
Author Topic: GrimSack Museum  (Read 4975 times)

« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2002, 06:40:01 AM »
Heres episode 4. Zach says a few funny things in this chapter, then he gets
drunk. So whether this part is funny or not, you'll be laughing your ass off
casue' Darwin called Zach "...**** drunk."

Keegot’s story, chapter 4

   The man who had grabbed Keegot swung at his head as hard as he could. The
blow left Keegot woozy, and he lost his senses. Meanwhile, the man took some
wire and tied Keegot to a tree. When he got his senses back, the man was
pacing in front of him, continually taking long drawls on a cigarette.  He
had a sadistic kind of smile on his face, and said with a strange accent,
“So, think you’re pretty smart, eh’ Organik’s boy?” Keegot said “As a matter
of fact, I…” The man slapped him across the face, then said “I’ll tell you
when I want to hear your voice, slave.” Keegot snarled “Slave? What do you
mean by that?”  The man replied “I mean you’re a slave. A slave of a filthy
corporation that’s slowly destroying the whole world!” Keegot  just looked
confused. He wasn’t even taunting now, and gave Keegot a look. “You have no
clue what the company does, do you?” said the man. Keegot said “What would
you know? You aren’t in them, you stinky, gangly, unshaven…” Another crack
across the face shut Keegot’s mouth again. “What do you know about
Organik’s? Besides what officers or other soldiers tell you, what do you
know?” Keegot shrugged. “They make things. Chemicals, food products,
medicines. They used to at least. Now they make narcotics too. They produce
weapons. They kill people. When they want to make more products, they build
another plant. When they run out of land, they reclaim some. And if they
can’t find unused land, they take land somebody else owns, whether they want
to give up their land or not. They’ll burn down an entire town just to make
some plant where they’ll produce bread with no nutritional value that
doesn’t taste very good, and charge five times what it’s worth. And before
they burn their town, they’ll steal anything of value. That means money,
gold, silverware, people, yeah, even people. They’ll take children and make
them laborers. They make teenagers and young adults soldiers in their army.
Middle aged people work in the factories, and the old are slaughtered.
Anyone who resists them is slaughtered.” He looked at Keegot more closely.
“How old are you?” Keegot said “I’m 18.” He stood up and said “So, did you
join the army, or did they come and take you away?” Keegot, suddenly
realizing what Baxter and Darwin said isn’t the whole truth, almost shouted
“That’s not true!…..right?” His mocking expression changed to one of
seriousness. “You have no idea. Here, I’ll untie, you. You can come with us.
You know now, why would you stay with them?” Keegot said “Well, I’ll have to
think about it first.” This made him mad, and he was about to hit him again
when somebody behind him shouted “Hands off him, creep!” Darwin and Sheena
came running out, weapons drawn. The man turned around, keeping a hand on
his hip. He lit a new cigarette, and said “Oh, do the Organik’s soldiers
think they can stop me?” In less than 2 seconds, he had whipped his shotgun
out of his leg holster and pointed it out them. The other rebels were taking
off in helicopters. Keegot heard gunshots and swearing. During all the
commotion, the man fired a shot at Sheena. It was dark though, and he
missed, hitting a tree. Darwin shot the man in the arm, making him drop the
gun. He screamed, ducking behind a tree. Sheena ran to untie Keegot, while
Darwin took after the rebel. He searched around for him, and found him when
the man’s boot met his stomach. He shoved him into the clearing where Keegot
and Sheena were, and took out a radio. He said something into it, then
quickly threw a grenade at the group. He ran out of the trees, while a
helicopter circled down to pick him up. But then the three recovered from
the blast, and followed him. Darwin took his gun and fired up at the
helicopter, somehow setting the tail on fire. The men inside daringly jumped
to another helicopter, but the man, climbing a rope ladder dropped to him,
didn’t. He let go of the ladder, sending him down with a sickening thud.
Darwin raised his gun again to finish him, but Keegot stopped him. “Dude,
don’t kill him. Hasn’t your stupid army killed enough people?” Darwin gave
him a confused look. This comment made no sense in Darwin’s mind. He
couldn’t fathom the thought that what Keegot was implying might be true.
That, and Keegot said something about it being his army, but that wasn’t
confusing so much as something stupid Keegot said.  â€œHey, you alright
buddy?” Keegot said to the man. He made some noise, then nodded. Keegot said
“Uh oh, some soldiers are coming. Quick, lets hide behind that shed!” Keegot
grabbed the man and carried him behind the shed. Darwin and Sheena,
confused, followed him. Keegot took Darwin’s first aid kit from his belt,
and looked though it for something to treat his wound. Darwin said “Keegot,
do you have any clue who this is? This isn’t some guy who got lost in the
camp, this is a member of Avenging Storm. Who did you think he was?” Keegot
said “Shut up! I’m sick of hearing about you sticking up for your murder
company!” Sheena calmly said “Keegot, he didn’t say anything about
Organik’s. Even if he had, what’s with you all of a sudden? You said you
trusted Organik’s about four hours ago.” Keegot said “That was before this
guy showed me the truth. I figured they took the people on my island, fed
them or checked them or something, then sent them back. No, that’s not what
they do! My little siblings are probably laboring away shining that Baxter
guy’s shoes! They probably drafted my friends into the crappy murdering sect
of the army, and if I know my friends, they wouldn’t do that. They’d reject
it, then they’d be killed!” Darwin said “Keegot, that’s a load of horse
