
Author Topic: Super Mario Bros X: The Great One  (Read 13919 times)

« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2006, 09:18:00 AM »
At King Boo’s mansion, Bowser Jr. was crying because his father was in prison on a far away. King Boo told everyone what happened on the Isle o’ Hags.

King Boo: Then, that stickfigure gave me a bomb and I blasted off. As far as I know Bowser is still back there.

Kamek: We have no king? WHAT ARE GOING TO DO?

Kammy: Everyone just calm down. Surely, Bowser’s eight genius children can think of something.

Kamek: That means we’re doomed. If the Great One returns, you know what will happen to all the Koopas on this planet. DO YOU?  DO YOU? DO YOU! I don’t want to end up like that.

Kammy: King Boo, you just couldn’t get over your stupid gambling addiction.

King Boo: Don’t judge me. We have to find a way to get the Crystal Stars and to get Bowser free from prison.

Ludwig, the oldest of Bowser’s children, came in.

Ludwig: I believe I have the solution to all our problems.

King Boo: What is it, a slot machine?

Everybody did an anime fell.

Ludwig: No you compulsive gambler. I introduce you….

Right on cue, five robots came in. They were the Super Team from Super Mario Strikers, including the Robo Kremling.

Ludwig: These robots can do 456 things. Except clean up after themselves.

The robots hung their heads down in shame.

King Boo: Do you think they will work?

Ludwig: Of course. They can do 456 things.

King Boo: Can they figure whether I have a chance of winning the lottery?

Everyone did anime fell again.

Ludwig: Okay, you two go to the Isle o’ Hags and save Bowser. You know what he looks like. You three go to Sarasaland and get the Crystal Stars. I heard there were two of them there. Get moving!

The five robots obeyed and flew away while King Boo’s roof.

King Boo: Do you know how much that roof cost me? My entire afterlife savings on gambling!

K.Rool’s battleship Island was on the ocean facing Sarasaland. K.Rool was stuck being Klus’ lackey. If only he could get his hands on him. He’ll throttle him. Klus wasn’t happy either.

Klus: We’ve been attacking this kingdom for two days. There’s supposed to be two Crystal Stars here. Where are they?

K.Rool: Maybe they’re shoved inside your….

Shadow Luigi covered K.Rool’s mouth with paint to shut him up.

Klus: Thank you. But don’t think you’re getting anything yet.

Shadow Luigi: I know.

Klus: Bring me the Crystal Stars and I will grant you your wish.

Shadow Luigi: Yes master.

Shadow Luigi left. Klus went up to K.Rool

Klus: And you. You’re going to help him. Make yourself useful with your bulging eye. You Kremlings shouldn’t have left the Koopa Kingdom all those years ago.

K.Rool stared deathly at Klus.

Klus: Get going! If you want your people back, that is!

K.Rool left.

K.Rool: Well Klus, you may have the advantage now, but when you slip up, I’ll get you in the most tortured way as possible!

Meanwhile in the X-Nauts base, Shady was apologizing to Sir Grodus about his defeat.

Grodus: Shady, you said you will help us get the Crystal Stars.

Shady: Yesh $ir.

Grodus: Now that I think about it, are you trying to bring back the Shadow Queen again? She’s gone you know?

Shady: Eye no th@t mi qu33n iz g()ne. Eye w@nt r3v3ng3 0n zo$3 w#0 #ad def3@t3d #er.Eye w@nt 2 c0tinu3 w#@T $#3 $tarted.

Grodus: The only way we can do that is do get our doom machine working. We need one Crystal Star. Just one.

A regular X-Naut entered the room.

X-Naut: Dude. I mean, Sir Dude. I mean Sir Grodus Dude sir….

Grodus (impatient): Just tell me what you want.

X-Naut: Our intelligent reports tell us that there are not one, but two Crystal Stars at Sarasaland. And the kingdom is currently in turmoil. Kremlings and some tall liquid guy attacked the place and they have succeeded.

Grodus: Send Lord Crump and a bunch of soldiers over there to get those Crystal Stars. The world shall see how we play games. Are the communications ready?

X-Naut: Almost. They’ll be ready by tomorrow.

Grodus: Yes. Soon, all of the world leaders will bow down to the X-Nauts regime.

The next day at New Bird City, everybody was getting ready to leave.

Victoria: Good luck. And I hope you succeed in finding the remaining Crystal Stars.

Mario: Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?

Victoria: I can’t. I’m needed here. But after we interrogate the Koopa Bros., we will call you to tell you what they were planning.

Mario and the gang headed straight back to their U.F.O. only to find a bunch of Birdoes and Shy Guys look at it.

Shy Guy: What do you think it could be? The X-Nauts? The Shroobs? We’re doomed.

Luigi: Calm down everyone. This is just our way of getting around. Look at the banner attached to it.

The locals looked at the banner about Captain Blubber’s U.F.O. sell.

Shy Guy: Well, it’s on the Isle o’ Hags. What are we waiting for, somebody get me a phone.

The locals ran to get their house phones, cell phones, and pay phones. Our heroes entered the ship and took off.


It was none other than Jr. Troopa. He had just missed his chance to get revenge on Mario.

Jr. Troopa: Crud! What do I have to do to get my revenge?!

A small, male Birdo about Jr. Troopa’s age came up to him.

Child: Do you want to play hide and seek with me?

Jr. Troopa: GET LOST!

Jr. Troopa pushed the young Birdo in the mud. The Birdo started to cry.

Jr. Troopa: Baby!

?: What did you do to my little brother?

Jr. Troopa spun around to see an adult, muscular, male Birdo standing behind him.

Jr. Troopa (frightened): It’s a funny thing really. Look flowers!

Jr. Troopa ran away with the big Birdo chasing him. Back on the U.F.O., Mario put the Crystal Star in the Searcher 5000. It showed two Crystal Stars at Sarasaland.

Geno: Two Crystal Stars at once. Amazing!

Mario: And maybe Daisy can help us somehow.

DK: Finally, we can catch a break.

Yoshi, Waluigi, Kazooie, and Mallow were watching television. They were watching “Toadfeld.”

Waluigi: A show about nothing.

Kazooie: Kinda like your life.

