
Author Topic: NEW SUPER MARIO DVD!  (Read 2711 times)

« on: July 18, 2003, 05:37:49 PM »
Yes, that's right!  It's Called Super Mario Bros, King Koppa's Katastrophe!  You can buy it on  According to what I read online  there are 6 episodes of The super mario bros 3 show and a bonus sonic underground episode!  I already orderded my copy today!  If I were any of you, I would buy it now!  Probaly the same thing will happen as the past one!  There is also a legend of Zelda Dvd!

"I go to many oversea places, like Canada."- Britany Spears

« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2003, 06:18:43 PM »
Wheel_kirby:are you sure? its real?

Shimnack: ar yu sher? itts reel?

* Are you happy now? *
Some things are good left unsaid. This may be one of them...

« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2003, 06:21:28 PM »

"I go to many oversea places, like Canada."- Britany Spears

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2003, 08:16:27 AM »
That is really cool. Can you get the DVDs at GameStop stores, as well as online?

Why would a Sonic cartoon be included with a Mario DVD? I guess Sega and Nintendo are friends after all...
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2003, 11:35:27 AM »
I got this new DVD just yesterday. I haven't watched the entireity of it yet, but here's my review of the DVD itself.

Although this is an SMB3 DVD, it's quite obvious that whoever designed the box art thought this was another SMBSS DVD. Not only do Mario and Luigi have pie-cut eye pupils, but the background is from "Butch Mario and the Luigi Kid". Also, the SMB logo doesn't have the number three, and it's also in the style featured on the SMBSS logo. Strangely, the letters are colored in the same way as the logo for Super Mario World. Also, the artist may have gotten the idea for Mario and Luigi's action on the box after looking at some artwork for the upcoming Game Boy Advance RPG.

The back of the box makes a HUGE mistake - it claims that "King Koopa has escaped from the Banishment Zone". WHAT Banishment Zone??!! The SMBSS series finale, "Robo Koopa", clearly showed that Bowser was tricked into pressing the Eject button on his Robosuit, not being sent to a Banishment Zone. The only possible way he could've escaped from a Banishment Zone would be if that's where he landed after being ejected from the Robosuit.

The language setup is a definite improvement over "Mario's Greatest Movie Moments". How do I know? Well, firstly, the language setup for the first DVD wasn't actually a language setup. It was actually a subtitle setup, as the DVD's episodes weren't being shown in other languages. But this DVD plays the episodes in both English and Spanish! Also, there's no subtitles this time around, which is good, because the subtitles made at least one spelling error in nearly every episode on the last DVD!

My only complaint is: Why do they have to include a Sonic Underground episode on the DVD?! It's mortifying enough for Mario to share a DVD with his longtime-business-rival-turned-company-confidant, but why does it have to be an episode of the Sonic cartoon that NOBODY liked?! Why couldn't they include an episode of one of the SMBSS? Or at least an episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog? Putting Sonic Underground on this DVD and the Zelda one sounds more like an advertisement for SU's stand-alone DVD. And what's the bonus cartoon on THAT DVD?

Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!
Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!


  • Invincible
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2003, 12:10:29 AM »
The first time I saw this was on eBay. "How fake," I thought. How come we didn't hear anything about this??
