
Author Topic: Your most Magical Mario Moment (MMM)  (Read 9827 times)

« on: October 14, 2000, 07:27:31 PM »
Of all the Mario games, of everything that happend in them, of all the tiems you made it by that much, of all the times Princess wasn't in the castle, which one?
I personaly have two of them. The first one would have to be the origanal SMB. That was the first time I ever picked up a controller. Of course, I couldn't even get past the first level ( i was like 3) but boy, It lead me onto a series that never let me down and the magical world of Video Games. I still have a grudge agasint Flying Fish.
My second would have to be Bob-Omb Battlefield. That was truly amazing. It must have taking me an hour just to beat the first level. Oh, I tried just about ever move I could think of, I ran around like a mainac, I used the camera until it cracked, and then I earned my first star. That was such an amazing thing that still hasn't been topped in my opinion. Peace out, Foos!

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2000, 09:18:25 AM »
My MMM is when I played Super Mario Bros. 3 (the best Mario game ever made!) and I beat it! It was so cool! Bowser was the easiest boss to beat in the game (the Koopa Kids were too tough)!

Another game I loved when I beat it was Pokemon! I know this is strictly a Mario site, dedicated to Mario fans. But catching Mewtwo in Pokemon Red was hard! I had to start the whole game over the first time, cause I accidentally ran away from Mewtwo instead of catching him! The next time I got to him, though, I finally caught him! And using the unlimited Items trick (go to for more info.), I got an unlimited supply of Master Balls! COOL!

Mario Maniac!!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2000, 03:41:15 PM »
My MMM happened when I was eight (a long time ago). I was visiting my grandfather's house in New Jersey and my uncle let me play Super Mario Bros. on his Nintendo. From that moment on, I was hooked. Almost twelve years later, I'm still a Mario addict!
Back from the Dead!
RaiaGirl :P

« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2000, 04:02:28 PM »
My MMM didn't come until a lot later.  I had played the all the main Mario games and beat most, but when Mario RPG came out I was hooked. That was and, and still is, the best game IMO ever created on the face of the Earth.  I rented it twice consecutively, played constantly,and beat it. A couple years later I bought the game and played it a lot more. This also introduced me to RPG and since then I have played all I can, such as FF 1,6,7,8, Chrono, and all the greats.
There may never again be a game like that one.

« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2000, 06:09:18 PM »
My MMM was when I finnaly beat MarioKart 150cc
That kicked @$$

Try and panic to Ecsape me......but you'll end up drowning
Try and panic to Ecsape me......but you'll end up drowning

« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2000, 11:33:47 PM »
Argh, don't make me think. I should be typing up an essay on a political debate of Hamilton vs Jefferson. Oh well, hmm, MMM:
Super Smash Bros. taunt of Mario for the first time hoping that he would stay that way for the fight.
Going back down to normal size.

I don''t think you understand the gravity of the situation. We''re in space. FOY!
I don''''t think you understand the gravity of the situation. We''''re in space. FOY!

« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2000, 04:57:00 PM »
My most magical "Mario" moment would definately be my first encounter with "Super Mario Bros. 3."  It was 1990, I was six, and I had seen commercials for the new game (I was especially impressed by the moving question marks on the mystery blocks), and already owned two Goombas and a Koopa Paratroopa from McDonald's happy meals, but that could never prepare me for what I saw.  I didn't have a Nintendo then (I don't have one now!), but my grandmother had one for the vast multitude of young children who came over for family gatherings.  At that point, the only "Mario" games I'd played were "Super Mario Bros." and "Mario Jumper" (see my post under "game help" for that one).
Anyway, I went downstairs to see who had beaten me to "Super Mario Bros."/"Duck Hunt" and I just see a bunch of my cousins crowded around the T.V. with something blue on the screen.  Somebody told me it was "Mario 3," which cousin Scott had rented from the local Blockbuster, and I joined the crowd.
I don't remember who was playing at first, but they were in world 3-1, with the Lava Lotus spraying thornballs underwater.  Then somebody beat that, and I saw the map screen, which is what really made an impact on me.  It was just so much greater than the "Mario" I'd played.  Second player came up, and I'm like "Who's that green guy?  Is there a third Mario brother now?".  I was surprised to find that Luigi had a different costume.  Then they flipped around part of the screen and selected a frog suit.  I was just in awe.  Nobody could beat 3-2, and eventually the lives ran out, and when they were continued 3-1 again was conquered easily, but 3-2 was impassable.  Attempts at the swimming world were put to an end when someone announced dinner.
After dinner, I came back down and got to be first player in a whole new game.  So it was the curtains, then the map with the rockin' bushes, then I got to play Mario.  My first thoughts were something like "Venus flytrap, wait 'til it's safe to jump over the pipe...whoa!  fire balls!?!  Where did she get a fire flower?"  Then I got a leaf, and raccoon power.  I had seen the commercials, and knew I could fly, and my brother told me to press "B," but all I did was make a "doo-da-doop" sound and spin around, and in doing so I knocked a Goomba out, which caused hysterical laughter.  Somebody finally told me to run and press "B" and I did just that, but didn't get off the ground and ran into another Goomba.  I found out you could pick up a turtle shell, which seemed eerily life-like for a video game, and accidentally hit the mystery block containing the other leaf.  I actually got flying with that raccoon tail, but I kept sinking and eventually fell into a pit.  End of game 1 for me.
There were like five of us taking turns, and all I did for a while was suggest hitting one of the music blocks, because that background sound was getting old (it didn't work, but when we went to one of the new Dark Worlds, I liked the musical remix there), until I ended up playing at a castle.  I was once again amazed by the new game's take on old "Super Mario Bros." settings, with all-new Thwomps (the first of which I tried to climb over, before realizing it had spikes on its top and sides as well as its bottom, and ultimately running for dear life), Dry Boneses (I thought they were the skeletons of Koopa Troopas we'd killed earlier in the game, and warned everyone else against stomping them to avoid such consequences), and spiky ceilings that rose and fell.  Then, the final showdown.
My cousin Luke had told me I needed to hit the Boom-Boom three times on the head, but neglected to add that the terrapinoid antagonist reacted to a head-stomp by ducking down and exposing its spines, and I got shrunk from hopping on him when he was in this stance.  I got a second good hit on him, but he came back with new vigor, flailing his fists wildly.  I didn't stand a chance.  That was the last life, and I didn't get him back until 1994.
At some point that day, I saw Toad in the "The king has been transformed!" sequence (Whoa, a super-Goomba!  It's got ARMS!  Hey, how'd you get ahold of that anchor, Luke?), and witnessed my cousin Elizabeth vanquish a Boomerang Brother (in the 8-bit graphics, it looked like it was throwing socks, and, once dead, dispensed a chest containing what looked like a mug of cocoa.  I will never forget my "Mario" adventures that day.
I know this is a sort of long post, I just enjoyed reading the other stories posted under this topic, and wanted to share the experiences that are the reason I'm a "Mario" fan today.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa

Edited by - Mega 2 on 10/26/2000 4:03:03 PM
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2000, 11:33:42 PM »
Ohh, geez, theres a bunch of MMM's for me.

1.  The Tanooki suit in Mario Bros. 3.  That was just too **** cool.

2.  Experiencing the Star World for the first time in Mario World.

3.  Rainbow Road in Super Mario Kart. Beautiful, man, beautiful :)

4.  Naval Pihrana Plant from Yoshi's Island.  One of my all-time favorite bosses.

5.  Just about everything in Mario RPG.  Very cool game :)

6.  Experiencing the beautiful surrealism of Mario 64 for the first time.

7.  Last, but in no possible way least, experiencing the inherent coolness/funniness/greatness of Wario in Mario Kart 64.  The W-man has gone on to be my all-time favorite character in the entire Mario Bros. universe.

