
Author Topic: Ketsueki Mario  (Read 14046 times)

« on: March 07, 2004, 09:47:35 PM »
Professor E. Gadd sat in his laboratory, pouring over the original blueprints for several of his inventions. It was very late, but there was work to be done.
His Poltergust 3000 sat next to him.
He stood up and Yawned.
"What time is it?" he said, to himself. "Goodness!"
He stood up. "I'd better get to bed."
Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door.
"Who in their right mind would be tromping around in the forest this late. Probably another crazy kid lookin for ghosts..."
The door flew open.
"Hello, Elvin."
"You!" he gasped.
"Yes, me."
"How did you find me!?"
"I went to the Toad Town Library, and poked through a few books about ghosts. Your name inevitably popped up."
The man dropped a book on the floor. On the cover was written: "A Guide to Ghostbusting. By Elvin Gadd."
The creature at the door was certainly not very threatening to look at. In fact, if you had been watching the incident, you would have laughed.
The creature was about a foot taller than the professor, that is to say, he wasn't very big at all. he had strange pointed ears and one tooth that stuck over his upper lip. But what really made him look humorous was his skin color. He was purple.
"What do you want?" The old man said, afraid, but trying not to show it.
"I want to know..."
He walked over to the table.
"...If you ever built this!"
He pointed at the blueprints of a bizzare machine. The Ghost Portrificationizer.
"No! I couldn't make it work! You came here for nothing, so get lost"
"You are a terrible liar. I'll bet You have it in the basement somewhere, gathering dust. I'm sure you have the ghost I'm looking for down there as well. Shall we have a look?"
The Purple creature dragged Elvin down to the basement where, sure enough, the machine was sitting gloomily in a corner with a sheet over it.
"Let's start this thing up."
With a sputter, the machine started.
"Now, where would you keep your ghost portraits...?"
He started to look around.
E. Gadd grabbed a small plastic device from his labcoat pocket. The Game Boy Horror.
He turned it on and started to speak softly into it.
"Luigi! Help me! There's an intergalactic criminal in my house! His name is Tatanga, and he's up to something! Luigi! Pick up the Gameboy! Pick up!" He finished loudly, causing Tatanga to turn around.
"Calling for help!?" He crushed the Gameboy. "It doesn't matter! I'll be long gone by the time anyone get's here!"
He opened another door.
The room was filled with paintings of Ghosts.
", not you...Where is it?"
He opened a door at the end of the hall.
"Well now. Here we are."
He looked up at an exquisite gold-framed painting of the King Boo.
"And now, old man, since I can't have you saying anything to anyone..."
"Get away from me! Hey! Noooooooo!!"

Mario and Luigi were in a huge hurry.
"Why does she send invitations on the day of the party?" asked Mario.
"I dunno." said luigi. "Hey, have you seen my overalls."
"I think they're all in the wash. You can wear some of mine."
"I can't wear you're overalls!"
"Why not? I wear yours all the time."
"You're like six inches shorter than I am!"
"So? Nobody's going to be looking at your ankles."
Mario and Luigi hurriedly left the house, and Luigi didn't even notice the beeping Gameboy Horror on his way out.

At the party, the brothers were talking with peach.
"So what are those things on yoshis' backs anyway?"
"I honestly have-"
Mario was interrupted by a sound that would put an immediate halt to Any party.
"Hey! What kinda Party is this? Where are the chicks!?"
Wario. The least dsirable person to have at a party in the HISTORY of the mushroom kingdom. And if that wasn't bad enough, tagging along was his brother Waluigi, voted worst breath and least likely to succeed in his high school.
"eeyyyyyy! Whassa goin on 'ere!?"
"Who stopped the music? I know we're awesome, but there aint no need to stop the party!"
Everyone went back, cautiously, to what they were doing.
Wario Marched over to Mario Luigi and Peach.
"What are you doing here?" peach demanded, quite upset, and curious about how they had even found out about the party.
"We came to put a little spice into this shindig!"
Waluigi didn't hear his brother. He was busy putting spice into the punch.
"Nice pants." said Wario looking down at luigi's ankles. His red and green striped socks were showing.
"Look buddy, if you're going to come in and make fun of us, you can just-wait! What's that smell?"
"Hey, don't look at me!"
"No, not that... Get everyone out of here!"

more to come tomorrow.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2004, 08:24:46 PM »
Without warning, the entire palace was engulfed in flames!
"Hurry and get all the people out, Luigi!"
Mario and Luigi wasted no time (which was good because the Wario brothers wasted plenty), in helping the innocent people escape.
"Who would do such a thing?" asked peach as Mario escorted her out.
"Who else? Bowser." Mario answered.
"Well maybe but..."
Mario ran back into the inferno.
Soon, everyone was out. Or almost everyone.
"The Wario brothers are still in there!" cried toad, who met with a lot less concern than he expected.
Mario and Luigi ran back into the palace.
Peach, toad, and the others stared anxiously.
Would Mario and Luigi be okay?
Would the palace burn down?
and then there was that whole Wario thing.
For a good ten minutes they waited.
Suddenly, there was another explosion!
Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi walked from the flames, their clothes torn. And they were bleeding!
"We were... hit by debris." said Luigi, barely able to stand.
They collapsed.

