
Author Topic: Worst moments in History  (Read 7153 times)

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2004, 09:22:12 PM »
Luigi~lover is a girl, not a boy, Killa. Oh and as for sad video game moments...

I believe three or four years ago, my original NES Broke. We had it ever since before I was born, but for some reason, it just did not go on anymore. You would hit power, and it would stay a black screen with the feedback sound that you hear when you reset it. Fortunately, I have some electronic repair place that I went to, and they have some policy where if they cannot find the source of the problem, they will replace the thing for some really low price and I got a "new" NES. My new one is as healthy as ever and shows no signs of fatigue.

THis is my signature.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2004, 09:24:55 PM »
Can't forget that one dude with the porn stuff that came here.

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2004, 11:24:00 PM »
Huh? Porn stuff? jon, who are you talking about?

Sony sucks. They make good tvs and etc., but their vids suck. They wouldn''t even make games if it were''nt for Nintendo. If you hate Nintendo, then u suck also. Nintendo owns all. Sony sucks. Microsoft shoulf of stuck with their computers. Xbox pretty much sux also.

Edited by - Killa of PS2 on 1/4/2004 9:24:53 PM


  • Quadruped
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2004, 11:28:20 PM »
Xizer, I believe it was.  Ran amok of the general chat.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2004, 10:01:37 AM »
my aren't we opinionative?? Well, in response to your "Sony sucks. They make good tvs and etc., but their vids suck" comment, i full heartedly disagree. Besides sony doesn't make the games themselves. The companies like sony, midway, ea sports, etc... makes the games. Although I do agree that Microsoft should have stuck with the comps, the X-Box isnt really that bad...i mean c'mon who can resist halo or Knights of the Republic???

My thoughts are known and thats all i want.

So whats the big deal? Death comes with a territory! I''ll see you at Disney Land!


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2004, 01:10:39 PM »
"Yeah, this was intended for more video game sad moments. Don't expect a pity party just cause your uncle was involved with 9/11, so was about another bazillion people."

Well you were being a jerk. That's just great that you're being mean to someone that almost lost someone very important to her. Would you like us to be mean to you when someone YOU knew died?

"I've almost died atleast four times, do you see me whining?"

We haven't said anything because you haven't ever mentioned it. Now that you have, I can say that I'm sorry to here about your four experiences and hope you have a safe life.

"If you guys were afraid of traveling after this expirience, I don't see why you feel so eager to go on a guilt trip.."

...I didn't really like to travel on planes even before 9/11 happened, actually.

"I do one sit-up a day. I get up in the morning; that''s half. I lay down at night; that''s the other half. I figured out a long time ago that my body was just for carrying my head from place to place." ~Mark Lowry
Formerly quite reasonable.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2004, 01:10:45 PM »
"Yeah, this was intended for more video game sad moments."

Actually, NOWHERE in the topic title did anyone say this was intended for video games incidents. It's for general things like WWII, so stop complaining and getting onto people because they aren't posting what *you* want.

"I do one sit-up a day. I get up in the morning; that''s half. I lay down at night; that''s the other half. I figured out a long time ago that my body was just for carrying my head from place to place." ~Mark Lowry

Edited by - Trainman on 1/5/2004 11:14:17 AM
Formerly quite reasonable.


« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2004, 03:30:15 PM »
Black Mage wasn't being a jerk. I completely agree w/ what he said.

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.
All Hail Fifth!

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2004, 04:07:47 PM »
I agree with Trainman. Neve rin the thread did it say to post only video game questions, and luigi~lover didn't know this. You can't yell at her for something you never stated. Also, Black Mage, you right there mentioned your near-death experiences so right there, you contradicted yourself. If you wanted it to be sad moments in Video Game history, you should have stated that in the thread name or at leats in the first post, rather than expecting people to know this automatically then yelling at them for not knowing something you never acknowledged. luigi~lover, I'm glad to hear your uncle made it out safely, and Black Mage, I've had several near-death experiences too, and know how scary it can be. You of all people should know, since you claim to have almost died several times also.

THis is my signature.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • Score
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2004, 07:14:57 PM »
I've got three.
1.  The day Arbys made Oven Mitt.
2. The only significant one: 9/11
3. The nintendo one:  When I lost my Kirby's Dreamland game.

And now you know, the rest of the story.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2004, 08:50:34 PM »
"Huh? Porn stuff? jon, who are you talking about?"

His name started with an L - LegLift or something like that.

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2004, 11:08:39 PM »
1.When my copy of Mario Tennis N64 and later Pokemon Silver Version got corrupted.
2.When I lost my Game Boy Color.
3.The Code Wars.

Edited by - nintendofreak on 1/5/2004 9:10:00 PM
Deezer was here.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2004, 12:20:02 AM »

They wouldn’t pretty so bad, ain’t they?
That was a joke.

« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2004, 04:37:16 PM »
Ok, before you people argue more about what history this thread is for, I will tell you; ANYTHING. It's not just about war or video games, anything.

Sony sucks. They make good tvs and etc., but their vids suck. They wouldn''t even make games if it were''nt for Nintendo. If you hate Nintendo, then u suck also. Nintendo owns all. Sony sucks. Microsoft shoulf of stuck with their computers. Xbox pretty much sux also.

« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2004, 05:06:54 PM »
When Killa of PS2, Meowrik, and Shawne20 joined the Fungi Forums.

It''s ah me marioguy!
I HATE JON!!! He betrayed me. So now everyone can have his picture.