Haters gonna hate

« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2001, 10:02:29 AM »
*{Wipes Tears from eyes}*
Touching, very touching.

"True Dat!"
Mæriô from da Ghetto©
"True Dat!"
Mæriô from da Ghetto©

« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2001, 10:29:19 AM »
My MMM was when I beat my first Mario game (SMB1, of course) when I was 5 years old (1991). This was especially important because its the first time I got to see Princess Toadstool, and the first time I've actually completed a video game (now I'm beating them right and left, and there isn't a video game I own that I haven't completely beaten, with exception to a Superman game that required a Controller Pak to save, and I didn't want to buy another Conroller Pak just to beat it). After beating SMB1, I was ecstatic for about 7 hours; parading and dancing around the room (and driving my parents crazy).
Another MMM for me was finally completing the hardest video game ever (imo) without warping - Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels back in '96. You could imagine how excited I was to get to all of the secret worlds at the end, and how ecstatic I was following my victory.
Other MMM's include playing SMB2 and SMB3 for the first time (because they were quite different from SMB1), getting all 120 stars in SM64, getting all 96 goals in SMW, finishing off Culex in SMRPG, seeing Rainbow Road in MK64 for the first time (Rainbow Road in MK64 is pure genius), and beating every game in SMAS for the first time (great endings with updated graphics).

As you can see, I have many MMM's, because I have no life, and I love Mario games and play them often.

This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .
This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .

« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2001, 03:47:42 PM »
1. When I played SMB1 for the first time. I played it with my brother. In world 1-1 when the goomba is walking toward you, i could never get past it, and as i was on my last life my brother was already in world 5. Super Mario Bros. is the hardest game in the world.
2. When I finally beat SMB1, last Friday. It took me over a decade to beat it, but I finally did. However, as I was jumping for joy I accidently hit the reset button, so nobody believed me.

It's not a matter of optimism or pessimism, it's a matter of common sense! (half empty or half full?)

« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2001, 08:34:55 PM »
Getting all the Mini-Games in Mario Party 3, including the ??? Mini-Games.

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2001, 08:20:36 AM »
I've had a lot of Magical Mario Moments in my life, but I'd have to say the greatest was also one of the most recent. I rented Paper Mario from the store, and while watching the beggining sequence, I finally felt like I had something in common with the other inhabitants of the Mario universe, which had seemed so far off until then. But it really hit me when the words flashed across the screen, "Now Star Kids rise to Star Haven to deliver the wishes...but they can't be answered, so... ... whatever can they do...?", and I just felt like crying, I was so happy.

Another one, which also has to do with Paper Mario, was when I finally beat Bowser after about seven or eight tries, and having some big controversy with my brother about it... it felt so good, because up to then I'd sucked at RPG's... I still haven't beaten FF8.

Another was when my brother and I first played Super Mario RPG down at my cousin's house, which is a long way off. He'd not gotten anywhere, and we got 5 stars in about 2 days... proving that we were, infact, superb Mario gamers!


Little Goomba dude in Mario Party: Seed!

''Ey! Name''s Mario! I''m your main man! Your "rame-a-dame", Your can of "spaim"! *Gets punched.*
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2001, 06:34:14 AM »
These are going to sound really lame and/or pathetic (compared to you guys) but here goes...

My two favorite MMMs were:
In SM-RPG: when you go into the bucket at moleville, get the cricket jam, and come out at midas falls. It was sooooo cool bacause it actually (kinda) makes sense!

And: The Gourmet Guy's response to the cake Tayce T. Gives you. (I know you've been there and talked about that, but I thought I'd say so anyway.)
 ~Just another pisanno.

« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2001, 06:36:59 AM »
Well I don't know what my #1 magical moment is but one is when I got to the 2nd last level in SMB3. I have lots of others becasue I spend %50 in Nintendo and %50 in other stuff :D

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
