
Author Topic: When Dinosaurs dream/ You choose the ending!  (Read 27106 times)

« on: November 23, 2005, 11:01:52 PM »
Lately, I've been reading those kind of stories that have some kind of path you can choose. Example: Jimmy has two doors to choose.
Door Number 1: Flip to page 9
Door number 2: Flip to page 63.
So here's what I do: I write a page in the book, then I present you guys with two or three options. The next person to post will get to decide where Yoshi and the others go. Depending on what you choose, I will guide the characters through another page, and so on. We'll keep going until the end...whenever that is!

Page one: Yoshi's journey to Subcon.

It was a dark and stormy night. Meanwhile, the king rose the tax prices to outrageous levels. Suddenly, a giant explosion presented itself on the horizon. "Gaghh! I just don't to begin.....where to start?" Yoshi sat as the table waiting for an idea to come to him. He just didn't understand writing that well. However, Yoshi was driven to prove himself to everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom. Earlier that day, a bunch of rude looking Toads had laughed at him for being "stupid." After all, he was "just a worthless dinosaur." These words had stabbed Yoshi in the heart. He bled tears all over the soft grass. All around him, the winds and the mountains teased at Yoshi with their mighty fists. Nature was speaking to him. "Run pathetic creature......." Returning home, Yoshi dragged out his paper and pencil, believeing that if he could create a master piece of literature, he would be granted respect. The problem was....well, lets just say he wasn't William Shakespeare. Still, he pushed on through the long hours of the night. He began to feel the weight of his drooping eyes around three. They became bloodshot; his arms fell to the ground and his legs began to crumble. Finally, his body told him to quit. He removed his shoes and washed his face with warm yet soothing water. Yoshi trudged into his room and fell to his wonderful bed. "Mabey.....mabey, I'll draw a picture......."

"Yoshi.....yoshi, wake up!" Yoshi awoke to find that Mario was standing at his feet. "Mario....boy, am I glad to see you! I had the most terrible night. I was trying to write a story........" Mario raised his hand. "Yoshi, your still asleep.....sort of."
"So, you told me to wake up from a sleep within' a sleep?"
"Errr......I guess. This is Subcon. That short guy over there brought us here."
Yoshi looked around. "Short guy? Where?"
"Down here, you twit!"
Startled, the green dino leaped out of his socks. "Whoa! You really are short!"
The strange little man's mouth emitted steam; the hair on the side of his head rose and his wrinkles twitched. "Groan...I thought YOU hated being insulted....
"You know? How?" Yoshi questioned.
The man replied, "Heck, I know everything! I'm Dei T!  The All powerful Toad, lord of Subcon, short but studly, yada-yada-yada. I've transported the two of you here to over come your problems. You Yoshi, need a story idea correct? Don't worry, I'll give you one. And Mario, you need to lose weight, correct?"
"Wha? No I don't!" Mario yelled back.
"Sure," Dei T. laughed. "You may be wondering what awaits you through those doors over there, correct?"
"Not really......." Yoshi sighed, "and how come you say correct all the time, eh?"
"Hey, don't question the master! Those doors will help you solve your problems. I can't just give them to you! That would be cheating! Cheating is kinda frowned upon at Fungi Forums. Sorry."
"Fine, just.......can we have some help? The two of us can't do it alone."
"Sure, I can bring anyone here, as long as they're sleeping."
"Hey Mario, lets bring Luigi and Wario here! They can help, right?"
"Do we have to bring Wario? Whenever we bring him, he eats all the food and farts on all my stuff."
Dei T. spoke up. "You won't need food. This is a dream, duh! It's only ment to help solve your problem. Remember the cheating thing? 1-Ups don't grow on trees, ya know."
"Just get Luigi and Wario here!" Yoshi snapped.
"Fine. But if they are to venture past the doors, they must have a problem. That would be?"
Mario thought. "Hmmmm.....Luigi would like to have more muscle. And I'm sure Wario would like to lose some weight....or earn more money. Does that work?"
"Sure," Dei T. said, "but they have to be asleep. Hmmmm....Luigi is already here. He is still asleep in that corner. As for seems that he is at a rave."
"Gaghhhh!!!! Stupid fatty!" Yoshi was enraged. He needed Wario's help, but instead, the dope was at a stupid party.
"Hold on," Dei T. explained, "he just got smacked in the head with a lamp shade! He's K.O'd, so I guess I can get him here. Ah, good. He's asleep in that corner...on top of Luigi."
Luigi was dreaming of Daisy in a bikini, but it didn't last long. His mouth was filled with the wonderful scent of Wario's brand.
"Ack! Blech! Gross! Wario you pig!" Luigi bellowed. Wario awoke from his knock out. The two had no idea where they were, of course. To make a long story short, Mario explained to them what had happened.
"So we gotta help Yoshi write a story? Gee, that sounds dumb," Wario snickered.
"Shut it, fatty. We all have problems that Dei T. can fix. Right?"
Dei T. shrugged. "I can't do that. Cheating. Walk through one of the three doors. Adventure...awaits."
Dei T. vanished into thin air, leaving the four in front of the doors.
"Well, we gotta pick one," Luigi sighed. "Might as well be door number one."
Wario shoved him aside. "No, door three!"
"How about 2?" Mario and Yoshi spoke at the same time.
Before long, they had played rock, paper, scissors, in addition to straws and eni meni miney mo. Wario had one two out of three games, so it was his choice.
"Crap," Luigi grumbled. "We're all gonna die."
Wario trudged up to the three doors. On one was a skull and cross bone. The other, door number two, was a space ship. And on the last, was a computer.
"Hmmm........which one? I can't choose!"

