
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 233133 times)

« Reply #495 on: November 28, 2008, 12:54:24 PM »
I had a weird dream weeks ago that I was in New Mexico, or Arizona and I saw a huge UFO.

It was night, and I saw a few lights in the sky. They were all part of the same UFO. I ran inside to grab a camera, but couldn't find one. So I ran back outside to look at it passing over me. I kept looking up, then I heard a loud mechanical noise come from it as the center was passing over me. It was the sound of the engine. The center of it was above me. There was a huge bright light in the center, with a smaller light and a red light next to it. As the center moved over me, I saw a animal behind the center of it, a dog or a deer, I don't remember, was floating in mid-air, being dragged through the air under the UFO. The entire UFO eventually flew past me, and was gone. I remember following it somewhere, but I don't remember anything else.

Though that dream was about a month ago, I didn't remember any part of it until today. Because though I didn't remember any part of it, last night in my dream, I was talking about how I saw it like it really happened. Every time I was talking about watching it pass over me, it didn't feel like I was talking about it, but more like I was going through the whole thing again. I talked about it to people over and over again. So I went through looking at the UFO over and over.
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

N64 Chick

  • one ticked chick
« Reply #496 on: November 30, 2008, 08:59:46 AM »
About a week ago, I dreamt that I was on some sort of scavenger hunt with the Koopa Kids. I can't even remember what we were looking for. Might be for the better though, huh? I don't recall seeing all the KKs there either. I definitely saw Wendy, Morton, Larry and either Iggy or Lemmy, but the others seemed to be absent...
Fangirling over Luigi since 1999.

« Reply #497 on: December 02, 2008, 02:45:55 PM »
 I had a dream awhile back that someone was trying to unleash a horrible monster on the earth. It turned out, that monster was Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin, with a beer belly (?). And she wasn't interested at all in destroying anything.


  • Tortuga
« Reply #498 on: December 02, 2008, 04:01:06 PM »
That image will come out of my head in about, say... 4 years.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #499 on: December 02, 2008, 11:08:20 PM »
Doubly so here.

Me personally, I always think it's kind of awkward when I have a dream pertaining somewhat to a, um... girl at school, and the next day I think "Should I tell them? No, of course not, that's a ridiculous idea. ...Well, it's not like it was anything obscene. Still, that's kind of creepy..."
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #500 on: December 02, 2008, 11:35:55 PM »
 Well to make up for it, I (sorta) had a Zelda dream.

   Now, over the course of last spring, I joined the local renaissance faire (That has a lot less to do with this being a Zelda dream than you'd think.) In my dream, a girl I know from the scottish guild had a movie she wanted to show us (movie as in VHS tape, not DVD). We were  outside, and somehow had a TV out there too. And we were all standing around outside in the woods in the middle of the day watching it.

 girl: "This is a scary movie!!"

 (puts it in and hits play)

  Now, first I don't see anything, but I hear this kind of low humming buzz, like some sort of death ray. Then I start hearing the boomerang sound from the original Legend of Zelda... several of them, actually. Then, I see the image: Remember Link from the old 80's cartoon? (please don't confuse it with CD-i, it was slightly better) Well, a LIVE-ACTION version of him was running around a modern suburb in blind terror as some invisible mob was throwing sword beams, boomerangs, and arrows at him (hence the sounds from before). The look on Link's face was "Oh crap!!" and he was clutching his hat to his head as he jumped fences, turned corners, tripped over trash cans, etc. It was kinda funny.


  • Score
« Reply #501 on: December 12, 2008, 08:55:17 AM »
I had the strangest dream a couple of weeks ago...Rick Astley sang his signature song at the Macy's Thanksgivi...wait, that actually happened.  Never mind then.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #502 on: December 13, 2008, 04:09:53 PM »
I often get ideas from my dreams. I occasionally forget a dream I thought was good if I don't immediately apply it to something, so I've decided to record my dreams ASAP from this point forward, starting with the one I had last night. Here goes.

I'll use different text colors and styles to try and create the exact mood and feeling of the dream.

I and two of my friends, who I shall refer to as E and M, were outside in the front yard of some house in what seemed to be springtime. There was a mid-sized tree in the center of this yard that had some spots of mold and a somewhat twisty trunk. We were just sort of chillin'. I looked to the left, watching M take a stick and poke around in the dirt next to the house. The next thing I knew, there were GIANT ANTS all around him. Seriously, they were like an inch tall. I looked back to the right for a moment and then back to him, just sort of observing those ants like I usually do to things I'm curious about. He was looking down at them, apparently doing the same thing while they scrambled around his shoes.