Waluigi: At least I ain’t no chicken.

Kazooie: (mumble)

Suddenly, static appeared on the screen.

Yoshi: What’s going on?

Mallow: Look! Everybody come here!

When everybody arrived in front of the T.V., (except Diddy and Banjo because they were flying the ship) they saw Sir Grodus.

Mario: Grodus!

Luigi: So that’s Sir Grodus.

Sir Grodus began to speak.

Grodus: People of this planet, listen to me very carefully.

Grodus was broadcast all over the world on every television, as people from various areas watched.

Grouds: My name is Sir Grodus, the leader of the X-Nauts regime. And soon to be the supreme leader of the world. And if you refuse, you will suffer dearly from our power. Observe.

Suddenly, the moon appeared on screen. At the abandoned X-Naut headquarters over there, a giant ray beam appeared. Moments later, a laser fired from the beam and headed to the planet. The laser beam hit a deserted island. And right when the laser hit, the deserted island blew into pieces. Everybody all across the world saw this and was in shock. Then a timer appeared on screen counting down from 48 hours, with Grodus laughing in the background.

Our heroes saw all of this as well. They were confused, shock, and scared. Especially Luigi.

Luigi: AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That ray gun has the power to blow up land.

Mallow: What do we do?

Geno: First Klus. Now Grodus. It’s like the world is about to end.

Diddy: Guys, we’re about to land at Sarasaland.

Mario: Okay first, we get the Crystal Stars as fast as we can. Then we’ll find out where the X-Nauts are hiding.

The ship landed and everybody knew what to do. But they didn’t except what they saw when they arrived. Sarasaland was covered in pollution. Everybody’s mouths dropped in surprise.

Wario: What the? The last time I saw this was when Petey attacked my castle.

Mallow: Don’t tell me he’s back.

Yoshi: I hope he’s not that dumb.

Geno looked around until he saw a strange figure at a distance. It was tall liquid guy.

Geno: Excuse everybody.

When Geno turned around again, the figure was gone.

Mario: Yes what is it?

Geno: Never mind.

Everybody headed out to explore but Geno stayed a bit behind.

Geno: Was that Luigi?

Minutes later, the gang entered a town near Daisy’s castle. Sarasaland was full of Dryites and Squeeks. They were all upset that their town was polluted. But more strangely, they began to stare at our heroes with fear.

DK: Do you have any idea what’s going on? Why are they looking at us like that?

Banjo: Beats me.

Soon two policemen came up to our heroes.

Mario: Good, the authorities. What has happened to the kingdom?

Policeman 1: I’ll tell you what happen. Three days ago, Kremlings began to attack our fair land. We didn’t know what they want at first. Until they demanded we give them the Crystal Stars and our beloved princess. We didn’t know about any Crystal Stars and we sure weren’t going to hand over our ruler. Then small battles began. At first we were doing okay until someone with a paintbrush comes along and start polluting the place like crazy. Our civilians were in danger leaving the warriors to fall back. And now we only have six more hours until the Kremlings began a full scale assault. And it’s all thanks to YOU!

The cop pointed at Luigi.

Luigi: Me?

Everyone else: Him?

Policeman 2: Yes. It was him that polluted the kingdom according to eyewitnesses. A tall human being with an unkempt mustache.

Yoshi: You got the wrong guy. Luigi would never do something like this.

Policeman 1: We’ll see. Until then, you sir are going to see the princess. And to the rest of you, since you were with him now, you are not allowed to leave the kingdom until further notice.

The policemen began to drag Luigi away.

Mario: Don’t worry bro. We will find out the corrupt.

Yoshi: So now we’ve got a maniac who’s bent on bringing back a monster, an alien who wants to blow up the world. Now this?

Kazooie: Yeah. And I thought Grunty was crazy. But all of this is insane.

Mario: Okay here’s the plan. Yoshi, Wario, and I shall find out who framed Luigi. We will also try to talk to Daisy since she knows us personally. Everybody else, find those Crystal Stars.

Kazooie: You call that a plan? What the heck, I got nothing.

Mario gave Geno the Searcher 5000. Meanwhile in Daisy’s castle, Daisy was upset at all of this first Kremlings appearing, then Luigi’s polluting, not to mention the fact that a crazed alien is trying to blow up the planet. The guards came in carrying Luigi.

Daisy (angrily): Hello, Luigi.

Luigi (frightened): Hello Daisy. Listen, you’ve got to believe me. It wasn’t me who done this. It was a look-alike.

Daisy: How can I be so sure? What if this was all a joke.

Luigi: Honest I wouldn’t. You got to believe me.

Daisy: People said it was a guy that matches your description. And as a princess I know they wouldn’t lie about something like this. Take him to the dungeon.

Guard: Yes your highness.

The guard began to carry a crying Luigi away.

Daisy (thinking sadly): I wish it didn’t have to come to this. And to the one I love.
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick

« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2006, 01:21:02 PM »
The dungeon, for obvious reasons, wasn’t a happy or sanitary place. Crooks and criminals were held down there until their trial. The guard threw Luigi in a cold, small cell.

Guard: Heh. This is what you get for polluting my country. Scum!

The guard left laughing. Luigi was fairly teary.

Luigi (thinking): What am I going to do? How can I prove my innocence? My friends know it wasn’t me. Who could it be?

Luigi began to whimper.

?: Luigi? Luigi, is that you?

Luigi turned around.

?: It’s me, Blooey.

Luigi: Blooey?

Blooey: Yeah, everyone else is here too.

It turns out that Luigi shared the cell with his Marvelous Compass companions. There was Blooey the Blooper, Jerry the Cherry Bob-omb, Torque the Buzzy Beetle, and Hayzee the Crazyee Dayzee.

Luigi: Hey everyone. How did you guys get here?

They stared at Blooey angrily.

Blooey (sheepishly): It’s a long story.

Flashback to Sarasaland, two days ago. Luigi’s friends were looking through all of the mess Luigi’s perpetrator had caused. But they didn’t know who caused this at the time. At first the guys arrived to Sarasaland for a small reunion. Then two guards walked up to them.

Hayzee: Can we help you?

Policeman 1: You sure can. We’re looking for this man.

