off of his suspenders.

"Hey!  You!"  Mario and Luigi spun around simultaneously to find the source of the angry voices.

"What-a the. . ."  The Brothers' jaws hung agape at what they saw yelling at them on the other side of the catwalk. . .

Haters gonna hate

« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2001, 10:40:40 AM »
"Gah!  Talking turtles!!"  Luigi shouted in astonishment.

"Turtles?  Turtles!?"  The first koopa asked, seething with anger, "We are NOT turtles.  We are. . . KOOPAS!  And don't forget it, hair-face!!"

"I'd say these guys were askin' for a beating," the second koopa suggested.

"Oh, heh, no we're-a not,"  Luigi explained nervously.

"What if-a we are?"  Mario asked defiantly.

"We're-a not!!"  Luigi yelled, hoping Mario would get the picture.

The first koopa tried to ignore the Mario Brother's comments, his mind on more important matters, "Listen idiots!  We were sent by the Great, Mighty, Benevolent, Handsome King Koopa.  We're looking for two dangerous guys. . . Mario and Luigi.  You boneheads know who we're talkin' about?"

"That's-a u--"  Before Mario could finish, Luigi leaped over to his brother and frantically put his hands over Mario's mouth.

"Never-a heard of 'em!"  Luigi spluttered, "My name is-a Phil, and this is-a my third cousin, uhh. . . Tito."

"You know,"  the first koopa began, "We don't like it when people lie to us."

"That's right,"  the second koopa added, "it's our job to make sure you two ain't lyin'.  Ready, Earl?"

The first koopa, Earl, pulled all his limbs into his shell while the second stood cracking his knuckles.  The second koopa quickly leaned down, picked up Earl, and launched the shell towards the Mario Brothers, all in one smooth step.

Just as it looked as though Mario and Luigi were about to get a shell sandwich, Mario whipped out his trusty monkey wrench, and belted the shell back at the grinning koopa.  The errant shell blasted the second koopa square in the gut, pushing the ticked-off turtle back into the massive green pipe from whence it came, taking Earl, still in his red shell, with him.

The Mario Brothers stood in silence, contemplating what had just gone on.

"I think I need-a to sit down for a minute,"  Luigi mumbled as he sat down on the cold, damp concrete.

As soon as Luigi looked up, he saw his brother racing off toward the pipe the two angry tortises entered and exited from.

"Mario!!  What's-a the matta with you!?  Are you nuts?!"

"No!  This is-a the discovery of a lifetime!  Think about it. . . talking turtles. . . we'll-a be rich. . ."  Mario drifted off, day-dreaming of the day when he and his brother could finally move out of their dilapidated shop in Brooklyn.

"No, way-a Mario, we're-a gonna go back and-a get our pay from the penguin-lady and-a go home.  This is-a crazy."  Luigi protested.

"Oh, come on-a Luigi, just-a one quick peek in-a that little pipe they went in, then-a we can try and-a get outta here, huh?" Mario bargained.

"Well, I guess. . ." Luigi gave in.

Mario and Luigi quickly shuffled over to the pipe in question.  It was big enough for both plumber-brothers to peek in.  Mario quickly stuck his head in, looking for talking turtles or any other oddities that might put him in his brother out of the poorhouse and onto easy street.  Luigi stood for a moment, then cautiously poked his head into the massive green tube's opening.

"I can't-a see anything," Luigi confessed with a quiet sigh of relief.

"YYYAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH"  The brothers leaped with terror in unison as a trio of mangy rats investigated their ankles.  Before Mario and Luigi could realize what was going on, they found themselves soaring through the infinite blackness that lay inside the pipe.

"AAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!"  The cool darkness of the pipe whooshed away, as the brothers now found themselves hurtling headfirst into a wide field of bright green grass.  The intrepid plumbers landed with a painful 'whump!'

"OW!  OW-OW-OW!!"  Luigi yelled angrily, stomping his foot.

"Mama mia. . . that was-a heck of a fall."  Mario mumbled to himself quietly.

After the shockwaves of pain quit rippling through Mario and Luigi's bodies, the two looked all around, doing their best to take in their beautiful new surroundings.  They were in a place unlike any they had ever seen before.  No dingy buildings crowding the sky, no beastly skyscrapers blocking the clouds, no rusted-out abandoned cars.

"Wow,"  Mario muttered in awe.

Luigi laid back on the soft green grass and stared up at the sky, "This is-a my kind of sewer."

"Luigi,"  Mario started, "I don't think we're in-a the sewer anymore."

Haters gonna hate

« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2001, 01:30:19 AM »
While the Brothers Mario were taking in their mind-boggling change of setting, much more sinister events were unfolding miles away. . .

