Khold: Ahaha, yes, we DO have weird conversations. All the time. It's awesome. XD
It wouldn't be art if you couldn't use a camera! Well, okay, that class is really laid back. Plus it was before class actually started. And hey! My jacket's not heavy; it's lightweight! And it's still winter! And I wear it all the time! :P
- Are you saying I look "more normal" with glasses than without?
- XD (I told Jenni you said that, and "XD" was her exact response as well)
- \:D/
- I have mentioned you to her before. I've mentioned a lot of you. We talk about our online lives a lot, as we both have them. But you meant if I mentioned you in a video, eh?
- I think the same thing, too.
Khold again: Ahaha x_X