
Author Topic: ~The Zodiac Wheel~  (Read 14564 times)


« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2001, 06:20:09 PM »
StyX: I'll agree... most people don't think Astrology is a "true science" however... I find it MORE than uncanny how accurate most of my Virgo BIOS are. Not nessicarlly the daily sh*t in the newspapers. Hell.. they most likely pulled that f*ckin' sh*t outta thier ass. -_-; Sorry.. never mind my potty mouth *its been a stressful week ya'know...* The media constantally LIES to you. ¬_¬ I can't believe you people take them seriously... (That's the problem with America these days... *sighs* oh well...) Getting back on subject; Most "psychics" that you call up on hotlines and stuff are bull too. (Except for Cleo... She kicks ass ^_^)But the method she uses is much different than the others. Tarot cards, your time of birth and the alignment of the stars, AND planets gives each and everyone a different and uniquie (D*mn... can't spell...) bio that only a select few know how to read, THAT'S why nearly everything you see and read is bull--they don't know what they're doing. It gets better... Not only does your time of birth, alignment of stars, and planets play a major role, but there are things in the Zodiac most refer to as "houses" 12 in all. (note, not each house is "represented" by its own sign... houses are a completly different story. For example, if Mercury were to move into the 6th house of the zodiac, It would be best advised that most Virgos and Geminis should watch thier health; as the 6th house relates to health problems. Mental AND phsical. The moon plays a role in these "alignments" too. People who watch the sky and keep track of that use this information to give every sign "in the newpaper" a BROAD idea of what to look for each week. Giving a day-by-day description for that such of a large amount of people is almost impossible, as it takes more than one day for most planets to move around, you see. ;)

As for the "real" psychics that you complain are so few... I suggest looking up more on the subject, so you can become and "expert" in the feild yourself.... or give Cleo a call. ;)

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢

(I don't have her number handy, but she pops on the Pay-per-veiw channel late at night sometimes.)

« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2001, 09:08:09 PM »
What planet and element am I?I'm Saggitarus.


« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2001, 09:22:20 PM »
       Hey Billy Chilly, Do You Think That You Are The Only Human Being On The Planet, and My Sole Perpose In Life Is To "Bug The Hell Out Of YOU"? There Are Other People Here, and Im Sure You're Not The Only One Thats Bugged By It. and Why Should It Bother You Anyways? It Gives It a Nice Look I Think.

       Kat: I Suppose You Could Be Right (*COUGHS* When Hell Freezes Over) j/k, But I Mean Really, If Mercury Were To Move Into The 6th House, Then I Think That The Landlord In Perticular Would Have More To Worry About Then His His, Mental AND Physical :P

         Tarrot Cards? Only Certain People Can Read Them? Thats Crazy, If All It Takes To Be a "Real Psychic" Give Me a Deck Of Cards and I'll Predict Anything You Want!

         When You Say BIOS, I Think What You Mean Is Bios, Because a BIOS and Bios Are Different Things, But Oh Well.

       Why Would I Want To Become an Expert In Astrology After I Spent The 20min Arguing Against It? and As For This Cleo Person... Call Her? I Wonder If Shes Avaliable...

"DoMo ArIgOtO, Mr. RoBoTo"
"dont make me come down there" -God


« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2001, 12:05:30 AM »
black44: You're a Saggitarius, ne? You're planet is Jupiter, you're element is fire, and your "house" is the 9th ~ governing Travel, sports, study, philosopjy and religion. :) (I know you didn't ask for that last tidbit of info, but I had it handy in mah mind, and thought you might wanna know...)

StyX: Ha ha... you're quite the funny guy. ^_~ Tarrot Cards ~ Duh.. I didn't mean *only* certain people can read them. Of course, ANY one can, like you said, just pick up a deck and "predict anything you want" but its the point I'm trying to make that only a few acutally know how to *read* them CORRECTLY. Get my drift now? ;D
BIOS... and bios. Well, I think you know **** well which one I really ment. ;P I capitolized it however to empisize it since obviously we can't place any bold or italic tags on this message board.
I think you know also that I was being sarcastic about you "looking more into it, and becoming an expert in the feild"... ^_^ Don't you think *I* know by now that you don't really believe in this stuff? ;D silly...

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢

(Oh yes.. on that other post you made, I find that strange too... o_o; I think that "Mr. Face?" post I made a while ago still has the highest amount of posts... *excluding the rpg posts*. Freak~ah... no?)


  • Invincible
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2001, 12:56:19 AM »
I'm a Leo. Yeah! Go Leos! :-P

« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2001, 03:12:14 PM »
Deezer, when I read your post, I couldn''t stop laughing! I think this description of a Leo, fits your just right!

Leo- Conrolled by the sun (giver of life.)  You are the lion.  You are the fire sign. You are Proud, racy, royal, presence, show off and big headed. You are stubborn and Haughty.

Billy Chilly- Aries- you are Conrtolled by Mars. You are the ram. Aries is the fire sign. You are quick and racy. Energetic, selfish, youthful, pushy (me first) attitude.

Marionut#1- That is way too nifty! One of m freinds, freind's brothers, was also born on June 4th.

Fifht- Scorpio. Your planet is...I don't know! It doesn't say on my list. Ask Kat. ANyway, You are the water sign. You are counsellor, becomes detached painful situations, loves children, researcher, inquisitive, passionate, broody, and physhologist.

Well, there you all go! Hopefully someone will be able to find out what planet you are, Fifth.

