
Author Topic: Hardest Paper Mario boss  (Read 2230 times)

« on: August 24, 2001, 06:32:05 AM »
whose the hardest PM boss for you? Mine is Huff N Puff! He's almost impossible! My hands hurt affter the battle! And I can never seem to beat him on the first try! He's harder then Bowser!

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2001, 09:32:32 AM »
I'd have to say it's Bowser. I didn't think Huff'n'Puff was all that hard. I beat him on my first try, but he had me sitting up straight with my eyes glued to the tv the whole time (I had 1 HP left when I finished the king off with Watt). With Huff'n'Puff I think it was actually easier, but he's still a tough boss.

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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2001, 11:15:02 AM »
I bought the game on a thursday and by sunday i was up to flower fields, and it took me from sunday to about wednesday to  beat huff n puff and i beat bowser's castle and the 1st and 2nd bowser on thursday.

It's not a matter of optimism or pessimism, it's a matter of common sense! (half empty or half full?)

« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2001, 11:30:33 AM »
He\s hard for me because of that blowing attack where u have to press A all the time and that he can gain more helath. And that I can't use Watt when she's my best Party Member. So I used Bow and beat him alot easier.

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2001, 11:30:40 AM »
He\s hard for me because of that blowing attack where u have to press A all the time and that he can gain more helath. And that I can't use Watt when she's my best Party Member. So I used Bow and beat him alot easier.

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
