
Author Topic: Mario court cases  (Read 6351 times)


  • Banned
« on: December 30, 2005, 06:44:19 AM »
Post Mario court cases you can think of. Here's mine:

October 31,1988

Koopa Troopa: All rise for the less-than-honorable Judge Roy.

Roy: SIT DOWN AND SHUT-UP! The court case of Yoshi+Iggy v. Wendy O. is now in session.

Yoshi: Wendy O. is beating everyone on Yoshi's Island to the ground with a baseball bat stolen from Yoshi Park.

Wendy O.: Objection!

Roy: Granted.

Iggy: I'd like to call Birdo to the stand.

Birdo walks to the stand

Birdo: I didn't do it!

Iggy: We aren't saying you did anything. Now, is it true that Wendy O. was beating everyone on Yoshi's Island with a stolen baseball bat?

Birdo: Yes, that's true.

Iggy: I rest my case.

Roy: This court case will be in recess until the jury makes-up their micro-minds.

(Lemmy, a dry bones , Wario, Daisy, Ludwig, and Larry are in the jury)

5 hours later.

Roy: The jury has made a verdict.

(Lemmy keeps falling off of a ball, Dry bones is stupid, Wario is mugging Daisy, Ludwig is counting the money he is making off of his music on cassettes, and Larry is making noises similar to that of a floppy drive)


Dry bones: Our final verd- What were we doing?

Lemmy: *whispers* jury duty and the verdict is guilty.

Dry bones: Our final verdict is GUILTY. *sits down*

Roy: I sentence Wendy O. to 17 years of serving lunch in prison. Case closed! *bangs gavel*

Wendy O.: This case is rigged! They paid the jury to say I'm guilty! They cheated!

(rest of 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.)

Wendy O. is serving lunch to Koopa Troopas with grafitied shells, tatoos, and eye patches that were convicted of robberies, assult, ETC. until 2005.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 06:50:22 AM by Yoshi55 »
He's back. All you had to do is ask. Super Mario Bros. 3 from Nintendo. Now you're playing with POWER! (SMB3 NES commercial)


  • Banned
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2006, 06:46:02 PM »
January 3, 2006
Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Bowser: All rise for the honorable Judge Glorb.

*everyone rises*

Glorb: Sit down!

*everyone sits*

Glorb: Hehehe. Cool. Uh, I'm not really a Judge, but...

Mario: *points to DK* That-a monkey a-kidnapped-a my girlfriend-a!

DK: GROWL! You are racist!

Mario: How-a?

DK: You called me a monkey!

Glorb: All this was back in 1982.

Mario: Yeah, but...

Glorb: You're both guilty, and I sentence you to 765,408 years of hard labor while being hung in the gas chamber.

Jury Koopa: But the jury hasn't yet reached its verdict!

Glorb: SILENCE! You're guilty of being a weasel. Four-hundred years of lethal injection in the electric chair.

Jury Koopa: WHAT?!




  • Steamed
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 11:16:45 PM »
Four hundred years of lethal injection in the electric chair?! Why, that's the funniest death sentence I've ever heard! I seriously cracked up when I read that. I didn't have hysterics on the floorboards however, nor did I lose my posterior to an incident of chortling.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2006, 11:24:01 PM by Suffix »

« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2006, 11:28:23 PM »
Warning: This following post will decrease your IQ, and dumb down the whole topic. Read it with warning.

Judge Toadette: All rise!
*All rise*
Toadette: All sit.
*All sit*
Toadette: All rise again!
*All rise*
Toadette: All sit again.
*All sit*
Toadsworth: Um, Judge Toadette-
Toadette: All make monkey sounds!
*All make monkey sounds*
Toadette: Ehehe, sorry. Anyway, the case is Mario vs Baby Mario.
*Baby Mario and Mario enter the courtroom*
Toadette: So, Mario, present your case.
*Mario stands up*
Mario: Well, Baby Mario's driven me insane.
Toadette: Riiight... how?
Mario: He always appears in the same game as me! It's so confusing! I'm trying to figure it out, but- it just doesn't make sense!
Toadette: Is there any proof you're insane?
Mario: Yep. *Walks up to Toadette, and throws her out of the window*
Toadsworth: You just killed the judge!
Mario: *Hits Baby Mario with Toadsworth*
Baby Mario: Waaah! Waaah! Waah!
Mario: Make it stop!
Bowser: Allow me.
*Takes Baby Mario outside*
*Crying ceases*
Mario: Did you just kill-
*Mario ceases to exist*
Luigi: Ahem. I find this court session over, and invite everyone to a fun session of Luigi Kart Revolution!
Everyone: Woohoo!
*Everyone leaves the courtroom except Toadsworth*
Toadsworth: Um, I hit a baby, and now I'm stuck, upside-down, on my Mushroom turban thingy. Can someone please help me?
*Cricket sounds*
Toadsworth: Hello?

