
Author Topic: Bored-MKII GT  (Read 26723 times)

« on: April 23, 2002, 08:56:30 AM »
Fred: So this guy walks into a bar!

Bill: Yes go on!

Fred: That's it. This guy walks into a Bar.

Bill: AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! You tell the Funniest D@mn jokes Fred!

Roshan: Forgot my Wallet.

Roy: Forgot mine too.

Mario: I'm home honey! Oh wait I'm not maried.......

Ricky Richardo: LUCY! I told you you CAN'T be in the Scooby-Doo play!!

Lucy: But Ricky,I just want to be Dafny!!

Daffy Duck: You're despicable.

Bugs Bunny: What's that supposed to mean,DOC?!!   :I'm to ***y for my Towel,to ***y for my Towel!

Ranma: Yowsa!!

Miss Anime: You want some big boy?


Luigi: I'd better appear in THIS story!!!!

Will Luigi appear in BMKIIGT? Will MissAnime get any ***ier? Will Ranma turn into a girl? Will Fred get better jokes? Find out when someone replies to this Topic!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2002, 11:00:26 AM »

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2002, 07:22:08 PM »
Roshan: Wow, this story has an even more stupid plot than the first one..... Hey, anyone here know why I carry 10 wallets? I am kinda forgetting 1 everywhere....
Roy: (Why do I even HAVE a wallet?)
Roshan: Well, what are we doing anyway?
MamaMia Mario: Well, we are kinda watching cartoon characters arguing....
Roshan: Meh, ok..... I thought the plot would be more..... exciting? Hey, I got some new shoes! You push this button and..... *pushes the button*

*Spikes come out of the soles of Roshan's shoes*

All: Cool!

Roshan: And you push this button and mroe spikes come out of the sides of the other spikes, allowing me to adhere to most surfaces. Plus, you push THIS button *pushes the button* and the spikes become 4,000 RPM spinning drills!!!!

*Roshan's shoes make a WHIRRRRRRRRR noise*

All: whoa.......
Roshan: Hmmmmmmm I left my 6th wallet on that table over there...
*hops off his chair, not realizing that the shoe spikes are still on Drill mode. He lands on Black Yoshi somehow and a rather violent scene follows... *
Roshan: oops...... and Roshan gets the first kill!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA.... *evil grin*

When will this story get a REAL plot?

When will some of the other people arrive?

Why DOES Roshan have 10 wallets?

How much did Roshan's shoes cost?

And who are all these other people?

FIND OUT sometime.... somewhere.... on the next hopefully-more-exciting episode of

Nored-MKII GT!!!!!!


Roshan: Man, Roy, we should be in our OWN story.... that would be fun.... Steve?

Steve: --------- *runs*

Roshan: Why does he ALWAYS do that?

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2002, 07:39:43 PM »
* stars riding it*
00boo:hey you're no fun any more
cable:BY 2 pnts
roshan:why are you here 00boo

00boo:ummmm iwill be the anouncer it seems we ran out of anouncer
00boo: will 00boo seek his holy shroom
will roshan get another wallet
will mamamia mario find samous
will cable get to watch tv
will i ever make a addon to a plot  

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2002, 08:25:27 PM »
Roshan: HEY! No one rides Roy without MY permission, got that??!?!!?!?!?!<several more "?"s and "!"s> I would NEVER kill Roy; I would have to walk EVERYWHERE without him!
00boo: Like you did in the first story?
Roshan:ummmmmm...... anyway, What exactly IS the Holy Shroom?
00boo: <explanation covered in next post, I hope>
Roy: (Why does this story NOT have a plot?)
Roshan: Have you even READ the last story? It has even LESS of a plot!
Roy: *reads the last story* (Ugh.....)
Roshan: Well, whatever it is, we need to find it.... I think....

Will they find or find out what or where the Holy Shroom is?

WILL I stop CAPITALIZING seemingly random WORDS in ALL OF Roshan's STATEMENTS?

Now that Roy has discovered that the story has no plot after just 4 posts, what will happen now?