Which door will Wario take?

Skull and Cross Bones.
Space Ship

There you have it. Pick one of those. Happy picking.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Banned
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 07:16:15 AM »
wario takes the skull and cross bones (usually the obvious one is the wrong one)

« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2005, 01:48:27 PM »
Wario picked the Skull and Cross Bone door.
"Wahahaha! Are you guys comeing or what?"
The other three followed as soon as Wario walked in. Neither of them had any idea of what was awaiting them behind the door.
"Hey-what the heck is going on?" Yoshi questioned. "This is-a row boat?" Indeed, the four had come upon a vast ocean and a tiny row boat; the insignificant piece of junk was almost too small to fit Mario in it. Pushing and pulling, the hero's managed to squeeze themselves in.
"This sucks," Wario groaned. "I shoulda picked the space ship."
"It's too late now," Yoshi explained, "this boat is our only ticket out of here. You heard what Dei T. said. We have to complete this adventure."
Wario then used his huge body to push them off to sea. The sky was dark with the blood of rain. No one on board was very pleased with the situation; it wasn't long before they began complaining.
"I'm starving," Luigi cried.
"Luigi, this is a dream. You don't need food." Mario was quick to correct Luigi's error.
"Yeah, well you're fat! You don't need food. Look at me! I'm practically skin and bones!"
"Deal with it, you two!" Yoshi snapped. "Fighting won't solve anything!"
Wario, however, was silent. This was his first trip out to sea......and he wasn't feeling well.
"I-I think I'm gonna be sick!" he screamed. He barfed all over the boat and everyone in it.
"Aghhhgh! I can't take this! Get me outta here," Luigi yelled at the top of his lungs.
Suddenly, a strange figure presented itself upon the horizon. It was a ship, nothing more, nothing less.
The row boat approached the bow and stopped. The four looked up, as if they were expecting someone to pop out and say, "arghh!"
But nothing happened.
"Greaat! It's abandon! Let's board the ship," Luigi said happily.
"Wait," Mario gasped. "I don't think it's safe. Let's keep going."
"Mario," Luigi snapped back, "are you stupid? This ship is just what the doctor ordered! We can finally get out of this boat and onto the ship....and away from puke city over there."
"But.......what if pirates are on board?"
"It's just a dream! We'll be fine!"
"I don't think so!" A strange voice rang out from the distance.
"Hey, I know that voice," Yoshi said. "It's Dei T!"
"Long time no see guys! I forgot to tell you something before you left. If you die in the dream, you die in real life! Your mind makes the emotions real in this world."
Mario yelled back, "Then get us outta here! We can't die! The kingdom needs us!"
"Sorry, no can do. Cheating, remember? I can't tell you what's on that ship, or if anythings on it at all. Whoops. Gotta go. I left the oven on."
"He's gone, that jerk."
"Hmmm.....well, we have a choice. We can stay in this boat, or take are chances up there. What's it gonna be Yoshi? After all, this is your story."
"Me? Err...okay. I choose....."

What does Yoshi choose?

1. Climb up the ship.
2. Ignore the ship. Keep going.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2005, 04:49:05 PM »
Awesome idea!
They should take the ship.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2005, 09:29:35 PM »
Thanks Screech!