If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2006, 09:49:18 AM »
For some reason that sounded too real, that makes me kind of sad.
I'm a horrible person.

« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2006, 11:38:02 AM »
BLF1 is sentenced to 9,000 years in imaginary prison for pathetically feeling sad about a fake story based on fake characters told on the internet.  He is only allowed to eat BLTs and drink sparkling water.  Hamburgers may be okay too as long as they are from McDonalds or Hardess.  And he must share a cell with a guilty celebrity of his choosing (as thier own punishment).  Right after lunch he must join the other prisoners for excercising which includes doing 20 push-downs, skipping around like a little girl, and then playing extreme DDR until he passes out.  Then Strong Bad shall make him of you and then he will... *goes on like this for 2 hours* Court adjourned! *smashes desk with gavel* Oops, that was a DK hammer.

I'll make up a real court case later maybe.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2006, 11:39:48 AM by Yoshisaurus Rex »
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2006, 09:34:13 PM »
More court cases! Whoopee!

Judge: All rise for the honorable Judge Bowser!
Some Guy: You're not Bowser!
Judge: *Runs away*
Bowser: Yeah, I'm judge, bring in the jailbirds- I mean, the two people!
Daisy: Well, we have the case of Dry Bones against Jerry Springer.
Bowser: Dry Bones, say something.
Dry Bones: Click click clickety click.
Koopa Troopa: He means- Jerry Springer insulted my racing skills.
Springer: Your honor?
Bowser: Yeah, weird human guy?
Springer: You're all weirdos! What am I doing here? I've got a show to run! And-
*Bowser fries Springer*
Bowser: Dry Bones, you are given one fried talk show host. Now, get outta here before I fry all of you!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2006, 06:41:18 PM »
I can't wait to see the game for this.  Mario Teaches Court!

January 6, 2006
Peach vs. Bowser

Yoshi: All rise for the weird... I mean, honorable Yoshisaurus Rex
Judge YR: Thank you.  Wait.  Did you just call me weird?!
Yoshi:Well............... *runs away like a chicken and makes chicken noises*
Judge YR: Okay.  So Bowser... you are accused of... hey!  What do you think you're doing?!
*Bowser and Peach are fighting SSBM style* Hyah!  Wah!  Grar!  Yup!  Sa-weet!  Roar! Sweeeeeer!!  Chur-chur-chur-chur!  Smash!  Bomb!  Err... BOOM!  Wham!  Uff!  Crash!
Judge YR: KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!! *smashes gavel repeatedly for an entire minute.  Audience is dead quiet*
Koopa Troopa: Aaaaaak-ward!
Mario: *stomps on Koopa and kicks him out the window*
JRY: Thank you.  Now Bowser, you are being sued for kidnapping Peach over your limit of once every month.  Your payment would be to leave her alone and find someone else to kidnap forever. How do you plead?
Bowser: I...uh... *kidnaps the judge*
Mario: *saves the judge*
Bowser: *kidnaps Luigi*
Toad: *rescues Luigi but gets kidnapped by Peach*
Wario: *saves Toad from Peach and then kidnaps himself*
Waluigi: *saves Wario from Wario by kidnapping Wario*
Daisy: *kidnaps everyone and then brings them back*
Judge YR: I'm so confused!  Gah!  Now Bowser, how do you plead?
Bowser: By frying your sorry little... I mean, I call Peach to the stand!!
YR: But she's your opponent!! (or whatever you call that person)
Bowser: ...... *goes back to kidnapping people like crazy*
YR: Order!  Order!!  *shoves over his stand in frustration*
Baby Mario: *cries*
Toadette: Like... what in the world?!
YR: Okay!  Does the jury have a verdict yet?!?!?!
Goomba: Let's eat BEEEEEEEEF!!!! *music for the Beef commercial starts playing and everyone starts dancing and eating beef*
Mr. Beef: No!  Leave me alone! *runs away screaming*
Jury: We have reached a decision.  This whole court is obviously insane.  The punishment for everyone... 500 years in the gas chamber while being hung in the electric chair upside-down underwater with lethal shots and repeated butt kicking. And we all can talk at the same time.
YR: Hey!  I'm the judge!  And I say that you can't do that!  Not guilty!
Bowser: Woohoo! *leaves*
Jury: And you failed to make anyone laugh in this post.
Chain Chomp: Har har har har! *gets punched in the face*
YR: Ugh.  This is out of control.  I can't even remember what this was all about.  I guess all we can do now is... play SSB: Court Chaos!!
Everyone: Yaaaaaaay!

