
Author Topic: Club Nintendo Launches in North America  (Read 22978 times)

« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2008, 11:08:07 PM »
How do you register WiiWare titles?

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 11:59:05 PM by NintendoExpert89 »


  • Invincible
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2008, 12:26:15 AM »
What about the games that are on that list, but your copy was bought long before CN launched in the US?
I don't think it matters when the games were purchased.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2008, 05:43:18 AM »
I doesn't matter when you registered the games as long as it's before the survey expires.  For example, I registered SM64 DS and when it launched, but someone who registered it today on Club Nintendo and did the same survey would get the same number of coins.  I used the same email for CN that I'd used on so my registrations transferred if they were on the above list. 

I gave away all my imported Japanese Club Nintendo registrations, but now I'm curious if they'd work here.  I doubt it. 

I checked and I have all the Wii games registered and am only missing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness and Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia DS.  I have no plans to get them or the dozen or so VC/WW games I'm missing.  I actually have 100+ VC/WW titles, but it appears Nintendo is only allowing new ones to count, and most of those don't have surveys yet.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 05:45:42 AM by Luigison »
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Bruised
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2008, 03:50:56 PM »
I kind of wish GameStop hadn't talked me into getting a used copy of SM64DS. (At least it came with its manual, or as I like to call it, Uction book)
I've registered 10 games so far.  5 DS and 5 Wii.

How do you do the intend to buy system?  Is it even working yet?
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • Old Person™
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2008, 04:40:15 PM »
How do you do the intend to buy system?

Edit.  Nevermind.  It's not up and running yet.  All you get is this image:
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 04:45:04 PM by Luigison »
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2008, 05:40:15 PM »
Why do they take Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition but not any of the other versions of SFII on VC (like the one I own)?


  • Old Person™
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2008, 06:49:19 PM »
I assume they only used the most recent third party games.  I think they did the same thing with Sonic 2.

Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (Sega Mega Drive)
USA Release Date
    13 Oct 2008

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Super Nintendo)
USA Release Date
    21 Jan 2008

Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Super Nintendo)
USA Release Date
    25 Jun 2007

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super Nintendo)
USA Release Date
    25 Dec 2006
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2008, 08:30:48 PM »
How do you register VC games?
ROM hacking with a slice of life.


  • Bruised
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2008, 09:58:00 PM »
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2008, 10:05:56 PM »
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • Old Person™
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2008, 10:22:29 PM »
They're automatically registered if you used the same email for Club Nintendo as you did from and had previously linked you account to your Wii.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2008, 05:05:33 PM »
So I need to register my Wii. I did not do so yet.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 07:30:39 PM by nensondubois »
ROM hacking with a slice of life.

« Reply #27 on: December 25, 2008, 11:09:12 PM »
Registration of games existed in the States for a while, I registered Mario Party 5 as my last one. I got those buttons saying Mario for President and Bowser and stuff. Nothing good, though. The code has been the same, REGISTER YOUR GAMES, Pin # on back. Systems, you use the bar-code. That was tough with my GameCube.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 11:10:59 PM by Luigalaxy »

« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2008, 08:42:09 PM »
You can register Gamecube games? No way! How many points do you get?
ROM hacking with a slice of life.

« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2008, 07:39:51 PM »
Not sure. I said that it worked in the past before Club Nintendo came here.

Its back up. After registering all of my DS games, I have a gold membership and have 310 coins. My Wii games are probably gonna put me higher up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 06:43:34 AM by Luigalaxy »