I like cheese!

« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2001, 03:21:42 PM »
B****in'!  I'm a Ram, I've got fire by my side, and I've got Mars (named after the Roman god of war) looking out for me!!  I'm ready to kick some ass!


"Mama mia!"

Edited by - billy chilly on 2/6/2001 2:54:59 PM
Haters gonna hate


« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2001, 08:48:28 PM »
Good summeries, Lola. ;D I was just gonna write some short and sweet bios on all the signs, but I guess I forgot in my last post. o.o; But Scorpio was traditionaly ruled along side with Aries; with Mars. But with the recent discovery of Pluto, Scorpio's been "assigned" to that now. Much like the same situation for Gemini and Virgo. Both rule Mercury. However, if another planet in our solar system were to be discovered, they'd (Don't ask who "they" are... just... ya.. thouse people. Ya know? ^~^;) Probably assign Virgo to the new one. (I think that would really mess someone up here, no? XD)

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢

« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2001, 09:16:21 PM »
I am Aquarius if my memory serves me well...

« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2001, 03:10:55 PM »
If Scorpio Was Once Assigned To Some Planet, and Should Have Been With Pluto All Along, Then Why Didn't These "Psychics" Know About Pluto? They Just Said Oh Well Hey, Lets Assign Scorpio To ____ (Whatever It Was Assigned To) Oh No, But Its Sharing It With Another Planet! This Can't Be! 1900's Pluto Is Discovered. Heres a Free Planet, Lets Assign Pluto To It. Where Did They Get All The Information On Where To Assign What Sign To What Planet? My Point Is, If They Can Just Place Them Randomly, Then Why Not Make Random Predictions!

"DoMo ArIgOtO, Mr. RoBoTo"
"dont make me come down there" -God

« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2001, 03:42:10 PM »
I don't know about astrologers, but many astronomers these days say Pluto isn't really a planet after all, that it's an asteroid in the Kuiper Belt.  Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Arthur Tombaugh based on the calculations of Percival Lowell.  It was named a planet when it was thought to be twice the size of Earth.

I'm an Aries.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project


« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2001, 04:22:58 PM »
¬_¬ Just because Scorpio was "assigned" to Pluto, dosen't mean that it was just given that planet simply because a new one was "avalible" for the extra signs that share planets with others. Besides that fact, most of Scorpios "perdictions" are still based on the movements of Mars... relying on little pluto would take to long, and so little is known about the "planet" itself to determine it's exact position without Hubble or something. And I also agree... I find Pluto hard to beleive it's a "planet". A rather large asteriod, but significance should never be measured by size, and size alone.
The very First astrologers who decided to come up with the Zodiacal chart (based in Egypt) only knew of the Planets.. (aka: "heavenly bodies" as they refered to them, and thought different spirits were placed amoung the stars to watch over theme or something weird like that. I'm not really interested in history enough to look further into it. -_-;) Anyway.. they only knew of the planets they could see with the naked eye. Tell me, StyX, would you of known of Pluto's exsistance back then, using only your own two eyes? Can you pinpoint its exzact location at this very moment, by only looking at the sky with no instuments whatso ever? Hell... Could you even find the *Moon*, knowing your lack of knowledge? That is why some of the signs (and still, to this date) have to "share" these planets and such with a few others... ¬_¬

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢


« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2001, 04:26:16 PM »
............... Pardon my b*tch mode.. I just reflected upon what I had written. -__-; I've been having another stressful week...

I apologize, Styx.

•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢

« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2001, 02:13:10 PM »
I Would Like To Propose That We Get Somesort Of Charity Together. It Will be Called The "Getting Kat Some Lessons In Grammar Fund". Shes Had Sooo Many Mistakes In Her Enlgish. The Most Resent Being Ex"z"act! Its Exactly. No "Z" and No "S". I Also Think We Should Get Her an Engineer Of a Sort To Come Over and Re-Program Her and Get Her Out Of "B*tch Mode".

      Pluto Was Also Thouht To Be a Moon Of Neptune Fallin' Out Of Its Orbit. Its Not a "Gas Giant" (Not Made Up Of Gasses Like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Its Also Not a Terestrial Body (Not Made Up Of Metals and Dirt and Stuff Like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) Its Actually Thouht To Be a Huge Hunk Of Ice.

       Yes. I Think If I Were an Eqyptian Have Seen All The Planets With My Naked Eyes Because Im Am So Smart. j/k, But I Am Smart, and Don't Lack Any Knowlodge As You May Have Mistaken Me To. But You Can Only See a Couple Of Planets With Th Naked Eye, So They Woould Have Had About 4 Signs Assigned To 1 Planet! So, They Do Just Give Planets Signs At Random.

"DoMo ArIgOtO, Mr. RoBoTo"
"dont make me come down there" -God


« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2001, 07:10:10 PM »
StyX, I see that you're very intent on arguing with me until the point that neither of us will make any sense any more. And I wouldn't comment about your "Enlgish", improper use "Its", "Terestrial", "Thouht", "Th Naked Eye", and "Woould" either, so shush. (Did it ever occur to you, that I spell things wrong on *purpose*?) I'd also rather spare Deezer the trouble of deleting an unnecessary thread, because of our childish arguments on our posts. So, if you wish to continue, I'd be more than happy via AIM.


•·º¤. Kat .¤º·â€¢
(Someone do me a favor, and bring this topic BACK on the subject that it was orginally ment to be... :)
