
Author Topic: When You First Came Here...  (Read 5296 times)

« on: November 28, 2005, 08:34:01 PM »
When you first came to TMK, what did you expect?  How did you think you would be welcomed?  Did you expect yourself to get involved as much as you did?  What did you think of the other members, and how did you get to know them?

Yeah, a lot of questions.  For some of you it will be really hard to remember way back when, so just....try, I guess.
When I first came, I expected to be pummeled because I was a n00b.  Luckily, I was welcomed kindly despite my stupid mistakes.  I definately did not think I would still be posting here even today, but I am, obviously. 
It was the names that normally threw me off in the beginning.  I remember Bird Person was one of the first people I talked to, but other than that I can't really remember how I got to know everyone else....

So, yeah.  Your turn.   

(EDIT:  Oh yeah, Suffix was the one guy who was good at spelling and used big words :-))
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 08:40:58 PM »
I came here around June, a time where I had quit going to VGDC because the people there were total jerks. I had expected the same here, but I was really wrong. The people here actually want to hear my ideas and read my stories, unlike Randy Solem, who closed every topic I made. One of the first people who thought my Mario's Sacrifice story was cool was Luigi Simpson. From that day forward, I never returned to VGDC. Sure, I made some mistakes, but I was never called a moron for doing so. If Randy Solem is out there, I hope he can see this message: Your website is terrible. This one kicks yours to the moon and back. That's what I think of Fungi Forums. The best Mario site ever.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Kansas
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 08:41:11 PM »
I had been around here a lot before I registered. That was back in 2002. I joined in late 2003.  Many people today will remember the Red Paratroopa vs. Koopaslaya rivalry because of my name. Funny thing is, we became friends rather quickly. I gained popularity fairly quickly, I would say. I never really made any stupid topics or did anything to make people hate me. I also became quite active in the Chatroom immediately after I joined. That got me familiar with the Mods in here and all of the regulars.

Unfortunately, I was probably concidered a newbie for a very long time. the registration to the old forums was broke for a little while. I was on the cusp of people to join before it went boom. the forums were rather dry back in those days.

Well, that is my story. 
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου

« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 09:25:56 PM »
I have been a fan of TMK since 2002. I joined because I wanted to interact with the nice people who put inteligent topics and replies. I wasn't sure how most people would react to me. On many other fourms, you have to do be on perfect behavior, to be PERFECT. Here, people respect you for who you are, and what you post reflects on what they say. I made a few mistakes here and there, and that's fine. We learn from our mistakes.

Wait... I just went completely off topic. Sorry about that! :P

Anyway, I am pretty happy I came after some members were banned because of bad behavior. They might have jerked me off, and made me go off TMK forever.
Most Wishy-Washy


  • Normal
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2005, 09:29:33 PM »
I joined on June 28, 2003, less than a week after I turned 13(I waited to follow the rules, yippee ::) ).  For a long time I was more uncomfortable than usual, expecially considering I believed all I had read on the internet about stalkers and being able to track you don't and kill you, which was followed by Black Mage calling me "Mark", which was my real name and freaked me out.  I had made a topic called "Post Anything Here!", similar to the pointless topic, except mine was rejected as stupid.  Another time I made a topic where we were supposed to pretend to have a conversation, but each post would not correspond to any other post, and the sentences were supposed to be surreal, like "Why do butlers chew butter without giraffes?".  Sapphira intervened and "changed" it so you insterad said funny sayings that you knew, like how her mother always said, "Hold your jets!".  I remember Jon commented that he often said, "I'd rather eat cheese."  I suppose those two topics were stupid.  OK, I don't suppose, I know.
After that I laid low for awhile, posting semi-funny things like the the first Poster Awards(the one not by Meowrik), when I said Jon and Marioguy for "Best Couple", which might not've been a category anyway.  Then I made the "Story About Us!" topic in Story Boards, and people seemed to enjoy that.  Since then I got more comfortable, until I went on medication about 8 months ago and started feeling out of it while I posted here. But only thirty days left of that, so yay!  Yeah, I know I'm blaming all my problems on that, but in thirty days everything will definitely be 100% my fault! Whee!

Also, this was my first and only forum ever.  I had no experience with computers before(except computer games like Pajama Sam and Freddi Fish and stuff), and I had only used AIM very little with my friends(I didn't like the incorrect grammar, it was difficult to adjust to skipping the H in "what" and intertwining numbers into words).  I like how this place had real words and sentences and funny people and stuff.  I also had a MAJOR crush on Master_Luigi until I found out he was a boy.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2005, 09:37:19 PM »
When I first signed up I made a post called "n00bs Have Rights Foundation" which was hated by everyone except for me! The NHRF has gotten nowhere since, but now I don't really care because I'm not treated as poorly as I did before, but that was probably because at first most of my posts made little sense whatsoever and contained a large amount of spelling errors and exclamation points. But at least my threads weren't as bad as some people's. I think I recall somebody even made a thread that just said "Hi" like 200 over and over, and almost got banned.
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2005, 09:48:12 PM »

*Searches for his very first post*

I was once one of those people who didn't care much about grammar and punctuation when on the internet. This was back in 2002.

Though back in those days, I didn't visit the forum frequently, as I was on other forums, doing other things. Once all those forums went under, I came back, this time with regard for proper grammar and punctuation.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2005, 09:48:54 PM »
I expected to be treated mean, and I was. Some people were picking on me, and it hurts, even though I'm used to that at these forums. Only a few people were kind to me, and now they don't even acknoledge me. No wonder I'm never happy...

« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2005, 09:56:35 PM »
Been around the main site since 2004, joined about August, 15, 2005, and can remember some of my old topics such as Green Theives, what I remember the most is Deezer's reply saying "The grass is always greener on the other side." that little reference made my situation a little brighter, also my SMA4: SMB3 Hong Kong which no one replied to, I'm thinking because, no one had ever had a Hong Kong version of it, another was Fake Donkey Kong Cheats I hated my foolishness of doing that, that just made me feel so dumb.  I have to say these are the best forums ever, my first forums were at Mario Portal, and I hated their forums because of the cussing all the time and always negative comments around the time I was new, expecting me to be an expert, and also,one of the rules was: You must only link to porn, and one time this guy did it right on the forums, I hated that day. I did not expect this to be much better, boy was I wrong, I have grown to like just about all the members here, and, I don't think you think too less of me either, this was my best move on the internet, second was Game Maker. Since the update there have been plenty of new members swarming around here, I'm thinking thatmight be a bit of trouble, since some don't appear to even read the rules well, but this means TMK is doing great. I am going to try and stay here as long as I can, because of this forum's awsomness, I feel so good when I can postand not have a million negative comments, about things I do, but this forum is soooooo much better than any other I have ever been to.

I hope that'll do.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 09:23:15 AM by bigmariofan1.0 »
I'm a horrible person.

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2005, 10:36:29 PM »
Yikes, it's definitely been a long time.

 I can remember my first post, which was a debate as to whether or not Squaresoft's return to making games for Nintendo would be a good decision.

 My impression of the Fungi Forums at that time was not very good, or rather, my impression of the members. I distinctly remember joining the forum with the idea in mind that most of the members were rather immature. I also came in with an extremely condescending attitude, often referring to the other members as "kids" even though at the time I wasn't much older than, or at least much older than the "invented ages" of many of the members. I had been lurking for a long while before I had joined, and that is mostly where my opinion was formulated. As for active members of the time, no one who currently visits TMK was posting regularly. (With the exceptions of Insane Steve who joined shortly after myself, Cashcrazed, and MamaMiaMario who occasionally pops in.) However, there were a few older topics which had appearances by Lizard Dude, Deezer, David Dayton, and many others which had popped up again for discussion. One of which was the Religion topic where I had posted frequently and I believe began to keep my own pompous attitude in check. I took leave for some time for no reason other than lack of interest, leaving the occasional post here and there. Eventually I got back into the routine of posting regularly, and more or less managed to keep that at a steady pace since.

 When I joined, I didn't expect to be welcomed. As previously mentioned, I had every bit of confidence in my opinions and often came off rather strongly. I wasn't worried about being accepted, nor being labeled a "Newbie" as I can remember making clear to MamaMiaMario in a rather old thread. I was really just interested in having a good discussion with other intelligent members.

 So, because of that, I guess you could say I didn't imagine becoming as involved as I am now. I suppose the only reason I'm still here today are the members like Chupperson, Sapphira, Lizard Dude, Marionut#1, Insane Steve, ect, who are all also members I got to know as well as I do during the advent of "Club 86' " and various other fun topics that you don't see so much of anymore. I'm not sure if I should say so or not, but I'd say it was definitely during that period of time that I had gotten the most enjoyment. Not to say there's anything wrong with the forum or its members currently.
 It wasn't until some time after that the chat room was brought up and running, and I've checked in there often since its conception.
I also recall Markio's "Herbal Essences" thread, and seem to remember it fondly.

 All in all, I've had a blast here, and will more than likely continue to do so in the future.

« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2005, 10:46:50 PM »
If I remember correctly I joined in May 2003. TMK was also my first ever forum I posted in. I posted like I never touched a keyboard before and for a while I deliberatly bipassed the censor (before the No bypassing the censor rule was made). I actually was getting away with it until Sapphira eventually caught on and I was THIS close to being banned. Ah good times good times....

I was kinda messed with a few times. When I just barely joined, Dr. Mario kinda messed with me when he said he was being billed through the mail after I asked if we had to pay to stay on the boards. I was very paranoid about the internet at the time so I actually fell for it. Until it was cleared up a few posts later. Then there was the time Sadib claimed to be me under a different user name. Of course not many actually believed him due to our differences in posts and emails. But I generally got along with people.

I miss the old days with members like Alucard, Lonic, Meowrik, Jon, Sadib and Frostbite. I wasn't particularly buddy buddy with half of them but they were always good for a laugh.

*Rocks back and forth in his rocking chair*
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2005, 10:59:20 PM »
For anyone who wants to know, I've added some of my topic references to my previous post.
I'm a horrible person.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2005, 01:12:09 AM »
I also had a MAJOR crush on Master_Luigi until I found out he was a boy.
Hey, wasn't that one of TEM's old user names? Yes! It was! Wow. XD
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2005, 01:31:48 AM »
That's pretty hilarious. Before I got here it seemed like "Post something Mario related and leave." But it's more of a slow-mo conversation. My first post was about how by being flat and pixelated, the PMTTYD graphics were perfect. Or something similar, I remember it being PMTTYD related. 2/4/05. 3 weeks before I turned 13. I post a lot more than I ever woulda thought.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2005, 03:28:54 AM »
Some vey nice posts have been posted here!

As for me, I lurked around the board off and on right after it was created, mostly while bored at my mom's classroom waiting to go home. My first post appeared on September 13, 2000. This early thread made me chuckle as well. (No one bump those topics or I'll kill you.)

I went on to post many incoherent sequences of alphanumeric characters which some sentient lifeforms enjoyed. Eventually I got mod'd and staff'd. lol! ^_^