The next morning... everyone was dead.  The end.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2006, 06:45:23 PM by Yoshisaurus Rex »
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2006, 07:04:05 PM »
Toad Guard:All rise for the honorable judge Bigluigifan1.0!!
BLF1.0: Why? I'll have to tell you to sit down anyways, also there is no need to say my full name.
Toad: Why didn't you say that in the first place? I'm freggin' out of breath!!
*Toad dies*
BLF1.0: Okaaaaaaaay, so this is Kirby vs. Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario, why are you here?
Dr. Mario: Because-a he stole-a my-a act-a!!!!
Kirby: What-a are-a you talking about?
Dr. Mario: See? He even took my duds!!!
Kirby: These-a are-a mine!!! You are-a the copy-cater-a!!!
Dr. Mario: Get sued-a.
BLF1.0: What do you think you are here for?
Dr. Mario: Curing someone-a I think-a.
BLF1.0: No you are trying to get money from Kirby over there.
Dr. Mario: Is he sick?
BLF1.0: No, he took your stuff.
Dr. Mario: I'm-a naked?!?!? That's-a unhealthy-a for-a me!!!
*Dr. Mario runs off thinking he is naked*
BLF1.0: Jury, have you come to a verdict?
Koopa Troopa: Yes, Dr. Mario was fed drugs by Kirby while he was asleep, so Kirby could get away with Dr. Mario's stuff.
BLF1.0: How do you know this?
Koopa Troopa: Because I video taped it.
How did you get in Dr. Mario's office?
Koopa Troopa: I work there.
BLF1.0: Why didn't you tell me that sooner?
Koopa Troopa: We like to drive you insane.
BLF1.0: Do you want to die?
*Jury runs off like scared rabbits*
BLF1.0: He, he.They actually though I was a judge.

The End.
I'm a horrible person.


  • Banned
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2006, 07:37:06 PM »
10/24/88 Mario v. Iggy

Koopa Troopa: All rise for the honorable Yoshi55.

Yoshi55: *playing SMB on an NES hooked up to a small TV* Sit down! Court is now in session.

Mario: This twerp is litterally trying to kill me!!!

Iggy: Objection!

Yoshi55: Granted.

Mario: I would like to call the King of Big Island to the stand.

Mario: Is it true that the defendant tried to attack me and kill me?

King: I didn't see it.

Mario: I rest my case.

Iggy: Your honor, King dad placed a chip in my head causing me to do this.

Yoshi55: We shall produce the chip as evidence.

Mario: Objection!! The chip is a phoney!!!

Yoshi55: Overrulled!!!!! Court will be in recess until the moronic jury makes up their minds.

(the jury was composed of a Dry Bones with a Confederate Army uniform on, Wart, Lemmy, Link, a Koopa Troopa wearing a leather jacket, and Birdo)

one day later, on 10/25/88

Yoshi55: The jury has made a verdict.

Dry Bones: Our ver- What are we doing?

*Yoshi55 and Lemmy sigh in an annoyed manner*

Lemmy: Jury duty.

Dry Bones: Our verdict is: NOT GUILTY.

Yoshi55: I sentence Mario to 1 day of being crushed by thwomps for wasting the Court of NES's time.