****. Look at this guy…” he said, pointing to the rebel. “He’s **** drunk,
he smells bad, and while you were ranting nonsense, he took out a hip flask
and started drinking.” Keegot looked down, watching the rebel take huge
gulps from the cheap, tin flask. Keegot was about to say something, when he
heard a voice nearby say “Right, the three who joined today. I saw em’. I
don’t know if they’re trying to help the guy, or if they took him off to
torture him or rape him or something, but he was still alive when they took
him. I don’t need worries like that. If you find em’, kill em’.” A smaller,
meeker voice said “Colonel, whats the harm? They found one of those guys and
they moved him. You don’t even know what they…” Baxter shouted “What if they
help him? What if he fills their heads with the truth and they escape and
spread some rumors? We’d have to work to crush the rumors and threaten the
press for months. We don’t need to be participating in that much black mail,
not with the General putting his new plan into action. Look, just find em'
and shoot him. Tell nobody.” The other soldier marched off into the woods,
and the Colonel muttered something about no escape. Keegot was scared, but
at the same time he had a perfect example of what he learned. Darwin was
stone faced, Sheena scared, and the rebel had drank himself into a coma.
Keegot said “You heard him. You wanna’ die or you wanna’ run?” Darwin stood
up and said “We’ll discuss this later. You two, pick that guy up. Follow
me.” Keegot and Sheena picked the man up, and followed Darwin. In about 15
minutes, they had reached a small dock. There were a few small fishing
boats, and a speedboat. Keegot and Sheena laid the man down in the speedboat
while Darwin untied it from the dock. Just as they were about to kick off
from the dock, Baxter put a gun to Darwin’s head. “Where’d you come from?”
shouted Darwin in half fear, half anger. Baxter shoved Darwin down and
raised his gun. “Listen here. You three almost got away from me, and that’s
mighty impressive. If you throw that guy into the water and dissavow any
knowledge of this, I’ll demote you to the reclamation squads and you get to
stay with the army. Hows that sound?” Keegot took his sword out as an
answer. Sheena, figuring she had no other choice, drew her knife. Darwin
slowly stood up and whispered to Keegot “When we leave, do you promise we’ll
get someplace far away from here? Some place exotic and exciting?” Keegot
whispered “Whatever, just do something!” Darwin took his sword out, and
stood ready to defeat the man who was once his hero. His fired a shot at
Darwin first, but Darwin hopped aside. He dashed forward, swinging the sword
toward his stomach, but Baxter grabbed his arm and attempted to throw him
down, but Sheena had already ran forward and slashed at his arm. He let go
of Darwin and moved to hit her with his other arm, but Darwin took action
the moment he was free. He grabbed Baxter around the neck, attempting to
immobilize him by utilizing the proper neck veins. Baxter reached behind
him, took Darwin’s arms, pulled them apart, and tossed him into Sheena.
Keegot was now realizing this would be his best chance to get this guy back
for not only destroying the lives of the people of his island, but lying to
him about it. Keegot ran forward, but then heard guns. A shot whizzed by his
head, and he put his sword away. Before he retreated to the boat, he kicked
Baxter into the water. Baxter never saw it coming, and screamed as he hit
the water. Keegot hopped into the boat, and it sped off. Darwin had had the
motor running, so he was off instantly. Keegot heard Baxter shout “You won’t
get away with this! I’ll hunt you down and…” Keegot didn’t hear anything
past that, but believed it was safe to assume he was screaming threats.
Keegot said “Darwin, did you know they did things like this?” Darwin set the
steering wheel in place and sat down. “I joined them when I was about 13. I
just wanted to see the world and have some excitement. I figured the more I
achieved, the more I’d see. I knew they did things of questionable morals,
but I never knew exactly what.” The man looked up and said “Hey, hand me
that first aid kit over there.” He pointed to a kit near the controls.
Sheena handed it to him, saying “Do you need any help?” He shook his head,
working intently on bandaging the wound. “Why didn’t you do that before,
when we were behind the shed? ” He said “That guy’s kit didn’t have the
stuff I needed. This one’s bigger. Oh, and I was treating my wound back
there.” Sheena said “No, all you did was get plastered.” He smiled and said
“I prefer to call it killing the pain.” Keegot said “Hey buddy, you need a
ride somewhere?” He said “I dunno’. I guess I want to go back to Brew
Village, but I need a vacation from Caleb yelling at me. Where are you guys
going?” Keegot had no idea what to say. “Where are we going? I don’t care
where we go, I don’t have anything to stay around for. Sheena?” Sheena said
“I don’t care where we go. I guess my family won’t be there anymore either.
Darwin?” Darwin said “Well, Keegot here ruined my dream of seeing the world,
so I guess I’ll see the world on my own terms. We can all go together. We’ll
call ourselves ‘Darwin, Sheena, Keegot and,  uh, that guy.” “That guy” stood
up and said “Zach Greenlatch.” Darwin said “Right. Darwin, Sheena, Keegot
and Zach, world travelers.” The others laughed at the corny name he thought
up, but all agreed.

Nature''s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf''s flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

"Humor,God''s Greatest invention."-Dark Lord Janus

"I am the guardian of the
forest.I am the guardian of the swamp.I am half bear,half
And then they split into two
one good,one evil.That is how Bearfrog and Tanas were formed.And Xtal was became BearFrog''s enemy.GrimSack raised BF in his sick way and the legend continues...

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2002, 10:45:37 PM »
I'm not laughing. Because I didn't read it. Because it's too long. Because the whole thing is kinda dumb. Because
That was a joke.