At Bowser's castle...
"Well, Kamek, what's next on the agenda for today?"
"Let me see, Sir." he said producing a long peice of paper from his cloak.
"Hmmmmmm...ah. You have a party crashing in an hour."
"Ooh! That sounds like fun. I think I'll get ahead and do that now!"
"Very good, Sir." said Kamek.
"Hey, kids! Ya wanna go to a party!?"
Bowser's children stampeded down the stairs.
"A party!" they cried, in a sort of unison, though you wouldn't recognize it.
The family piled into the car, a stylish 1990 copter with hip clown decalls, and they sped away to the Mushroom Kingdom.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2004, 08:50:26 PM »
Woohoo!  Another story!

If at first you don''t succeed, try until you run out of syrup.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2004, 05:24:03 PM »
Tatanga stared out of the large window of his mothership.
It really was an ugly planet. Perhaps a nice coating of purple mucus would make it more habitable. A little.
"Why do you stare at that planet if you don't even like it?" asked the King Boo.
"It's not about the planet. These earthlings have spat in my face. To allow that would show weakness on my part. I WILL destroy this "Mario". And this planet WILL be mine."
"You do, of course, realize that the green Mario brother would never be destroyed in that explosion, don't you?"
"Niether of them would. The explosion was only means to an end. I wasn't trying to kill them."
"Then...What were you doing?!"
"I needed this." he said, holding four viles of red liquid in his clawed hand. "Blood."
"I don't understand. That's two viles for the Luigi and his brother, but the other couldn't possibly have thought the blood of those other two dimwits would be helpful!"
"I didn't at first. But in analyzing the samples, I discovered extraordinary traits in their blood."
"So you ARE incorporating it into the...the..."
"Yes. In a matter of minutes it will be ready."
"I must say, you are a strange one."

Waluigi opened his eyes. He saw a little toad boy leaning over him.
"He's awake!" cried the little boy.
"Don't you have something to say to him?" said his mother.
"Thanks mister, for saving my life in the palace."
"Beat it kid!" said waluigi, not in the mood.
"Hey!" he heard his brother say. "he's just a kid!"
"Ma talked like that to us when we were kids!"
"Yeah, but that's different!"
Wario looked over to the bed next to him. Mario was unconscious, with a crowd of people gathered around him.
Luigi was in the next bed over, with a similar congragation of toads huddled around him.
"They're waking up!" cried one of them.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2004, 05:24:17 PM »
Mario was the first out of bed. He walked around a bit.
Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi got up as well.
"You need to rest." said a toad, walking into the toad house.
"I need to go home and check my messages!" said Luigi.
"You'll have time for that later. Right now-"
Luigi ignored him, racing out the door.
"That's very unlike him..." said peach.
Mario sat down on the bed.
"'s wierd. Kinda like he knew there was something bad on the GBH."
They heard the most horrible roaring sound coming from outside. it sounded very much like the roar of a giant reptile who had just attempted to crash a party, only to discover that the entire interior of the castle had been destroyed, and who was now looking for the jerk responsible.
Koopas have a wide variety of eerily practical roars.

I might be Sadib...

Edited by - Screech on 5/27/2004 10:28:33 AM
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2004, 09:08:14 PM »
Mario ran out into Toad town Square, Much to the dismay of the owner of the Toad house, who still insisted that he lay down.
Wario and Waluigi were in no hurry.
Mario found Bowser outside, pitching a fit and tearing down structures to vent his anger.
"You!" cried Mario. "Do you absolutely HAVE to be so noisy when you destroy things? We've kinda had a traumatic day, so I'd appreciate it if you'd cut it out!"
Bowser stopped. An injured Mario brother. Maybe today wouldn't be a total loss.
Bowser stomped over to Mario.
"You want me to be quiet?" he asked, of course making it clear that whatever the answer, he had no intention of doing so.
"Get away from me. I'm grumpy, I've had a bad day, and I'm really not in a good condition to even be walking around, much less inhaling the noxious fumes from your mouth."
He grabbed the spiked collar around Bowser's neck.
"So get out of my face." he said, pushing him away.
Bowser had always thought of Mario brothers as happy, good natured creatures, but when they were grouchy, even Bowser decided not to mess with them.