Then, I wasn't there. I was whisked to a dinner gathering with a lot of my extended family, like a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, except with even more people. It was in a semi-dark-blue, dimly lit room, with a large window at the other end through which I could see the night sky. All in all, it was a pretty cool feel to the whole room, but not exactly one suited to a dinner - those kinds of things deserve a warmer and more welcoming atmosphere.

I don't remember what happened at that dinner, but afterward, I went to a gray building (still at night). I rode down a waterslide and fell down a waterfall past some metal walls like what you'd expect in a sewer or some such. I finally landed in the same kind of sewery place in about three feet of water.

There was a girl who also arrived here who looked about 13. I greeted her with "Hi, Mimi." This was a joke, referencing the fact that she and a few others sat with me at school lunchtime and "acted out" my story Super Paper Mario 2 by using a printed copy and reading it aloud, using a different person for each character's voice. She was the voice of Mimi. In reality, I plan to print a few copies of the story for my friends to read, but I've never done anything like this at lunch - the closest I came was when, in an after-school club, I and a friend presented an interactive version of a chapter in the story by having E as the narrator, I as the male voices, and a girl in the club as the female voices. In case you're wondering why I had "school lunchtime" in dark blue, it's because I recalled the fake SPM2 memory within the dream, and the lunchroom had a lighting and color scheme similar to the night dinner from earlier, except with a bit more gray.

I think I may have traveled through some of these sewer tunnels. In any case, I ended up in a dark steel room being chased by some giant O'Chunks, except he had a different name that I couldn't remember. Eventually, the stage zoomed out or some such, and I found myself looking at a map of that sewer place's layout. It was now a place in a video game, designed by a friend I shall call R, and I watched as she pointed out the map's different features (in real life, I don't even know if she plays video games). The layout that R designed was sort of a dungeon area with different hallways and such, one of which contained that big-toothed flower from Paper Mario (forgot how to spell the name) for some random reason. I reached out and touched part of the apparently now-partially-3D level map, a white bridge with similarly white handrails. The bridge was made of a sort of rubbery substance that I moved my finger across, similar to those four little rubber holder things on the inside of the Wii Wheel.

That's all I can remember. Interestingly, last night before I went to bed, I was playing Super Mario Galaxy. How, then, Super Paper Mario/Paper Mario/Mario Kart Wii got into my mind, I have no idea.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #503 on: December 14, 2008, 06:35:21 AM »
There was an airplane. I was apparently a passenger on it at one point, but I was also seeing the whole thing as a movie. First, I saw the cockpit, where the pilot and some kid who was there for reasons I can't remember (probably from some earlier phase of the dream where it wasn't a plane) weren't aware that all the passengers were gone for some reason. The pilot set it on autopilot and went back to fix something, taking a long time to do it. When he came back, the plane was really close to the ground. Like ridiculously close. Like I thought that the bluescreened-in footage of the ground must have been taken from a car. The plane ended up sliding down a hill and landing in a marsh, slowly floating back up to the top. Cut back to the passengers on the plane, who were back somehow. First, there was some talk about the origins of the Muppets, and how most of them started after the diamond mine. I think what had sparked that conversation was that I had noticed a log in the marsh with some of those sideways fungus on it, which reminded me of Donkey Kong 64. I was trying to look on Super Mario Wiki to see if they had a page for them yet, but I got distracted. I was on a page that had a list of categories of enemies, and I saw one called "Satellites" with the subtitle "Insurgents, Iraqis, and Terrorists." Every time I tried to click on it, nothing loaded, until finally, after about a dozen tries, it worked. Also, while I had been walking across the log, there were thorns that looked like the Yesterbean thorns in Baten Kaitos Origins, and an orchestra was playing that song that Fiona and the bird sing in Shrek, and I had to whistle it. So we were talking about the Muppets, and then there was a Muppet Christmas special that had apparently been filmed inside a house that was supposed to be both Jim Henson's house and my mom's house, though it didn't look anything like either of theirs. It had been filmed from ten to fifteen years ago -- I know because my cat who died a few months ago was a kitten, and was playing the baby Jesus. So after that flashback was over, we the passengers went back to the present. Suddenly it was the people in my dorm (it may have already been them, I'm not sure), and we were going to talk about starting a band. A friend talked me into coming along, mentioning something about a band he liked where one guy played the telephone pole. I told him I wasn't indy enough to appreciate it, and asked how the guy carries the telephone pole around. At the band discussion, there were hamburgers, but by the time I got to the food table, which was apparently inside the hangar at my grandma's old house in Florida, all the full-sized hamburger patties were gone, and there were only mini ones. So then we started talking about bands. Someone suggested a name that was something about a trio, but we realized that there were 19 of us there. I suggested the name "Fighting Vietnam Island", with the condition that the first song on the album explain that we know Vietnam isn't an island. I think eventually we settled on another of my suggestions, which was to name ourselves the first nine notes from the Final Fantasy victory music, in musical notation on a bar. An obnoxious, Prince-style name -- except, unlike Prince, the name actually can be pronounced, by just humming the song. We did however consider using the name "Modernity" if we ever had to have a name. So we got our first album out, and it was apparently sponsored by McDonalds with lots of corporate meddling, because it was an all-kids-songs album, and our logo was now made up of four McDonald Ms against a music bar thing (I don't know musical vocabulary). At some point, probably around here, I, my mom, and my three younger siblings were in a house that was more like our actual house, but still not really. We had a contest where we were supposed to design bracelets out of Legos yesterday and turn them in, and my mom would pick one winner. She picked one, and my little sister said they were hers, even though I knew they were mine and didn't say anything, until after they left when I told my mom. And then we went to a room where there were a whole bunch of goblets filled with sugar water stacked in a pyramid on a table. People were taking them from the bottom of the pyramid, and somehow it wasn't falling apart yet. I cautioned someone not to take a goblet that was directly on top of one that was suspended in the air, but someone did, and not only did it not fall, it floated and spun around in the air. Soon we were all spinning goblets around in the air. The stewardess glibly informed us that it was probably because the plane was in freefall, which was apparently not a concern at all. But then we looked out the window and saw lots of grass that we were in. The stewardess ran to the cockpit to see what was going on, and the camera followed her. The plane slid across the ground into an air traffic control booth that was on the ground for some reason. There were two guys in there, and as the plane slid inside, one of the guys made an overdramatic jump out of the way, and everyone watching the movie laughed. I think that was when I woke up.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 06:38:29 AM by CrossEyed7 »
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #504 on: December 14, 2008, 01:55:40 PM »
I had an extremely nerve-wraacking dream that scared the living daylights out of me to the point that I woke up in the middle of the night.

