
Author Topic: what is the best mario game?  (Read 2760 times)

« on: April 01, 2002, 01:39:51 AM »
i think the best mario game would be probably  well im not sure  but maybe mario all stars? hey do not get mad at me if i said the wrong mario game

« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2002, 03:36:43 PM »
I say Super Mario World!

Microsoft X-Box unanimously voted "Worst Game Console There Ever Was And Ever Will Be"
I am a Mario Hacker! Specializing in SMB1. Hacks completed: 2
Why is the word ''dictionary'' in the dictionary? If you don't know what a dictionary is, you wouldn't know to look in the dictionary to find the definition of dictionary.

« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2002, 10:16:40 PM »
By far Super Mario Bros. 3 for NES. Next on the list would be Super Mario Bros. 2. Third would be Super Mario World for SNES. Fourth would be Super Mario Kart for SNES. Fifth, Super Mario 64 for Nintendo 64. And finally sixth, Super Mario Bros. 1. for NES.

« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2002, 06:33:35 PM »
I have-a to say-a a movie quote-ah: DANIEL MCMAHON'S BIKERACK!

Mama mia~ Thats a spicey meat-a-ball!
Mama mia~ Thats a spicey meat-a-ball!

« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2002, 07:36:22 PM »
hmmmmmmm  SM64  smb3 and sma2
People are who they are and thats that!!!!!!
