Hmm. Perhaps I should take down those old caricatures. Not that my drawing ability has improved much, I should think.
I've used variations on "Suffix" on other sites: Ian_Suffix, Sufijo, サフィックス (safikkusu), and Souflet, which I probably spelled incorrectly. With the exception of Ian_Suffix (Steam), I use none of them, so linking to where they were used is kind of a moot point.
Embarrassingly enough, I am most widely known as ハグ (Hagu), a nickname I obtained in my first semester of Japanese classes at college. When I grew bored of traditional methods of study, I took my desire for learning to
Nico Nico Douga, where I had previously been entertained by the Let's Play (that is, Jikkyou Play) and MAD videos. There, I decided to use the hype behind Fallout: New Vegas and launch my own Jikkyousha persona, to recruit curious viewers into helping me with my studies. Interest has waxed and waned, but all in all, it's worked out pretty advantageously for me. Deezer can probably attest to this, as my translation skills have grown immensely.
A little more than a year after I began, I discovered the reference the nickname was based off of was/is a girl's name. I was rather mad at the time, but now I recognize that it's both easy to remember, and the conflict between the effeminate name and the crass methods by which I've played games like New Vegas, Skyrim, and Minecraft is kind of amusing.