
Author Topic: Remakes?  (Read 1992 times)

« on: July 13, 2001, 05:36:48 PM »
Lately there have been reissues of slightly modified versions of a lot of earlier "Mario" games, and there are more to come.  Which classic "Mario" games do you think should be remade for Game Boy Advance or Nintendo Game Cube?

I'd have to say "Super Mario Bros. 3."  As long-time board members know, I have an obsessive devotion to that game.  Maybe "Super Mario World" later.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2001, 06:24:59 PM »
Definitly Super Mario 3.  With some added new features like finding 5 ace coins  or the Yoshi eggs.  or even something totally different.
I also think that SMW shouyld be re-made.
Imagine voices with those games!?!

« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2001, 08:14:39 PM »
All of them (the classics anyway). They could make another Super Mario All-Stars game for the gamecube that could have ALL of older mario games in full Super Smash Bros. Melee looking glory. They could have all of the following games:

1. Donkey Kong (with more levels and multiplayer mode)

2. Mario Bros. (the arcade version with new enemies and special challenges)

3. Super Mario Bros. 1-3

4. Lost Levels

5. Super Mario Land 1-3(?) (I don't know if there was a third SML but if there was it would be there too)

6. Yoshi's Safari (if there wasn't a gun hook-up, you could just use your joystick to aim)

7. Super Mario World

8. Yoshi's Island

9. Mario RPG

10. Game And Watch Gallery 1 and 2

They might have to have this on multiple disks, with a few games on each. Maybe they could have DK, MB, GAWG, and YS(?) on Disk 1, SMB1-3 on Disk 2, and SMW, YI, and SMRPG on Disk 3. I dunno...somethin like that.

(anything else to add?)

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