
Author Topic: Mecha Mario Bros.  (Read 4825 times)

« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2002, 07:17:42 PM »
Mario and Luigi were holed up in their house while the army of Luigi's came slowly closer. They Couldn't stay there much longer. the only thing they could do would be to fight honorably. But then they thought better of it.
"OK. an army of devastating, yet incredibly handsome, androids are going to mow us down! Let's think about this. One of those robots saved our butts last time. Maybe it'll help out again!" Luigi said, trying to sound optimistic.
"Doubt it." said mario. " the only thing to do is-"
"hop out of a window and make a run for it?" Luigi offered.
They ran to the nearest warp pipe, and came out in Toad Town and kept on running, making quite a show as they ran. Soon, there came the mechs and koopa bros.. several toads saw them.
"Hey!" the first exclaimed, "That's them Mario Brothers, we keeps hearin about! Lets get'em!" the others agreed and  chased the mechs with pitchforks, torches and slingshots. the mechs stopped, and turned around, forgetting the chase for a moment, and began to beat up on the mob. Mario knew he could get away but something in him made him stop. he ran back and picked the robots off the toads, and destroying as many of them as possible. he then knew he could help no more and made off as fast as he could! The chase went on untill they came to the dock. "they've got us!" Luigi shouted.
"If we're gonna die," mario replied"Then we're goin out fightin!"
They began to battle as if they would never fight again, and indeed they thought they wouldn't! Until Mario kicked one of them into the water. It Fizzled and sparked untill it finally exploded! Luigi had an Idea! he began to furiously splash water on the robots. Soon, Mario picked up on it and joined in. in a matter of matter of minutes, they were gone.

Back at Tatanga's base...
"AAGGHH! Those blithering idiots!" shouted tatanga. "send in the koopa bros.!" he said into an intercom. Soon, standing before him, were several nervous, shivering, drenched, scared and broken koopas.
"Uh... You sir-ship...uh...ness. We're sorry! But if you give us another chance, we'll get' em!" said red. regaining confidence as he said it.
"NO!" said tatanga, "No more chances!" he pulled a rope and a trap door opened. the koopa bros. fell in.
"Sphinx! How close ids it to being finished?"
"Almost, sir."
"Good! send one last attack on the Mario brothers to tide them over. Hahahahaha*Hack**cough*!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2002, 11:20:35 AM »
Howdy! If you never go to general chat, then I should tell you that I am Screech.

"Luigi, we've got to stop all this. They're trying to kill us!" Mario said. "well, we know their weakness.hehe. it's so simple. we splash 'em with water, and they blow up!"
there was a knock at the door."uh oh!" they said together. mario grabbed one of his heavy tools and stood by the doorway, while luigi opened it. *CLANG* they looked at the person they had just hit, "TOAD!" the exclaimed in unison. There, on their rug was a completely out-of-it Toad. they quickly picked hm up and set him on a bed.
"I wonder what he's doing here."
"wait till he wakes up and he'll tell us.
I've got an idea. We go to town in disguise and try to find the anyone on Tatanga's side."
"I'll stay here and watch toad." mario said.
 Luigi arrived at a bustling, busy City. bigger than toad town but a the people were much meaner. he knew this would be a good place to look for villains, the city was full of them. he began at a place , Wario commonly drank at. shmo's Tavern. he walked in wearing a fake mustache that could barely be seen over his real one, some wire rim glasses, and a trenchcoat. he walked to the bar."weeeellll, whadaya waaaaannnt?" the bartender asked. Luigi lowered his voice to a whisper,"you seen a short purple guy with funny ears lately?" he said as several short purple guys with big ears swaggered by."never mind." then something caught his eye. sitting with a woman in swimsuit, was wario. He walked over and sat down, but before he could tell him who he was ,Wario shouted, "Hey, Luigi! What brings a goody-goody like you down here?" luigi was embarrassed but noone seemed to notice. "This is my girl,Wachibi! he said. "charmed." said the woman. Luigi asked,"Have you seen Tatanga?" "Tangetta? never heard of 'im!" luigi realized wario's ignorance. "the purple guy." "oh, the one with them funky ears?" "yeah." "he went off in that fancy car of his. Real, fancy car..." his voice trailed off. Luigi brought him back  by asking, "Where'd he go? Did he take anyone with him?"
"yeah, some turtles and a lot of drunk goombas. Oh yeah, and some guy with a cat's body and a dumb looking pharoe hat... in that real fancy car." Luigi asked one more question,"Is there a phone near?"
"Right outside."
 meanwhile mario had been trying to get toad to wake up. nothing worked. he decided to give up. just then, the phone rang.
to be continued.

Who am I!
I'll give you a clue!
I already know most all of you
I come here often! yes indeed!
I've to much time. a life, I need
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