All I remember is that I was going about my daily life, there was a new AVGN episode up,  then I was thinking about crossovers such as Kingdom Hearts, and then I was seeing Elise from Sonic 2006 in some sort of FMV scene that wasn't actually in the game.

Then there was this scene in this generic clearing where she was forming a friendship with Rikku from Final Fantasy X, then they were in my house and I was playing the "third person cameraman" role. The Elise told Rikku something about "escaping, and then when they went to leave, a bunch of police cars with really loud sirens appeared outside and started circling the house faster than the speed of sound.

From there, we ran downstairs to hide in the basement and I (along with Elise) took a look outside the basement door to see if the evil cops were still lurking about. For some reason there was only one out there now, but it's siren went off again, scaring the ever-loving crud out of me as I and the girls ran to hide again. It was at that point I began to wonder what the hell was going on and why there were evil cop cars coming after be and two video game girls.

Then I spontaneously woke up in a fit of shock, fear, and confusion. I was almost afraid the dream would continue as I fell back to sleep a few moments later.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #505 on: December 15, 2008, 07:38:14 PM »
CrossEyed7, could you break those dreams into paragraphs so they'll be a little more readable? Just a little request. Don't get me wrong - I read that whole thing (for some reason, I thought it was hilarious when the audience laughed at the guy dramatically jumping over the plane. XP).

Anyway, new dream!

Chronological order on this one is pretty fuzzy, and I may even have dreamt (is that the right word?) one or two of these segments twice. Here's the dream as well as I can piece it together.

Someone, possibly my mom, wanted my brother and I to watch a movie. If I remember correctly, it was called "The Little Mermaid 3" (was there even a 2?), but the "little mermaid" wasn't actually anywhere in the movie (thankfully). Like almost everything I "watch" within a dream, it was sort of a combination of me watching it and actually being there. It did start in water - specifically, a large swimming pool with pink tiled walls that I was in. There was a person here who may have been that witch lady that was the villain in The Little Mermaid. I was now just watching as the plot of the movie unfolded, involving a criminal villain group brainwashing people and transformation them into an army of little black-and-white figures that looked sort of like the people on the Guitar Hero World Tour loading screen.