The cop held up a hand sketch drawing of the Luigi look-alike.

Policeman 2: Have you seen him?

Jerry: That looks like, Luigi.

Policeman 1: So you know him?

Torque: Yes.

Policeman 2: Well I would advise you to stay here and not leave the country until we can get some answers.

Blooey: Preposterous! That doesn’t make any sense. We don’t even know for sure that’s Luigi.

Policeman 1: You will do as we say.

Blooey (ticked): No we won’t.

Policeman 1: Yes you will.

Blooey (mad): I…said….no…we…..WON’T!

Blooey then did a torpedo like attack at the cop.

The flashback ended.

Blooey: I attack the cop and you know what happens from there.

Luigi: Well, it’s good to see you are all alright. But where’s Screamy.

Cut to Yoshi’s Island where Screamy is drinking lemonade. Then he realized something.

Screamy: Wait. Wasn’t the reunion supposed to be on Yoshi Island and the Coconut Festival was supposed to be on Sarasaland? Or was it vice versa?

Back in the desert kingdom’s dungeon.

Blooey: BAH! As long as he got away safely I’m not gonna complain. But first, we know you’re innocent Luigi. And we will prove it to by stopping the villain and put his head on a plate to show the world.

Blooey the Blooper was a madman as Luigi once said. Originally nicknamed the “White Torpedo,” he is now the “Brown Torpedo” because of a mishap during Luigi’s adventure. Luigi accidentally threw him in lava and it is rumored Booley’s already low sanity level decreased. He can fire ink, use his tentacles as whips, and can become a living torpedo.

Jerry (a bit down): Yeah, we’ll help. Anything’s better than here.

Jerry the Cherry Bob-omb was a happy-go-lucky Bob-omb. Until he saw Luigi in a bride’s gown. It must have affected Jerry pretty hard because he is now depressed. He is good with his kickboxing skills and his exploding abilities.

Torque: You know I got your back.

Torque, the Buzzy Beetle with the wrench on his shell, is a bit of a gangster. He doesn’t break the law but he’s hard enough to compete in kart races that make Mario Kart look like a pleasant bicycle ride. He also can use the wrench as a hardcore weapon

Hayzee: You can count on me.

Hayzee the Crayzee Dayzee, and a flower with green pedals, is an actor and singer by day and ninja by night. He has a shurikens, throwing stars, made from leaves.

Luigi: Thanks everyone.

Blooey: You know we got your back. We will find this villain, torture him, hurt him, BURN HIM, and last but not least, MAKE HIM PAY FOR ALL HE’S DONE!

Luigi: Did you forget to take your medication again?


Torque: But how are we going to get out of here?

Luigi: Don’t panic. I have a plan.

Jerry: That means we’re doomed.

Meanwhile, Mario and his group were talking to Daisy.

Mario: Daisy, you and I both know that you know that Luigi didn’t cause all of this.

Daisy: I can’t be so sure.

Yoshi: This is Luigi we’re talking about. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Isn’t that right Wario?

Wario was busy trying to steal a very expensive looking vase.

Mario & Yoshi: WARIO!

Wario: Well, look at it this way. We can hold it as ransom to free Luigi.

Mario and Yoshi did an anime fell.

Mario: For crying out loud, Wario can’t you….

Mario was interrupted by his walkie-talkie. He pulled it out.

Mario: Yes what is it?

The one on the other side was Geno.

Geno: Mario, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we found Luigi’s perpetrator and the two Crystal Stars.

Mario: Uh, what’s the bad news?

Geno: You wouldn’t want to know.

It was revealed that Geno’s group was about to fight Klus’ Kremlings with Shadow Luigi and K.Rool, the super robots from Bowser’s side, and Lord Crump in a robot that looks like a dragon.

Crump: Now then. Who wants to die first?
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick

« Reply #32 on: March 10, 2006, 05:48:29 PM »
Here’s what happen before that. Geno’s group was searching through the desert look for the Crystal Stars. Geno was using the Searcher 5000 Mario gave him. He wasn’t having much luck with it however.

Geno: I can’t believe this thing doesn’t pinpoint EXACTLY where it is.

Waluigi: Nothing is perfect. Except me.

Kazooie was about to say something.

Waluigi: Say an insult and you’ll be the next thing on the barbeque.

Kazooie decided not to take the chance.

Diddy: Hey wait, I see Kremlings up there.

Three Kremlings were digging to look for something. Their backs were turn on our heroes.

DK: I’ll handle it.

DK walked up to the Kremlings but they haven’t notice him yet. Then one of the Kremlings pulled both Crystal Stars.

Kremling 1: Yeah! This is how we do it!

Kremling 2: Cool, I smell a raise.

Kremling 3: I smell this stale, dry air.

DK tapped the Kremling with the Crystal Stars on the back.

Kremling 1: Yeah. We’ll give to Klus.

DK tapped him again.

Kremling 1: We’ll give them to Klus. Wait a Gnawty Beaver punching minute.

DK tapped him a third time.

Kremling 1: Look, I told we’ll give them to (turns around)

DK: Hello.

Kremling 1: IT’S DK. RRRRRRRRRUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DK punched out all three Kremlings and got the Crystal Stars.

Banjo: Way to go.

Waluigi: Now let’s leave.

Then all of a sudden, Shadow Luigi appeared.

Shadow Luigi: Give me the Crystal Stars.

Mallow: I’m thinking he’s the criminal.

DK: Well he’s not getting them.

Then, K.Rool appeared.

DK (sneering): K.Rool.

K.Rool: Hello there you stupid ape.

Waluigi (laughing): What’s with his eye? It looks like a permanent tick!

Then an army of Kremlings appeared and Waluigi stopped laughing.

Shadow Luigi: Give us the Crystal Stars.

Geno: Never

Soon the three super robots came in and stared deathly at their prey. They pointed to the Crystal Stars and did a give ‘em hand gesture.

Shadow Luigi: Back off! They’re ours.

Diddy: Great, it can’t get any worse than this.

Soon, Crump landed to the soon to be melee with dragon robot. It was the size of the dragon siblings.

Crump: Say hello to Robotail. Give ME the Crystal Stars and I will lower your pain level from fatal to harmful.

