
Author Topic: Mario vs Wario  (Read 2369 times)

« on: September 28, 2005, 06:58:16 PM »
Once upon a time, there lived a plumber in a cottage. Lets skip the fairy tale stuff. Anyway Mario went out on a hike up the tall tall mountains. He hoped to be the first one to climb them. Wario came along... dun dun dun. Now it gets funny.

"Hey Mario you fat ***, wait up!" Said Wario

"Make me!" Responded Mario

"Thats it you've asken for it. I can climb ten times the speed of you!"

Thats when the fight began...

Wario was fed up with Mario. He was sweating like a pig.

"I'm just warming up Mario!"

"Wario I think you just ran a couple feet thats all!"

Wario darted at Mario with amazing speed, faster than Mario had anticipated. Mario easily dodged it.

"So you are faster than a snail!"

"I WANT MY PURSE BACK!!!" yelled Wario

"What the -" yelled Mario

An item block appeared. That's the start of the fun...

"Welcome!" said Toad

"Not another flippin Mario Party!" said Mario

"It's really called Wario Party!"

"Ok you each st-"


"On 3. 1  2  3!"

Just then a strange forcefield hit Mario and Wario

"You think that will work, now I'm docking you 20 coins, your in debt!"

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Screamed Mario

"NOT AGAIN... I'm hungry"

"Shut up Wario"

"But I'm hungry..."


Mario was just about to hit wario when the sound of toad's voice rang "DUEL!"

"Wario vs Mario one has to knock the other one off the platmorm"

Mario fist ran through the air. Mario was leaning over a hot pit of lava just barely holding on.

Just then Wario came running along. Whoops Wario tripped.

"CANNONBALL!" screamed Wario as they both fell off. "I meant to do that!"

"Tie" Toads voice rang out from the abyss

"Wario, how about we team up to get rid of this moron. We have to play along like last time..."

A dice block appeared out of nowhere.

"I'll go first" said Mario

"NO I'LL GO FIRST!" said Wario

"Fine... go ahead" Mario sighed

"NO YOU GO FIRST" Yelled Wario

"What the f-, ass. Fine I'll go first"

"Fine" Responded Wario

"Fine" Responded Mario

Just then a portal opened up, out came Luigi and Waluigi

"WHAT THE ****!!!!!!" Screamed Waluigi


Mario hit the dice block and got a 32

"CHEATING" yelled Toad

"No no! I don't know how to cheat?" Mario said

"How do you cheat" asked Wario. He had a glint in his eyes like he was going to do something

"Thats it 1 star deduction for Mario. You guys do know that only ones going to get out alive right?"

"THATS NOT FAIR" yelled Luigi

"Oh shut up you wimpering baby" Said Mario "I've had to put up with you all my life. I wish you would have gone somewhere and never come back!"

"My confidence is lost and you really hurt my self estime mario. I.... I wa..... I want my mommy!!!!" Luigi howled

"Oh shut up you big baby. I've eaten people who havent cried this much!" Said Wario

Toad popped in. Just then they were teleported to some MMORG. It was the middle ages...

"Whats that ****in number about your head Mario? It says 11"

"SHOVE IT n00bs!" Said some guy. He had Weird looking armor on. Like a blue uniform. He had an old fashioned bow and arrow. He also had a number above his head, 34

Just then Wario spit up on his clothes.

"THATS IT!" said the man

Everything became blurry. It looked like a Mario RPG game.

Mario uses Super Jump. He jumped on the guys head doing 23 damage.

Mystery Man {89 HP left}

Wario uses Cannonball doing 21 damage

Mystery Man {68 HP left}

Luigi and Waluigi were not present at the battle

"Thats right n00bs only two of your party fight. Teaming is for n00bs"

Mystery Man uses Tundra on Wario, does 2 damage

Wario became confused

"h- how is that possible, my strongest attack! It should have killed your friend one hit no problem!"

"Ha ha, Wario's blubber protected him from the freezing cold!" Mario said

Mario uses Ultra Jump deals 7 cosecutive blows each dealing 9 damage each

Mystery Man {5 HP}

Wario is confused, Wario attacks Mario {10 damage}

"[wtd] Wario!"

Wario gets 10 damage in recoil

{Mario & Wario 67 HP left}

Mystery Man uses health tonic revives 10 health

Mario uses fire ball no effect

Wario uses toxic gas, takes 32 damage in recoil and does 800 damage

Mario and Wario have won!

They get 20 coins

Edited by - kurtvegita on 9/29/2005 8:59:18 PM


« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 07:07:25 PM »
The end was funny. I liked it.


« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 07:16:01 PM »
I'm going to keep adding to this, it's gonna be alot longer. Check back to the first post and keep reading for updates

Edited by - kurtvegita on 9/28/2005 6:22:11 PM
