
Author Topic: Star Fox  (Read 32493 times)

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2002, 01:55:10 AM »
*sigh* Nobody really cares about Fox and the gang...
That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2002, 01:55:52 AM »
...Except me, that is.
Yup... here it comes. The compendium of philosophical ponderings.
I think the Starfox games take place in the present (or somewhere near the present). I don't think they are set in the future... because who knows, an advanced race of intelligent animals living near the center of the Milky Way could be possible...

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 12/31/2002 12:07:27 AM
That was a joke.

« Reply #62 on: January 15, 2003, 09:58:18 PM »
Actually I could care less about Krystal and will only buy another SF game if they go back to it being a shooter. I fell in love with SF years ago, and I've even made a model Arwing, to prove how much I was into it. But I haven't bought SFA because Falco is gone and I loved the shooter theme, that's what SF was all about, and the plot was always fine. SF was never about emotional, Fox falls in love, fantasy crap. Just sci-fi, hi-tech Star Wars type worlds and action. And it should stay that way.

Since Armada sounds so bad, (Nintendo's messing up the look of every game, ex. Zelda), and I was hoping the game after SFA would revert to SF style, I'm veeeery disappointed.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #63 on: January 15, 2003, 11:42:45 PM »
Well whatever, Mr. (not) Lombardi.
For your information, you wouldn't be able to even BEAT SFA without Falco. He IS in the game, he saves Fox from Andross.
And if you "could care less", that means that you do care. Hah. I believe you probably meant that you couldn't.
Zelda was always supposed to be a cartoon. Its art style is as it should be. However, Starfox was never a cartoon, hence my only complaint. Armada will be a space shooter. It should be fine in plot and gameplay areas.

P.S. SFA's plot ROCKED!!!
That was a joke.

« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2003, 12:03:12 AM »
Uh, you don't need to get all defensive because I disagree with you. No wonder noone wants to reply to your topic. How old are you?

I think people need to stop being obsessed over Krystal, or the love connection between two -animals-. I can understand people liking a theme like that in Zelda but it just doesn't belong here. You may argue that the plot is "involving and emotional" moreso than the last games; do I want that in Starfox, no. It's an intergalactic space wars and sci-fi genre like I said before, not magic and love stuff. I guess I'm just too hardcore and nostalgic about SF for all this. I'll end up buying the game, but I'm still disappointed the greatness of SF and SF64 won't be repeated, except in a degraded cartoon format (and this is an even bigger travesty with Zelda.. )

And just because Falco makes a cameo does not mean he's in the game like he used to be. Oh, something else for you to ponder: I am not a Mr., k thx.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2003, 12:38:45 AM »
Falco is a "Mr.", however.
So, no one wants to reply to my topic, eh? Sure is funny how it's gone on for five pages like this.
Anyway, that may be your opinion, and that's fine and all... but I tend to think of the Starfox characters as people, rather than animals... it's anthropomorphic, remember. They have personalities and stuff... they just look different, sorta.
Anyway, Armada should fill your need for a "classic" Starfox space shooter. Even if it looks like a cartoon right now (which they'll probably change,) it has new features that expand on Starfox 64.
The bottom line is, SF64 has lots of character interaction, and so does SFA. That's what the core of Starfox is. The characters!
At any rate, even though they may call it magic, if you look, it's actually highly advanced technology.
And even if you say what genre Starfox is, that doesn't necessarily make it so. There've only been three games in the whole series, and only two of them have the correct storyline!

Another thing, you will probably never find a bigger fan of Starfox than me. I may not be as nostalgic or "hardcore" as you, but that's not what it's about. I am not hardcore, but diehard.
If you're too hardcore to want to play the next game in the series, then I can't really see that as being a fan of the series. But that's just me, and I have very little influence on people.

Anyway, I got me a copy of Starfox 64 off eBay for $11 plus shipping, and that's with the box, manual, and the Rumble Pak. I'm rather pleased.

P.S. As I said before, Zelda games were always supposed to be cartoons. Did you not know that?
The Wind Waker looks way better than the N64 titles, in my opinion.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 1/17/2003 10:50:18 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2003, 01:41:50 AM »
Zelda was only a "cartoon" because the power of the NES and SNES hardware couldn't make it anything more, and even then the cutscenes and character art were hand-drawn but somewhat realistic. The Zelda TV series had more realistically drawn characters as well. Wind Waker however is -completely- cartoon-like, despite GC being able to support better design, and unlike the past drawing-style of Zelda, WW has out of proportion, silly looking cheeseball characters.