After, Geno gave the news to Mario and Crump said his line, Kazooie simply said:

Kazooie: I’ll see everyone here in Heaven.

Back at the castle, Mario and friends had to help them.

Yoshi: It can’t be. And we were all getting to know each other to.

Mario: We have to help them. Let’s go. (to Daisy) And think about it Daisy, Luigi didn’t do it.

Mario, Yoshi, & Wario ran off to help their friends. Meanwhile in the dungeon, a guard was on patrol. Then he heard a cry at a distance.

Luigi: Guard help!

The guard ran to the cell.

Guard: What is it?

Luigi showed the guard that Blooey was foaming at the mouth.

Guard: AH! What do we do?

Hayzee: I know what to do.

Hayzee went up to the guard and sang to him a lullaby. The guard fell asleep. Blooey stopped foaming.

Torque: Nice plan. Didn’t think Blooey could fake foaming either.

Blooey: I wasn’t faking.


Luigi: Now let’s go.

Luigi took the guard’s keys and open the cellar.

They found another exit out of the castle so they wouldn’t get caught.

Blooey: Can I please go back in the dungeon, break the guard’s neck, and put his body under my bed?

Luigi: NO!

Blooey: AAWW!

An hour later, the gang was in the vast desert.

Luigi: Do you guys need any help with this heat?

Blooey: You like, threw me in lava. This is the North Pole compared to that.

Hayzee: My grandfather was a Pokey so maybe I can tolerate for awhile.

Torque: Heat never affects a Buzzy Beetle.

Jerry: Life is just a vast desert anyway, just wondering around trying to find the waters of joy only to die because the extreme heat of pain.

Torque: Okay, I’m pretty sure, seeing Luigi in bride’s gown probably wasn’t that scarring.

Luigi: Hang on I see people in the distance. And they look like they’re stumbling. I think they’re hurt.

He was right there were four people heading towards them. They were looking tired and defeated. But worse, Luigi recognized them.

Luigi: DK, Banjo, Geno, Diddy! What happened?

Banjo (weakly): A massacre.

Luigi: Where’s everybody else?

DK: Mario, Wario, and Yoshi went….to talk… Daisy. We were trying….to find the Crystal Stars…. We did….

Geno: But, a horrible fight started to………

Diddy: The others,…..Crump captured them….. He also got one of the…..Crystal Stars.

Banjo: Those three robots that we fought…..they got the other.

DK: The robots…..headed towards the town.

Jerry: The townsmen are doomed. And they don’t even know it.

Torque: Okay that is it! We have to save Sarasaland now.

Hayzee: Luigi, your team needs you as much as possible now.

Luigi: B-but…

Blooey: C’mon man, you did it before saving Princess Éclair. This wouldn’t be any different.

Luigi then gathered his courage.

Luigi: Okay, Let’s-a go.

An hour later, Luigi arrived back at town. Luigi and team let the beaten heroes rest at an inn. They began their search for the criminals.

Blooey: Where could they be? This is driving me insane.

Torque (sarcastically): You mean you aren’t yet?

Soon, a bunch of civilians were running. They were running away from something.

Dryite: Head for the hills! We’re not safe.

Luigi: Okay, this means we’re close. You guys still want to do this?

Torque: Of course. We’re with you until the end.

Jerry: Which won’t be very long from now. (sighs)

The heroes then saw three robots attacking the Luigi impersonator.

Blooey: I may not be very sane, but I have a feeling that’s your impersonator.

Hayzee: Yeah. And he looks beat up.

Shadow Luigi wasn’t doing so well fighting the robots. As a robot grabbed him and threw him into crates. Shadow Luigi was knocked out.

Jerry: Great. Now we have to fight them. Life’s just too unfair.

Luigi: Okay friends. One of them has the Crystal Star. Let’s attack all three of them.

The robots stood in fighting stance. Luigi pointed a finger at them.

Luigi: CHARGE!

Play Music: Luigi’s Mansion Final Battle

Jerry was against a robot all by himself.

Jerry: It’s because life is unfair.

The robot threw lightning at him but Jerry dodged it. Jerry went up to the robot with a flying kick but the robot blocked it. Jerry did a rolling kick but the robot dodged it.

Jerry: Stay still.

Hayzee and Torque were fighting another robot. Hayzee threw three shurikens but they just bounced off.

Hayzee: I don’t get it. I’ve sharpen them.

Torque tried to body slam the robot but the robot grabbed him and place Torque down on his back.

Torque: Uh, Hayzee, help a Koopa out.

The robot was about to stomp on Torque but Hayzee kicked the robot in the back of the head. This gave enough time for Torque to put himself right side up.

Torque: My turn!

Torque slammed into the robot. The robot went sailing but landed on his feet.

Torque: Quite the fighter.

Luigi and Blooey were facing off against the third robot. The robot threw a lighting bolt but the duo dodged it. Blooey flew towards the robot like a torpedo. The robot dodged it and Blooey went sailing into a bunch of crates.

Blooey: I’ll have your head for my revenge!

Luigi fired a fireball but it didn’t affect the robot.


Luigi: Don’t make me send you the nut house.


The robot fired another lighting strike and it struck Blooey.

Blooey (pleased tone): OHH yeah.

Luigi sweatdropped.

Jerry was still fighting the robot by himself. But he was getting irritated.

Jerry (peeved): Leave me alone.

The robot did a flying kick and Jerry went sailing.

Jerry: Why me? (more angry) I said stop.

The robot kicked a crate towards Jerry. Jerry dodged it with ease and he was now furious.

Jerry (madly): I SAID….

Jerry lit his fuse and ran toward the robot. Jerry and the robot exploded but only Jerry recovered.

Jerry (calmly): Quit it.

Jerry had to rest because of his explosion. Meanwhile Torque and Hayzee were still fighting another robot. Torque went bottom-side up again.

Jerry: It had to be this weakness. My species avoided being burn yet I still got this to suffer from.

The robot kicks Torque into a wall. This caused Torque to go back right side up.

Torque: Big mistake pal.

Hayzee did a rolling kick toward the robot. But the robot, grabbed Hayzee and threw him up in the air. Hayzee came back with a spinning kick and knock the robot over.

