
Author Topic: The fate of Nintendo...  (Read 2473 times)

Mario Maniac

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« on: May 20, 2002, 05:34:32 AM »
Nintendo's got it all wrong with their GameCube system. How could they design a system that CANNOT play DVD's or audio CD's when the evidence clearly shows that the PS2 is more successful because it DOES have that technology built into it?

The GameCube is a very powerful system, and I congratulate them for going the extra distance they've needed to promote their system, with all of the merchandising campaigns and publicity for the system...But Nintendo needs to get one thing straight, the videogame business is about competition...only the most successful/powerful systems can win. Xbox is clearly the most powerful system to date, and PS2 has all the advanced technology to be a winner, but GameCube only has Nintendo's own 1st-party games to back it up and those crummy discs they call "mini-discs"...

I think Nintendo would be better off as a 3rd-party publisher, that way they wouldn't have to worry about creating a new system in hopes of watching it succeed in the competition... I have more to say later.
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2002, 06:16:00 AM »
A video game system is made to play Video Games!!!!! Not DVDs! Not CDs! Have you ever thought that maybee they just put those features on to make you think your getting a better system? Maybee they can't push the actule Video Game system any further so they throw in extras to try to make it sell. I don't have any proof of this, but it would make sense, wouldn't it? Anyway, I feel you buy a Video Games system to play Video Games. If you want to play CDs well, have you ever herd of CD players? Also DVDs can be played on DVD players! Wow technology is so advanced isn't it? If the Game Cube could play them it would be a nice EXTRA. But that's all it would be. I already have a DVD and CD player. So why would I need another? It is not nesesary for makeing a great Video Game system! I wounder if Niontendo would have had this problem if they stuck to cartrages? I apalogize if I sounded a little ruff. It just seems like you here people with your reasoning again and again. I just plain don't agrea that it is a nesesity. I think it's just an execery. A small convinince. I don't think that it should MAKE they system. If putting a DVD and CD player on Video Game System is ALL that makes it popular I think that it is an incredably week system. They should only be looked at as execeryies, not the system itself. Besides, how many of you already have a CD and DVD player? If you do, than the only thing your getting with those other systems is the same thing, if not weeker than the brand names, cramed together with a Video Game System. I just don't think it's nesesary to have them. It shouldn't make the system. If people are begining to believe that those do make the system, I think the Video Game Market in general will become a sad place. If you want to see witch Video Game system is the best, look at the GAMES!!!, not the system! You could have the most modernized, and powerful, and execerized system in the world, but without great games, you have nothing. At least in the Video Game Sense. Just another flashy toy to show off to your friends. Not something fun to play, though. You might like those other systems. You may think they are fun to play. If you do, that's your choice. But you should judge a Video Game system by its games, not its features. As for Nintendo's Games, I'm still waiting for Mario Sunshine. Then Mortal Kombat Deadly Alince. I'm not shure if I want Spider-Man or not, though. Anaway, sorry for being so harsh on you. Don't take it personaly. Many, many other people probably have your same opinion. That's ok. Your free to think what you want. But I'm also free to disagree. And I do. Like I said, Notheing personal to you, though. I just don't belive those extras should make he system.

« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2002, 08:10:13 PM » was a long post. But I agree , Gaming Systems were made for playing Games. Sony and Microsoft (eccchhhhh!X-box!) just add estra's to get people thinking "Hey! I got a good deal! A DVD player built right in!" but in reality , thats all it is. And if you wanted to buy a DVD player , then buy a DVD player and not the sytem itself...oh , also..Gamecube Rules..X-box doesn't!(Don't mind to offend any X-box fans but to be ..just..doesn't..mmmkay?)

"To the World , you may be but one person.
But to one person , you may be the world."
"To the World , you may be but one person.
But to one person , you may be the world."

Mario Maniac

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« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2002, 09:42:10 AM »
I only posted this topic because I think it would be better with Nintendo as a 3rd-party developer.

If the DVD's and advanced features aren't what make videogame systems successful...then why is Sony's "Gay"Station 2 the most successful system?

With Nintendo as a 3rd-party publisher, they would have more time to spend on making good games, instead of wasting their time trying to promote their systems...Although the GameBoy will still be around, their home consoles won't.

Nintendo is the leader of great game-making and portable gaming, NOT the leader of home console gaming; that goes to Sony's PlayStation...
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2002, 07:51:14 AM »
I wonder when Mario Maniac will stop posting about how great other systems are, when this is a NINTENDO MESSEGE BOARD!!!!!!! Sheesh! Besides, X-Box was rated worst system ever built, and ever will be built! And I agree. Course, it's jsut your opinion on liking X-Box, but if you were a "Mario Maniac: then what's with all the posting about how great other systems are (Espiecally when GC is obviously the best)

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2002, 12:22:28 PM »
Yeah! Were here to discuss nintendos stars like Mario! Yes the DVD in PS2 is allright but I don't care I like many others have DVD Players why buy an over priced ps2 to just watch DVD's you want systems to play video games not CDS! I mean who dosen't have a Cd player anyway? So I hope nintendo never ever goes and gives up on the new and most successful nintendo system yet! Especially to join forces with the stupid defective X-Box!

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board! note:Im also Ludwig Von Koopa as well as SuperYoshi7175. Ps.again Ok Join the Mario Clan the only clan totally devoted to Mario!
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« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2002, 12:26:11 PM »
Oh I forgot to say Sony Dumbstation 2 is not the most successful system!

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board! note:Im also Ludwig Von Koopa as well as SuperYoshi7175. Ps.again Ok Join the Mario Clan the only clan totally devoted to Mario!
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