
Author Topic: Flashback  (Read 10358 times)

« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2006, 02:37:49 PM »
Back when I was 2, I remember being in my backyard one Summer evening, and my relatives were there for a party (this could've been my brother's 6th birthday party, just later in the day when all his friends were gone, but I'm not sure). My uncle put me on his lap and took my Magna-doodle (it was this board, and you took this plastic stylus thingy with a magnet on the end, and drew on the board, and the stuff inside the board would be attracted to the magnet, making it look like a drawing, and it was erased by sliding this thing under the board across it).

He started writing random letters or numbers on the board, asking me "What letter is THIS, Michael?" or "What number is THIS, Michael?" in this weird voice he also used to do with this own kids (at the time, he didn't have any children, he's got 3 now).

I got pretty much every one correct, except for the letter E (I thought A and E were the same). Every time I got one right, he'd shout "Good!" and everyone would cheer and applaud. I laughed and clapped as well.

"And what letter is THIS?" (C.)
*Everyone cheers and applauds and I laugh*
"And what number is THIS?" (8.)
*Everyone cheers and applauds and I laugh*
"And what letter is THIS, Michael?" (E.)
"A! Hahahahaha!"
"No, no what letter is it?"
"No, no, look at it good."
*Aunt answers for me* "E."
*Everyone cheers and applauds and I laugh*
"And what number is THIS?" (5.)
*Everyone cheers and applauds and I laugh*
"And THIS?" (10.)
*Everyone cheers and applauds and I laugh*
"And THIS?" (3,591.)
*shows the Magna-doodle to everyone, and they laugh even harder than normal*

...That was funny. I also remember stuff from my 3rd birthday, on.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2006, 02:58:44 PM »
I remember when my sister *points to GiftedGirl* was trying to fly off the couch. Thankfully, it was years before we got the coffee table.
"Spiders! They want me to tap dance! I don't wanna tap dance!" ~ Ron Weasley, Prizoner of Azkaban movie

« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2006, 03:11:29 PM »
I remember even when I was about six years old, I loved the computer, but not for the net, for the computer games.
I'm a horrible person.

« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2006, 06:28:32 PM »
I remember when I was 4, it was full of events. I went to Philadephia and I went to disneyland. I loved my hair like Minney Mouse so my mom shaped it it two bun on each side of my head! Once, she a box of bandages and, unlucky for her, they were Minney mouse which I used, like 100 in one day! LOL!!! I was like "But Mommy! I wanted to be like Minney Mouse!" And since then we've bought plain bandages. XD
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2006, 07:25:44 PM »
I remember when my sister *points to GiftedGirl* was trying to fly off the couch. Thankfully, it was years before we got the coffee table.

Unfortunatly, she's correct.

I remember something that has nothing to do with flying. I used to eat peanut butter by the spoonful, and one day when Dad was asleep and I was eating PB, I got a spoonful and stuck it in his mouth. He woke up and was all like "AHHH!" and I was all like "Was it good?"
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2006, 07:48:20 PM »
If I remember correctly, he was more like "Pah! Puaa! Pah! Gaak!"
"Spiders! They want me to tap dance! I don't wanna tap dance!" ~ Ron Weasley, Prizoner of Azkaban movie

« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2006, 09:04:41 PM »
I can remember having split pea soup for lunch. Today.

« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2006, 01:02:50 AM »
I have so many memories from different times in my life, I don't know where to begin.. (cool topic idea, btw)..
I'll try to put them in what I think is chronological order..

My dad was eating ice cream one time, and he gave me spoonful. He was sitting on the couch, with his legs stretched out to the coffee table. I proceeded to sit on his stomach and put my head between his knees (why I did that, I have no idea).

There was another time (well, several times) when my parents were big into the original Neverwinter Nights. I had a character that they helped me create, and every morning, while I ate breakfast, I would sit there and eat and talk to people in the game, not really accompishing much of anything. Talking to people was fun!

There was another one where when we lived an arptment complex, and it was a very hot summer day. All the kids in the complex (me included) were playing a very large game of hide and seek. I hid in some bushes which were very close to where the one who was it was counting. I thought for sure she was going to come find me first, but it took her a good 15 minutes + to even find me (though she was looking for about 10-15 other kids, so..)

.. and just one more, because I like to share. :)

It was Valentine's Day last year, and I gave my girlfriend (the love of my life) a poem that I wrote myself that I wasn't sure whether she would like it or not. She finishes reading it and starts crying. My first thought was "oh no! She hated it!", but she reached over, gave me a big kiss, and said "I love it! I love you. Thank you."

Do I talk too much? :)
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??

« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2006, 01:34:53 AM »
It was Valentine's Day last year, and I gave my girlfriend (the love of my life) a poem that I wrote myself that I wasn't sure whether she would like it or not. She finishes reading it and starts crying. My first thought was "oh no! She hated it!", but she reached over, gave me a big kiss, and said "I love it! I love you. Thank you."