"Hmmmm......the ship seems like a good choice. It's better then this piece of junk."
The other three coudn't change Yoshi's mind. It was time to board the ship. A few ropes were resting in the salty ocean. The heros used them to climb upon the bow.
"Finally," Luigi rejoiced. "This is so much better then the-"
"You shoulda kept yer buts put in the row boat, me harty!" Some rude voice interupted Luigi's speech.
"Hey, what kinda snot nosed, pirate sounding idiot dares to interupt me?"
"Uhhhh...Luigi?" Mario responded. "I think it's a pirate."
Luigi grew pale white. "P-P-Pirate? Gwagh......ughhh..."
The poor plumber fell to his feet, and passed out.
"You know, me bucko, I thought you was smarter then that. *snicker*......I can't believe you fell for that!"
Yoshi came out of the shadows and slapped Mario's hand.
"Man, I didn't know you had such a great pirate voice! You scared Luigi out of his pants!"
Yoshi and Mario almost wet their pants, laughing and bickering about Luigi's mistake. When they calmed down, the two began to notice some odd things.
"Where the heck is Wario? Didn't he climb up with us?"
Yoshi responded, "Dunno, he was the last of us to leave to boat....right?"
"This is too weird. First, I giant ship without a crew, and now Wario's gone. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Luigi either! He passed out on that deck a minute ago!"
"Actually Mario, we've been laughing for almost 2 hours."
"Gosh, do we really laugh that long? It wasn't that funny."
Yoshi sighed, "Well, either of them have to be on the boat somewhere. What sould we do?"
"Well, duh! We let the Fungi Forums members decide!"
"Oh...right. Forgot."

What should Mario and Yoshi do?

Search the ship for Wario and Luigi?
Eat ham sandwiches until they barf?
Climb back into the row boat?
Do nothing?
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2005, 12:12:47 AM »
Ham sandwiches! Ham sandwiches!!!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2005, 11:12:40 AM »
Yoshi and Mario began to feel quite hungry, so they pulled out some ham sandwhiches.
"Hey, Mario. Where DID you get these sandwhiches? I don't think we packed any food for the trip......."
Mario replied, "Oh, I always carry around a pair in my back pocket. You know, just in case we get hungry."
Yoshi looked confused. "Err.....okay...." The dino thought it was best not to comment on the situation. He was indeed, hungry, even though this was just a dream.
"Yumm.......this is soooooooo good!" Yoshi cried with delight. "Lemme have another one!"
Mario pulled out another sandwhich. They continued to eat and eat and eat some more. It became so horrible and violent that Yoshi began to steal Mario's ham and lettuce. After about an hour, they didn't feel so hot. Lo and behold, they threw up all over the deck.
"Ughhhh........all that ham......" Yoshi passed out.

Yoshi awoke from his nap. There he was, at the end of his bed. " story! I have to complete it." Alas, Dei T.'s universe had not helped Yoshi finish his story. He failed nearly 92 times, and lived life being called stupid everyday. Then he died.

Ouch! You've reached the bad ending! Go back and choose a differnet path.

What should Mario and Yoshi do?

Look for Wario and Luigi?
Go back to the rowboat?
Do nothing?
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2005, 11:19:09 AM »
Look for Wario & Luigi
I'm a horrible person.

« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2005, 12:45:44 PM »

"Well, the rowboat isn't going anywhere. Let's look for Luigi and Wario."
Mario believed that this was the best option. What if the other two were in a real jam? They had to find them.
"Hmmm......okay.....I know I saw Luigi climb up here. He fell to the ground over there."
Yoshi gasped. "Aghhgh! Look! Blood tracks! I-I-I think it's Luigi!"
The blood left a trail, from where Luigi fell to the end of a strange looking cabin. Mario though Luigi, or his body, might be in there.....
"No....Luigi. Please don't be dead," Mario cried. Tears dripped from his eyes.
"Don't cry Mario. It's just a dream. He'll be okay."
Mario looked back at Yoshi with a grim frown. "Remember what Dei T. said? We'll die in the dream."
The unhappy plumber walked up to the cabin door and opened it. He was overjoyed to find that it was not Luigi who was hung by his neck......but Wario."
"Huzahaha!!" Mario screamed. "Luigi's not dead! Happy day! Happy Day!"
Yoshi followed and replied, "Is he alive?" He then noticed Wario's body hanging from the cabin. "Yes! Ding dong, the fat man's dead!"
Mario and Yoshi stared at each other with wide eyes. "Uhhh.........Wario is dead?!" The two relized that someone else was on the ship...and the were thirsty for blood.
"This can't be good," Mario gasped. "What are we gonna do?"
"Calm down," Yoshi replied. "Mabey we can take em! Wario was by himself, and lets face it, he's not that bright."
Mario yelled back, "We don't know that for sure! Luigi could've been with him! What if he's dead to?"
The green dino slapped Mario in the face. "We'll get outta here alive. As for Wario........."
"He needs a proper burial. After all, he was a friend. Sort of."
The two grabbed his body and threw him of into the water. He landed with a smack.
"Any finally words for the dumb fatso?"
"Yeah," Yoshi said. "He smelled and ate all my food. God bless him. Now what?"
"I say we........"