The Koopa Kingdom.  A darkened world where the sun rarely rises and the yellowed skeletons of careless travelers riddle the charred earth.  Few structures dot this grim landscape, the most impressive of which is the stone behemoth known only as Bowser's Keep.  Atop a rocky crag surrounded by a river of glowing, molten lava, this horrific construction of brick and rock stares over the horizon jealously at the beautiful mushroom kingdom.  It is within the highest tower King Bowser Koopa sits, stewing in his fiery, bitter hate, impatiently awaiting his two Koopa scouts, Earl and Nick.

"Where are those incompetent idiots?!!  KAMEK!  GET IN HERE, NOW!!"  The ferocious king roared, shaking the colorful stain-glass windows that adorn his tower.

"Yes sir, right away, sir!"  The terrified koopa wizard nervously announced to his seething lord.

"Use your powers and tell me where they are!"  The Koopa King snarled as he snatched up the meek, blue-clad warlock.

"Gack!  Please. . . ack!  Loosen your grip!"  Kamek pleaded in a raspy whisper, anxiously tugging at the huge, scaly fingers the Goomba Overlord had strangled the tiny magikoopa with.

"Of course, old friend," Bowser said through a forced smile.

"Aaah,"  Kamek took in a deep breath of life-giving air, though still held high above the greasy floor in his master's fist, "your two scouts should be arriving any moment. . . the news they bring is clouded, my lord, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see what they have to report."

Bowser growled to himself as he casually dropped Kamek to the floor, "I pray it is good news. . . for their sake," the malicious dictator said with a grim laugh.

As soon as he had finished his laugh, the monstrous wooden door leading to Bowser's throne room creaked open.  From behind the warped wood a rather beat-up looking koopa peeked into the room.

"You have news for me, Earl?"  Boswer hissed through his dagger-like teeth.

Gathering up all their courage, the two koopas painfully limped into their King's presence.

"Ah, yes, we have news for you, Oh Kind, Handsome, Benevolent, Generous, Loving King Koopa,"  Earl mumbled through a fat lip, nursing his black eye.

"ENOUGH!!"  Bowser bellowed, "What news do you bring me?"  He said, calmly reclining in his golden throne.

"We believe we have found the Mario Bros, sir."

"How do you know?"

"They were wearing the hats you told us of. . . One green, one red."  Earl explained.

"Yeah, and they beat the crap out of us!"  Nick reminded his cohort while adjusting one of his bandages.

"D@mn it!  D@mn it all!!"  Bowser howled furiously, "Those God-d@mned plumbers made a fool of me again!  KAMEK!!"  Bowser called out, turning his fury on the still horrified magikoopa, "This is your fault!  You said a two-koopa team would be enough!!"  Bowser again gripped Kamek's neck in his fist.

"Well, sir, I uh. . . well, you see, the logic was that . . . I uh--"

"Out with it!"  Bowser screamed, spraying his 'old friend' with a few beads of spittle.

"If we sent more than that, the other hair-faced humans would have had a greater chance of seeing them, and we could have been destroyed by an entire army of monkey-men even more powerful than the Mario Bros,"  Kamek frantically spluttered, hoping to save his life from his enraged king.

Bowser's hellish temperment was cooled by the magikoopa's logic.  His breathing slowed down, his eyebrows slowly lifted from their scowling position, and the once-furious Koopa King quietly leaned back in his chair, "I see your point, my friend.  I wasn't angry at you. . ." he trailed of calmly, turning his attention back to his koopa scouts, "is there any chance the Mario Brothers could have followed you?"

"We have reason to think they may have, sir,"  Nick cautiously told Bowser.

"Well. . .," Bowser began, "Starting now, two teams of four Koopas will scour the Mushroom World, starting with the pipe that connects us to the world that hid the Mario Brothers from me all these years.  If the Brothers are found, they are to brought to me dead or alive.  Otherwise, we must seal off the pipe that would allow them to enter or exit our world."

"Yes sir, we'll take care of it right away!"  The two koopas assured their king.

As the pair of koopas quickly trotted over the damp, cold floor, Kamek quietly stepped over to Bowser.

"What of the invasion?"  The elderly warlock asked.

"It will take place, as planned and on schedule,"  Bowser replied cooly, drumming his claws on the armrest of his huge, golden throne, "having eight koopa troopas attending to other matters will hardly give those mushroom fools an advatage!"  The green, scaly overlord explained with a laugh, a haunting, mean-spirited laugh that echoed through the dim, gray, torch-lit halls of Bower's Keep.

Edited by - billy chilly on 8/7/01 12:39:55 AM
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2001, 01:31:49 AM »
An episode so nice, I posted it twice! j/k

Man, I hate when this board gets glitchy. . .


-==bï//¥ ©hî//ÿ==-
Have a nice end of the world.

Edited by - billy chilly on 8/7/01 12:44:18 AM
Haters gonna hate


  • Banned
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2001, 08:00:24 AM »
Me too. I hate it when it happens.

The unoffical vice-president

« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2001, 11:04:32 PM »
Back in the hilly, grassy fields of the Mushroom Kingdom, the two brothers had laid down, examining the bright, blue midday sky.