Luigi opened the door. He walked over to his nightstand, on which was  the Gameboy Horror, beeping. Luigi picked it up.
"You have (1) new message(s)."
He pressed the button that played back the audio.
"Luigi, help me. There's an intergalactic criminal in my house..."
The rest of the message was muted out, either by the fact that Luigi had heard enough right there, or by the fact that I can't remember the rest of the dialogue, at the moment.
Either way, Luigi knew that only one person could be behind this.
He headed for the mansion.

I might be Sadib...

Edited by - Screech on 3/15/2004 10:41:54 AM
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2004, 12:08:12 AM »
I have got to remember to write more. I can't do it now, but at least it'll be close to the top as a reminder.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2004, 04:16:55 PM »
Luigi tromped through the woods. It was strange that whatever time of day, the sky was always dark, around that area.
On any other occasion Luigi would've been terrified, hesitating a little before each step, inching through the dark forest to his mansion. But Luigi's fear for himself was almost completely consumed by that for his friend. He knew what tatanga was capable of, and shuddered to think what he could do with Proffessor Gadd's knowledge of the paranormal.
He ran as fast as he could. He could only hope he wasn't too late. If only he had checked his GBH before the party! Perhaps even that would've been too late.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2004, 07:00:51 PM »
My god, your posts are long.  I don't even have time to read all of them.

Ask not what you can do for your country.  Ask what your country can do for you.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2004, 07:03:25 PM »
What's "Ketsueki?"

"Legolas is a guy?!" -Sister after watching Lord of the Rings a second time.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2004, 03:59:13 PM »
Blood. I think. I may be mistaken.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2004, 07:19:26 AM »

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2004, 09:22:11 PM »
Luigi opened the door to Proffesor Gadd's small house. The place was a mess.
"Oh no! I think I'm too late."
He bent over and picked up a smashed hunk of wires and translucent plastic.
"The GBH."
Suddenly he felt a chill run up his spine. The kind he had felt in the old mansion. He began to hum, to calm himself. It wasn't a particularly soothing tune, but it was something. He relaxed a little bit.
Suddenly, an orange ghost leaped at him from out of thin air.
"Whhhhaaaaaa!" Luigi cried.
The ghost laughed its high pitched gurgly laugh.
Luigi ran to the opposite end of the room, just in time to avoid being hit by a punch from the ghost's disproportionately lage fist.
Luigi looked desparately for a way of escape. He saw the closest door to him, which was, though he was to scared to realize it, the door to the gallery.
He jumped for the door and opened it (just barely though, his hands were shaking so terribly).
He tumbled into the gallery and slammed the door behind him. It really didn't make too much difference but when you're running from something scary, you slam the door regardless of whether it can just go through.
Luigi backed himself up against an angel statue.
The ghost's giant yellow eys peeped through the door first, followed by the rest of its head. Luigi did the only thing he could.
The ghost stopped. His eyes grew even more ridiculously large than they had already been. It turned around and headed out as if luigi had turned on Proffesor Gadd's "poltergust 3000".
"Hello there."
Luigi jumped.
"Who's that!?"
"Look behind you."
Luigi turne, slowly, around. Behind him floated the real reason for the ghost's leaving in such a hurry. A human looking ghost with a red rag tied around her head and hoop earrings in each ear.
"Madame Clairvoya!"
Just about the only benevelent portrait ghost he had met in the mansion when he had first been there.
"Luigi. I was worried that you wouldn't come."
"You were expecting me?"
"Yes. I sent a psychic message to you, telling you to check your Gameboy Horror."
"So THAT'S why I kept feeling like I HAD to check my messgaes. But why didn't you just make me come straight here?"
"My powers are not what they were when I was younger. And alive. It's easier to ask you to do something that you would normally."
"I don't think I made it in time."
"There's nothing you could have done."

