
Author Topic: Bands you like  (Read 12383 times)

« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2005, 07:11:09 PM »
Nice, I didn't know there were so many guitar players here. I have been playing for about three years now, like an hour a day, though, I haven't been playing too much recently, due to me actually taking school seriously. I can play anything once I set my mind to it, I just have to work on it for a day or two, but yes, If you (Khold) can play Dream Theater solos, you are better than I.

I remember posting an acoustic guitar solo that I played one time and for some reason, only Deezer could listen to it. Would this be an appropriate topic to put a sound clip of us playin in?? I'd really like to try again. This time, though, I've improved three hundred percent, so it won't be simple little riffs, I've really gotten good at finger picking and playing classical peices. I didn't want to make a topic for it and be the only one to post something in it. . .though it would be cool to hear everyone elses stuff, I do remember hearing Chup play the guitar one time.

Yes, anyways, I also have experience on the Drums, playing simple rock beats and easy easy solos, not really the best, but good enough to play in say, a Church Youth band or something.


« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2005, 08:40:12 PM »
I dont really think it is a band, but i like g-unit, especially there jewellery.
I also like dipset.
If you're talking about rock... uh... i think My Chemical Romance is ok.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2005, 08:50:42 PM »
Like gunblade, I also play in a youth worship band dealie. But, I'm more interested in my other, reeaal rock band. In fact I made a Mario song, because of how the FF inspired me to do so. It's called POW Block, and I might post it on here later once it's completely done.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 06:59:16 AM by ledzeppelinrocks »
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2005, 09:23:10 PM »
Okay, I hope that this is generally on topic, but one of my favorite guitar players is Eric Clapton, and he played a song originally by Mason Williams called "Classical Gas" and I have played a portion of it to show you how it sounds and whatnot. Also, there is another peice in there called "Greensleeves", I believe that Sapph, Chup and other various members that I can't remember offhand had a discussion about it.

« Reply #49 on: December 12, 2005, 09:26:34 PM »
Eh, I wouldn't call it practice, more like short bursts of messing around whenever something pops in my head that I need to jam on for a while.

4 hours, eh? Well if you can play Dream Theater songs I'd say you're pretty good. And if you can do the solos I'd say you're better than me. But most people are. :-\

I heard you play on the "What does your voice sound like" topic, and you really aren't that bad. You keep an EXCELENT beat ;D I have never been good with keeping beats. And I learned a few solos, but they will always be hard. The hardest one I know(and I mean HARD), is the second solo from the song called Blind Faith, if you know what I mean :-\

The best way to learn their solos is to download Guitar Pro at Just get the demo version if you don't want to pay $60. :o
But it is a big help though. It teaches you the fingering, gives you the correct tabs, and plays it like a MIDI.

Heres a direct link for anyone who wants to get Guitar Pro.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2005, 01:26:07 PM by Khold »

« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2005, 04:50:07 PM »
Hey, nice! I like this program.

I just came across a band that I REALLY liked today. . ..but I can't seem to remember the name of the band, just the song. It's called "Gun in Hand", It's similar to Mudvayne.


  • Banned
« Reply #51 on: December 13, 2005, 06:56:12 PM »
I like the B-52's for the sole reason that they did "Rock Lobster". Seriously, that song changed my life. It's about this rock...but it's not a rock, you see. It's a Rock Lobster. And these people found it under a car. I mean, that's about as awesome as you can possibly get without heart failure and/or strong narcotics.

« Reply #52 on: December 13, 2005, 07:05:46 PM »
You tried it already? You DID get the demo version first, didn't you? I still have the demo version, and I'm on day 24 right now :-\ I'm thinking about downloading the REAL version for Christmas. It's also fun to just mess around with, like making impossible-to-play fast songs and stuff. I made a short song(since theres only 24 bars on the demo) that sounds awsome! It sounds similar to "The Glass Prison" song by Dream Theater. Not that I can play that fast :)

« Reply #53 on: December 13, 2005, 08:31:40 PM »
Yeah, I got the demo version, It's a good program, but I don't know enough about it to actually take the risk of buying it. I suppose that's why it's a demo. hehe.

And there's this funny band/group called Group X, who did the Mario Twins. I love their music, you'd have to listen to understand why I love em, because they can't be described in words.
