
Author Topic: Where tha HECK have I been?!  (Read 3219 times)


« on: September 19, 2000, 05:02:23 PM »
^__^ HELLLOOO EVERYONE...again! ;-; Don't ask where the heck I was for the past few months, but I'm just glad to finally return to spread some more insanity to this message board. I MISSED EVERYONE HERE!!! ::sob:: Chocobo, VelvetDark007, DavidDayton, Deezer, Lola Prue, Peach, Yoshi348, Black_Yoshi, Hinopio, and...and I know I'm missing many many many more, ^^; But I can't think of anymore off the topa my head..... *fuzzy moment* ^.^; Ok, I'm better now... I think. Anywho, Does anyone else agree with me that SMRPG game could [or should] be done on the Gamecube, in FULL 3D? No 2D ½ 3D ½ crap, just nice, full 3D.. OR SUPER MARIO WORLD in 3D!? WITHA YOSHI RANCH?! *just got struck with inspiration... dun ask* Hmmm... ^^; I dunno, I think I just might be runnin' outta stuff to post. o__o

"I never think before I say something. If I do, I might miss out on the chance to say something stupid." ^_^


  • Invincible
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2000, 10:00:56 PM »
Welcome back! ^_^

Paper Mario is already done (released in Japan), and the translation for us "westerners" is probably complete or near-complete. It's too late for them to scrap the N64 version, but I'm confident Nintendo will make a Gamecube SMRPG game, especially if Paper Mario does as well here as it did in Japan.

« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2000, 01:35:30 PM »
I wasn't here for a while either.  The king of all 3-D games would be SMB3


« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2000, 02:06:37 PM »
Wow, I never thought of SMB3 in 3D... ^-^ The end result would, indeed, be most impressive. Jeeze, I'm begining to wonder what *other* Mario games would like best in full 3D. I know for a fact SSB would be best left alone, in tha same, err... "2D" world, but more kinda like a Kirby64 "2D". And perhaps SMB2 should be left alone as well, but SMB3 would look *really* nice on NGC. ^_^ ::Imagines a special bonus game where yuo can "drive" around a Kurbio shoe [that's how you spell it, right?]:: Hehehe, oh what fun... ^^


« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2000, 03:30:20 PM »
You should have thought of that before, I posted it about a month ago.  This is like the third time I've posted something, nobody responded to it, then somebody else posts almost the same thing, and then it's a "good idea."  Anyway, the 2D/3D thing is getting on everybody's nerves, and if Nintendo keeps going the way they've been with games like "Yoshi's Story," and "Paper Mario" (not to mention the upcoming "Yoshi's Story 2" for Game Boy Advanced) we're going to wind up with "Chaos in Marioland: 2D Adventures in a 3D Platform."
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2000, 05:21:08 PM »
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
As for the three d thing. It had better be good. If it turns into a crappy three D game, then toss it out the window. I don't need anything souring the name of such a beauty.
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!


« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2000, 09:34:01 PM »
Ya... I think nearly everyone will agree that 2D characters + 3D worlds = somethin' that isn't gonna mix well. ¬.¬ I, myself don't even think that it'll work out AT ALL, even though the screen shots [for Paper Mario] didn't look *incredablly* bad. The animation more than likely would be stiff and poor, considering the fluent movement required of the camera's to pan in and out, left and right ect. in the 3D world. Where as, you'll have a much much more limited view on Mario [or any other character] themselves. The only way I see for it to work out nicely, is if the animation is INCREADABALLY smooth, fluent and well.. non-choppy. ^^; But then again, who am I to say what's gonna happen or what not to that game? ....or anyothers that Nintendo plans to release simaliar to that. ^^; Me being an artsy-fartsy kinda gal, I think Nin. making a bold move to go in the "arsty" direction, and I admire that....err.... *difference* in style and direction. HOWEVER, of the few things they did wrong [to me] is this;
- Still on the N64? Come on, it's being outdated already on the new system [Game Cube] and it dosen't even have an offical release [date], if at all!
- Stepping away from squaresoft is probably the biggest mistake they've *ever* made. 'Nuf said.
- Umm.... I'm getting way off topic again aren't I?

^.^; Anywho, back to mi old topic. Get Nintendo to hook back up with Square, ::cough::likethatlleverhappen::cough:: And let them help make a REAL kick asš, full, 3D Mario game on Gamecube and I think that'll satisfy everyone's needs for now, no? ;)