Torque: Now’s my chance.

Torque used the wench on his shell and started unbolting the robot’s screws with it. The robot threw Torque off of him. He then ran towards Hayzee but his body began to literally fall apart. Hayzee kick the head away.

Hayzee: That means the robot Luigi and Blooey are fighting has the Crystal Star.

The last robot was running out of options even though he defeated Blooey by tying his tentacles together.

Blooey: I will have your head, fiend!

Luigi fired more fire but they still didn’t affect the robot. The robot punched Luigi and he went sailing. Luigi was losing hope, but he had one more shot. He ran up to the robot.

Luigi: Enough is enough. Let’s see how you like lighting.

The robot ran towards Luigi. Both of them were charging at each other at full speed. Luigi used Thunderpalm to shock the robot. While the robot was still dazed, Luigi used a charged Green Missile and launched himself at his foe. The attack connects and the robot went sailing in a wall and exploded. Blooey managed to untie his tentacles. He then went up to the remaining of the robot, which was just its head, and took it.

Blooey: I told you I will have your head.

Hayzee: Yeah Luigi!

Torque: You did good.

Jerry: And we’re not even dead.

Luigi blushed an extreme red.

Luigi: Okay, now let’s find that Crystal Star.

?: Wait a moment.

They turned to find the Shadow Luigi limping over to them.

Blooey: That fiend. We must continue our killing spree.

Shadow Luigi: Wait, let me explain.

Shadow Luigi then began to melt away. In the end, it turned out to be Paintissimo. He was carrying Bowser Jr.’s original paintbrush.

Luigi: I don’t understand. What’s going on?

Paintissimo had something to tell them for them to understand.

Paintissimo it all started…..

Flashback to after Mario and Peach left Isle Defino. Paintissimo swam to a small island and found a discarded paintbrush. He picked it up and he turned into Shadow Luigi.

Paintissimo (voiceover): I just found the paintbrush on shore one day and picked it up. At the moment I was thinking about that red plumber guy and if he was taller and skinnier like you, Luigi. I, originally, didn’t want to cause any trouble.

Luigi (voiceover): So how this did came to be?

Another flashback, this time to Pianta Villiage. We see Paintissimo holding hands with a female, purple Pianta.

Paintissimo: I had fiancée named Pamela. We were so very much in love. We would always do something for the other. Until one day…..

Another flashback, this time Paintissimo and his bride-to-be were sailing on a boat during a peaceful nighttime. All of a sudden there was an attack. It turned out to be a giant Blooper. The Blooper started to wreck the ship with its swings. Paintissimo and Pamela got on one of the lifeboats. Paintissimo paddled as fast and as hard as he could. But the giant Blooper smashed the boat into pieces. What Paintissimo could remember next, was that it was the next day and he was washed up on shore. He tried to find his bride but couldn’t. Until he saw her palm tree that was suppose to be attached to her head. Paintissimo stood there sulking.

Paintissimo: I lost the love of my life. Until one day, this Koopa asked me for his help.

Flashback to Paintissimo’s house. He is talking to a Koopa.

Paintissimo: His name was Klus. He told me about the plan of reviving the Great One…..

Torque (interrupting): WOAH! WOAH! The Great One?!

Everyone looked at Torque.

Torque: Sorry, please continue.

Paintissimo: He said that if I help him and if we revived the Great One, he could bring my love back to life. I didn’t care how it happens, I just wanted her back. He told me that paintbrush I had could be very useful.

Luigi: So that’s why the Koopa Bros didn’t go after you.

Paintissimo: Yeah.

Luigi: But listen, I’m sure Klus is just lying to you. He was trying to trick you like he tricked a father of one of my friends. He doesn’t plan to bring your wife back.

Paintissimo: How do you know?

Troque: Listen, if any fool is crazy enough to bring back the Great One, he obliviously has to lie to anyone who is not a Koopa.

Blooey: How do you know so much about the Great One?

Torque: That’s something I’d rather not tell. But, if the Great One returns, kill me. Just kill me. You’d be doing everyone a favor. Take my word for it.

Paintissimo: You mean the Great One isn’t good?

Luigi: Torque doesn’t lie. And after the experience I went through lately, I know he’s not lying.

Paintissimo was now mad as ever. Then he realized something.

Paintissimo: Daisy!

Luigi: What about her?

Paintissimo: Daisy is one of the girls Klus need to revive the Great One!

Luigi (shocked): WHAT!

Paintissimo: We must save her!

Luigi: Hang on Daisy! I’m coming!

Scene change Batman style: Luigi’s head is used.

Luigi and his allies arrived to Daisy’s castle. Mario, Wario, and Yoshi were there with him to. They met during the scene change cause the writer was too lazy.  They saw that K.Rool was about to carry Daisy through a portal.

Paintissimo: K.Rool!

K.Rool: Paintissimo. I ought to congratulate you. A few people in Klus’ army was beginning to betray Klus’, some of us, like me, never liked him in the first place, but you managed to actually betray.

Yoshi: That’s K.Rool, the leader of the Kremlings.

Wario: He is just plain hideous.

K.Rool: Look who’s talking. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll take this woman and leave.

Paintissimo: Your highness, it wasn’t Luigi who ruined your kingdom. It was me.

Daisy: I know deep down Luigi didn’t do it.

That was the last thing she said as the dark portal closed.

Mario: Blast! We’re too late!

Yoshi: How is it that we’re getting the stars and Klus is getting the women?

Luigi: Speaking of which, Grodus has a Crystal Star.

Mario: What about the other one? Geno said there was two.

Soon a bright light emitted behind Blooey. It was coming from the robot’s head he had gotten. The head melted away and the Crystal Star was there.

Blooey: Uh, is this it?

Yoshi: Yippee!

Luigi: Well here Mario.

Mario grabbed the Crystal Star.

Mario and friends now have gotten five Crystal Stars. But the X-Nauts also have one. They also have…..

Wario: Wait! This time these last few chapters focused on Luigi more. I’m just saying…..

Jerry exploded to shut Wario up.

Jerry: Continue.

