
Author Topic: BORED-MKIII GX  (Read 53966 times)

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2002, 11:10:58 PM »
CW: You're british? Really?
cable: i don't know. am i?
CW: Laziness strikes again. Let's forget about our troubles (read: the U "F" O), and go see some famous Japanese landmark while we're here.
Roy: /Why not...?\
Roshen: Can I eat it?
cable: in the meantime, eat this, dad. *tosses Roshen a bottle of molten metal*
Roshen: How can I eat a drink?
Roshan: He thinks that's a drink. Ha. Haha.
Roy: \You're a poet and don't know it./
Roshan: What a cliché.
CW: I'm tired.

"Thus has it ever been! Thus shall it ever be!"
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2002, 04:08:51 PM »
Steve: Finally back.
Roshan: Huh? Weren't you back before?
Steve: Not to write this story.
Roshan: Where were you?
Steve: Swim meet. Finally broke 2:00.00 in the 200 Free. Yay!
Roshan: Ah, anyway... Hey, wait, didn't you say your computer didn't have accent marks? How did I say Cliché then? Wait, I'm not your character!
Steve: Yés you aré. Séé?
Roshan: Ah... Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Anyway, on to the story.

Roshen: I still don't see how you can eat a drink.
Roy: (It isn't that hard. Of course, I don't need food now, so I won't show you.)
Roshan: Hey, you got your parentheses back?
Roy: (Yea... I stole them from that Scaz guy... those lines were getting annoying.)
Scaz (In his store): Hey! Where the hell are those parentheses?

Scaz sees this converastion.

Scaz: Gimme back my parentheses! *Pulls out a gun*
Roy: (Ah, crap!)

Scaz chases Roy all throughout Japan.

Roshan: Why aren't we following them?
Steve: Too lazy.


Scaz: Get back here you ingrate! *sudden realization* Aw, crap, I forgot my ammo. *walks back to his shop, defeated*
Roy: (Man, he easily... Where the hell am I?) *Sudden realization* (Wait, I'm not in hell, I'm in Japan. ... Where in Japan am I?)
Death: Are you sure?
Roy: (Yes...)
Death: Crap. *Walks dejectedly back to hell*
Roy: (I still don't know where I am...)


Roshen: So, why does he need parentheses anyway?
Steve: Have you EVER played SMRPG?
Roshan: So that's it... I've been trying to figure that out ever since I met him.
Roshen and Steve (simotaniously): You didn't know either!?!?!
Roshan: ... Shut up.


Gregor: I think they bloody well forgot about us...
U "F" O: Ah well, more the better.
Gregor: Can we have our tea and crumpets now?
U "F" O: *sigh* fine...

The two have their tea and crumpets.


Scaz: I HAVE to get those parentheses back. Ah well, not like he'll be THAT hard to recognize on the street...


Roy: (Hmmmmmmm... I need a disguise, or he'll find me again.) *Sees a can of blue paint* (Meh, blue's not my color, but ah well...)

Roy proceeds to paint himself blue.


Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it... wait, what were we arguing about again?
C. W.: I don't know, but no it doesn't.
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!
Steve: I have a feeling this won't end for a while...


Jimbo: Where am I?


Roy: (Where am I?)


Roshan: Yes it does!
C. W.: No it doesn't!


Gregor: These are bloody good crumpets.


Steve: I think... everyone is content right now, so I'll end this post right now.

Is everyone really content? Find out next time on...


Roshan: Come on. 1 measly question? You suck.

