
Author Topic: Fake SM64 cheats  (Read 95719 times)


  • in rehab
« Reply #255 on: December 21, 2007, 07:25:06 PM »

Implode Bowser

First, Stand on your head, Turn the N64 Controller Right Side Up. And Press
Start, A, B, Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, (ON D-PAD)
Then, Eat your Parents For Breakfest, if they taste like cheese, Continue, If They
Taste Like Popcorn, Shoot Youself in the Nose, THEN Continue, Now you Must
Play SM64, And Go to a Bowser Boss Fight, Spin Him Around SO MUCH, And he will
Implode, Then Your N64 Will Implode, Before Dying, Yell "TOASTERS!" and you will get a
1-UP, If You Don't, You Are Reincarnated as your cat, exept that your face is Upside Down. That is All.
this is a signature


  • Choppy words and a sloppy flow
« Reply #256 on: December 21, 2007, 10:45:39 PM »
How to play as Eddie Murphy

Put in your cartridge of SM64 And play it for 666 hour's. Then walk inside the castle and their should be fire everywhere. Use F.L.U.D.D to get rid of all the fire. After getting rid of all the fire a message should appear that say's *NORBIT IS REAL 2006* After that go outside and record yourself running around town naked for 9:59 minuit's. Then post it on Youtube and wait for 500,000,000,000,000,000 views. After that throw your N64 out the window and run over it with the lawnmower 80 times. Then eat 25.5 of the pieces of the console. don't poop for 3 days. after 3 days of holding it in go to the local mall and poop in the hardware stores toilet section. The manager should come out and yell at you for 80 Minuit's. When he's done yelling at you go watch TV for 1 hour. After watching the TV for 1 hour you should see a commercial that says *Tree's are good* When that appear's throw your TV out the window and go light a tree on fire. Then the smoke coming out of it should spell out *YOU SUCK!* Then go put your N64 back together and play Super Smash Bro's until you unlock Luigi. Then take out Super Smash bro's without turning off your N64 and put in SM64. A message should appear that says you can now play as Luigi. Then do everything all over again with Luigi. But this time make sure you get arrested by the cop's. Wait in jail until someone rolls a 5 with a 80 sided dice. After That go put in your cartridge of SM64 and go to Bombomb Battlefield. Go to the Bomb-omb King and throw him off the mountain 2006 time's while listening to Scat Man. He should explode and make the whole level explode with him including Mario. Then Steve Urkle should appear and say *did I do that?* Then a Message should appear and say congratulations you can now play as Eddie Murphy*
Time is repeating itself. Why you say? Look at the Wii and NES and you'll know why.

« Reply #257 on: December 26, 2007, 05:06:49 PM »
Play as Mario

Get 777 stars as Toad.


« Reply #258 on: February 22, 2008, 03:24:50 AM »
Open your N64 and play SM64 for an hour, then pull out your cartridge without closing your N64 and put it near your computer. Then open your computer, play SM64 with Project 64 v1.7 for 1234 hours, your cartridge will fly to your N64. Put it on, then play for 567 hours with your N64. Then record for a minute and post it in and visit (my website) 10000 times with your N64 and Project 64 opening. Then you can enter your N64 or your computer to play SM64 yourself and will never hurt or die.
*Edit Note*: I wanted to type "cartridge" but I typed "carridge" by mistake. This time I fixed it.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 04:40:32 AM by lyh »


  • Tourette's
« Reply #259 on: February 22, 2008, 05:56:32 AM »
Wow, this is a big one...

Play as Mama-Luigi:
Find any N64 Carridge ( I'd recommend it NOT be SM64 because that's what the cheat is for... ) and do your Final Smash on the top half of the side with the label. Now, you should see Hotel Mario floating in the air saying,
"Go to the TMK staff page. Oh, and would you like a handy instruction book?" Ignore the HIB ( Handy Instruction Book) and go to the TMK staff page like he said. When you get there, scroll down to Chupperson Weird and his head will magically fly out of your monitor,( Mac compatible, OSX10.0.4 or higher! ) into your bedroom, and on your bed. This is the fun part. Take out SM64, and Chuppersons arms appear out of no where! Now put SM64 in the N64, turn it on, give Chup the controller, and he'll start playing! After 8 Hours, ( he might have beaten the game hours ago and just started running and jumping randomly ) take the carridge out, and Chup will start swearing horrible things and explode. The smoke will read 'Congrats! You destroyed Chup!' Now, put Super Smash Brothers in and start playing. Unlock Luigi, and K.O. Mario exactly 7,021,945,378,514,215,884,635,626,984 times. You should see your SM64 carridge start glowing. If so, immediately turn off the N64, and take SSB out. Quickly now! SM64 will do three loops in the air, dive-bomb your bed, land in the N64, and turn on. Get a very high-tech timer, and wait 452.541354351243663131253654165464489798416549879651164 seconds.
The world will go to another dimension, and look for Mama-Luigi ( who is actually Sam Snead in the other dimension... ). Convince him to go with you to the other dimension. Get him to hit a golf ball to rip through the sound barrier, and open the gateway between dimensions. Go through and it will close. The golf-ball came to, and hit your N64! At mach 9! Don't worry. N64 have a ' Anything Above Mach 3 ' force field. Anything at mach 9 opens a portal and sucks anyone in randomly. If it's Sam Snead, "Way To Go!" If it's you, you won't be reading this.
Anyway, Sam Snead will be mutated into, you guessed it! Mama-Luigi! Now you can play as Mama-Luigi!

There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 06:34:29 AM by kirbyman »


  • 1.41421356
« Reply #260 on: February 22, 2008, 06:22:18 AM »
Unlock Satan. Get 666 stars as Eddie Murphy.
AA fanboy and proud!