But the X-Nauts also kidnapped Kazooie, Mallow, and Waluigi. Will they be alright? And what about the X-Nauts latest plan. And what happened to Bowser?
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick

« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2006, 01:37:24 PM »
Bowser was still imprisoned at Hailfire Peaks.

Bowser: I’ll never see my children become emperors. I’ll never see King Boo selling his mansion because of a gambling debt. I’ll never pound Mario. I’ll never marry Peach. I’ll….

Soon the two robots Ludwig built came flying in. One was a normal one, the other was the Kremling Robo. They looked around and saw Bowser still talking to him self in a fetal position.

Bowser: I’ll never cuddle with my teddy bear again. I’ll never…. Hey what are you two?

A robot gave Bowser a note. It was from Ludwig.

Bowser: So, a son of mine created robots to save me. (teary) He must loves me so. Okay you two; let’s get out of this dump.

The robots grabbed Bowser and flew away. On the dragon machine Lord Crump was flying, Crump was celebrating his victory and finding the Crystal Stars. He was singing “I Feel Pretty”

Crump (singing): I feel pretty. Oh so pretty…

In the ‘stomach’ robot of the robot, Kazooie, Mallow, and Waluigi were captured inside. Kazooie was singing “Nobody Knows the Trouble I Seen”, Waluigi was accompanying on harmonica, and Mallow was crying.

Kazooie: Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. Nobody knows my sorrow. Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. Glory Hallelujah.

Mallow: WWWHHAAAAHHHH!! I want to go home!

Kazooie: Now’s not the time to go crazy on us man. We need you.

Mallow (calming down): Okay.

Waluigi: We need a plan of attack. I got it! We’ll send the chicken out there first as a distraction. Then, while they’re shooting lasers at her, we’ll get the Crystal Star and leave.

Kazooie: No chance in heck. And if you call me a chicken one time, I’ll blow you up to Kingdom Come!

Crump: Be quiet down there.

Crump was heading towards his destination. The new X-Naut base at the South Pole. He was talking to someone on the communicator.

?: Yosh?

Crump: Shady, stop talking in the 1337 and get me Grodus.

Shady: T@LKiNG n da 1337 iz fu/\/. U con’t d3ni it. & Shady > j00.

Crump: No way you’re better than me.

Shady put Crump on visionary so Grodus can see.

Crump: Good news sir. I not only got a Crystal Star, but I also got three morons who tried to attack my baby, Robotail.

Grodus: Good job, Grodus. Show them to me.

Crump used mechanics to show the prisoners in the ‘stomach.’ The prisoners could also see and hear Grodus.

Grodus: A human, a Nimbian, and what’s this? A red-crested breegull?

Kazooie: See, even dome head of an alien race knows my correct species.

Shady: Eye no t#0$3 3. Day att@c|< mi wit dat /\/\@ri0 guy.

Kazooie: I’m getting tired of hearing you!

Grodus: They’re with Mario. That means he might be coming. We must ready the men.

Crump: I’m almost to base now. So which land should we destroy first?

Grodus: Hmm…. It seems like every kingdom’s leader said they would reject my rule except for two of them. The leaders of the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland didn’t even reply to my threat. Blow them up first and then the other lands will get the message.

Meanwhile on the heroes’ side, they were beginning to make they’re leave.

Mario: We only have 36 more hours until the X-Nauts attack.

Luigi: Are you sure you guys don’t want to come with us.

Blooey: Nah. Me and the guys will help the locals clean up the mess. And stop another invasion from happening.

Hazyee: Good luck finding the Crystal Stars.

Torque: And for the love of anything good, don’t let the Great One revive.

The heroes board the ship and it took off. Just afterward, a dark portal opened behind Luigi’s friends. It turned out to be Klus.

Klus: Blast! I’m too late. Mario and his friends escaped. Doesn’t matter, I’ll follow them. And then I’ll punish them.

Luigi’s allies circled around Klus.

Blooey: Forget it, punk!

Klus: You four defy me?

A battle started. Hazyee threw throwing stars but Klus jumped over them. Jerry lighted himself and ran toward Klus. Klus grabbed Jerry and three him at Hayzee. Jerry exploded on contact and the two of them were down. Blooey cracked his tentacles at Klus. Klus grabbed all of them and swung Blooey with them.


Klus threw Blooey with all his might. Klus then saw Torque and smiled.

Klus: Don’t worry fellow Koopa. When the Great One returns, we all shall have tremendous power.

Torque: No we won’t!

Torque ran toward Klus but Klus grabbed him and flipped him over. Klus then picked up a large rock.

Klus: If you don’t to be here when the Great One returns, Sayonara!

Just when he was going to finish Torque, something happened. A white glow flew up in front of Klus.

Klus: UUhhh….

Klus put the rock down. He then reopened the dark portal and entered it.

Klus: Fine. But the Great One returns.

Torque flipped himself back up and then looked at the white light.

Torque: Uh, thank you.

The white light disappeared. Meanwhile, Mario inserted the next Crystal Star into the Searcher 5000. This time, the Crystal Star looked as if it were at the bottom tip of the world.

Mario: Guys, I think the X-Nauts base is at the South Pole.

Everyone: WHAT?

Mario: Mama-mia.

Yoshi: I know, right?

Diddy: So what? We all have been in the snow sometimes. How bad can it be?

Mario: The water around the South Pole is so cold; you won’t be able to survive two minutes swimming in it. And that’s just when you swim above water.  The South Pole is so cold; that it can form ice inside your body and destroy blood cells and the end result will be having body parts amputated because of it.

Everyone sweatdropped.

Mario: Well I think when you read a fanfic you need to learn something.

DK: What are we going to do? Only Banjo, Diddy, and me have fur and I don’t think we can last as long.

Wario: I’ve got an idea.

Wario went to another room and came back with parkas.

Geno: Where did you get those?

Wario: I saw them in a closet when I looked in. That Blubber guy sure knows something.

Yoshi: Well, that solves one problem. But we got another one. Look.

Yoshi pointed to the T.V. Sir Grodus was on it again.

Luigi: Mama-mia.

Wario: Don’t worry. We’ve got 24 more hours before he fires that weapon again.

Grodus began to speak.

Grodus: Citizens of this planet, I have some good news. Good news for me that is. Since all of your world leaders refuse to be apart of my empire I will show a special treat.