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #62 on: December 23, 2002, 12:23:38 AM »
CW: Roshan is not content.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: No, You're not.
Roshan: Yes I am!
CW: Well anyway, that was not the way you spell simULtanEously!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not!
Steve: Yes it is!
CW: No it's not! ...Hey, this is darn easy.
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not!
CW: Yes it is!
Scaz: What happened to my hash? Ah well...
Roy: *at McDonald's, eating a hash brown*
Scaz: Hey! That's him! Oh wait, no, he was orange...
Roy: (This is as good as Roshan's baseball cap disguise.)
CW: No it's not!
Roy: (Yes it is!)
CW: No it's not!
Roy: (Yes it is!)
CW: No it's not!
Roy: (Yes it is!)
CW: No it's not!
Roy: (No it's not!)
CW: Yes it is!
Roy: (No it's not!)
CW: Yes it is!
Roy: (No it's not!)
CW: Yes it is!
Roy: (No it's not!)
CW: Yes it is!
Roy: (I know.)
Scaz: Don't I know you?
CW: I don't think so?
Scaz: Then why are you talking in questions?
CW: I'm talking in riddles, not questions?
Scaz: Did I say that?
CW: No?
Roy: (You're both talking like dippy girls at the mall?)
CW: So are you?
Scaz: And so I'm like, yeah? And he's like, whatever? And so I said, fine? Whatever?
CW: Didn't you wear that shirt the day after yesterday?
Scaz: I don't think so.
CW: That's odd, considering you're wearing it right now.
Roy: (I'm unvisible to the broken eye!)
Scaz: I forgot my ammo again, and that orange Yoshi is nowhere in sight. *goes back to get ammo*

CW: Odds are, Galactus gave it to me.

 . . . BORED-MKIII GX!!! . . .

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 12/22/2002 10:26:29 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #63 on: December 23, 2002, 02:47:20 PM »
cable: i've been silent for the past couple days...
luigi: that's okay, i've been following you guys since the first BORED story and this is my third line
cable: wow. that's rough
luigi: you get used to it
cable: i think i may have ruined the story
luigi: how's that?
cable: well, i made it about this scaz guy and pez disepensers instead of U"F"O's and bill gates&junk
luigi: oh.  that's okay, as long as it's stupid/funny it's fine
cable: i guess...
cw: guess what?
cable: oh, nothing. i'm just talking to luigi about guy-stuff
cw: luigi?
cable: yeah, he's standing right next to me
cw: uh... luigi's not in japan
cable: but we were talking an- *cw starts smacking cable*
cw: wake up, man!
cable: *wakes up* where are we?

no i'm not british, the announcer was
i'm proud to be a USAdian :D

announcer: more after these messages!
assistant: *whispers*
announcer: more on the next episod of BORED-IIIKX M3

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #64 on: December 23, 2002, 06:45:45 PM »
Steve: Wow this announcer really sucks. He can't even say the name of the show correctly.
C. W.: Just like you can't spell simultaneously correctly?
Steve: ... Shut up. You can't spell... Crap. You spelled everything right in your last post. Except "Plort", whatever that is.


Luigi: *wakes up* Where am I? And where is everyone? They left???? Ah well... Wow, look at all those lines I got in the last part!


Scaz: Hey, you see that ingrate that took my parentheses? He looks.... just like you, actually, except he's orange.
Roy: (Nope, haven't seen him.) *snicker*
Scaz: Hmmmmm... Those parentheses look a LOT like mine... Na, can't be. I must be paranoid. *runs off*

Roy: (What an idiot. ... God, I am SO sick of blue. This color sucks.)


U "F" O: Wow. They suck.


cable: did i ruin the story?
Steve: Na. It is IMPOSSIBLE to ruin this story.
cable: ah, good.

Roshan: Hey, where did Roy go?
C. W.: He's right there!
Roshan: Can't be. Roy is orange, you idiot.
C. W.: That's paint.
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Steve: Ugh. This is getting really annoying.
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!
Roshan: No it's not.
C. W.: Yes it is!


Jimbo: I am so lost.
Steve: Yes, you are.
Jimbo: Hey, how the hell did you get here?
Steve: I am an omniscient narrator. I can go anywhere. See?


U "F" O: I win again.
Gregor: Fiddlesticks.
Steve: Hello. *evil grin*
U "F" O: What the hell? Get out of here.
Steve: Actually, I'd prefer to stay.
U "F" O: Get out of here!!!
Steve: Hey, I can kill you off whenever I want. So I'd prefer to stay.
U "F" O (with obvious frustration): ... ... ... FINE! You can stay... for now.
Steve: Actually, this place sucks. I'm leaving.