Mario: *SMB death sfx* NOOOOOOOO! NOT THE THWOMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's back. All you had to do is ask. Super Mario Bros. 3 from Nintendo. Now you're playing with POWER! (SMB3 NES commercial)


  • Banned
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2006, 10:10:47 AM »
*Judge Judy music plays*
DK: All rise for the honorable Judge Peach.
*All rise*
Peach: Hi!
DK: Sit down, dangit!
*All sit down, dangit*
Peach: Uh, DK, what's the case?
DK: ALiens vs. Predator.
Peach: Okay.
Predator: *growl!*
Aliens #2 and #3: SQUUREAAACK! SCREECH!
Peach: Order, order!
Predator: *Growl.*
Peach: So, Aliens #1-#17, you are suing the Predator for emotional damage to your mother, Mrs. Alien. Is that right?
Alien #4: SREEECH!
Peach: And you, Mr. Predator, are suing the Aliens for not letting you kill them?
Predator: *Growl.*
Peach: Well, I think the Predator is cooler, so the ALiens must fork over #20 to the Predator and let him kill them.
Predator: *Growl!*
Peach: And you, Mr. Predator, are sentenced to forty years of lethal injection while hanging in a gassed electric chair.
Predator: *runs over to Peach*
Peach: Stop that, Mr. Predator! Order! Ord-HAAAACK!

« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2006, 08:25:02 PM »
Baileff:All of those in the case of sonic vs. mario rise for the honarable and awsome and cool judge booo95 who rocks.
Booo95: Sit. Okay sonic what happened.
Sonic: Mario declared war on me, helped eggman defeat me, and assaulted me.
Booo95: Mario, what is your side of the story?
Mario: All I did was kidnap his girlfriend because he and my wife were secretly meeting.
Sonic: AMY IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! And besides we were planing a party for the first time you saved her.
booo95: Mister Hedgehog, do you have the health bills.
Sonic: Yes I do.
booo95: Bring them to me.
sonic takes the bills to him.
Mario: I object.
booo95: Overruled.
Mario: I call Peach to the stand.
booo95: Okay bring her in. Now peach what's your side?
Peach: Well it happened a few months ago is september. We and sonic were meeting to plan a party for mario and after a while mario found out about it. He asked me about it and I was nervous, I said "oh nothing, just going out with a new friend." A couple days later sonic was covered in blood with a fight and had a head injury so I knew mario fought him because he jumpsm on peoples' heads.
Mario: You know you're lying.
booo95: Has the jury reached a verdict?
Jury: Mario is guilty.
booo95: Mario owes sonic $850 for the medical bills.


  • Banned
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2006, 07:10:25 PM »
Mario vs. Himself
January 13, 2006

Guard Guy: All rise for the honorable Judge :) (revised, now pronounced "Glorb Dude").
Judge :): Turn off that (censored) camera! I'm takin' a pee!


« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2006, 07:55:36 PM »
Baby Mario vs Random Moron

Security Girl: All rise for the attractive Judge Luigi Simpson!!
LS: Uh... thanks.
Everyone: o_0
Security Girl: ^_^
Everyone: o_0
LS: o_0
Jury: This isn't going anywhere.
LS: *Still too embarrassed to speak*
Secuirty Girl: What?
Everyone: o_0
Guy with one eye: o_
Sad fat guy: :-( )))))))
LS: This court case is between Baby Mario and Random Moron.
RM: Hey! I have a name!
LS: Well, this is what it says here...
Security Girl: Yeah. Go on, honey.
LS: I'm not honey. Who in this land are you, anyway?
Security Girl: Uh... bye!
Wario: Hahaha! You have a girlfriend!
LS: Wait... I'm writing this, so that means I have full reign over what happens...
Wario: *Is a cow*
LS: Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!
Everyone: *Gasps*
Everyone: *Fainted*
LS: You know what? I hate this job. See you later, suckers!
*Drives away in sports car*
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.


  • Banned
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2006, 01:57:02 PM »
That Guy Whose Name I Forget vs. That Other Guy, You Know, With the Hair

Whatever date this is, 2006

Guard Guy: All rise for the totally awesome and attractive Judge Glorb, who is not only totally awesome and attractive but also incredibly rad to the max.
Glorb: *sits down*
Guard Guy: All sit.
*everyone sits*
Glorb: Okay, make this...
TGWNIF: He killed my dog!
Glorb: What?
TOG,YK,WTH: Yah, I saw it!
Glorb: Who cares? And turn off that (censored) camera, I'm takin' a pee!

The End.

The moral of the story: There is no moral! Now go away, I'm takin' a pee!