What does Mario say?

Go back to the row boat?
Yell and scream to get the killer to come out?
Look for Luigi?
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2005, 02:48:35 PM »
Yell and scream for the Killer to come out
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2005, 04:23:33 PM »
"....yell and scream. That jerk might show his face."
Yoshi wasted no time. He began to raise his voice.
"Hey you jerk! You've just killed one of our friends! Come out and face us like a man!"
Nothing. No matter what they said, the villian would not show his face.
"Grr.....try again!" Mario was becoming enraged. His brother was missing, and Wario was dead. Wouldn't you get a little angry?
"Come out now, or I'll blow this ship to the bottom! I've got a fire flower." Mario was bluffing, but anything would suffice. Out of the shadows, moved a tall figure.
"Not now, you idiot. It isn't time.........." The voice spoke loud enough for Mario to notice. "It" took off like a speeding bullet cutting through air.
"Come back! Murderer!" Mario followerd the creature at Mach 5. Yoshi saw the two of them dash down some stairs and in to the darkness.
"Guess I better follow them....." Yoshi sighed. "Man, if that guy doesn't get Mario.....I will."
Mario ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore.
"Huff......huff....that guy runs fast for a........"
He came to a stop in front of an odd looking door. On the front was yet another skull and cross bone.
"Hmmmm.......the captains room," Mario thought. Mabey the creep is hiding in here! Mario slammed the door open, hinges and all.
"Okay, however you are, come out with yer hands up!"
The captains chair turned around, with a slight *creek*. A large skeleton was sitting there. It was none other then Cortez the pirate ghost.
"Amigo Mario! Long time no see! How's it going?"
"Cortez? Gah, I shoulda known. This ship did look familar...."
"What the heck are you doin' in my dream? I guess it's possible you could be a fragment of my imagination," Cortez laughed.
"You mean, I could travel to other dreams from Subcon? Dei T. never told me that...oh well. Listen Cortez, there's some muderer on board your ship, and he could be dangerous!"
"Amigo, this is just a dream! You'll be-"
Mario spoke up, "You don't understand. You may be fine, but Yoshi and I are in real trouble. We're not actually in a dream. We're traveling by spirit through the dream world so we can find answers to our problems!"
"Eh?" Cortez asked.
"Look, it's possible the two of us can be killed. When we are traveling spirit, are mind makes everthing around us real."
"Uhhh...okay, I'll go with that."
"Listen Cortez, I'll see you later. I've gotta find my brother."
Cortez then raised the broken door and shut it on Mario.
"Hey, what are you......"
Mario turned to find that Cortez was holding Luigi's head. Blood was falling from the neck.
"Gaghhhh!!!!!!!!" Mario turned pale white and fell to the ground.
Suddenly, Cortez began to laugh.
"*snicker* I can't believe you fell for that!!!!"
"Luigi?" Mario awoke.
The pirate skelton removed his face to show his true form. It was Luigi, with a fake "Luigi dool" head.
"I got you, I got you! You fell for it! That's for the pirate joke, Mario!"
"'re still angry about that?"
"No, just satisfied. I got you good."
"Haha...very funny. Lets get of this ship, it's given me the creeps."
"Come on Mario. Nothing bad has happened besides our little jokes right?"
Mario looked to ground. "I found Wario...dead."
"Wha? Really? How'd that happen?"
"I dunno. Someone is on the ship, and they want our heads. Speaking of which, where's Yoshi?"
Luigi gasped. "I thought he was with you!"
Suddenly, the two heard a huge roar. "GRRR!!! I'm gonna kill you!"
"Yoshi!" They both screamed.
Afterwords, the two noticed yet another strange figure in the shadows. It too, ran for cover.
"Hey, stop right there!" The Bros. yelled.

What should the brothers do?