Steve: See?
Jimbo: I didn't see anything. You left, and then you came back. Where did you go?
Steve: ... No...where... *runs*


Roy: (Where are they?)
Roshan: Who, he looks a lot like Roy... but he's blue.
C. W.: You dolt, that is Roy.
Roshan: Nope.
C. W.: Yep.
Steve: Oh, great, another one of these arguments.

*lengthy argument omitted*

Roy: (Hey, Roshan, that you?)
C. W.: I TOLD you!
Roshan: You look really dumb, you know that?
Roy: (... Shut up.)
Scaz: Arrrrrrrrgh! I can't find that ingrate! Ah well... *saunters dejectedly back to the Store.*
Roy: (Let's get out of here. We should REALLY start looking for the U "F" O again.)
cable: well ok


T O G: Why has everyone forgotten about old Rick?
Steve: Why are referring to yourself in the 3rd person?
T O G: Shut up! Geez, you're really annoying. Ah well, I got this great plan.


Roy: (I'm glad we got out of Japan.)
Roshan: Where are we now?\
Roy: (... I ... Don't ... Know...)


Roshen: Oh, great, everyone LEFT me here. Ah well... *eats a screwdriver*


Roshan: Are you sure you don't know?
Roy: (YES!!!)
Steve: Wait, aren't you omniscient now?
Roy: (No one ever told me.)
Steve: ... I don't know where you are either. *leaves*

Where are they?
What is That One Guy's plan?
What will the U "F" O and Gregor do now?
Doesn't it seem like my questions are getting longer and longer?

Find out later on ... BORED-MKIII GX!!!

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2002, 06:59:39 PM »
Too bad I don't get the concept of BORED. And like you said, I probably will never get it either.
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #66 on: December 24, 2002, 12:34:36 AM »
CW: How amusing.
CashCrazed: No it isn't!
CW: Oh geez.
Scaz: Reporting in, sir.
U "F" O: *on the other end of the telecom line* Good, good. What is your status?
CW: I knew it.
U "F" O: How'd YOU get here?
CW: Me? Oh, your back door was unlocked.
U "F" O: GREG, I told you to lock the back door!
Gregor: *stuffs crumpet down throat* Mmf. Do we even HAVE a bloody back door?
CW: It's Passover?
Gregor: *punches CW* Take that! *fist goes right through CW*
CW: I'm omniscient AND intangible!
Roy: (And I'm unvisible to the broken eye!)
CW: You're not here, you're ... wherever Roshan and them are!
Roy: (No I'm not!)
CW: Yes you are!
Roy: (No I'm not!)
CW: Yes you are!
Roy: (No I'm not!)
CW: Yes you are!
*Roy eventually goes back to ... wherever Roshan and them are*
CW: Seeya later, guys! *teleports out like Optimus Prime*
Scaz: Why does everybody like Optimus Prime so much?
U "F" O: You've got me. So anyway, where were we?
Scaz: I was reporting in.
U "F" O: Oh, right.
Scaz: Those ingrates stole my hash.
U "F" O: I pity the foo'!
Scaz: ...?
U "F" O: ...
Scaz: What?
U "F" O: I SAID "..."!
Scaz: You've been playing too much Paper Mario.
*Roy and CW are racing, for lack of a better pastime*
CW: I could say I won, but that would start another argument.
Roy: (No it wouldn't!)
CW: Garghh. *begins to walk away* Hey! I can't get away from them! My feet! AAAHH!! *begins to run* They're chasing me! Help!! AAAHH!!




CW: Boy, we really need a new announcer. One who can spell.

If people don`t appreciate good taste, that`s their own problem.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 12/23/2002 10:40:54 PM
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #67 on: December 24, 2002, 10:00:01 PM »
Steve: I really don't feel like making a long post today.
Roshan: Can't you just make everything a bit different then?
Steve: Maybe.