I am too lazy to answer these questions.... except for the last one.

I guess he just hasta go along with it...

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2002, 08:40:24 PM »
"HOLY SHROOM" a magical shroom that has no plot and use(i dont know its a spin off of monty python and the holy grail)

« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2002, 09:01:47 PM »
(actually it has nothing to do with the plot so its minusing plot)
mamamia mario:wow that anime chick is hot
00boo:man you always say that
black yoshi:hello
00boo:how did you last then more then 1 post
black yoshi:because i ate lucky charms today
00boo:ok.... WELL whos with me in the magical holy shroom
black yoshi:me

00boo:will this plot last a whole page
will 00boo find the holy shroom
will ranma be in this story
Answer of the last one

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2002, 06:39:10 PM »
Roshan: Well, we STILL don't have a plot.... Hey! I know! we can search for a plot for this story! That would make an OK plot... wait.... why am I even in this story if it doesn't have a plot???
Roy: (Yea, I agree...)

*Roshan hops on Roy and flies off....*

When will Roshan and Roy return? (When the story gets a plot!!!!! Didn't you read that?)

Will anyone besides 00boo post here?

--------------DO I CARE?-------------------

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2002, 07:53:10 PM »
Ranma: Hey Shampoo can I wash my hair with you?

Shampoo: Get lost Pervy!!(Shampoo is a Char. in Ranma1/2)

Fred: *Gasp!* A PLOT!!!!!!!! Ok let us search for the 'Dragoon Shampoo'!!

A Spork: It's right here.*Hands Fred the Dragoon Shampoo*

CitrusMan: Let us search for the Crystal of Restop!!

Luigi: I GOT A PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Crystal of Restop is right here......hey......I feel all strange......and.......Meaty...........

{ButcherMan! Here to protect all that is Greasy and Fatty!! He stands for Pork......Beef......Lamb.....and a nice tall side a BACON!!!!!1

Mario: Citrusize!! *Transforms like Optimus Prime into CitrusMan*

CirusMan: I will defeat you ButcherMan and your Anti-Healthy Ways!!!


Good enough Plot? No? Good. I never liked plots. I think an Anime,Book,Comic,Game is better when the Characters have no Goal and are just trying to find thier Place in the World. So until Insane Steve wants and adds a Plot it shall have none.

Sign my Petition!
ReturnRoshan: What Petition?
MamaMia Mario: Hmmmm,that is right I should start a petition before asking people to sign it! I knew I forgot something!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2002, 08:07:53 PM »
00boo:that was so*sniff* beutafull*sniff*
mmm:uuuu ooook
00boo:ACK if the sory has no plot that means itsa plot that talks about no plot
mmm:will you just fight butcher
00boo:ok*pulls out a anti tank gun(missle launcher)*
citrus man:you missed you idiot
(it kills the anouncer instead)
00boo:ok fire 2
citrus man:ow you really need glasses
butcher:ha ha ha
00boo:oh thats why i was play pin the goomba earlier fire 3

00boo:did 00boo hit butcher
will cable ever reply
wat ever happen to the holy shroom(well by stole it)

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2002, 08:45:24 PM »
*00boo misses a third time...* (sorry, but I had something typed out and the boards went down for me for about 10 mins...)

00boo: This is not like me....

*Roshan is sitting at home, playing Mario Kart 64 against Roy.*

Roshan: HAHAHA! And I win again!

