
Author Topic: Super Mario bloopers (not the octopi)  (Read 2784 times)

« on: November 15, 2004, 03:35:33 PM »
Yes I made this to be fun, but try to be as non-perverted as you can.

« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 07:09:15 PM »

"I could have more fun watching paint dry...
C''mon Blue! Dry Blue! C''mon!"
-The Decline of Video Gaming

« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2004, 03:05:00 PM »
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear about what to do(Even though there have been HUNDREDS of these). What you do is think of a scene from ANY mario game and (just like movie outakes) write about a way in which someone messed up.
Try to make these funny, but try to not make up dirty stories PLEASE.

« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2004, 05:30:11 PM »
So in SMS, Mario is in Bianca Hills, and it is Episode 7 - Shadow Mario on the Loose. There is a giant pirahana plant covered in brown slime. Mario is fighting it, and suddenly he hears an odd squeaking noise. He then hears a choking sound. He takes off FLUDD to see that he has gotten a glob of slime in his nozzle. Meanwhile, what he doesn't realize is that he is continuing to squeeze the trigger to shoot the water out, making FLUDD grow larger and larger. FLUDD gasps "...stop it, stop it!" But it is too late, and FLUDD spontaneously combusts, sending Mario and himself directly to coin heaven. Out of nowhere, Il Piantissimo pops out of nowhere, and screams triumphantly "YES, YOU STUPID PLUMBER! I BEAT YOU!" Then he too explodes. Then I found five dollars.

"I could have more fun watching paint dry...
C''mon Blue! Dry Blue! C''mon!"
-The Decline of Video Gaming

« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2004, 02:04:31 PM »
This topic will be deleted in 5 minutes since only 1 person responded. I guess no one likes a newbie's topic


  • Steamed
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2004, 07:15:59 PM »
Nonsense... The problem is that it's sometimes hard to think of a particularly funny thing to put in...

« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 08:02:03 AM »
Yeah, maybe.  And I just learned I can't deleat it :P. I have a story though but if you haven't gotten to the final boss of Paper Mario: TTYD, I suggest you don't read on.

(Groudus is opening the coffin)
Groudus: Arise my Shadow Queen!
Groudus: I said arise my shadow Queen!
(still nothing)
?????: Help! The door's stuck!
Groudus: (opens it) Hey! You aren't My Queen!
Who are you?
?????: I am Sonic the hedgehog! And it's payback time!!! I heard you were working on Paper Mario, so I hid here the whole time!
Time to die!
Mario: Wait, you're in Paper Mario too right?
Sonic: Woah! You said somthing! Yes.
Mario: And you're paper now too right?
Sonic: Yeah.  Why?
Mario: WEEHEE! (Pulls out a HUGE pair of scissors.
Sonic:O_o Crap...

I'll leave the rest up to imagination.
Not much is it?

Edited by - SuperSonic_Yoshi on 11/22/2004 6:03:46 AM

« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2004, 08:46:40 AM »
Chris: *crying* "Sonic!  Sonic!  Don't die on me!  You just can't die!  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Amy: *screams even louder*
Eggman: *laughs and does a little dance in his magic smarty pants*

Ha-HA!  No that wasn't a blooper, don't worry.  Anyway, I'm here to liven up your thread (and fulfill my duty to protect all newbies from the agony of embarrassment and topic defeat)!

Mario in SM64:

Bowser: "Bwahahaha!  Do you really think you can beat me this time?  There's no lava anywhere!  I just dare you to try and get behind me, grab my tail, constantly drop me closer and closer to one of those bombs by pressing B, then rotating the control stick clockwise or counter-clockwise until I start spinning really fast, push C down to get a better view, then push B to release me and kill me!  You'll never do it!"

Mario: "Oh-a yes I weel!  Watch out-a Bowsa!" *runs around Bowser*

Bowser: *spins around really fast* "Hahahaha!  You can't catch me!  You can't catch me!"

Mario: "Slow down, you big-a stupid Koopa!  Man, I wish-a Conker the squirrel was-a here to help me with this.  Oh wait-a, no I don't.  Oh well, I'll-a still get you!" *does a backflip over his head and grabs his tail*

Bowser: "YEOW!"

Mario: *spins him around*

Bowser: Whoosh!... Whoosh!... Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh whoosh whoosh-whoosh-whoosh-whoosh!!!!

Mario: "So long-a Bowser!" (real words still not known)

Bowser: "Arrrgggh!" *goes flying and hits a bomb*

Bomb: *explodes* :)

Mario: "Heehee!  I got it!  Huh?  Uh-oh!"

Bowser: *starts flying back straight at Mario*

Mario: "Mama Mia."


Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.

Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 11/28/2004 12:21:08 PM
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2004, 01:06:11 AM »
ha hahahah!
 Banned by Deez

« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2004, 01:57:03 PM »

Bowser decides to have a beer before battling Mario.  He flies around in his clown car, and suddenly flies off the screen into a brick wall, and the car blows into a million pecies.  He is rushed to the hospital with a broken neck.
Bowser throws the bowling ball.
1.Luigi does his super-kicky jump, and smashes his toes on the ball.  He can't walk, so Bowser hops out of the car and eats him alive.
2.Mario picks up the ball, and throws it.  cHe gets a strike.  He waits for it to come back, and an A-bomb comes.  Everyone dies.