Run to the deck and help Yoshi?
Continue to look for the muderer?
Jump over board and into the row boat and get the hech outta there?!

This is the first part of the story that can effect what happens later. Choose wisely........
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2005, 03:09:21 PM »
They should run to the deck and help Yoshi.
Werid Fortune Cookies- Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2005, 10:32:09 PM »
Finally, a story about Yoshi! (= (:  )@) That's great!  Well, not just Yoshi but he is kind of the main character.  I love your creative idea.  I had an idea like it once but it involved clicking on links to go to to different posts (like the pages of a CYOA book) and that's not as good.  And I probably never would have wrote it anyway.

I can't believe that Wario died!  But maybe it's not really him somehow.  Anyway, keep up the good work.  I'm impressed how fast you can come up with this stuff.  We'll have to go through this story several times to find everything!  If you can handle it that is.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 10:34:02 PM by Yoshisaurus Rex »
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2005, 10:43:36 PM »
The two brothers looked at each other long and hard. They were still in shock, so it was difficult to speak. Finally, Luigi gasped, "What if Yoshi is Killed? We came to this dream world to help him write a story. I'm not gonna let him die like that." Luigi dashed up the stair ways and up the deck, leaving Mario in the dust. The paunchy plumber fell to his knees. "I can't take much more of this. I wanna leave now! Wario is gone, and I thought I had lost my own brother; this dream is out of control. I don't see how this is supposed to solve our 'problems'." Mario paused and thought for a momment. "Grrr.....what am I doing sitting around whining like this? I'm coming you guys!" He jumped to his feet and followed Luigi's tracks. "Just you wait........" he thought. "We'll make it out of this dream alive!" Mario rfinally made it up to the deck, only to find Yoshi holding up a large figure by it's shirt. "Yoshi.....who is that? I can't see past your huge nose!" Yoshi snapped. "Well, not everyone can be Michael Jackson!"
"Who's Michael Jackson?" Mario asked.
Yoshi answered, "I dunno, I just made him up!"
A sweat drop fell from Mario's face. He really wasn't in the mood for jokes at the time. "Just move your darn booger factory."
Yoshi chuckled at the horrible pun that Mario had thought up. He lowered his nose and continued to laugh. The man that Yoshi had in his arms was none other than Wario; the fat man's face was drooling with blood.
"WARIO!?! But he....I saw him....." Mario ran up and began to punch Wario.
"AGGHHGH! Stop! I've recieved enough punishment from that monster over there! He's mad I tell ya, mad!" Mario didn't listen. He continued to beat the living daylight's outta Wario. After five minutes of smacks and pows, the terrible beating ceased. Luigi placed his hand on Mario's shoulder.
"Mario, you saw him hung up in the cabin, correct?"
"Well, of course! He was dead-"
"No, he wasn't. He was just sleeping."
Wario's face was so swollen that his lips had overlapped his fat nose. The eyes on his face were black as night. Mario couldn't tell if he was even breathing anymore. Blood was dripping all over the deck.
"Grr......" Mario growled, "If he wasn't dead in that cabin, then he's dead now." Luigi tried to get his brother to calm down.
"Mario, the reason why he wasn't dead_" Luigi pointed to Wario's neck. "He has no neck! It's completely packed with fat! It's impossible to break his neck. For this reason, he finds sleeping like this may stretch out the muscles in what little neck he has. Mabey one day....he might have a neck...."
Mario looked at Wario's face. Still ugly. Still swollen to the size of a ballon. "Guess I got carried away......." Luigi helped Mario to his feet. Yoshi was looking over board. The row boat was resting on the ocean water's. "Hey, the boat's still here. Mabey we can take it." Mario answered with a groan. "This ship isn't haunted. I think we should take the ship."
Luigi looked down at Wario. "Wario's awake, you know. Since we've beaten him to a pulp, I think he should decide."
Wario spoke through his swollen face. "I-gh fink we should-gk takk te fip! Err....maby te bot."
Luigi looked at him confused. "Eh, what? What did he say?"

What did Wario say?

"Takk te fip!"
"maby te bot."
"Wario taks csh-k and sethsls eveyting!"

Thank you, YR for your kind post. I really have no trouble coming up with this stuff. It sometimes comes to me. Again, thank you for the great comment.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 10:45:46 PM by PaperLuigi »
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2005, 10:53:14 PM »
I say go back to the boat.  Yes, I got to make a choice!!  Yoshi!  I mean... yay!
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.
