
Author Topic: Total Annilation (A Mario Story)  (Read 1601 times)

« on: June 14, 2003, 11:58:51 AM »
Here is a Mario story I'm working on.  Please, don't add to it!  Any and all feedback is welcome though.

"Gwa-ha-ha!" Mario had heard that evil laugh before, and he knew he was getting closer.  He kicked up a bit of dust as he crawled through the air vent of Koopa Castle.  He came to a small hole in the air vent, covered by a transparent screen.  He put his ear against it to hear what was going on.  He heard voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.  He knew that it was a couple of goombas, judging by the sounds of their voices, but all he could make out was, "Yeah, and then... and Mario... heh heh...".  Mario pushed his ear harder against the screen, straining to hear what the sinister Koopa Clan was planning.
   "Mario, will come in and... then King Bowser... BOOM!".  Mario pushed still harder, but perhaps too hard, because before he knew it, he was tumbling through the screen down towards the ground.  The two goombas looked up, "Mario!  Get him!".  As he went into his fighting stance, Mario figured the two goombas would be no match for him, except there weren't just two goombas.  There was about eight thousand!  Mario's felt his pupils shirnk as his arms flopped to his sides like two wet towels.

What will happen next?  Will Mario be able to fight the goombas?  Or will he be lunch for the deformed mushrooms?

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?
Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!

« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2003, 05:31:12 PM »
   The sound of eight thousand footsteps was pounding in Mario's ears as he sprinted up the stairs.  His heart pounding, he searched his item bag for anything useful.  A mini mushroom, a chomp call (which would only worsen things), and a swap card.  Mario frantically looked around for any sight of escape, even for just a few moments to catch his breath and maybe figure out what to do.  He looked to his left and saw nothing but mouseholes.  But that gave him an idea.
   He ate the mini mushroom and shrunk to the size of a button, giving him the opportunity to slip into the mousehole.  Though he was safe from the goombas, he still had to find a big enough area so he wouldn't grow back in such a tight space.  That would be disasterous.  He knew the mini mushroom would last for only one minute, and he had already spent twenty seconds.  He could feel the effects starting to wear off, and he felt himself growing again.
   He took a left, a right, another left, each time getting a little taller.  Finally, he saw a light about what seemed fifty meters away, but he was too late.  The effects of the mini mushroom were wearing off, and he only had about ten seconds left.  He started running, his head bumped the roof of the hole.  He bent over and kept running, his back pressed against the ceiling.  He crawled as fast as he could, he was getting stuck!  He scooted on his belly, but it was no use.  He was about three inches from freedom, and three seconds from an untimely, painful death.

Will Mario be able to make it?  STAY TUNED!

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?
Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!