So by your logic, are all old video games cartoons because of the way they were rendered?

« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2003, 07:01:11 PM »
Its cartoony because its cel-shaded.Plus they dont look like "cheeseball characters" they actually look kinda cool,but I was looking forward to a 3D Zelda game like OoT,that was a great game,so was Majoras Mask.

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2003, 12:19:42 AM »
They all had cartoon production art... and "Falco," there is one thing that you seem to have missing in your equation, and that is that Miyamoto's ambition is to create interactive cartoons.
That was a joke.

« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2003, 10:19:48 PM »
hey guys, just thought id drop by! So are these the only ppl here, and i see we also have a new guy, welcome Falco. Um...ive been here for a long time, but then i left for a long im back. yeah!

"Tetris: the movie"
Yeah, I can see that. A guy throwing bricks out of a window for 2 hours.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2003, 10:57:26 PM »
Yeah, this topic hasn't been doing too hot recently...

I write poetry when I`m not looking.
That was a joke.

« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2003, 10:58:24 PM »
I think Chupperson & I overcame Falco so I think he left because he hasnt replied for awhile....

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.


  • Guess who's banned!!!
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2010, 12:07:04 AM »
chocobo u rock!
Guess who's back!!!


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #73 on: January 04, 2010, 12:59:57 AM »
It always annoyed me how "General Scales," "Dinosaur Planet," "EarthWalker," etc. were all in English even when they were speaking dinosaur language. Really breaks the suspension of disbelief.

When writing that, I grabbed the SFA manual intending to look up and use the real name for that language and not just call it dinosaur language, but that's what it's called in the manual. So yeah.

When's Chup gonna announce the next discussion topic?
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #74 on: January 04, 2010, 03:56:33 AM »
Okay, when there's a Star Fox topic, I need to know about it, k? I might not be a total Star Fox nut (never played Armada or Command), but I do like talking about it.

Chup topic 1: Star Fox Armada

I've stubbornly refused to play it or even admit it exists due to mixed reviews and a revolting new look to the characters. Fox and Falco just look ugly, and the idea of blasting away on foot doesn't sound right. Maybe I'm remembering how much more frustrating it was to shoot stuff in the air when in the Landmaster. I think more than anything I was disappointed that Falco still didn't look like his Smash Bros. Melee incarnation (which I think is the best he's ever looked). I didn't quite think Krystal fit as a member of the Star Fox team (Fara Phoenix fan here, all the way), but I'm starting to come around. After watching a few YouTube videos, the game doesn't look too bad.

The briefing screens I was really surprised by. They actually look good. The animated performances make it exciting. I mean, the acting could be better, but their movements and some of the intonations more than make up for it. It's a shame they tore out facial expressions due to not having time or whatever, but I honestly wouldn't notice it unless I saw the Japanese version side by side. Hard to pick favorites, but there's the Fortuna briefing for the great use of the Star Fox theme music and the Katina briefing for the awesome performance of Beltino. I guess I can also take joy in General Pepper's zombie-dog appearance and his botched pronunciation of "Katina".

Chup topic 2: Dinosaur Planet

It is a coincedence, although looking back, I never knew why Fortuna was called the dinosaur planet. I saw flora and sea dragons and two-headed chickens, but no dinosaurs. Dinosaur Planet looks a bit too different from Fortuna to be the same thing (for one thing, it's a lot more densely populated), but it'd be cool if retroactively it was Fortuna. But now we know Dinosaur Planet is Sauria.

Chup topic 3: Krystal

At first, I really liked Krystal. Partly played the game just to see her (the other part was just being able to play as Fox again), had a few dreams about her, had a cozy #3 spot on "Fictional Characters I Have a Crush On". Then I stopped caring once she became part of the team. Maybe the whole mystery of her from SFA was gone by that point. I really wouldn't care if she disappeared from future games, as I've always cared about the original team (except Slippy).

Chocobo bit: Star Fox SNES

I played the SNES version shortly before the N64 version came out. I guess it was the characters that hooked me in more than anything else. I remember liking the game, but to date it's the only videogame I get seizures from. Serious headaches after playing for a few minutes. So I played it as a ROM with 50% scanlines and that seems to help. At first I found the game to be tough as nails. I couldn't even get past the Easy path (I usually got stuck on Meteor. That darn spider boss). But with a little more practice, I started to break through and complete more levels. It's not an easy game.