Score: Roshan 73 Roy 0

Roshan: I TOLD YOU I WAS UNBEATABLE AT THIS GAME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (etc.) Man, this is getting boring. *sudden realization* Hey, that story doesn't need a REAL plot for it to be funny..... Wanna join in again?
Roy: (Yea, I'm getting kinda bored, and the story is rather unpredictable....) *under his breath* (Hey, anything's better than getting beat for a 74th straight time...)
Roshan: HAHAHA! I heard that! *dances around the room*

*Roshan hops on Roy and flies (well, actually Roy is doing all the flying. Roshan is just being a lazy bum) back to the story's location. Roshan's shoes malfunction and go onto "Drill" mode again. Roy, still mad at getting beaten 73 straight times at Mario Kart 64, throws Roshan off onto Black Yoshi, who gets killed by Roshan's spiffy drill shoes.*

MamaMia Mario: Welcome back! (kinda) Hey, how come you've killed Black Yoshi 3 times and no one else has yet?
Roshan: cuz I am ROSHAN!!!!!
MMM: ummmmmm..... Yes you are.
Roshan: That and I have a strange tendency to kill things, rather inadvertedly or on purpose.... and I got spiffy shoes! heh heh heh.... cool! a fight!
ButcherMan: Hmmmmmmm... *hops on Roy and flies around the room....* You cannot catch me now!!! *throws meat around the room*
Roshan: HEY!!!!!!!!!! I SAID IT ONCE AND I AM GOING TO SAY IT AGAIN: NO ONE RIDES ROY WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!!! *whips out the PEN KNIFE OF YOUR IMPERTINENT DOOM* Prepare to die!!! *catches ButcherMan and hacks him to death with the PEN KINFE OF YOUR IMPERTINENT DOOM* Now, may that be a lesson to all of you!!!!! *evil grin*
CitrusMan: HEY! That was MY fight!
00boo: And mine!
Roshan: Meh, I'll let you 2 steal one of my fights later..... *evil grin*
Roy: (Why do you always get like that?)
Roshan: Because if just one person rides you without my permission and I allow it, soon the whole world will want a ride.... and I'll have to allow it because it is only fair... I am very sure you will get quite tired trying to give the whole world a ride.... *evil grin* so i am actually doing this for you....
Roy: (Oh....... ok then.....)
Roshan: Wow, that's the closest this story came to a plot yet!

*A shadowy, haggard looking figure that no one there had ever seen before enters and collapses in front of everyone*

Does this story finally have something that may qualify as a plot in 13 countries? Find out on..... <too lazy to check the title of the story>

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2002, 08:05:24 AM »
hmmm now wat are we going to fight
*talking monkey with a gun to black yoshis head apears*
00boo:hey he ate his lucky charms....
black yoshi:actually i went to the bathroom just before roshan came
talking monkey:now roshan i will kill something
roshan:its ok hell just come back to life
*black yoshi dies*
talking monkey :now look wat you made do
roshan:ok i will just
*the talking monkey turned in to a bunch talking monkeys*
00boo:FIRE 4

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2002, 06:46:36 PM »
*00boo hits and kills the ENTIRE talking monkey army with one shot*

00boo: Bout d*mn time....
Roshan: So that makes up for the 3 misses, I presume?
00boo: Yea....
Roshan: So THAT'S the plot, we sit here and fight stuff.... SWEET, that's my fort.
Roy: (You mean FORTE.)
Roshan: Well, my comp doesn't have accent marks... sheesh...

Will My comp get accent marks?

Find out when ---- ya know, I don't care!!

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2002, 09:45:32 PM »
not another one of these.....whoever posts in these clearly got a hold of the *cough*"HOLY SHROOM"*cough*, if you take it the way i do........heh heh heh

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "ok im finally back..." topic and request what episodes you want!!!


you really dont know, do you??

« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2002, 12:52:25 AM »

Bill: ZELDA CARTOONS!!!!!!!!

Roshan: ROSHAN CARTOONS!!!!!!!

Ranma: Wait.....there are no Roshan cartoons.

Roy: Bwahahaha!!!

Roshan: *About impales Roy but checks himself* What?! No Roshan Cartoons?!! What Kind of Comunist Country are we Living in!!??

Ranma: Let us search for the Legendary Roshan Cartoon!!

CirusMan: One for All,and All for Meat!!(Thought I'd say Citrus eh?)

aaaand now with Special Thanks to SMB Allstars Master,WE NOW HAVE AN IDIOTIC PLOT!!!!!!!!!!!
200 characters and nothing to say.