Then, the scene switched to another movie, that new Journey to the Center of the Earth. The kid from the movie was conversing with this GIANT TREE MONSTER. It had a thick gray bark and a jagged vertical mouth. Eventually, the kid pulled out three golden coins that were all about two inches wide. He put one of them into an indentically-sized slot in the tree monster's trunk, and stacked the last two and put them both into another slot just to the right of that, explaining something about how the coins contained metals that would seep into the monster's wooden body, killing it. Then he said something along the lines of "You're going to rot in Hell for everything you've done." The monster was like "Noooooo!" as the camera moved inside it and zoomed out through the closing mouth like in a movie. Some more stuff happened at the end of this sequence, but it's very hazy in my memory; I think I actually saw the monster in Hell (or at least some red, fiery place), and there might have been something about the characters returning to the surface like they did in the movie, but I can't remember it.

Then I was in my house. Apparently, people were coming over quite frequently because of something related to Super Mario World ROM Hacking, something I do in real life. It may have been that they wanted to try it for themselves, something I've noticed is very common with "outsiders" of a certain activity, or it might have been just so I could show them what I could do. Perhaps it was both, although a detail I'll mention in a bit inclines me toward the latter. In any case, it was evening, and the sky had that same bold, dark blue tone as the dining room and lunch table from the previous dream. Some people were already over. Two people showed up at our door and rang the bell, and I and my mom answered it. The person in back was a girl I didn't recognize, but the person in front, also a girl, was another friend of mine I shall refer to as C. The end of this part is kind of fuzzy as well; I do remember showing everyone a level that looked a lot like Galactic Glacier 1 from my hack Super Mario Infinity (1).

A quick note: Just for the sake of not having to describe it every time I introduce a real-life friend, all of my personal friends will be referred to by a single letter. This letter will be blue or green if the friend is a guy, and pink or violet if the friend is a girl. So far, I've introduced E, M, R, and C. The different colors are just picked based on which one I think would better suit the person in general.

After that other hazy area, it was a return to the movies. This one, however, centered on a non-existent movie adaption of Oracles of Fire (the best book series you've never heard of). The scene didn't actually resemble anything from the books - it was an icy ocean at night, with the sky color being - you guessed it - bold, dark blue (I wonder if that's going to become a common motif...), except perhaps a bit darker, at true night rather than evening. There were ice floats and what looked like icy mountains. They looked like actual landforms, but it may have just been really big icebergs. From a distance, the movie showed some people approaching a giant red dragon, like one from the books, that looked like a computer-generated image in a live-action movie. It switched, however, to a scene on one of the ice floats, in a sort of traditional 2D animation-slash-anime style. There was one of the two Oracles of Fire - I'm not sure if it was Sapphira or Acacia because they both look identical. She had white hair, like she does in the books, but also a very pale face to the point where it was practically the same color (I'm describing the following because none of it is in the books). Near as I could tell, all or most of her clothing was WHITE as well. There were these tattoos under her eyes, with a black curve following the bottom of the eyes (a small amount of white space between them, though), and three BOLD, DARK BLUE spikes/triangles that pointed downward from that curved line. All in all, she was pretty cute.

I think there was something after that, but nearly as I can tell, I woke up soon after.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #506 on: December 15, 2008, 07:57:10 PM »
Too many colors; didn't read.
That was a joke.


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #507 on: December 15, 2008, 08:06:15 PM »
Chupperson would hate House of Leaves and Only Revolutions.
I haven't had any dreams involving the former, fortunately, but the latter appeared in a dream I had recently.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #508 on: December 15, 2008, 10:46:17 PM »
My dreams usually feel so disorganized and unchronological that it's hard to even know where paragraphs should be. But I will try in the future. Just now I dreamed that I was on the beach at night with my mom and little brothers and little sister, with my big camera, and every time I tried to take a picture of something while my sister was in the vicinity, the camera ended up falling into the sand and looking like it was about to break. Then we went home. I think there was more, but I can't remember it.

BTW, there actually is a Little Mermaid 3. It's a prequel. And I, for one, really like the colors.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #509 on: December 16, 2008, 12:16:31 AM »
I had a dream about Star Trek this morning. It was like a cross between The Motion Picture and the TNG finale, All Good Things. Spock was flying around in one of the EVA suits from The Motion Picture, but for some reason Picard and Tasha Yar were watching him on a really primitive Asteroids-style display, on the bridge of an old ship. The timeline incongruity must have got to my brain because Tasha asked Picard whether this was some kind of test, and Picard asked her why, and she said something like "because it does this!" and then Bucephalus Bouncing Ball started playing and I woke up, because that was the music I chose for my alarm this morning.
That was a joke.
