
Author Topic: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)  (Read 31356 times)

« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2000, 12:36:15 PM »
Luigi heard a loud crash as he walked across the drawbridge, towards Peach's Castle.

"Mama-mia! I'm too late!," he yelled as he rushed into the castle, looking around.

There was a huge hole in the wall, and Mario's hat was lying on the floor. "Luigi! Mario's been kidnapped! Do something!," Peach yelled. "Why me...," Luigi trailed. "Because!!," Peach whined. "Ok ok. Who kidnapped him?," Luigi questioned. "I don't know! It was some bird or something..," Peach said, frustrated with all that had happened.

"So..a bird..or something..kidnapped Mario? don't know where it went?," Luigi said, putting his hands on his hips. "Well...the girl that was with it said something about Mario destroying Nimbus Land..," Peach said, thinking.

"Nimbus Land?! I know where that is!," Toad suddenly exclaimed. Peach looked at Toad. "Why didn't you tell us!!!!?," she screamed. "My head hurt alot..," Toad said sheepishly. "Oh that does it! You're too wimpy to be my bodyguard! I'm gonna hire Yoshi or something!," Peach exclaimed. "Guys...we can't argue now. We gotta go find Mario!," Luigi interrupted.

"I can't head hurts!," Toad whined.
"THEN MAYBE WE SHOULD FEED YOU TO THE PARAHNA PLANTS!!," came a huge, booming voice. Suddenly, a giant Goomba slammed through the front wall, laughing insanely.

"Now you will all perish under the wrath of Super Goomba! Ahahahahahahahahaha!!," it boomed.

Luigi stared. "What the....," Peach trailed. "That does it!," yelled Toad. Suddenly, Toad screamed out in rage, and jumped to his feet. He picked up the couch he was lying on and threw it into the Super Goomba, knocking it back through a wall. He then panted.

Luigi and Peach stared with disbelief at Toad. "Maybe you'll be my bodyguard after all..," Peach said with a nervous smile.

"C'mon guys! That Goomba will be back any second! Lets go!," Toad yelled.

Luigi had an idea. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a Wing Cap Mario had once given him. "We'll go by air!," Luigi cried. Putting it on, Luigi could feel himself being lifted. He jumped up and hovered over to Peach and Toad. "Hop on!," he said. Peach hopped on Luigi's back, then Toad, but Toad slipped off and fell as Luigi began to fly.

Grabbing onto his feet, Toad hung on for dear life as Luigi soared after the bird and Mario...

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2000, 12:49:51 PM »
OOC: Heyy! I am REALLY getting sick of being kidnapped now! Like some bird could that. And what about Nimbus Land? What gives?? Oh well...

IC: Mario was swept into the air being carried in the beak of the giant bird. He had no idea where he was going, or who his kidnapper was, but he was pretty mad. He struggled angrily in the bird's beak, "Augh! I must! I need to warn Peach and the rest about Bowser's plan! YOUR ENDAGERING MUSHROOM KINGDOM!", Mario screamed at the girl riding the bird. She said nothing, just stared ahead. Mario felt along the pockets of his trousers, finding nothing...except lint. As they flew through the air, Mario spotted....a ? mark Box! Maybe it had something for him. He stopped struggling and focused on reaching the box. Mario stretched for it, and knocked it open!

It contained a Super Mushroom. Mario grinned slyly, and absorbed the Mushroom's power. He suddenly began to grow in size, surprising the bird and the rider. He grew until the bird had to let him go. He was about to fall, when he grabbed the bird's leg and pulled himself up onto it, facinfg the rider. She gasped and looked up at him. Mario growled, and asked,"Why did you capture me? I always get away..heh..and since you have endangered The Mushroom Kingdom, and Peach, and my friends, you have really made me mad!," Mario yelled. He jumped and landed on the bird, knocking it and the rider from the air. He began to fall, but caught a tall mushroom, still up in the clouds. He climbed onto it, panting, and dusted himself off. Mario stood up shakily and looked around. "Oh just great, it has to be NOW that I'm stuck in the middle of no-where!", Mario scoffed.


Here we gooo!!!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2000, 01:22:41 PM »
"I'll teach dad to keep me out of his plans!" wendy yelled as she ran into bowsers room. she smiled as she grabbed his clown copter keys and ran back to where the clown copter was parked. she jumped in and flew out of the castle but she didn't know where she should go. just then, she looked down onto a cloud and saw mario who looked very scared. wendy smiled. "Maybe I'll help Mario" she thought "That would make dad VERY mad!" "Hey mario!" she yelled out loud "Need a lift?"

« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2000, 01:37:44 PM »
Mario looked up "Huh?", he gasped. "Oh great..more trouble!", thought Mario. "Hey Mario! Need a lift?", yelled what appeared to be Wendy O. Koopa riding in Bowser's Clown Car. "Not from you! You'll do something bad to me!", Mario yelled. "No I won't! I'm getting back at dad for leaving me out!", replied what appeared to be a truthful Wendy. Mario grabbed a Bob-Omb just in case, and jumped into the Clown Car. "If you say so..take me to Mushroom Kingdom please," Mario said in a nice voice. He then waited to see what happened..still rather worried..


Here we gooo!!!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2000, 01:53:41 PM »
It was a koopa. koopa:hey you what are  you doing! Boo:um er...... gotta go!bye hey I'll scare mario he's probaly at the castle hey I wonder what happened here this place looks like a hurricanes been through here hey whats that in the sky? It looks like a clown face and mario's in it time to scare watch out mario here i come!


« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2000, 02:13:54 PM »
Kirby looked up from his continus eating, and asked,"Did you hear something, Blue?"
Blue yoshi looked up from his Melon and managed to say, "Yoshi yoshi yoshi!"(Nope. I'm so hungry! I've only eaten six times! Oh, the hunger!)
Kirby shrugged,"Whatever."

(I go to bed and come back with double the messages...I have no idea what so ever on what to post at the moment, but I kinda figure these guys wouldn't be in the action yet.)

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2000, 03:02:12 PM »
Luigi flew threw the air, gliding along and look around for any suspicious birds. "I think I'm...getting sick..," Toad moaned. "You'd better not throw up Toad!," Peach yelled. Luigi didn't notice the chatter, because he was beginning to lose control of the Wing Cap.

Suddenly, Luigi swerved sharply to the left, then to the right. "Uh-oh..," Luigi trailed. Then, he nose-dived, down down down down down..!

"AHHHHHHHHH!!," they all screamed. Peach starting beating on Luigi's back, and Toad screamed in fear as he swung his legs wildly. "Oh no!!," Luigi said as he landed right down into the dense tree-tops of the Mushroom Wood. Then...everything was black.

Luigi's eyes opened groggily. Looking up. he saw green. Then, he sat up, pushing a bunch of leaves off himself. Looking around, he saw Toad draped over the branch of a tree, and Peach head-first into the ground. "Oh..mama-mia..," Luigi whispered as he looked around. Luigi didn't recall a single, solitary trait of this part of the Wood, save the mushrooms. They were lost..

His Wing Cap had worn off. They were stranded here, without food or water, and with night closing in fast. Luigi knew what happened at night. Wild Mushroomians roamed these lands, and came out to hunt at night. Rumors said they would eat anything. Luigi hoped that they weren't true.

Getting to his feet, Luigi looked up. Suddenly, a voice yelled in his ear. "You idiot! You crashed us in the middle-of-nowhere!," Peach yelled as she wacked him on the back of the head. Toad mumbled something, and fell out of the tree, landing on his head and falling over.

"What're we gonna do...," Luigi said to himself as he heard a howl from not far off...


OOC: someone help!!!

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2000, 03:21:43 PM »
quickly, the clown copter zoomed towards the Mushroom Kingdom. I was staring out the side, wondering why Wendy saved me. All of a sudden, I saw a flash of green and blue in the forest. STOP I yelled! Wendy quickly stopped sending me straight out of the Clown Copter and into the woods.

OOC:Wendy Help Me!!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2000, 03:25:07 PM »
"hey! That sounded like Peach yelling at somebody!" mario screamed in wendys ear as they flew over the woods. "so?" wendy said "i hate that whiny little brat. Every time shes at the castle dad always pays more attention to her than he does to me." mario said "yeah but if you managed to find the princess and help her, your dad would probably be really mad!" Wendy smiled. "You've got a point plumber!" she said as she steered the clown copter to where Luigi Toad and Peach were. Unfortunately she crashed into a tree. there was a great big fireball as the copter crashed into the tree and then slammed into the ground.

« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2000, 04:08:39 PM »
OOC: whats going on? I didn't see marios message before i put mine up. this will mess things up, but maybe we can say my post happened before yours or something.

« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2000, 06:00:27 PM »
OOC: Hey...Mario is Super Mario. I thought you were going to be Bowser. Don't post as other characters. Mario is Super Mario, not Mario Mario. Don't mix things up like that.