After a few short moments of day-dreaming, Mario sat up, a flurry of thoughts rushing into his head.

"Mario," Luigi started, "We gotta get-a the heck outta here."

"Well little bro, we're definitley not getting out-a the way we-a came," Mario explained, looking up at a gargantuan wall of rock that jutted out of the green grass.

"How do you-a know?"  Luigi questioned, a little skeptical of Mario's quick, sure response.

"That-a pipe is-a sticking out of-a the top of a hundred-foot-a cliff."

"Where?"  Luigi asked, a little nervous at this new development.

"Over-a there," Mario pointed out the giant pillar of solid rock.

Luigi finally sat up and inspected the geological structure in question.  Mario pushed his hands against the ground to stand up, but found himself rocketing ten feet into the deep, blue sky.

"WHAAAAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HAAAA!!"  Mario screamed in terror as he saw the earth below him get further and further away.

"Mario!!"  Luigi yelled to his airborne brother.

Within a few seconds, Mario started to get pulled back to the ground faster and faster.  In a futile attempt to right himself, Mario began flailing his arms in the air crazily, but to no avail.

"YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!. . . Oomf!"  Mario hit the earth face-first with a painful 'whump!'

"Mario!  Mario!!  What-a the heck just-a happened?"  Luigi asked in a terrified frenzy.

After taking a second to dust some of the dirt off of his worn, blue suspenders and pick the grass out of his matted, brown hat-hair Mario replied, more than a little dumbfounded, "I don't-a know Luigi.  I just-a went to stand up, and-a the next thing-a know, I'm-a flyin' through the air!"

"Well if you can. . ." Luigi trailed off, preparing for his own take-off.

With all his might, Luigi jumped as hard as he could, his eyes tightly shut.  As soon as he opened his eyes, they nearly popped out of his head as he realized he was a good twenty feet off the ground.

"WHAAAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-AAAAA!!"  Luigi howled, half exhilirated, half mortified.  He landed safely, kicking up a small cloud of brown dust as he touched down.

Mario, not to be outdone, jumped up as high as he could, with results similar to his brother.  "Oh-ho!  Uh-hoh-hoh-hoo!!"  Mario laughed, astonished with his newfound power.

"The gravity must-a be all-a screwy here."  Luigi concluded thoughtfully.

"I guess,"  Mario mumbled quietly.  "Hey, maybe we could-a jump up to that-a pipe!"  Mario exclaimed.

The two brothers anxiously sprinted over the fields of tall grass until they reached the cold, rocky outcropping.

"All right-a little brother, on the count of three!  One, two, . . . wait for it. . . three!!"

Mario and Luigi rocketed through the air, climbing higher and higher through the atmosphere.  They finally slowed down until they floated in the sky for a split-second, and plummeted back down to the ground before painfully tumbling as soon as the two brothers made contact with the soft brown surface.

"Fooob!! . . . We gotta work on-a those landings,"  Luigi admitted.

"I guess we're-a gonna have-a to find some help so we can-a get outta here,"  Mario concluded.

"Oh, no!"  Luigi began, "I'm-a not-a goin' anywheres in this crazy place!  I'm-a gonna jump up-a this cliff somehow and-a go home, and-a get our money from-a the penguin-lady, and-a go home, and-a take a nap!!"

"Come on-a, Luigi, we'll just-a follow this little trail here to-a the nearest town and-a get someone that can-a help us!"  Mario explained.

"I don't know. . ."  Luigi trailed off, a bit worried.

"I-a promise, we'll-a be home-a before dark,"  Mario said, starting on the dry, dust path.

"Alright.  Here we go!"  Luigi said, happy to be on his way home.

Edited by - billy chilly on 8/7/2001 10:15:05 PM
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2001, 09:48:36 PM »
The bright sun was sitting high above the Brothers Mario on it's perch in the sky as Mario and Luigi hiked along the quiet, scenic path.

"Hey-a Mario!  Look at-a this tree, the trunk has a checkerboard-a pattern on it!"  Luigi pointed out in astonishment.

"Yeah, I-a know little brother, that's-a the seventh one you've-a pointed out.  They're all-a like that!"  Mario answered, a bit annoyed.

As hours slowly passed by, Mario and Luigi continued along the winding trail.  The red, lazy sun started to sink down behind the expansive, grassy horizon, turning the white, cotton-ball clouds into blazing red puffs in the sky.  Mario and Luigi were coming up on a small, dark woods.  The two brothers, growing tired after their hours of trudging along the dusty path finally made their way to the shady forest, hoping to rest their aching feet a bit before pressing on.

"Let's-a sit down for a minute,"  Mario proposed, wiping the bit of sweat that formed on his brow.

"Sounds-a good to me, Mario!"  Luigi said, relieved to finally have a break.

"Not-a so fast, Mario!"  A raspy, angry voice howled from somewhere behind them.

Haters gonna hate
