346867 Posts in 14696 Topics by 24831 Members.Latest Member: MaBum
Pointless fact of the day: ShadowBrian has used the word "intermittent" exactly thirteen times on this forum. Of the other four FF members who mentioned it, none used it more than once.
a decent library
affordable pricesgood sales
As if you need anything but Uncharted, there's also Batman: Arkham Asylum, inFAMOUS, Ratchet and Clank Future, The Force Unleashed, and all the PSOne classics (many of the PS3 games I mentioned have sequels in the works).
Strangely, you didn't list the PS3's best games, which are all exclusives to boot. (Flower, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, God of War III)And yes, you do need more than that. Way, way more.
Don't forget DEMON'S SOULS. I totally am beating that this summer.