I like Star Fox 64, but its easy levels really start to count against it after a while (the only real challenge is Star Wolf on Venom 2), and the levels just seem to lack the magic of the SNES's levels. It's also seriously lacking in comparison to the SNES version's music. The SNES version had the right presentation and setting and difficulty. If only there can be an upgraded version of that, I'd be happy. Another thing in the SNES version I prefer over the later games: Peppy didn't look old and he didn't sound old.

Chocobo mention: Star Fox Adventures

Love the game. Yeah it's just Zelda with Fox McCloud, but it works. Beautiful graphics even today, an actual fluid framerate (never thought I'd see that from Rare), great music, great facial expressions in cutscenes. The first time it became night on Dinosaur Planet, I just stood there in awe because of the Thorntail Hollow Night music. I haven't heard anything prettier... until the Viva Pinata soundtrack came along and blew it out of the water. But SFA does have some serious flaws. The battles are an absolute joke and were pretty abrupt. You'd be walking along and then you'd have to fight some weakling you'd have to bash five times. I just ran past them if I could help it. The shopkeeper's one of the most annoying characters I've heard in a videogame, and the best I was able to buy anything below sale price was like one scarab. I do appreciate how Rare was able to contort his face to make believable mouth movements when talking though. And some of the puzzles are unfair. I was stuck at the... oh, that place with the Red Eye dinosaur... I was stuck for hours until I discovered one small switch on the side of a tree. I must have passed by that tree 50 times, but no, I never had the camera tilted -just so-. Overall, playing as Fox and the responsive controls and pleasant experience kept me going. The final battle's a total gyp though, and it was almost too difficult for me. It shouldn't be difficult, I've done that same basic battle before, so why is it so hard all of a sudden? And yet, the ending was TOTALLY worth it. Some people call Star Fox Adventures one of Rare's weakest offerings (before Grabbed By the Ghoulies came out). I say it was one of their best. I still dig those water effects. Oh, and I can't possibly forget Chief Lightfoot. His voice intonations are some of the funniest. Lightfoot needed more screen time.

But I am still very curious on what Dinosaur Planet would have been like if it released for N64 and Fox wasn't involved. From screenshots it barely even looks like the same game. Music's different, colors and atmosphere are different, Cape Claw's unrecognizable. I appreciate they moved it to the GameCube to give it a much-needed graphics and audio lift (and for giving the world Krystal the fox instead of Krystal the cat), but I still wonder what might have been. I would have bought Dinosaur Planet for N64 if it had come out. Because I hadn't yet discovered the joy that was Banjo-Kazooie, even though it had been out for ages.

Chocobo mention: James McCloud

Not unless Nintendo chooses to revisit or retcon the original storyline. I think a cameo by James in Star Fox 64 is enough for one lifetime, given how well that sequence was pulled off. I know it won't happen, but I wish they used the storyline in the Star Fox comics. Not just for a chance at Fara being in the games, but also because it's a whole lot cooler for James to visit the team while inside an intergalactic space whale. James seems to be a good character, but not something I would have the series dwell on. I don't find there being any big mystery surrounding him. Andross and Pigma were jerks, end of story.

Chup topic 4: Voices

Fox's voice rocks. I liked Peppy's chatter in the SNES game, vastly preferred it to his old voice in the later games. The old voice isn't bad, it's just not what I expected the character to turn out to be. When I first saw N64 renders of Peppy, I thought he'd keep a young voice, but no. Didn't like Falco in the SNES game because it sounded like he was belching his lines, but SF64 was a major change for the better and established Falco as the lovable smart-aleck. Slippy is interesting. He sounded good enough in the SNES version. N64 version was pure unfiltered torture (it's amazing how close Slippy's tone of "NOOOOO!" is to Darth Vader's NOOOO). He sounds a bit better in SFA. And he's nearly tolerable in Armada. But what really surprised me was that he looks good in SFA and Armada. Whereas I hated Peppy's old look and nearly the whole cast of Armada disgusts me, Slippy has consistently looked normal. So somehow, Slippy's gotten off pretty well in voice and looks over the course of the series.

I'll write more later, maybe. This is already too long.
You didn't say wot wot.