Roy: (I am SO sick of this paint.) *Removes the paint*


T O G: Grrrrr, I'd better be getting back. I'll tell boss the new plan I made. Way better then that Brit's plan, I am sure of that.


Scaz: Erg. I got those parentheses stolen by some Orange Yoshi.
U "F" O: Interesting. I've been trying to kill an Orange Yoshi for a very long time now. Well, him and all his friends.
Scaz: I want them back though...
U "F" O: Why did you just shoot him when you had the chance?
Scaz: Because I forgot my bazooka at home! Sheesh... And my ammo too. Then, when I got it, I couldn't find him.
U "F" O: Lazy slob! You couldn't find water if you were a fish!
Scaz: Oh, shut up.
Gregor: You chaps have been playing a great deal of Super Mario RPG as of recent...
Steve: No, that would have been me.
U "F" O: What the hell? You're still here?
Steve: Not for long! *leaves*


cable: ah this is taking too long. why are we standing here????
Roshan: Steve? Why?
Steve: Uhhh... *runs*
C. W.: What? No argument today???

I have no questions today. Nope. None.

Roshan (under his breath): You lazy slob.
Steve: I heard that. I hear all. Shut up before I kill you.

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #68 on: December 25, 2002, 01:10:23 AM »
Well, it snowed a good six inches here. First decent White Christmas I can remember. Anyway... My post will be rather short as well, considering it's Christmas Eve and all... (actually, it's Christmas now.)

U "F" O: Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Gregor: Is that all you have to say, old bean?
U "F" O:
CW: See the blazing fuel before us...
Roy: (Give it up already.)



If people don`t appreciate good taste, that`s their own problem.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 12/24/2002 11:11:47 PM
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #69 on: December 26, 2002, 11:04:31 PM »
Roshan: Heh, drawing Christmas pictures is fun!
Roy: (Roshan, that picture is total crap.)
Steve: Erg, Christmas ended yesterday!
Roshan: And who didn't post yesterday to tell us that?
Steve: ... Shut up.


U "F" O: Christmas ended? Ah, crap! How are he gonna take this crap down?
Gregor: I say we don't.
U "F" O: Hey! That's a great Idea!

Steve: Ok, why the hell are theirdecorations still out?

U "F" O: ... Shut up.

That was a really short add on. Do you think I care?

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2002, 01:51:58 AM »
Jimmy (Jimbo's cousin): Merry Christmas!
...Oh, it ended yesterday? Oh, man...

That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #71 on: December 28, 2002, 06:48:35 PM »
Steve: Look at me! I am so lazy! HAHAHA!
Roshan: Shut up.
Steve: Yep. That's all for today!
Roshan: You can do better than THAT.
Steve: Not today I can't.

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #72 on: December 28, 2002, 11:32:51 PM »
Fox: I threaten to reenter this story if nothing else happens!
CW: *waits around for a few days* Doo dee doo...
Fox: Here I come!
CW: For your own safety, I suggest you not do that.
Fox: Hmm...
Rock: I don't want to be here.
CW: You're not!
Rock: Oh yeah.
Rick: G'day, mate!
T O G: What Rick was that?!
CW: Rick the Hamster, duh!
T O G: How'd you get here?!
CW: Nevermind...
CW: Nothing's happening.
Roshan: Is that the point of this "story development"?
CW: Sure is!
Roshan: GAH!
That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2002, 01:38:41 AM »
Roshan: What are you doing?
CW: I'm acting like a backhoe going in reverse. *crashes into Roshan*
Roshan: What the --
CW: You didn't hear my reverse signal?!
Roshan: ?
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #74 on: December 31, 2002, 05:19:14 PM »
Steve: Actually, I think I'll let this stand as is for a while. This is kind of amusing. Hahahaha.

Roshan: You suck, you know that?

Steve: Nope, you suck. You didn't dodge the backhoe.

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