  • Tourette's
« Reply #261 on: February 22, 2008, 06:38:11 AM »


How do you know they're minty fresh if you shouldn't inhale them?


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #262 on: February 22, 2008, 03:13:52 PM »
How do you know they're minty fresh if you shouldn't inhale them?

We have our test subjects.....


Play as Robotnik:

Now first get a microphone and smash the cord into any part of the N64. now start up the game. when Mario's head appears yell as loud as you can into the mic. This will make Mario jump and scream MAMA MIA. he will then accidentally smash into the screen. He slowly slips off. Nothing seems to happen just that you hear some voices and the background. After waiting for 9 milliseconds say into the mic "I'LL HAVE TO GIVE MYSELF A PROMOTION" and clean out your ears while doing so. Then suddenly. Robotnik's head will appear and scream "DAWOOOOOOAAAAAG" Now press start and select a new file. You can now play as Robotnik! He can't do anything but move. That's too bad.....
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

« Reply #263 on: February 23, 2008, 11:21:36 PM »
Play as Robotnik's PENISH!!

Repeat the cheat above, then while playing as Robotnik, rip out your SM64 catridge, and then quickly jam "Sonic The Hedgehog" into your N64. Instead of playing as Sonic, you'll play as Bob Dole. Beat the game, then while the ending is playing, whack your N64 3.65374585542634 times with a stainless steal bat. After doing this, your TV should display this mesage: "EEFFEEEFFFFEEEEEFFFE!" Turn it off, then turn the volume to EXACTLY 34. Any higher, you will explode, any lower, you will implode. Now pull Sonic The Hedgehog out of your bashed N64, and put SM64 back in. Robotnik will automaticly apear on screen, however, he will constantly scream, "PENISH!!" start a new game, then press the "RESET" button eight times. You'll then apear to be playing as Robotnik's PENISH! Which is actually just Robotnik's slave, Mario.


« Reply #264 on: February 23, 2008, 11:45:23 PM »
how to play as peach
grab your wii classic controller and force it into your n64 mario will pop up and say " uhh... that does not go there" tell mario to shut up and then he will shoot fire balls at you dodge them all and he will reward you with a golden mario coin take it to your bank and the bank tellor will say " I really don't know what to do with this" tell her spegetti is for dinner and the coin will turn into a koopa fallow the koopa back to the tv and the koopa will jump inside and appear on screen the koopa then will say " wow you actually attempted this? you know what? I'm gonna reward you for your stupidity." The next day your mail box will have a copy of super mario 64 in it. turn it on and repeat the entire code till you can play as peach.


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #265 on: February 24, 2008, 12:20:07 AM »
Play as Scrander:

Get -17 power stars as Robotnik. Now take out the game and slice it horizontally in half. Now take the right side of the game and use a hot glue gun to paste any left side of Punch Out to it (the mike Tyson version, or else the controller cord will turn into a shoelace and strangle you until you die) now put in the game and turn on the 64. nothing will happen at first, now keep turning the game on and off. 76 times off and 1256 times on. Then  turn it off one more time. You will then hear a snap, That is your leg breaking. Ignore the pain and eat your 64 with the game inside. Gulp it all in one bite or else it will expand inside you causing you to explode. Then take a bottle cap off of a Mountain Dew and rip your belly open. If you have done everything right you will feel no pain. Take out the 64 and turn it on. You can now play as Scrander!
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


« Reply #266 on: February 24, 2008, 12:32:36 AM »
mine causes no pain if dodge the fire balls! duh....


« Reply #267 on: February 24, 2008, 01:27:43 AM »
To play as birdo
press up down right left left (when mario's head pops up) on the d-pad. now make mario run up to any tree and then yell at your n64 and beat it with a lobster then yell "I will smack you with worse things" the N64 then will say, "dude what are doing?" now take a tennis racket and smack the n64 rapidly till the n64 yells out "what do you want?" then say "just let me play as birdo!" bang your head against the floor as hard as much as you can with out getting a concusion then yell out "I can replace you with this!" then show your DS to the n64 and play SM64DS on it. scream light yourself on fire and throw yourself out a window, (make sure the window is closed) in the confusion go back to your room and tell your n64  "I will feed you to canadian spider monkeys!" The n64 will say you know what, fine you can play as one of birdo's closes friends, Mario. You say, "cool" and sit down and play.


« Reply #268 on: June 08, 2008, 04:56:43 AM »
Get 200 Star
Following things must be done in right order.
* Do following things with N64*
1. Get 120 Stars but DON'T save Peach.
2. Talk to Yoshi.
3. Open your computer. Say "I want to send my saved data to my computer" 10000 times to your N64 and your N64'll do this.
*Do following things with emulator(Don't ask me where to download or this will NOT work!!!!)*
1. Play SM64, Mario will say"Where am I?" then shoot to the top of the castle automatically. You'll find a place that looks like the entrance of Crouse 10. Go in.
2.Get the stars of Crouse 16~Crouse 24. 7*9=63, now you have 120+63=183 stars!
3. Open your N64. Say "I want to send my saved data to my N64" 100000000 times to your computer and your computer'll do this.
* Do following things with N64*
1. Go into the castle. Collect 8 red coins and get a star.
2. Go to Crouse 1~Crouse 15. Collect 5 silver stars in them and get 15 stars. Now you have 183+1+15=199 stars.
3. Beat the last Bowser and save Peach. She'll give you the last star.

« Reply #269 on: June 11, 2008, 01:47:31 PM »
Game has VRC7 sound:

Make Mario dream of Pasta three times then beat Koopa in all races then activate all cheats posted above then rapidly switch your N64 on and off 50 times exactly then you will be presented with a toneset menu option.
ROM hacking with a slice of life.