The countdown went from 24 hours to 3 hours. Panic began to spread all over the world.

Grodus: And that’s not all. I will target the biggest kingdom in the world first.

Mario: Don’t tell it’s the….


Sir Grodus ended his threat. Everybody stood in awe.

Wario: If that chicken was here, she would have said, okay I don’t know.

Yoshi: Oh man. We better stop this creep or most people here won’t have a home to go back to.

Banjo: Don’t worry. We’re almost there. Except to be there in a half an hour.

Geno was staring off far into space as if he was thinking of something. It looked as if he was reading something. However, he was having a vision.

Heroes come. Near and far.

And are here to collect these valuable stars.

And when an evil plot by an outworldly man begins…

This will only be the beginning of the end.

After the heroes put an end to this foreign man

It would seem like there is peace and harmony again.

But calmness before a storm this is

Before the true villain will show his darkness

Geno heard this story before. He heard it when he was but a small star. And for awhile, he wondered what all of this means. But with the happenings of current events, he now knew what it was.

An omen to the world’s very last days of peace and harmony.
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick

« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2006, 04:33:46 PM »
The gang landed at the South Pole. Everyone got on their parkas. The parkas match each person’s symbol color. The gang exited the ship and faced the coldness. Wario was having the least trouble dealing with this.

Wario: It feels great.

Yoshi: Because you’re nothing but blubber like a whale anyway.

Wario: (censored)

The gang walked through the snow. They were greeted by a couple of penguins.

Mario: Do any of you know any weird building of some sorts.

Penguin: I saw this weird building right over there.

The Penguin pointed east.

Penguin: It looked like it wasn’t built by anyone from here.

Mario: Okay everybody.

The heroes marched on. At the X-Nauts base, Shady was watching Grodus’ death threat again.

Shady: It’$ B3tt4r t#@n c@Bl3.

Sir Grodus came. Shady couldn’t tell by facial expressions, but he thought Grodus was pleased.

Shady: R U |-|@ppy $ir?

Grodus: Why yes. In little over an hour, this world could be mine. Nothing can go wrong…

Soon after, the alarm sounded and sirens flashed red.

Grodus: What’s going on?

An X-Naut came in.


Grodus: Tell me what is happening.

X-Naut: That Mario guy is back. And he brought reinforcements.

Grodus: Blast! And the cannon is only an hour away from firing! Get Lord Crump. Tell him to get the Robotail back at fighting. Shady, in case Mario gets to the control room, help me stop him.

Shady: Eye wil D3$tr0y dat /\/\@ri0 guy N al$0 hiz fri3/\/d$

Play Music: DK64 Hideout Helm during countdown
Countdown Time 1 hour

The heroes entered the X-Naut base. It looked pretty similar to the previous one.

Banjo: What now?

DK: We use our abilities to our advantage.

Yoshi: We all have some kind of special skill we can use. This shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Mario: Let’s rescue the others and put an end to Sir Grodus’ regime.

Countdown Time 59 minutes

The heroes ran through the halls knocking every X-Naut they see. They soon ran into a dead end. The dead end continued on top that looked like a second floor. Two pillars were at the end of each side.

Mario: Leave this to me.

Mario used wall jump to jump off each pillar and climb himself to the top. At the top the hallway continued but Mario first saw a switch. He pressed the switch and stairs formed on the wall so the others can come up.

The heroes continued on their quest.  Until they reached a big metal block in their path.

Wario: I got it!

DK: So do I.

The strong guys used their muscle to smash the block into pieces. Our heroes ran into another hallway. This time, there was a large gap and it was filled with lava. However, there were stationary ropes hovering above.

Diddy: Wish me luck

Diddy swung on each rope to make it on the other side. He saw a switch and he pressed it. A bridge appeared over the gap. The remaining heroes ran across it.

Countdown Time 50 minutes

Meanwhile, Crump was preparing his Robotail dragon.

Crump: Ah yes. Now let’s see those fools stop us now. This world is ours!

Our heroes ran toward a lake. This lake however, was filled with a poisonous liquid. A switch was sitting at the bottom.

Wario: I wished Waluigi was here. I would have him the sacrifice.

Banjo: No need to. I’ll handle this.

Banjo covered himself up with his backpack and entered the poison unharmed. He pressed the switch and the poison was drained out. The switch also opened a door.

Wario: Yes! Nothing can beat us with the real superpower of TEAMWORK!

Everybody looked at Wario.

Wario: What?

The heroes reached a fork in the road. Yoshi decided to smell which path to take.

Yoshi: I smell, bird feathers and bad cologne to the left. And oil and a scent I’m not familiar with to the right.

Wario: The bad cologne must means Waluigi is near by and also that chicken.

Mario: Shady can use oil for attacks.

Luigi: We’re close.

Mario: Luigi, Yoshi, Wario and I will head to the right. Everyone else head to the left and find the others.

The split up and time was running out.

Countdown Time 30 minutes

Geno, DK, Diddy, and Banjo were near an armory. They were fascinated by the strange weapons.

DK: Wow.

Diddy: Cool!

Geno: These weapons might be good, but they’re distracting us let’s go.

They head into another room. This room was a prison. Mallow, Waluigi, and Kazooie were in the cell.


Banjo: ……

Geno used Geno Beam and broke the cage. The three prisoners got out.

Waluigi: Nobody kidnaps me and live. When I find that Lord Crump guy, I’m gonna….

Soon, Lord Crump, in his Robotail, busted through the room.

Crump: You’re gonna what?

Waluigi: eep.

Crump: Now this is a surprise. It’s the exact same people who lost to Robotail the first time. Beating you again will not help me get experience.

Countdown Time 20 minutes

Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi were catching their breath.

Yoshi: Way to go Wario.

Wario: It’s not my fault.

Luigi: Yes it is.

Wario: How was I supposed to know that door I opened revealed a laser that can disintegrate us?

Mario: It said on the door, “Laser inside. Do not enter!”

Luigi: Where are we anyway?

Mario: We must be getting towards the center of the base.

Yoshi: How are we going to shut down the entire system though?

Mario: Luigi can use Thunderhand to overload the system.

