Insane Steve: As a prospective college student, one thing that bugs me is affirmative action and similar programs. Even after being toned down in 2003, it still leaves some people at a disadvantage. I look at surveys for college information that remind us that blacks, hispanics, etc. can recieve financial assistence, then look at the "ethnicity section," and hope fervently that it has a "Prefer not to disclose" option.
Ah! Affirmative hypocrisy. Indeed. It does nothing to help anyone, at all. For non-minorities, it takes jobs and opportunies they deserve and gives them to people who may not deserve them near as much because they have a darker skin color. How completely arbitrary! Why should a black woman with extremely rich parents get a position through affirmative action when she has every advantage in the world?
On the flip side, affirmative action hurts those it helps because whenever someone in a minority succeed on his* own merits, all the non-minorites he* beat out will immediately cry out, saying that he* didn't deserve his success and it was merely plopped on his* lap through affirmative action. Ugh. In fact, a recent poll I referenced for a persuasive essay against affirmative action said that 68% of blacks disagreed with affirmative action policies, and only 30% agreed with them (2% undecided). Now, I'm not sure how skewed that question was, but I think it can be assumed that there's not THAT many supporters of it.
I think I'm going to agree with the assessment that Cartoon Network in general is going WAY downhill. During "regular" hours, it seems that only like 5 different series are ever shown, ever. And none of them are THAT good, in my mind. I remember when older cartoons were shown during these times, and now they've been shoved to some channel I'll never get due to weird cable stratifications in my region -- instead I get ill-thought out not terribly funny tripe. Bah.
Don't even get me started on Adult Swim. They completely raped that block over the last year. I can't think of a single good new series in Adult Swim over the last year, and they're almost showing nothing BUT those. And whatever happened to D-Code as the bump song? That is an awesome song.
For some reason, people who do nothing goal-oriented in a goal-oriented game irks me somehat as well, although everything I've said to this point is far more annoying to myself.
And I'm also perhaps one of the few people here who loves to
gamble play poker. Sure, you lose at poker occasionally, but almost everyone is SO BAD at it that in the long run, you'll win a lot more than you lose, and it's not really gambling after a long enough period of time.
Hating someone because his* name starts with "M" is one of the most pointlessly arbitrary reasons for hating someone I've ever heard. It's almost as pointless as something like, say, skin color or family background. It annoys me when people judge each other with arbitrary characteristics that the person himself* cannot change.
For all pronouns marked at such, I am using the masculine pronoun as an indeterminate gender pronoun because typing "his/her" is kind of long. My personal view is that the author typing the sentence use the pronoun of the same gender as the author himself* to denote someone of indeterminate gender. That is all.