
Author Topic: Mario Abstinence  (Read 5005 times)

« on: September 12, 2005, 10:02:43 AM »
I want to know what you all think of this:  I used to play Super Mario All-Stars or Super Mario World just about all the time.  This was around when they first came out.  When the N64 debuted, I sold all my SNES games.  Though this saddened me, Super Mario 64 made it easy.

In 2003, through the miracles of modern science (or just Funcoland), I got back most of the SNES games I used to have.  Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World was one of the first games I obtained, and I started playing immediately.  I did not stop until sort of recently--about a month ago.

I had a good reason to stop playing.  Even though I was still having fun with each of the five games in the compilation, I began to get worried.  I started to worry that the fun would run dry, and 2D Mario games would become bland forever.  So, I forced myself to take a break.  Does that make sense to you?

You should know that I played these games a lot.  I'm sort of a quality-over-quantity type of person, so when I find something I like, I really stick to it.  At the time I decided to stop, I was actually playing upside-down.  I didn't need to do this to have fun, but it made the games more challenging... So what do you think?  Does the old adage, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," apply to Mario games as well?


Today's actually... nobody's birthday!  Quick, hurry up and make a baby!

« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2005, 11:53:59 AM »
That's an interesting question.  As for me, I played SMB so much it could scare you (but probably not as much as you did XD), and beat the game at least 30 times I think.  I did get tired of the games eventually, but after I took a break, whether it was just half an hour or a week or two, I got the itch to play them again.  And play them I did!

In my opinion, if Nintendo made 100 sequels of SMB that had absolutely nothing else but new levels, I would be happy.  And as long as there are other 2D games to play like Sonic and Megaman, I can enjoy different types of 2D action.  But remember that I'm probably not like most Mario fans in that I love Mario is Missing, Mario Sunshine (most of it), and all of the Mario Party games.  So, maybe it wouldn't be the same for you.  "Let us not be weary in playing Mario!"

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 9/12/2005 10:56:06 AM
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.


« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2005, 01:53:58 PM »
I've noticed that if a game gets boring, just switch to another for a long time, and then when THAT one becomes boring, the original will be appealing to you once more.

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.

« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2005, 05:29:40 PM »
Haha, thanks for sharing your experience, guys.  I wonder how long I'll go without playing.  It already seems like it's been a while, but I was thinking of going for a year--or maybe until the start of next summer; that would be a good time to pick things up again.

One of the reasons I was worried in the first place is because I could remember playing the games for the first time the second time around.  Man, that was a good feeling!  It was like the first time all over again.  So maybe if I wait long enough, it will be like that.


Today's actually... nobody's birthday!  Quick, hurry up and make a baby!


  • Steamed
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2005, 05:31:10 PM »
Yeah, that's percisely what I do.

« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2005, 08:24:39 PM »
I do that with all my games.

I play one I haven't played in awhile. When it gets old, I go to another one I haven't played in awhile. It's like a cycle...
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2005, 12:31:45 AM »
Ever since the advent of second-hand game retailers I've shifted my whole philosophy on games.  I play them until they stop being fun and then I trade them back and move on, possibly never to play them again.  I loved Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and plenty of other games I've since traded in, but I don't miss them.  Their are enough great games out there that I should never have to settle for playing something that is already played out.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2005, 06:58:38 PM »
I play games until I don't feel like playing them anymore. Then later, I feel like playing them again. This happens a lot with Mega Man games. I'll basically play them all, usually one straight through after another, over the span of several days, and then not want to play them for a long time. When it gets cold, I usually want to play them again.

P.S. I'd rather keep a bunch of old games than trade them in for new ones.

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 9/14/2005 6:01:27 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2005, 08:55:08 PM »
I don't know if this is exactly on-topic, but I once in a while switch my interests from one video game theme to another. Sometimes it's Mario, sometimes it's Kirby, recently it was Pac-Man, and right now it's Sonic (it's hard to believe, but I only recently got really into Sonic games for the first time). But sometimes I temporarily sort of lose interest in one game theme and go to another one for a while, and then I come back later, interested again.

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!
GEIANDGIRLCO DIRECT - The Sensitive Alternative


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2005, 11:14:26 PM »
Same w/ me, only they're all Mario games. I'm in the SSBM phase right now.

My friend John: Wow! I can see my own breath! It''s already that time of year?
Me: No. Your breath just smells. Really bad.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2005, 07:42:15 PM »
yeah same here, but mine aren't all mario games. i'm currently in the super nintendo phase right now. :-P

ducky go down de hole!
ducky go down de hole!

« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2005, 11:04:15 AM »
SNES pwns all!

I am the best person in existence!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2005, 06:56:28 PM »
Same here. I've gotten into the habit of playing a certain order of games every two hours of play. It goes like this:

Mario game - Sonic game - Zelda game - DDR - one other game from each system I own (SNES, N64, GameCube, PlayStation 2)

THe games never get old. That's why I refuse to sell them.
---Mario and Sonic shall clash together soon. Be on the lookout.---

« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2005, 03:33:57 PM »
Not for me. I can play the same MP mini-game for a week and I think it gets funner.

Naruto, Code:Lyoko, Zatch Bell, Bomberman, and Mario Pwns.


  • Normal
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2005, 04:20:08 PM »
Toddathon, do you have a GBA?  Because you like SNES games and the GBA tends to have games that are old school-ish.  Plus about a million remakes...  And if you have SNES, then having a GBA really isn't necessary.  So I guess I'm just wondering.  Hm.

“Of all the people I know, it is expected that Watoad will say ‘cheese’ first.”
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