That's so sweet! And no, I don't think you talk to much :)!
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2006, 09:16:25 AM »
Here's something I did on Monday. I'm not big on peanut butter now, but I ate three of Dad's Reese cups. >_<
"Spiders! They want me to tap dance! I don't wanna tap dance!" ~ Ron Weasley, Prizoner of Azkaban movie

« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2006, 10:33:02 AM »
Do I talk too much? :)

NO! Meaningful posts like that are what we need. Thank you!

« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2006, 12:28:52 PM »
I'm not big on peanut butter now, but I ate three of Dad's Reese cups.

We're not peanut butter people.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2006, 02:56:28 PM »
I remember back to when I about 2, maybe 3, not sure, and my living room had just been redone.  We (my family, not so much me) had taken out a wall, put down wood flooring, and a drop down ceiling with acoustic tiles (I think that's the name-the kind with individual squares, all held by thin metal beams.  I know, I'll put a picture...).  My mother and sister (who is older, not that it matters to my story) had gone...somewhere. 

My grandfather, father, and I were sitting in the fancy new living room, and I remember that I had some Neopolitan ice cream while I sat in the middle of the floor.  Then, my grandfather says something about the ceiling, and taps on one of the squares, and the entire ceiling crashes down on top of me.

I remember how sad I was, but not cause I was hurt, but that my father said I couldn't finish my ice cream.  It was such a waste of good ice cream!
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking

« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2006, 04:41:13 PM »
I remember how sad I was, but not cause I was hurt, but that my father said I couldn't finish my ice cream.  It was such a waste of good ice cream!

Waaahhh... poor you... poor ice cream... :,(
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2006, 12:52:07 AM »
NO! Meaningful posts like that are what we need. Thank you!

*sniff* You like me! You really like me.

Anyway, I have another memory to share.. The night I asked the love of my life out. (there's going to be lots of details in this one, so just bear with me..)

She and I have known eachother since jr high, but it wasn't until after I graduated that we really started getting to know eachother. I tried to date just one other girl before her, but my heart wasn't into it, and the other girl and I mutually broke up. It was then that I started noticing how beatiful Nicky is. I'd always thought she was cute, but the thought to date her never crossed my mind, even though we'd always been friends (and became better friends after I graduated high school).

So, it was rainy night in October of 2003. We had to depend on these now former friends of ours to get around. She was waiting out by our friends car. She told us earlier that night that she was breaking up with her boyfriend of 7? (not sure) months, and I rushed out the door, way ahead of our friends, a half formulated plan in my head of how I could ask her out tonight, and make her mine over time. Thing was, though, she hadn't broken up with the other guy yet, but she very politley told me that she would think about it..

Several days later, she said yes, and then several more days later, we broke up (but still remained friends). Her heart wasn't into it, she assured me, but we could maybe go out again. I stood by and waited several weeks, until the night she moved into an apartment with our now former friends. The night they moved in, the four of us (a guy friend, his now wife, her, and me) laid in sleeping bags in what became their living room. The other two went to sleep fairly quickly, so she and I moved our bags over by the window, and laid there and talked about everything and nothing (if that's possible:p ) I told her that I still liked to go out with her, and she said again that she liked me too, but would have to think about it. Then, one night when she and I went to the apts. swimming pool, she said she'd go out with me, and we went to a nearby restaurnt to celebrate. This time it lasted until the day before Valentine's Day of 2004 (3 months, I think..) She called me the day before V-Day, and we had a nice long talk about friendship. I wasn't heartbroken, but it still kind of hurt that we broke up.

I stood by again and waited, while she pursued another guy. She would try to catch him alone, and tell him that she really liked him, but he came to me and told me that she had bad timing, that he was leaving the country in just one month, and that he didn't know how to tell her that without being a jerk.. so I told her. I remember when I told her, she ran crying out of our former friends' apartment (different from the other one) and into the dark summer night. I got up quickly to follow her, telling our friends that I would be back (they didn't seem to care much), and out into the night I went. I walked up and down their street, calling her name, but there was no answer. Where had she gone so fast? I turned and started back towards the apt when she came out from behind a tree. "You went looking for me?" "Yes. Yes I did. *pause* I was worried." "*sniffle* Well, I'm ok." We went back to the apt and didn't say much else to eachother for the rest of the night..

Then, on a Friday night in August, I called her after she got off of work and asked her if she wanted to come over for pizza. I didn't tell her on the phone, but I was ready to tell her that the guy friend she was pursuing had won, and I would back off and look for love elsewhere. She came over, we had pizza, and we sat there and talked for a very long time. Just as I was about to tell her that the other guy had won, she started talking about how comfortable she had been with me when we dated the last couple of times, how she felt she could tell me anything, how.. well, you get the idea. I told her that I thought I was falling in love with her, and half expected her to just laugh at me, but she didn't. Instead, she told me that she would really like to date me again.. and then we sat up the rest of the night, again talking about everything and nothing.

.. and I just realised that four days from now (on the 20th) is our 1 year and 6 month anniversary of starting to go out that Friday night.

Sorry if that was too much info, but I felt it had to be shared. Those are some of my favorite memories. :D
« Last Edit: February 17, 2006, 02:30:00 AM by Toad »
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??