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2000, 06:00:30 PM »
OOC: Hey...Mario is Super Mario. I thought you were going to be Bowser. Don't post as other characters. Mario is Super Mario, not Mario Mario. Don't mix things up like that.

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2000, 06:05:51 PM »
OOC: Finally, I have arrived.

IC: Wario walked in his land, enjoying the beautiful sunny day. Wario thought he spent too much time in his castle and desided to spend some time outside. He looked to his right, seeing all his slaves gathering up the gold he collected from his last adventure. "More gold for me!" Wario thought as he looked at the precious metals. He knew that if he had enough gold, he would be able to launch Project W. Wario smiled as he walked to the western end of his island, seeing nothing but ocean. Wario sat on a rock near a beach and listened to the cracking of the oceans waves. He looked at the island next to his. It was called Bowser island. Everyone thought that Bowser island was empty. However, it wasn't. The island had a passage that lead to the Valley of Bowser. Ever since the defeat of Bowser in Dinosour Land, Bowser moved the valley entrance to the island. Wario only knew this. Just then, something washed up on the shore. Wario ran down to see what it was. It was a Koopa wand. Wario starred at it, then looked toward the western island. The sky was darkening up with black clouds. Lightning could be seen all around the cloud. Tanks and Koopas could be seen marching out of a portal. The cloud streched wherever they marched. Wario got worried. He had heard of an invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom, but thought it wasn't true. Just then, he heard a yell: "I will now do what I should of done years ago. Fear Kamek the great!" Many shouts were heard throughout the army. Wario grew wide eyed and ran back toward his castle.

The untold agent is among you.

Edited by - Ironfoot on 7/29/00 5:10:57 PM
Did you meet my Siberian Monkey?

« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2000, 06:13:59 PM »
OOC: Hey I am Mario on this RPG not you, I'm sorry, but I got the place as Mario first. Mario Mario's post did not happen, Wendy's did. That is all cleared up then.

IC: Mario flew from the explosion, his clothes being ripped and shredded as he slammed into a tree and fell to the ground. Mario's head spun, trying to figure out what just happened. He struggled to his feet, still as Super Mario, being bigger than usual. He un-sborobed the Mushroom's power, shrinking back to normal size. Mario held his head and opened his eys to see Toad, Peach, and Luigi standing in front of him. "Hey-a...guys," stammered Mario shakily. "Mario what-a happened!?," asked a worried Luigi. "Luigi! Can't you see he can't even barely stand? This is no time to make him explain something!", commented Toad. "Mario are you okay?", asked Peach. Mario nodded and attempted a smile. "Yeah I'm-a fine now," replied a recovered Mario. Wendy stumbled up from the explosion,"Whats going on here?," she yelled. Luigi turned around, "Ah! A Koopa kid! What do you want!? You are outnumbered!", yelled Luigi. "Hey I'm helping you guys to get back at my dad, calm down plumber boy!", answered Wendy. "Where are we any way? And why are-a you guys out here?," asked Mario. "We went searching for you!", answered Toad. "It's kind of a long story..", added Peach. "Hey..its-a getting dark!", implied Luigi. Mario brushed himself off, "We should make camp or something..then we can explain-a everything..", Mario said knowingly.


Here we gooo!!!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #44 on: July 29, 2000, 08:05:15 PM »
Koopa Troopa lay tied up against a rock. 'How could this fool of a Goomba capture me?' Suddenly, a portal opened in front of him.

"Wha?!" said Koopa,"What`s this?"

A cloaked figure stepped from the portal.

"I," he said, "am the great Kamek. You are the General of Bowser`s entire army?"

Although Koopa Troopa was only the general of the Koopa Troopas, he lied and said, "Why, yes I am."

"I need your help," said Kamek, "Bowser isn`t the only one with a plan."

'If he only knew...' thought Koopa.

"I am bringing the entire Koopa army to Bowser Island," said Kamek, "And we need you."

With a puff of smoke from his magic wand, the ropes dissapeared. Koopa Troopa jumped into the portal. He was brought to an island, in front of a whole army of Koopa Troopas.

"And now," said Kamek, "MARCH!!"

"Wait," said Koopa, "What`s that?"

On a distant island, a fat man sat watching with a look of shock on his face.

"Thank you, Koopa," said Kamek, "I can see why you were promoted. First, we must destroy that man."

The army hoped into the water and began to swim to where Wario stood on his island.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!