They ran through more rooms. Since more enemies were around, they were really close to the center.

A few minutes later, they were at the center. It was the control room for the death laser. The Crystal Star was in one of the machines.

Luigi: This is too easy.

Luigi headed for control panel only to run into an invisible wall protecting it.

Luigi: Ow. But how?

Grodus: Because of me.

Grodus and Shady entered.

Grodus: I’m surprised you’ve made it this far Mario. But now it’s over for you, your friends, and your planet.

Shady: Y3$. S@y BY3-By3 2 yur P1@/\/3t.

Play Music: Grodus’ Battle Theme from Paper Mario 2
Countdown Time 10 minutes

The battle started. Grodus put up the green shield around himself to make himself invincible. Shady fired oil out of his hand.

Shady: N00b$ /\/\u$t P3r1$H.

Our heroes dodged the attack and headed straight for Grodus.

Grodus: Take this!

Grodus used his time stopping spell. It froze Luigi in place.


Wario used his strength to bust through the green shield, breaking it. Mario, Yoshi, and Wario began to attack with all their might.

Meanwhile, the others were fighting Lord Crump in his Robotail. Robotail blew ice breath. But everybody was able to dodge it. Crump looked at Waluigi.

Crump: You were a great Macarena dancer.

Kazooie held in a laugh. Geno fired bullets from his elbow, but they did little to Robotail. Robotail flew up in the air and came slamming down to cause an earthquake.

Waluigi: Man. If this keeps up we’re screwed. Again.

Waluigi threw a bomb and it went inside Robotail’s mouth. The bomb blew up and part of the mouth was destroyed.

DK tried to pick up the robot with no luck.

Geno: I will assist you.

Geno used Geno Boost and DK was suddenly stronger. DK lift the robot and threw him hard on the ground.

Crump: I may be down but I’m not out!

Countdown Time 7 minutes

Luigi was free from the Time Stop spell but now Mario and his group were now facing three Groduses.

Mario: Only one of them is real.

Yoshi was squaring against Shady.

Shady: U m@y B b3tt3r runn3r butt Im @ b3tt3r Fight3r

Yoshi: Oh yeah….

Yoshi threw three eggs but Shady smacked them away with his hands. Shady fired more oil but Yoshi jumped out of the way.

Yoshi: There must be something I can use. Wait a minute.

Yoshi pulled out a Fire Flower and absorbed it. Shady fired some more oil but Yoshi blew fire. The oil caught on fire and then Shady was on fire!

Shady: 00000WWWWW\/\/\/\/!!!!11111!!!one!!!! T|-|@t”$ it Im L3@\/i/\/g.

Shady disappeared beneath the floor. There were still three Groduses moving around until Wario came up with an idea.

Wario: I got it!

Wario pulled out some garlic and ate. The he blew rancid breath at the Groduses. All three of them began to cough but two fizzled away.

Grodus: Blast! I wasn’t able to concentrate with that fat slob and his rancid breath.

The other heroes were still duking it out with Robotail. Its bottom jaw fell off and the tail was torn off. Crump was becoming desperate.

Crump: No. Robotail, my love. Don’t die on me just now.

Mallow: Give it up! You’re falling apart.

Crump: Oh yeah. I still have one trick up my sleeve.

Crump pressed a button and a large vacuum came out of where Robotail’s mouth was suppose to be.

Crump: I’ll suck you all up and take you Grodus!

The vacuum activated and everybody was beginning to be sucked in. They tried to resist but they were being pulled towards.

Mallow: We’re doomed!

Waluigi: What are we going to do?

Banjo: Wait. I have an idea. Throw explosives into the vacuum.

Geno: That’s a great idea. We’ve no choice.

DK and Diddy threw orange grenades, Waluigi threw bombs, Geno used Geno Beam, and Kazooie fired grenade eggs. They all landed in the vacuum. Seconds later a rumbling began.

Crump: What’s that! The robot is reaching critical overload. My dear Robotail, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. Good-bye my love. GOOD BYE!

Robotail exploded and Crump was sent flying off through the artic horizon.

Geno: Now let’s get back to the others.

Waluigi (calm): Yeah, we only got less than one minute before the laser destroys the Mushroom Kingdom

Everyone else: WHAT???!!!

Countdown Time 30 seconds

Grodus was on his last knees but he knew he couldn’t give up.

Grodus: This world shall be mine. I will make sure of this.

Mario smacked Grodus with his hammer and Grodus fainted. This cause the invisible wall to disappear.

Computer: Countdown to laser blast. 10, 9, 8, 7

Mario: LUIGI!

Luigi: I got it!

Luigi perform Thunder hand on the system.

Computer: 3, 2 …1……system terminated.

Everybody collapsed from the relief.

Yoshi: That was too close.

Mario: You can say that again.

Yoshi: That was too close.


Computer: Self destruct sequence initiated. 60 seconds.


Grodus: Fools! Don’t you think that I would have a backup plan? Now your lives will end along with mine.

The other heroes entered.

Mallow: What’s happening?

Luigi: This base is about to blow up!

Kazooie: AAHH!!!! And we can’t escape here fast enough!

Diddy: I guess this is the end.

Suddenly, as a miracle, a ball of white light appeared in front of everyone. The light began to shine brightly.

Mario: Wha…..

In a bright flash, everybody was gone except for Grodus.

Grodus: No. It can’t be!

Computer: 5






In an instant, the X-Nauts base blew up to smithereens. Mario and his friends were back safely inside the U.F.O. But they were confused about the ordeal.

Geno: That white light.

Mario: Saved us all.

Mallow: Kinda hard to believe to be honest.

Wario: Who cares? Our butts are saved. Take that Grodus! HA! By the way. Ta-da!

Wario showed everybody the Crystal Star.

Wario: I managed to get it before everything blew up. You can all worship me later. Here Mario, take it. And remember our little adventure together too. ‘Cause I’m not gonna be helpful after all of this over.

Wario tossed the Crystal Star at Mario.

Yoshi: That’s six! One more to go. Yippee!

Mario and friends found the sixth Crystal Star. Celebration is spread throughout the world as their planet wasn’t destroyed. There’s only one more Crystal Star left. Where could it be?
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick
