
Author Topic: I'm the new LORD!  (Read 1841 times)

« on: March 11, 2005, 04:26:54 PM »
Greetings, I’m reasonably new in this society, what has been happening recently any fresh things. Information please. I’ve joined up for my specific advertising of my homepage if anyone wishes to email do so then. I’ve been exploring this place and I have like because it seems you can post threads. Well farewell, I’ll keep in touch.

Something has just arrived to my mind. I have some troubles. I’m looking for someone who has the game Mario kart. I’ve played it but I want to but it. My demand is. I’ll make some deal with you as so we’ve discussed this matter. Ohh! Plus I need to hire a new staff. My old staff has run out of ideas. There very boring and my sales are gone down. My comic corporation and my book that I’m still writing are going down. It took me years to have good comics. At the moment I’m doing them by myself. I’ve sacked my staff. They get good pay. 100 dollars for 2 hours. I need a staff that I don’t have to pay anymore. I’, so sick of it. If you like to be apart of it, please you can help me. I’m looking for 20 fresh people.

There is more  that meets the eye!

Edited by - Mirio Lord on 3/12/2005 9:50:19 PM
There is more  that meets the eye!


  • Steamed
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 04:56:28 PM »
While I love your opening speach, I must inform you that open advertisment of pages and such are prohibited. "...unless you are including it as your source of information."


  • Normal
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 05:28:31 PM »
Hello, I am Markio.  If you've been around here like you said you have, you know who I am and I won't have to introduce myself.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 06:05:52 PM »
Sorry about you not being allowed to advertise your website, but please don't leave.
For whatever reason, new people don't seem to stay for long.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 07:18:33 PM »
I think the reason is because we put the dumb ones through hell, and our recent track record for newbies that aren't complete idiots hasn't been so good. I hope you can help turn over this record, Mirio.

"I’ve been exploring this place and I have like because it seems you can post threads."

I have yet to see a message board where you can't(except in staff forums as such).

Edited by - CashCrazed on 3/11/2005 5:19:30 PM
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2005, 01:25:41 AM »
If you get through the opening stages of being a n00b, then you're off to a good start. Just stay focused, be yourself, and eat plenty of Mushrooms.

Nachos make me macho,
Berries make me merry,
If you want me to stop,
Too bad. (Raspberry)
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.
