We got a 39" TV last year, and yet the vast majority of all non-interactive visual media that I watch is on my phone. We don't have TV, so the TV is just for video games and movies. I've been working 35ish hours a week lately (plus an hour a day for the commute), and everyone else in my family has been watching Lost constantly on both our TVs for the past few months anyway, so I don't use that TV much. When I play Wii U games, I usually just play in off-TV mode. I have Netflix, but I haven't gotten around to using it in a while, despite having a couple hundred things in my instant queue. I think I have commitment issues or something (When I do use it, though, it's on my 3DS). Pretty much all I watch right now is YouTube, and my seven-year-old laptop chugs when it tries to play YouTube videos, so, phone.