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2004, 07:07:48 PM »
"I called you here to warn you."
"Of what?"
"The one you call Tatanga has released the portrait ghosts. They are not evil but they will do anything to keep from being transformed into paintings again. And what is worse, among them is the King Boo."
It took every ounce of courage and strength Luigi had not to leap out of his skin.
"W-where is the proffesor? Where did they take him?"
"He is right here. In this very gallery."
"Oh, thank the stars he's allright!"
Luigi quickly scurried up and down the aisles.
Luigi ignored her. He opened the door where the King Boo's gold-framed painting once hung.
He gasped in horror, as he stared at the face of E. Gadd in oils.
Madame Clairvoya passed through the door.
"He was portrificationized." she said.
He wasn't in the painting the same way that Mario had been. Mario had moved, and screamed, and banged on the portait. Proffesor Gadd was lifeless. Eerily so. Smiling, as if he was going to speak at any second.
"You must tell your brother that an army is on the way. Tell the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom to be prepared for an unstoppable attack. An onslaught of ghosts by night, and an a horde of villainous aliens by day."
"How in the world could we defend ourselves?"
"The Poltegust 3000 and the ghost portificationizer were destroyed, but the proffesor has another Poltergust. It's only the prototype. It has many bugs and its power is not half that of the Poltergust 3000."
"Where is it?"
"It's in a crate in the basement. It doesn't look like ghost-catching apparatus, which is the only reason why it wasn't destroyed. Don't worry about ghosts. They won't harm you for fear of me."
Luigi left the gallery, and walked right into the dark dusty basement. He started to whistle, but decided that he wouldn't, just in case he heard any gurgly ghost accompiniment.
He found an open crate. Inside were papers  of no real ghost-catching value (recipes), and some house-cleaning equipment. He picked up a tiny handheld vaccume cleaner. He inhaled and blew the dust from it. Underneathe was written "Poltergust 100".
"You have got to be kidding me."
He picked a flashlight out of the box.
"Waaaahhh!" he screamed."Oh. It's you. Don't scare me like that."
Madame clairvoya floated beside him.
"I have seen, in my crystal ball, a shadowy creature. I know not what it is or what it wants, but I am afraid."
Luigi was afraid too. He darn near wet himself.
"If you find this creature, take heed. It is neither ghost nor alien, and is not accountable to either."

Luigi left the small house marginally more terrified than he was when he came.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2004, 08:17:21 PM »
Mario put on his shoes, or rather, as much of his shoes as weren't burned in the fire, and started to head home.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" cried the increasingly irritated toad that was supposed to be making sure that those with Mario's sort of injuries didn't do what Mario was doing.
"I'm goin' home."
"But-but-Gah!" The small toad just gave up.
"Peach." Mario turned to the princess, who was also flustered from the day's goings-on. She looked at him without saying anything.
"I don't think this was one of your better parties."
She couldn't help but smile a little.
As Mario left, the people that had gathered in the small Toad House began to go home, one by one.
Finally, only Wario, Waluigi, and the toad owner of the Toad House remained.
"Are you...uh...leaving too?" he asked them.
"Nah! We're bein' waited on hand-and-foot. And we can sit around doin' nothin' all day until we get kicked out."

Mario crawled from the warp pipe just outside of his house. He was too tired to leap from it, "wha-hooing" and being generally happy.
"Tomorrow. I'll feel better tomorrow."

I should say now that what Mario said was entirely true. You see, the Mario Brothers have a strange ability to have a good night's sleep and be back on their feet, no matter how much stress, fatigue, or physical injury they have sustained the previous day.

The Toad House was getting boring. The owner had gone home for the night.
Wario and Waluigi were sitting around doing nothing. They couldn't sleep. How could they? There was no statickey TV to fall asleep to.
Waluigi looked at the clock.
"T'salmost midnight."
"You bored yet?"
"I spy, with my little-"
"Shut up."
They carried on like this for a few minutes.
Suddenly The door flew open and Luigi rushed in.
"Where's Mario?" he asked, only realizing a half second later that the Wario brothers were unlikely to give any sort of helpful answer.
"He went home."
Oh. Well he was lucky there. No! No, he wasn't! He had to get home!

Mario was making himself a sandwich. He opened his mouth to take a bite when the door swung open and Luigi rushed in.
"Mario...Tatanga...Ghost... Proffesor..."
Luigi took several deep breaths.
"Luigi, where have you been? I got home and you weren't here."
"It's an emergency! Tatanga imprisoned Proffesor Gadd in a painting, and let out all the portrait ghosts free. And they're going to invade the Mushroom Kingdom!"
"Hang on. Why would Tatanga want to invade the MUSHROOM Kingdom?"
Luigi had to admit that he was stumped. Tatanga somehow figured that control of the planet was vested in Princess Daisy of Sarasaland.
"I don't know but it doesn't matter!"
"Well, look. Did you ever find out when this invasion was supposed to happen?"
"Where DID you learn this stuff anyway?"
"Madame Clairvoya told me."
"Oh. The 'licensed letter reader'."
"She knows what she's talking about!"
"Okay. In the morning, we'll go and warn Peach."
"How can you sleep at a time like this?!"
Mario took a bite of his sandwich, and went to his room.
Luigi had a sneaky suspicion that Mario wasn't taking this seriously.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
